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Wildlife photography? Eight tips for the beginners 30th September 2021

Wildlife photography requires a great deal of skill to master. However, it is possible to acquire a head start and become a good wildlife photographer with some practice and easy tips. In this post, we'll go through some suggestions to help you enhance and polish your skillset. Here are some tips for beginners to start their photography journey into the wild.

1. Plan your journey:
Start with your apparel; you will require a good pair of shoes to help you in the wild terrain. Next up, wear comfortable clothes that blend with the environment to draw the best results. Always make sure the gear you're carrying is fully functional. Don't forget to check the weather on the day you're out. Carry extra batteries for your equipment, ample water, and some snacks to keep you fresh throughout the day.

2. Photograph those moments you find appealing:
Don't take pictures just because you believe they'll appeal to others. Photographing the things that interest you will keep you motivated to attempt new things and, most importantly, allow you to have fun. Moving beyond your comfort zone can be intriguing and refreshing too. But always remember, originality is the key.

3. Utilize natural light:
Light is essential. Plan your shoot around the type of light you want for the final output, bearing in mind that shooting the same subject at different times of day will provide completely different effects.

4. Learn about the subject's behaviour:
Patience is the key while shooting wildlife. Make good use of your time by carefully observing your subject and sensing their movements and thoughts. This will allow you to anticipate the animal's movement, and you'll be ready for the perfect shot. You need to respect the animals and try to make a connection with them before capturing their movements. Make sure that you don't disturb their privacy, be patient and wait for the right time.

5. Play around with the point-of-view:
Don't just be a bystander! Move around to get a different or more fascinating perspective on your subject. The preferred method is to get down incredibly low so that you're on the same level as the animal; this creates a more intimate photograph by giving you a better bokeh effect in the backdrop.

6. Urban Touch:
Wildlife does not only reside in rural areas; many beautiful species dwell in our cities. Don't assume that just because you're in a metropolis, there won't be any animals. Urban foxes, of course, are well-known, but keep an eye out for monkeys, cats, and even cattle. You can even spot many bird species, as our structures provide suitable nesting areas away from predators.

7. Don't forget to experiment:
Play with different settings of your camera, the depth of field, light conditions, points of view, and much more, an experiment in every single thing that you do.

8. Respect the environment and have fun:
Your goal is to respect nature rather than interfere with it. Be courteous and leave nothing but your footprints behind. As you follow your passion, don't forget to enjoy the process.

You'll be into the wild at the end of the day, and out there, there are no rules. While filming or taking photos, there are chances that you might get hurt as your concentration is just on the animal and your camera. You may tend to overlook the obstacles in your way. We recommend you insure yourself with an ideal insurance plan that will cover you in times of these accidents. It is easy to get personal accident insurance online these days. Purchase one for yourself before your next trip into the wild.

Click HERE to know more about the personal accident policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
