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Here is the guide to planning the most exciting incentive trips for employees

The constant hustle of work-life can be overbearing and taxing for the employees. Planning an incentive trip is an effective way to appreciate your employees while also letting them know that you care for their health and wellbeing. But planning a trip for different people with a budget can be challenging. You have to keep their interests, choices, and health conditions in mind.

This article will look at some practical ways of planning incentive trips for your employees.

1. Understanding the budget:

The first checkbox to tick while organizing incentive tours is finalizing the budget. Having a clear picture of what you can do and where you can stay gives you an overview of planning the entire tour efficiently. You can find multiple hotel options with varying price points, thus making it easier for you to decide on factors such as food and living.

2. Understand what employees enjoy:

It can be a tedious task to attend to everyone’s needs. Hence, getting an idea of the likes and dislikes of others would help in making a balanced trip suitable for everyone. You can try conducting a survey for the employees. Choose viable tour options before handing out the survey forms so the employees can choose from the given options.

3. Duration of the trip:

Keeping in mind the budget and the number of people going on the trip, you must decide the duration of the trip. If you have a limited budget and plan to go to exotic destinations or expensive accommodations, consider limiting the number of days. However, if you are planning a trip to a place with a moderate hotel, you can extend the duration of the stay.

4. Choose a travel company:

Travel agencies are equipped with resources and know-how to plan all kinds of trips for you. Choosing a reliable travel agency can significantly reduce your time and stress. Before outsourcing the planning to a travel agency, verify their terms and conditions, cancellation policies, and, most importantly, their customer reviews. Good customer reviews ensure that you are entrusting the responsibilities to a genuine company.
Ask your travel agent for extra benefits or complimentary services as part of your package. Do not forget to sit down and have a detailed discussion on the itinerary and scope of various activities that the team can indulge in. Make sure that the accommodation has multiple recreational activities and food choices to suit the needs of everyone.

5. Do not go overboard with the planning:

Leave room for change and other opportunities. Give your employees the chance to make impromptu plans. This gives them a scope to bond with other employees and is also a great way to inculcate various team-building activities. Sometimes all that your employees need is a day’s rest. Leave sufficient time for people to unwind. Overdoing the activities and touring the place can be hectic and kill the retreat's entire purpose. Including a rest day in your travel itinerary is an excellent way to make it a relaxed tour.

Remember that planning a trip can be a huge responsibility and require a reasonable amount of time to reach a conclusive decision. Plan the trip well in advance to ensure no last-minute unavailability in bookings and accommodation.

While travelling with a big group, there are possibilities of missed flights, overbooked hotel situations, and other mismanagement of events. To skip these worries, look for general insurance plans to safeguard your employees against any extra expenses that you might incur during the trip. Dedicated research can tell you about all the good policies of general insurance India you can invest in.

Click HERE to know more about general insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Easy DIY steps to clean your two wheeler's trunk

You are aware of the importance of cleaning and maintaining your two-wheeler, which can help you extend the life of your vehicle. But do you know that the trunk is often the most neglected space of your two-wheeler?

Your helmet, papers, groceries, umbrella, water bottles, etc., are primarily stored in the trunk of your two-wheeler. This makes it most susceptible to dust and dirt. In this article, we will take a look at a few easy ways to keep your trunk clean.

1. Organize:
The first step to maintaining a clean trunk is to keep everything organised. Try keeping your papers, first aid, and helmet systematically instead of throwing them into the boot. Store the essential documents in clean zip-lock plastic to avoid tears. Keep the first aid in a small pouch for easy access in an emergency. Efficiently organising the materials within the trunk helps you keep the space clean and provides you with easy access whenever you want something.

2. Dry cloth:
We tend to keep the helmets or wet umbrellas directly inside the trunk without giving a thought. One way to ensure clean trunk space is always keeping a dry cloth handy. If it is necessary to keep your wet umbrellas in the boot, keep the umbrella in plastic before placing it into the boot. To ensure that there is no water left, take a dry microfiber cloth and pat dry the area inside the boot. Do not forget to dry the area just under the seat as well. Moisture can lead to corrosion, eventually eating up the entire chassis. To avoid this, always ensure that your vehicle is dry.

3. Use sprays and cleaning solutions:
Ever so often, use mild cleaning liquid to clean the space out. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the area. After this, use the soap to wipe down inside the boot. Use a dry cloth to wipe off any remaining liquids to avoid stains.

4. Accidental spills:
Sometimes, we forget our shopping bags and end up stuffing our trunks with groceries and other essentials. This can create a chance of an accidental spill. Always use a dry cloth and a plastic container to take out the waste. After clearing out the spill, use a wet cloth to wipe down the boot’s insides. Use a non-corrosive spray or a sanitizer to get rid of the greasiness. Use another dry cloth to get rid of the residue. If you notice any dirt inside the nooks and corners, use an old toothbrush or a makeup brush to reach the area and clean out the excess gunk.

These are a few ways in which you can ensure clean trunk space. In the future, if you wish to sell your bike, a well-maintained and clean vehicle is a testament to the excellent ownership displayed by you. Another way to add value to your vehicle is by investing in the best two wheeler insurance in India. Being a responsible owner, you must ensure the safety of your two-wheeler by having the best deals to get guaranteed financial protection against any accident.

Click HERE to know more about the best two wheeler insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are ten reasons why motor insurance claims get rejected

We all know motor insurance has been made mandatory in our country. The purpose of purchasing car insurance coverage is to assure financial protection for the vehicle if it is involved in an accident.

When you file a claim with your insurer for automobile damage, you expect them to reimburse you as soon as possible. There are three possibilities in that situation: your claim gets granted, your insurance company may request further information, or your claim gets denied. And often, motor owners fail to get their car insurance claims resolved to their satisfaction.

If you’re facing a similar circumstance, you might want to investigate the following causes for claim denials.

1. Driving while intoxicated:
If the driver engages in driving under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants, in that case, the insurer will deny the claim.

2. An unreal claim of the No Claim Bonus (NCB):
The insurer refuses any claim for NCB falsely declared and cancels any benefits under the policy’s damaged section.

3. Unidentified or unauthorized driver:
The claim gets rejected if the driver doesn’t possess a valid driver’s licence or if the permit is fraudulent, expired, or for a different vehicle class. This can also happen if someone besides the registered owner is driving it.

4. Delay in paying the premiums:
Go through your policy to find if it grants you a grace period to pay the premium beyond the deadline. Not paying premiums on time denies the claim and is one of the most common reasons. Avoid delays and buy motor insurance online for convenient paying options.

5. If there is no evidence to prove the crash happened:
Having no photos of the scene or any other documentation of the collision or car damage may force the insurer to deny your claim.

6. Claim of non-accidental loss:
The insurance doesn’t cover the wear and tear of your vehicle. Therefore claiming any damage that isn’t accidental might result in the claim getting rejected.

7. Confidentiality of information:
When you buy motor insurance online, you must provide the insurance company with every personal detail and update the same if required. This includes your name, address and any past car accidents. The insurer possesses the power to reject your claim due to non-disclosure.

8. Automobile not appropriately parked:
If your vehicle was not in a secure location during the time of theft or crash, your claim gets denied. Therefore, the insurer will always ask if you had parked your car correctly.

9. Missing monitor or safety device:
Claims get denied if you haven’t installed alarms, locks or tracking devices in your vehicle despite being mentioned.

10. Ongoing inspection:
Most insurers demand that your motor be examined before purchasing insurance. It lets them know of all harm that has already occurred. Insurers have the power to reject your claim at any point during the insurance claim procedure if you fail to follow this protocol.

After a vehicle accident, the last thing you want to deal with is an insurance claim denial. Repairing an automobile may burn a hole in your pocket without insurance plan coverage. Focus on the points mentioned earlier to reduce the risk of a rejected insurance claim. Check the reviews of other customers for their claim settlement experiences with insurance companies before you buy motor insurance online. So, follow the above tips to avoid the situation that leads to denial of your insurance claim.

To buy motor insurance online, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How can non-functional traffic lights affect your journey during the night

Traffic signals are an essential part of road safety. These signals are installed at intersections and busy roads to help control the movement of vehicles and avoid unnecessary congestion. They are exponentially effective during the night time when drivers generally tend to break the rules and cause mayhem on the road, which could lead to severe consequences.

But what happens when the traffic lights stop working? How can non-functional lights affect your journey during the night? By the end of this blog, you will understand the importance of traffic lights and how the situation could go haywire in their absence.

1. Risk of collisions:
At non-functional traffic lights, vehicles generally don’t stop or slow down, which usually leads to severe accidental consequences. This can put the safety of cars, drivers, passengers, and pedestrians in grave danger.

2. An increasing number of accidents:
Many underage drivers tend to drive fast and avoid maintaining the rules, which poses a massive threat to other vehicles on the road. And in the absence of traffic lights, this situation can get out of control. Speeding at unmanaged intersections invites potential safety hazards and can wreck many lives, thus increasing the number of casualties.

3. Massive traffic handling issues:
Traffic lights don't just avoid accidents; they also help handle the traffic emerging from all directions. The drivers who avoid waiting for their turns usually try to ignore the rules. They have to stop at the signals to be in sync with the other vehicles.
But, if the traffic lights are not functioning correctly, they get the liberty to jump signals without any trouble. It can cause considerable stir and chaos and make it challenging to handle the traffic.

4. Slow-moving traffic will be more chaotic:
We all have been stuck in slow-moving traffic. It takes up time and patience. Worse than slow-moving traffic is heavy traffic. It disrupts the movement and creates a jam for longer hours and distances. Traffic lights act as a saviour as it controls the direction of the fleet of vehicles and allows different sections to go first.
In the absence of functional traffic lights, the slow-moving traffic turns into heavy traffic as it will take a long time to clear the clutter. Vehicles have no idea of traffic movement at the defunct traffic signals. Overcrowding of vehicles becomes the cause of headaches for the drivers.

We discussed how the absence of traffic lights would increase the risk of road accidents. Even if the traffic lights are non-functional, we as responsible drivers must take all the necessary precautions from our side while driving a vehicle at night. Always slow down at intersections, give proper indication while making a turn, avoid over-speeding or honking.

Vehicles often get involved in accidents at night due to minor errors at the driver's part at the intersections. Investing in insurance is mandatory and of utmost importance to safeguard your vehicle against damage during unforeseen circumstances. Analyze your requirements, buy insurance from the best motor insurance company in India and always have a safe and protected ride.

Click HERE to know more about the best motor insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.