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Have you broken a finger after an accident? Here's what you must do 28th November 2022

Accidents can happen to anyone and anywhere. Our fingers face a significant impact and are susceptible to breaking after a severe accident. Generally, doctors recommend getting adequate treatment if you have broken fingers. Most people cannot identify a broken finger because it causes dull pain.

It would help if you already know about the cause of a broken finger to avoid developing this condition and diagnose it early if you ever face it.

How to recognise the symptoms of an injured finger?
The bones in one's fingers are called phalanges, and each finger has three sets of these bones. However, the thumb has only two phalanges. Some symptoms of a broken finger include swelling, limited range of motion, pain, and tenderness. The finger may also look deformed or you may feel tolerable pain when you try to move them.

Types of broken fingers.
Your broken finger can be categorised in the following terms:
● In an impacted fracture, the broken ends of a phalange drive into each other
● In an avulsion fracture, the piece of bone and ligament pulls away from the phalange
● In an open fracture, the phalange breaks through your skin and causes an open wound

Who is at risk?
Generally, people with weak bones, calcium deficiency, and older adults experience broken fingers more frequently. People who need to use their hands or operate heavy machines at the factory or workshops are also at more risk of broken fingers. If you play sports such as volleyball, boxing, basketball, snowboarding, and football, you should pay more attention to your fingers.

How to treat a broken finger?
Get immediate relief from a broken finger after an accident by following these tips:
1. Rest:
If you injured your finger, try to stay calm and stop whatever you are doing to prevent worsening your condition. Get medical attention immediately and perform first aid.
2. Ice:
Apply a cold compress wrapped or an ice pack in a hand towel to the broken finger for ten minutes several times a day. Avoid exposing your skin directly to ice.
3. Use OTC pain medications:
Doctors recommend taking OTC pain medication and anti-inflammatory drugs like acetaminophen and ibuprofen if your broken finger causes inflammation. Consult your doctor before taking any medication.
4. Elevate:
You should elevate your broken finger above the level of your heart as it helps slow down the blood flow, reducing the loss of blood, inflammation, and pressure. It would help if you continuously elevate your finger to avoid further symptoms.
5. Apply pain-relieving creams:
You can also use herbal remedies to reduce the pain and inflammation at the site of your broken finger. You can apply pain-relieving cream to reduce the pain.
6. Ensure you can move your finger:
Clean and cover open wounds to prevent bacterial infection. It would be best if you kept moving your finger as gently as possible without increasing the pain. It offers speedy recovery and helps regain the range of motion.

How to reduce the risk of a broken finger?
When you use your hands for work or playing sports, you have to protect your fingers with safety gloves. A proper diet can also help you meet your daily calcium and vitamin D requirements, making your bones stronger, healthy, and less prone to fracture.

Fingers are more vulnerable to injury and accidents than other hand parts. Being cautious about your well-being and protecting yourself against an accident is paramount. You can easily get a personal accident insurance policy covering your whole family without needing extensive medical tests and many documents.

Click HERE to buy a personal accident insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
