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These important tips can make riding in the bright sunlight easy for new riders 29th March 2022

We often hear people talk about the beautiful roads and the impeccable views that are part of road trips. Especially during winters, we listen to riders talk about taking their bikes out to enjoy the sun's warmth above them. And, summer brings exciting travel plans to exotic destinations.

However, before setting for a bike ride on a sunny day and making your trip experiential and worthwhile, consider the following tips.

1. Sunglasses or tinted visors:
If the sun is glaring right at you from the opposite direction, it becomes challenging for the riders to see the road ahead and the fellow drivers on the road. Getting a pair of sunglasses ensures that your vision is not tempered and you have a clear view of everything on the road.
If you are someone who does not fancy wearing a sunglass, opting for a tinted visor is a great alternative. Tinted visors can double up as sunglasses and a face shield to prevent your skin from burning directly under the sun.

2. Wear appropriate gear:
If you are traversing through long stretches of roads, it is best to wear a bright-coloured vest. This will ensure that the person coming from the opposite side notices you, thus preventing a collision.
Another thing to note is that driving through harsh conditions will require you to wear anti-abrasion and impact-resistant gears. Opt for gears with mesh panelling to help you remain cool but protected against extreme heat.

3. Carry water:
Driving under the sun can cause dehydration and exhaustion. Take pit stops in the middle to drink water and rest. It is extremely important to maintain your body’s water levels. As you start sweating, your body will lose water. This can lead to heat-related illnesses. Do not forget to carry electrolytes for added benefits.

4. Vent the helmet:
Venting the helmet can help in cooling down immensely in hot weather. While riding, keep the vents open to dissipate the heat and allow air to sleek in for freshness.

5. Wear gloves:
The gloves will act as a barrier between your palm and the accelerator to avoid sweating and reduce the risk of accidents. They even protect your skin from direct sunlight, preventing the palm skin's tanning.

6. Apply sunscreen:
Ensure to lather your skin with enough sunscreen to protect the exposed body parts. Use sweat and water-resistant ones with at least SPF 30 rating.

7. The 12-3 rule:
Unless absolutely necessary, skip the riding in the peak hours between 12:00 noon and 3:00 pm. As this is the hottest period of the day, it is best to take a break. You could use this time to grab your lunch and restock your energy and water supplies.

These are a few tips that you can follow to make your drives easy and less tiring. However, if you feel dizzy or lightheaded, your body could be overheating. This could lead to heat strokes and can be fatal. Under such circumstances, it is best to pull over and rest under the shade or in an airconditioned restaurant or supermarket.

Long road trips can be exhausting for you and your bike. Take a day off to relax and drop your bike off at the nearest service station for a quick check-up before you set out on your next trip. Add value to the whole experience by investing in bike insurance to sit back and not worry about the expenses you might face later.

Click HERE to know more about bike insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
