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Best tips to take care of your stitches to ensure a faster recovery 23rd January 2023

If you have recently operated on for surgery, you might be curious about how to recover quickly so you can return to your daily work routine. While you are in the hospital, your surgeon does his part, but once you are discharged, healing is your responsibility.

Also, remember a personal accident insurance policy offers comprehensive financial security to the insured against unforeseen events like accidental death, physical harm, partial or whole disability, and permanent and temporary disabilities brought on by accident.

Here are five tips to speed up your recovery so you can resume your life as soon as possible:

1. Prevent infection:
For your procedure to be successful, infection prevention is essential. One of the most specific and crucial rehabilitation activities is washing your hands before touching your wound or dressing your stitches.
Rare surgical site infections typically appear 30 days after surgery. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to ask your doctor what you can do to keep your skin capable of preventing infection.

2. Give your body the necessary energy to heal:
Even if you don't feel like eating after surgery, giving your body the energy it needs to heal is vital. Selecting proteins such as chicken, eggs, and others is essential for healing. Fruits are a good source of vitamin C, which has also been proven to speed up recovery. Foods containing iron and B12, such as fish and eggs, aid in the body's production of the necessary new blood cells. Consume fibre and probiotics for the immune system to combat illness and restore your original health condition.

3. Verify your incision:
Even though it may not be your favourite activity, you must closely examine your incision multiple times a day. Is the wound red or pink? Are there any visible staples or stitches? These inquiries are crucial, and looking at your incision will allow you to ascertain whether or not your surgical site is still healing or has developed an infection.

4. Rise and shine:
When you can, get up and start moving. Moving encourages the flow of blood, which aids in the healing process. You can also prevent harmful blood clots by walking or getting the wounded body part moving. The likelihood of acquiring pneumonia is lowered by light activity. Once the doctor provides the go-ahead, begin the stretching and muscle-building therapy.

5. Observe the recommendations of your healthcare provider:
You will only make much progress if you hear this message. A postoperative patient should adhere to all the recommendations specified by their healthcare professionals.
Some guidelines may limit your freedom of movement, such as the recommendation to wait a few weeks following surgery before taking a bath, swimming, or lifting anything over 10 pounds.

6. Drinking and eating right:
After surgery, many people experience appetite loss. They might not feel hungry at all or feel queasy or constipated. Good nutrition and hydration can aid healing, reduce common risks, and help you recover fast.

7. Recognise when to visit the ER:
Call your doctor immediately if you're bleeding, having difficulties breathing, swallowing or drinking, urinating, or showing clear indications of infection. Your primary care physician or the emergency department should be your next port of call if you cannot reach your surgeon.

8. Inhale and exhale carefully:
Who knew that after some procedures, the way you've always coughed and sneezed wasn't the "correct way"? If you sneeze or cough improperly while wearing an abdominal incision, it can seriously damage your incision.
A new surgical incision can open up with a powerful sneeze. So, the incision must be braced while you sneeze or cough. You can accomplish this by covering the area with a cushion or using your hands.

Your post-surgery recovery depends on you adhering to the post-op instructions given by your doctor and showing up for your scheduled follow-up appointments. Additionally, taking care of your wound, eating healthfully to rebuild your strength, and managing your pain is crucial. Implement these top recommendations and invest in personal accident insurance online to help you completely focus on your recovery and not on medical expenses. Your accident policy will take care of all the finances and be a strong moral booster in the time of emergency.

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Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
