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6 Ways to Reduce Risk of Contracting COVID-19 While Commuting to Work 14th September 2020

The end of 2019 had brought forward a deadly virus that is still haunting the world, the COVID-19. Since we are still lagging in getting a proper vaccine for this virus, the situation is causing more and more adverse effects, even fatality.

In the case of treatment of COVID-19, best health insurance in India covers pre and post hospitalization expenses, including in-patient and out-patient expenses. Yet it is best if we could prevent it from the first occurrence just keeping ourselves well protected.

COVID-19 might have paused our regular daily routine for a few days, but we are getting back on track with our professional commitments. In such cases, getting proper protection has become inevitable to keep ourselves safe.

So here are 6 ways to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19 while commuting to work:

1. Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Whenever you step out of our house, you must gear up with proper personal protective equipment, like masks and a pair of gloves. This protects us from getting in direct contact with the virus by shielding our most prone parts of our body, like hands and mouth.

You should also carry an extra pair of disposable gloves and mask for an emergency. Try not to open PPE at all while you are outside. It would be best if you washed the mask properly in case it is reusable. This ensures our safety.

2. Using Sanitizer

The use of sanitizer is one of the essential precautionary measures. It would be best if you always carried a sanitizer while going out and use it whenever you contact any other substance or any other person. Sanitizers kill the virus before it starts harming our body. It is better to use sanitizer just before and after a meal is a must.

3. Eating Safe

Eating unpacked, and street food increases the chance of coming in contact with the virus. So, it is safe to either carry your food or any packed items. Food prepared in the house must be washed well before cooking.

You should only purchase foods from outlets that follow the proper protocols of WHO. Some of the best insurances of India encourage its policyholder to eat safe and eat healthily.

4. Maintaining Social Distance

Whenever you travel, you must maintain social distance. Keeping a safe distance from other persons reduces the chance of getting in direct contact with the virus. It would be best if you avoided public transports that are too crowded. Instead, travelling in private vehicles minimizes the chance of infection.

It would be best if you also kept a decent distance from people who are continually sneezing or coughing. Crowded places are always the den for spreading the virus. The Best Health Insurance In India insists its policyholders on maintaining social distancing.

5. Avoiding Any Physical Contact

Public places are prone to contamination by the virus. Please do not touch any unmanned items, walls or railings as that can increase the chance of coming in contact with the virus. So, before you get in contact with such places, it is a must first to disinfect the surface properly.

6. Spread Awareness

While travelling, if you find a person without wearing a mask, make him/her aware of the same. We must stand in a safe distance and insist others to maintain distance too. Being a responsible citizen, you must always spread awareness about the current situation. Not wearing a mask outdoors might result in legal charges and consequences.

Summing up

While travelling to your workplaces, you must always maintain the above steps. These will keep you away from coming in direct contact with the virus. Social distancing, using personal protective equipment and sanitizers are some of the crucial things you should practice regularly.The best health insurances in India always promotes all of the above steps for the betterment of their customers.
