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Is it safe to sleep in the car? And what measures to take for the safety and comfort 4th May 2019

Getting ready for a long road trip? But the thought of continuous driving and exhaustion troubles you? During the long journey, you can pass out and nap briefly to reach your destination comfortably.

Taking a short nap demands you make a cozy bed inside your vehicle. However, it would help if you were sure your car offers enough comfort to sleep with the right air-conditioning system and ventilation.

As long as there are open windows, fresh oxygen will continue to enter the car, making it safe to sleep in a vehicle without the risk of feeling choked. If you're sleeping in a hotter or humid region, you should open a window just a little to let some cooler air in. Never leave the windows wide open while you sleep. Also, it is crucial to ensure that you halt at a well-lit place, preferably a parking area or in proximity to toll plazas on highways. Lock all your doors and keep the parking light on to signal passing vehicles.

While it may seem fascinating and unbelievable, comfort and safety are always concerns. This article presents some safety measures to take while planning to rest in the car.

1. Setting up the warm bed
The first thing is to convert your vehicle into a warm and cozy bed. One method to accomplish this is to flatten the front and back passenger seats and turn them into beds using a sleeping bag or a mattress. With this, you may sleep with your feet in the back of the vehicle and your head on the flattened front passenger seats. You can sleep across if you're tall.

2. Staying upright with a seatbelt
If you're a passenger and feel like sleeping in a moving car, then fasten your seatbelt and sleep in a straight posture for a better sleeping experience. If you're in the rear, it could be tempting to unbuckle your seatbelt and fall asleep on your side. Keep your seatbelt on and resist the urge to unbuckle it. In the same vein, don't let your seat recline. Keep it upright. In a collision, your seatbelt and airbags won't provide as much protection if you recline.

3. Turn off the engine
You might be tempted to leave the engine running on a chilly night to produce heat and keep you comfortable, but doing so could be harmful. The air will become contaminated with hazardous carbon monoxide if your car's engine is left running. Turning off the engine is very important for a safe sleeping experience.

4. Leave the window slightly open
People sleeping inside the car often face breathing problems due to a lack of ventilation. The solution is to keep the windows slightly open. Completely closing your window prevents airflow, which could make you feel uneasy the following morning.

5. Text your friends and family about your location
There are high chances of robbery or any misfortune you may face while sleeping in the car. When you plan to sleep in the car, send your location to your friends and family in an emergency. It will help them stay connected and receive updates.

Long road trips can result in fatigue and lethargy due to continuous driving. Above all, make sure your car has its insurance renewed. All these steps can help you enjoy a peaceful sleep in your car and allow your body to rest for a while before continuing the journey. After completing your sleep, you can do some basic body stretches and wash your face to feel fresher and more energetic. As we discussed, safety is paramount while driving a car, so it is advisable to invest in good car insurance. Also, a timely car insurance renewal can help avoid any claim rejection if there is any mishap in the car while you sleep.

Click HERE to get a car insurance renewal before leaving for a trip.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
