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Do you lead a team? Here are the ways you can inspire them to lead a healthy lifestyle 28th September 2022

A healthy body caters to a healthy mind, resulting in higher efficiency and productivity at work. Therefore, it is in the best interests of any organisation to motivate its employees to stay fit and healthy. It will promote positivity in the workplace. Moreover, when the leader makes efforts for the health and well-being of the employees, it inspires the team to work harder and stay united as one family.

Here are some ways in which you can inspire your team to lead a healthy lifestyle.

1. Schedule a periodic doctor visit at the office:
The best way to motivate your employees to lead a healthy lifestyle is by scheduling periodic visits to a certified doctor or organising a health camp in the office. A doctor is best to guide every employee according to their individual needs. He can counsel them regarding general health and wellness issues. Moreover, he can prepare a diet chart for them, which is very helpful in promoting a healthy lifestyle and bringing mindfulness to their working routine.

2. Promote healthy eating habits:
Encourage employees to bring healthy meals to the office and avoid junk food daily. Get a couple of microwaves installed in your office so that they are motivated to bring food from home and warm it up in the office.
Give them short breaks between long working hours so they can relax, grab a small bite, have tea or coffee, and come back fresh at their desks or workstations. Encourage your team members to consume healthy food items like fresh juices, soups, salads, and multi-grain cereals. Make arrangements for fresh juice vendors in your office so that employees have a healthy choice of drinks as well.

3. Promote gyms and workouts:
If your office can afford to open a small gym for your employees in the office premises, there is nothing better. You can influence your team to compulsorily work out at the gym at least 3-4 days a week. You can organise small interesting competitions for them at the gym, motivating them to participate.
If a gym at the office is not possible, tie up with some gyms that will provide special discounts with membership to your employees. This will make your team valued, and you will pave the way for their healthy lifestyle.

4. Discourage smoking and drinking in the premises:
Smoking and drinking alcohol frequently and beyond limits can be the worst enemy of your and your employee’s health. Discourage your team from taking alcohol. Guide them about how it can negatively impact their well-being. Do the same for smoking. Encourage them to quit if someone is in the habit of smoking.

5. Destress workshops:
Keep chit-chatting with them at the workplace so that they are comfortable enough to share their problems at work with you or your HR department. Relieving them from stress can be great for their health.
You can encourage them to listen to music for some time or listen to a podcast. If not, you can at least arrange short mind-relaxing activities in the cafeteria and other common areas. These can be good stress relievers and keep your employees cheerful.

6. Health insurance:
Get health insurance compulsorily for all your employees. Ask the insurance provider to offer rebates and discounts if an employee wants to increase his cover. An insurance cover provides your employees with security in case they or their family members meet with some health emergency.
Also, they feel emotionally safe and are dedicated to their employer for care and health insurance coverage provided to them. This can result in higher productivity and efficiency of employees, resulting in higher profits for the business.

Employees are the lifelines of any organisation, and as a good leader, you need to guide them to excel in their professionalism and develop a good work-life balance. Hence, you need to take care of them and their health. Along with promoting a healthy lifestyle, educate your employees about the importance of a good health insurance policy that provides them with the required financial assistance in case of any mishap.

Click HERE to buy health insurance for your loved ones.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
