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Why is public transport the best way to travel and explore places 19th July 2022

Exploring the novelties and embarking on new adventures is what travelling is all about. From dingy roadside motels to premium five-star hotels, travel experiences make you more confident and better prepared for everything. To some people, it is a much-needed respite from the mundane routine of everyday life; for others, it is a way of life. Some people believe in setting aside a part of their earnings for annual family trips, while others earn to travel. Common among all these lifestyle choices is the desire to explore newness and the different versions of the planet.

There are multiple ways in which you can explore a city. You can accompany a tour group, walk around, and indulge in local life. But, in this article, we will discuss why public transport is the best way for you to enjoy your vacation.

1. Closer to the local life:
Cabs and rentals will ensure an easy commute, but if you want to indulge in the lifestyle of the locals, using public transport is a must. The locals frequently use public transport to carry out their day-to-day chores. Interacting with them will not only help you gain a better insight into the culture of the place, but it will also help you figure out where the untouched locations are. Many local restaurants and establishments are unexplored by the tourism industry. Local knowledge about these will help you explore the unexplored.

2. Cheaper:
People often complain about being scammed by taxi services and other car rentals. However, with public transport, you can avoid being scammed altogether. Since locals frequent this mode of transportation, they can't charge you extra. Some governments facilitate subsidised public transport rates, so the overall cost of your daily commute becomes considerably inexpensive.

3. Time to relax:
If you intend to book a car for yourself, be prepared to stress out about directions constantly. You might also be stuck in long traffic jams if you decide on exploring the city. Opt for public transport like trains to escape heavy traffic and the tiresome drive. During your commute, you can either look out of the window and enjoy the views or catch a nap before reaching your next location. This small break will help you be rejuvenated for the next part of your trip.

4. Personal health:
Public transport is a boon for you if you are a fitness enthusiast and cannot squeeze in the time for your workout in your jam-packed itinerary. Opting for public transport indicates that you will need to walk between stops, stations, or ports, depending upon the location and the type of transport. Not only does it prompt you to walk more, but it also helps you build an appetite so that you can eat more of the local cuisines guilt-free.

5. Responsible towards environment:
Public transport saves a considerable amount of fuel as compared to personal vehicles. The stark increase in carbon dioxide emissions has resulted in a rapid rise in global temperatures. Opting for public transport is a small contribution you can make to the environment and a better future.

These are a few reasons why public transport is the best option for you while travelling. Interact with the locals and explore the city's novelties while taking public transport. Remember that no trip is complete without travel insurance. Any risks you can incur during your vacation, including theft, financial losses, injuries, etc., will be taken care of by an insurance policy. To protect yourself and your family against such expenses, do not forget to buy insurance policy online. You can compare multiple policies, analyse their benefits and premiums, and choose from several online options.

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Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
