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The most common driving errors you don't know you're making 29th September 2021

When you start driving, you don't become an expert overnight. For any perfect driver, it takes a good amount of practice every day. Also, for error-free driving, it is necessary to identify and rectify the common driving mistakes. The statistic shows that nearly 98% of the road accidents result from human errors and sheer unawareness. Here are some of the common driving errors that you might be doing ignorantly.

1. Distracted driving:
Most road accidents happen because of our distracted driving. So what are the most common reasons for distraction? Usage of mobile phones while driving tops the list. We feel an urgency to read the message or answer the call immediately that we can't resist it even while driving. But in reality, it's not always the case. We forget the fine line between urgency and emergency and end up committing this small error that can land us in massive trouble while driving.

2. Sitting position and driving posture:
Sometimes your driving pattern harms your body. Getting comfortable in your car with the correct sitting position is necessary. It might affect your back and spine. In addition, your posture can compromise your control over your vehicle, such as pushing the brakes and clutch, which can cause you some trouble.

3. Disobeying/ignoring signal lights:
Now, without getting caught by traffic police, the advancement of CCTV over the roads will burn your pockets when you break the signal. But, we still end up making those silly mistakes like ignoring the yellow/amber signal light. Yellow/amber signal lights are an indicator to "slow down", and when it turns red, you are supposed to "stop". But we prefer to "speed up" so that we don't need to stop and wait at a red light. And that's where most of the car crashing occurs.

4. Unused mirrors/indicators of your vehicle:
The rear-view and side mirrors of your car have some purpose. These mirrors are used to look for the vehicles behind you and on either side of your car.

5. Light indicators while driving:
Lights installed on your vehicle play a vital role in safety. Unfortunately, many of us don't use indicators. It can be unfortunate for you and the vehicles following your car on curvy roads or turnings. It is a good practice to use indicators so that vehicles behind you can be alert and slow down without hitting your car.
Driving with a high beam at night is prone to disaster; it is useful when driving on streets or roads without streetlights. However, it can distract and even blind the other drivers on a two-way road especially.

6. Switching lanes at turns:
Driving and switching lanes is equally dangerous. Start early, if you anticipate some traffic, so that you don't have to indulge in rash driving and over-speeding. Know that life is much more important than the destination you want to reach.

On a conclusive note, we must hold ourselves responsible for ensuring safety on roads. Therefore, practice safe driving and purchase car insurance for more safety of your car and yourself. And timely car insurance renewal is equally necessary for extended protection of your valuable possession.

Are you looking for a renewal of car insurance? Click HERE.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
