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Know about these seven driving habits that might be damaging your car 30th November 2021

We all want our cars to stay forever sparkling and perfect, and we do everything in our capacity to keep them brand-new. Still, we cause some damage to the vehicles. It doesn't matter if you are an experienced driver or a learner; we all sometimes make mistakes as a result of particular bad habits.

These incorrect driving habits lead to unnecessary wear and tear to the vehicles and spending more money on repairs in the garage. To avoid it, we have shared 07 driving habits that you might need to look into immediately.

1. Not slowing down at potholes and speed breakers:
At least one-third of the damage to your cars occurs due to not slowing down over potholes and bumpers. It is not practically possible to avoid potholes everywhere you drive, so the least you can do is slow down.
Not slowing down on potholes can cause buckled wheels, lumps in the tyres, and even cracked alloys. The same goes for speed breakers; if you slow down on a speed breaker, you can avoid severe damage to the underside of your car and the exhaust system.

2. Continuing to drive your car at a low fuel level:
People fill up the tank when it reaches the 1/4 mark. At the same time, others push their cars to their limits. If you're the second type, you may be causing damage to your vehicle. When your fuel tank is nearly empty, the car will draw petrol from the very bottom. This may appear harmless, but the base is usually where all the toxins settle and concentrate, and if there is a significant build-up of impurities, it may clog your filters which might enter the engine.

3. Overloading your car:
We all have a habit of leaving something behind in the car, thinking it does not make a big difference. But all this extra load brings strain on your car’s brakes and suspension. Therefore, think twice before loading unnecessary luggage in the trailer next time. Plus, you will also form a habit of keeping your car clutter-free.

4. Smoking in the car:
Smoke from the cigarette makes your car stink. But the problem does not stop there. Over time, the particles from the smoke will mix with the car's material, leading to bad odour and discolouration of surfaces. This becomes tough to get rid of and will eventually deplete the value of your vehicle.

5. Revving your engine too soon in cold weather:
Revving your engine too soon will damage the engine's parts which are not yet lubricated with engine oil. Therefore, allow the engine to warm up properly before revving.

6. Applying brakes too late:
If you are habitual of harshly applying breaks at the last moment, it creates strain on the brake and makes the discs and pads wear out fast. Instead, maintain a steady speed and oversee the obstacles to avoid sudden and harsh braking.

7. Resting your hands on the gear stick:
Keeping your hand on the gear stick can be bad for the transmission because the constant pressure will cause it to wear out much faster.

Take a note of these driving habits that you might be doing unknowingly and keep your car safe from unnecessary damages. Another bad habit that may affect your car’s safety is neglecting your car insurance renewal. It is important to keep your car insurance renewal up-to-date and follow the above tips to keep your car looking and running great.

Click HERE to know more about the car insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
