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These should be roles of a good co-passenger during long road trips 21st March 2022

What is your job as a co-passenger in a vehicle? It is to retain a responsibility to safeguard yourself. While a co-passenger is not expected or required to anticipate every action made by the driver, they must be attentive to their environment. A co-passenger must not wholly rely on the driver for their safety and should remain alert for harmful situations. Long trips are exhausting and can be frustrating, and good company plays a vital role in making the journey not just bearable but exciting.

However, neither the driver nor a passenger can predict unfortunate events that may come their way. Hence, the most prominent role for anyone travelling is to be sensible and ensure that the vehicle carries all the necessary papers, including a fitness certificate, RC and car insurance.

Now, let's look at the following tips on being a good co-passenger throughout your journey.

1. A good entertainer:
Engaging the driver in a dialogue is the most efficient approach to keep them alert. This reduces the chances of them falling asleep behind the wheel while fostering a closer bond between the driver and passenger. You may play music or read amusing tweets and posts to lift their spirits, but remember not to be too loud. You should also leave them in isolation at times to let them focus on the road.

2. Be a navigator:
Choosing a restaurant or hotel for the night may require more study regarding pricing and accessibility. As a result, a competent passenger will find these locations and lead the driver with the appropriate route.
Earlier, drivers required one more person to read the massive printed maps and guide them. These days, we can just enter an address and let our smartphones handle the rest. But, the assistance of a good co-passenger helps in hunting the best route and accommodation to stay at.

3. Co-driver:
Sharing driving duties, particularly on long trips, make travel less stressful. It also reduces the possibility of the driver falling asleep behind the wheel due to boredom or tiredness. So avoid drinking alcohol or doing anything that can impair your judgment while driving if the driver needs you to take over.

4. Specialist in interaction:
As previously mentioned, distracted driving causes a considerable number of accidents. Texting or calling while driving is the worst of all distractions. Hence, a good passenger may be required to read important messages to the driver and write back. Also, try to keep the conversation going so that neither of you gets bored.

5. Serving:
There are various additional activities that can distract drivers on the road. Take away at least one of them by providing food and drinks to the driver as needed. When they've finished, be sure to put everything away as well.

Most of us like visiting new places, but few enjoy the prolonged travel time required to get there. However, if you play any or all of these roles to make things easier for the driver, you may be able to transform a dull journey into a trip to remember.

Another thing we should all remember is not to drive or get into a vehicle without car insurance. Safety is paramount, and you should never overlook it. Having ideal car insurance offers several benefits to protect your finances against various eventualities.

Click HERE to get car insurance for your valuable asset.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
