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5 Reasons why you should have an Individual Personal Accident Policy 27th November 2019

There is a false sense of security in most individuals, where one feels like they can never meet with an accident, but like as the saying goes, it is better to be safe than sorry. No one wants to experience an unfortunate incident, but whether due to your mistake or someone else’s mistake, you can meet with an accident anywhere and anytime. Although no one can control such situations, you can certainly prepare for it.

With the number of vehicles steadily rising, across the country, the possibility of a car-related tragedy also increases. In situations as such, you could be staring at high costing expenses on hospital bills, as well as a loss of income due to being bed-ridden. Having an individual accident policy will take care of all these emergency expenses.

What is a personal accident policy?

Personal accident policy offers insurance cover to policyholders in case of an accident or injury caused due to any given reason. The insurance company will reimburse the policyholder in cases of serious injuries, permanent disability, or death, accidentally caused, according to the terms and conditions of the policy. 

You can buy your personal accident insurance online as well as offline, as per your preference. 

Why should you have a personal accident policy?

There are various benefits offered by a personal accident policy, which make it necessary for you to have one, such as: 

  • Reimbursement in case of disability: If you face an accident and suffer a temporary or permanent disability, you can claim compensation from the insurance company. The company will assess the nature of the injury or disability and give you compensation as per the guidelines of the policy. This will support you and your family financially during such tough times.
  • Hospitalisation and other expenses are taken care of: All hospital bills and cost of treatment are covered under the policy. In case of death, the insurance company will pay for the repatriation, funeral, and ambulance charges. 
  • Reimbursement for modifications: If the accident has left you wheelchair-bound, then you need to modify your home or vehicle to suit your needs. Any expenses incurred for such adjustments necessitated by the mishap can be reimbursed from the insurance company. 
  • Payment of death benefit: If the mishap results in unfortunate death, then the insurance company will pay the death benefit amount, as per the policy terms and conditions, to your family members, offering them financial support.
  • Transportation of family: If you are admitted to a hospital after an accident and the hospital is more than 150 km away from your home, the insurance company will pay for the transportation costs incurred by your family.

To avail such benefits in the time of emergency having personal accident insurance online or offline is imperative for the financial well-being of your family.
