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How can your insurance save you money

Let's face the fact, who doesn't like to save money? Though many people see insurance as an unnecessary expense, it can still save your money and provide you with the financial security you need.

Motor insurance or vehicle insurance is an insurance policy that safeguards you financially when your vehicle undergoes damage or costs other people or their property. It's easy to buy motor insurance online and even easier to avail benefits that come with it.

So, are you looking for ways to save money on your annual motor insurance premium? We have put together some suggestions to help you save extra with your motor insurance.

1. Tax Benefits that you shouldn't miss: Most people invest their money into insurance when they land a job, as insurance policies have always been a popular tool for saving on income tax. But can an individual claim tax exemption for the premium paid on motor insurance? There is a small catch. If only the vehicle is in business use, the person qualifies for tax exemption on the premium paid for their motor insurance. Well, there is an exception here too. A claim may be made for a vehicle used for business and personal purposes, but it is time-bound. Meaning, the rebate is available for the proportion of time for which the car is being used for business purposes. So, for example, if a vehicle runs for ten hours per day, eight for business, and the remaining two hours for personal purposes. Then the taxpayer is allowed to claim the benefits from the insurance policy for the eight hours of business use.

2. General insurance benefits: People often prefer to deposit their money in savings accounts and avoid having insurance and paying the premium. The common factor they consider, if an individual doesn't claim their insurance during the valid period, all the premium paid is a waste. But, people don't consider the possibility that the amount claimed during an accident can be much more than the premium paid. And, in such instances, buying a good insurance policy is an intelligent choice.

3. Why buy motor insurance online? By choosing the right policy online, you can save a decent amount on the overall coverage cost. And, with your no claims during the policy period, you are entitled to a No Claim Bonus (NCB) upon the policy renewal. Everything can be managed online with ease, and additionally, your annual premium works out to be significantly cheaper.

4. Follow the motor vehicle legal requirements: It is a legal requirement to have motor insurance when driving on Indian roads. If you don't, you are violating traffic laws. Thus, having motor insurance saves you from paying enormous penalties. Moreover, since third-party insurance is mandatory, motor insurance can benefit the survivors in case of death during the accident.

Basic motor insurance is a legal necessity, and good motor insurance is a personal necessity regarding safety, financial security, and mental peace. One must remember that buying insurance comes with many advantages, and there is no advisory involved. Therefore, have the right kind of due diligence and pick the best motor insurance for you to save money.

Click Here To Buy Motor Insurance Online…


Secret to manage stress for working moms to have an efficient work-life balance

Being a mother is not easy, and if you are a working mom, it becomes even more challenging and overwhelming. Waking up every morning, dropping your kid at daycare, commuting to your office, working there for at least eight hours, buying groceries on your way back to pick up the kids, and going home again only to work more can be physically, mentally and even emotionally exhausting.

Managing your responsibilities to your child, your career, your social life, and trying to find some time for yourself at the end of the day is challenging and will leave you with a tiring schedule. The feeling of being stuck in an endless routine of stress and bare minimum sleep can adversely affect your health.

And in times like these, when you need more energy than ever, there are stories of a few inspiring moms who have proved that nothing can stop you from achieving any milestones in your life if you master your command over situations.

So, what is the secret to managing stress and having an efficient work-life balance for working women? Not just the work-life balance, it has to be the blend of both. Let's tell you how you can achieve that.

1. Involve your kids:
Many parents have the habit of starting household work only after their kid’s bedtime, which only delays things. So, do not be hesitant to complete your routine work even when your kids are awake. You will be surprised by how much time you can save this way. Sure, you can’t do everything with your kids around, but do not get delayed to do basic tasks.

2. Your partner:
Do not forget that your partner is equally responsible for raising the child and fulfilling their duty as a co-parent. Raising a baby alone is very challenging, so it is only understood if you and your partner share the work, like:

• Both partners should take turns dropping and picking up their children from the daycare or school.

• If you have a small baby who wakes up in the middle of the night, alternately wake up with it so both of you can get some rest.

• Love is all about caring and understanding. Cherish the most beautiful moments of life and team up with your partner to swiftly manage all the odds.

3. Bring your child to work (only if it is permissible):
Familiarize them with what to do. Allow them to understand and see your workplace. Introduce your children to your coworker’s kid. This is all very helpful.

The most important thing that you should never forget is to take out some time for yourself. Remember to prioritize yourself and your desires, too, because, in the end, if you feel miserable, there is no way you can take care of everyone else.

Even if you are feeling completely worn out, don’t skip meals or jeopardize your sleep hours in a day. Never compromise your mental or physical health for anything. Another crucial aspect that can keep your stress away and ensure your overall well-being is getting health insurance coverage for you and your loved ones. Stand a chance of getting exciting deals and incentives by buying online health insurance from insurance firms to keep the financial worries related to medical treatment at bay.

Click HERE to get online health insurance quotes.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Dealing with Back Pain: Causes and Treatments

"I can't sit. I can't walk. I can't work."
"Ouch! My back hurts."
Is this you, rambling about back pain? Whether it is a one-day return or every two weeks, you need to know the reason behind your back pain and how quickly you can treat it before it's late!

Know the Cause
A strain occurs in your body due to over-activity like working for longer hours, incorrect lifting of heavy objects, and improper body movement. When this happens, you experience back pain.
Whether you are studying or sleeping, if your body posture is incorrect, it causes back pain. A bad posture can be identified when you are reading or studying while lying or bending at an extreme level than usual.
ArthritisArthritis is caused due to damage in the cartilage of joints in your lower back. If you have arthritis, you are already at risk of severe back pain.
Osteoporosis is the thinning of bones and loss of bone density. It causes small fractures in your vertebrae, which can cause extreme pain.
Disc Degeneration Disorder
It occurs when the spinal disc between your vertebrae starts getting damaged. At times, you can face a spinal disc problem after an accident or because of aging.
Serious Back Pain Symptoms Usually, back pain is caused due to bad posture and strain which last for a few days or weeks. You might be suffering from chronic back pain if it lasts for more than three months.
If your back pain fails to improve within two weeks, you should see a doctor.
But before seeing a doctor, know a few severe back pain symptoms that are asking you to seek medical help:
● Weakness in one or both legs
● Continuous weight loss along with back pain
● Pain in the abdomen

Let’s Treat

The first thing that can heal your back pain is medications. Whether it is a painkiller or an anti-inflammatory ointment, the application can do wonders and reduce your pain. Some of the best painkillers that can help you get rid of back pain are:
● Ibuprofen
● naproxen
One of the most preferred ways of healing our back pain is using ointments. These ointments are much more useful than painkillers. These ointments are effective mostly when you have back pain due to strain or bad posture.
You already know how effective yoga is in curing diseases, and back pain is no less. Incorporating some yoga postures into your routine daily can help reduce and improve your back pain.
Heat Therapy
Heat therapy is considered useful in treating pain, especially the one that is caused by inflammation. You can try using heat therapy with hot water filled in a hot water bag and applying on the inflammatory or swollen area. You can also consider taking a hot water bath as heat therapy, which can improve your aching muscles. With a hot water bath, you can also boost and improve the pain by adding Epsom salt into the hot water while taking a bath.
Massaging the effective area with essential oils relaxes the muscles, which in turn reduces the pain. Research proves that essential oils reduce pain. Consider using lavender essential oil for massaging the inflammatory area.
Acupuncture is an effective traditional therapy that can spot the exact pain points in your back and puncture them. This therapy is effective when you are suffering from chronic back pain. Seek a medical professional for this therapy to get the right results.
Surgery is the last option for severe back pain if it fails to respond to medicines and therapy treatments.caused due to medical ailments like Disc Degeneration Disorder, Arthritis, etc. With surgery, doctors remove and replace the disks partially to reduce your back pain. Spinal fusion surgery is one such surgery. This surgery helps in combining the painful vertebrae into a single bone. The painful movement of the spine gets eliminated, and you feel relieved. Such surgeries
The right treatment at the right time can transform your life. Take advantage of the best health insurance in India and stay healthy.


How to check your claims online?

Having insurance is like having a safety deposit. That means if anything goes wrong, you would not be at a total loss. Insurance policies from the leading general insurance companies in India minimize loss and damage by reimbursing you for the expenses incurred during any unfortunate situations.

A wide range of insurance policies, ranging from life to non-life, are available in the market. Life insurance, as the name suggests, is about reimbursing your family members in case you lose your life due to specific reasons. Non-life insurance, on the other hand, is also known as general insurance, which is for automobiles, housing, commercial, travel and other similar purposes. If you suffer a loss from either of them, the insurance plan can help you in recovering from the same.

The process to check the claims online

While filing the claims correctly as per the terms and conditions of the insurance company is essential but it is equally essential that you track and check your claim online to know about the status of the claim and take corrective actions as and when necessary.

• When you file your claim with the insurance company or the TPA, they will provide you with the receipt number or file number along with an acknowledgement of filing of the claim.

• Usually, the insurance company or the TPA specify at the time of filing the claim as to how much time they will take in processing the claim. This is usually capped at 90 days but can vary according to the company policies.

• To track your health insurance or life insurance claim, you need to register your updated contact details with your health insurance company or the TPA. Once you have filed the claim, the TPA will send you the updates regularly on your mobile number or email.

• Alternatively, you can log-on to the website or mobile app of the TPA or the insurance company and track the status of your claim. To retrieve your claim details, you must have the following details with you: -

· Policy number

● Claim number

● Date of birth of the insured person

Once you enter all the details and submit them, you will be able to check the status of your claims online.

Different claim status and the steps to be taken

Depending on the status of your claim, either of the following status messages would be displayed on the screen. You must take the necessary steps according to the requirements.

Under process: -If your claim is under process, then you need to wait for a few more days and then check the status online again.

Issues/Details required: - If there are any issues with the claim, then it will be mentioned on the status page. You must get in touch with the insurance company or the TPA. They will be able to explain the problem in the processing of the claim. If any documents are required or any further details are required, you must provide the same to them at the earliest.

Approved: - If your claim has been approved, then you need not do anything else. The payment shall be credited into your account within a few working days.

Rejected: - If the claim has been rejected, you need to get in touch with the insurance company or the TPA to enquire about more details. If required, you will need to file your claim again.

Life is precious, and so are your belongings. It is the best to secure each of them right after purchasing as many general insurance companies in India provide covers for such belongings, thereby preventing you from being in a huge loss.