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How to be the saviour of bike accident victims? Know about these first aid tips 9th November 2021

According to government data, 50% of India's road accident deaths might have been avoided if the injured had received basic first aid within an hour of the accident. Generally, before the paramedics arrive, police and pedestrians are the first ones to be present at the spot of the accident. If they have proper knowledge about first aid, they can be the link between the life and death of an individual. These quick points will help you learn some essential first aid tips if you find yourself in a similar situation.

1. Look for injuries:
When you're at the scene, clear out the traffic, and importantly, don't panic. Take the injured person carefully to a safe place and quickly look at all the injuries they have. Excessive blood loss is the main reason for the wounded person succumbing to the accident. If the victim is losing too much blood, tie the part above the wound to restrain blood flow and avoid further loss.
Important tip: Many individuals have their first aid kits on the bike; you can use the bandages from the first-aid kit to help you with the first aid tasks.

2. Call an Ambulance right away:
102 is the national helpline number for the ambulance service. To the best of your knowledge, provide whatever information asked by the dispatcher.

3. Check the victim's air passage:
It's critical to check the airway to ensure they're not facing breathing difficulties. Then, constantly, keep checking their pulse and feel their nerves.
If the victim is responsive, it's a good sign that means they can breathe. But if the victim is unresponsive, make sure you put them in such a position that opens their airway. Here's how:
• Gently tilt the victim's head backwards by holding their forehead
• Lift their chin vertically upwards by placing two fingers beneath the bony area of their chin

4. Perform CPR:
If the process mentioned above didn't work, try combining it with CPR. It will assist in the re-establishment of the circulatory and respiratory systems. Here's how you can do it:
• Rest the victim on a plain flat surface
• Interlock your fingers and place your palms facing down on the chest for compression; push down on the chest for roughly two inches. Repeat for a total of 30 compressions
• If you notice that CPR is working, place them in the recovery position (on either of their sides). Make sure to support their neck to prevent additional damage

5. Keep the victim warm at all times:
When an injury is severe, the core and skin temperatures can drop considerably. This can lead to hypothermia and worse death. It's crucial to keep the victim warm, so use anything you have on hand, whether it's a jacket, a blanket, or a pullover. Try to provide good support to the spine of the injured.

Don’t over-exert yourself in your attempt to revive the injured; it might worsen the situation. You need to understand that you’re not a medical professional, so whatever you do involves potential risks. It is righteous to save lives, but only within the boundaries of our expertise, knowledge, and capacity. Your best care during the ‘Golden hour’ can give someone a new life.

We’ll witness an accident or a medical situation that needs our assistance at some time in our lives. But remember that it can be the other way around; you might get caught up in an accident. In such times any aid is of great help. Safety first is what you should bear in mind when riding the bike. Ride with proper safety gears for uncompromised security. You can rely on Magma HDI bike insurance online plans to provide an additional layer of protection to your bike. Buy bike insurance online if you haven’t got one yet.

Click HERE to know more about the best bike insurance online to keep your bike and finances safe.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
