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How to stay healthy at home - During the COVID-19 Lockdown

With extended lockdown being the most current happening around the country, we aren’t expecting things to get normal anytime soon. However, what stays intact even during this pandemic is the fact that we need to stay healthy by ourselves.
Being healthy is not only a part of fighting Covid-19 but is also necessary for us to come out with healthy habits and improved versions of ourselves. For once, where the entire country is searching for General Insurance Online Quote , staying healthy, both mentally & physically is the only free alternative for saving ourselves from the disease.
Yes, we understand that you are not used to staying at home for undefined periods, be it on your own or with family members or flatmates. Staying indoors for several weeks can be a daunting task.
However, what if we told you that even this could be too sportingly if you carry a lifestyle that is a mix of planning, understanding and a bit of healthy eating. Remember, this is certainly not the time to be gathering or moving out; now is the time to stay isolated for a better future.

Listed below are our five tips for stay healthy at home during the lockdown:

1. Maintain a proper schedule:

While this might seem to be something weird for you to be staying home and maintaining schedules, it is essential. We advise you to devise a plan and stick to a routine.
When you live by a schedule, it gives structure to your entire day and gives you an account of the whole day, besides a sense of stability and peace of mind.
However, your schedule should be an equal composition of relaxation, exercise, sleep and healthy eating. Remember, too much of anything is not good!

2. Revitalise your lungs:

Being in constant touch with the feel of moving breeze is also necessary. Fresh air not only cleanses you on the inside, but it also helps uplift your mood.
We suggest you move to the terrace pf your building or apartment or reach out the garden and lawns to have a quick walk as it is excellent and helpful for your natural well being.
While moving out of your house once in a while is a good idea, keep a note of the restrictions regarding the lockdowns and contaminated areas in your locality. `

3. Keep a healthy intake of foods:

Now that you are staying home, eating healthy foods and a well-balanced diet. Having a balanced diet keeps you fit on the inside as well. To ensure that you are living a healthy life on the inside as well, make sure that you are consuming over five meals a day.
Fruits and vegetables are your best bets at staying healthy without having to worry about coronavirus. We advise you to avoid unnecessary intake of snacks and add vitamins, minerals and zinc in your diet. Moreover, you should also keep an eye on your alcohol intake and find other ways to relieve stress.

4. Exercise inside your house:

Besides relaxing your mind, it is always advisable to exercise regularly inside your house. Take out some time, each day of the week to keep yourself in shape and be in shape.
You could consider doing a wide range of exercises like yoga, dancing, weight lifting or other similar forms of exercises.
Interestingly, these days, many websites and applications offer free virtual exercise classes. You could easily follow the lessons to keep yourself in great shape and keep your mental peace intact.

5. Have some ‘Me’ time:

Now seems to be the perfect time to get in touch with your ‘to-do list’. You could lookout for that one hobby that you have shelved out for long and work around the same. You could also try your hands on gardening or hone your skills.
Besides that, enhancing your skill set is also a good thing to do during this lockdown phase.


Why should Senior Citizens get insurance policies?

With the onset of old age, a lot of people start facing a variety of health-related problems and diseases. Such health issues can lead to the draining of the bank account as most of the people retire by the age of sixty. That's why senior citizens need to get an insurance policy that takes care of them during such health emergencies.

Almost all health insurance policies in India include the following features: -

  • Covering hospital charges like medicines and operation bills.
  • Ambulance charges are paid by the Mediclaim.
  • Hospital Bed expenses are handled by the insurance company
  • No medical test is required before availing the policy.
  • Easy health insurance policy renewal.
  • Preexisting diseases are also covered depending on the company and type of policy.

The benefits of getting health insurance in old age are explained as under: -

  • Uncertainty of age - Old age brings its share of happiness and sorrows. A variety of diseases can also strike to some unfortunate people. However, with the support of a health insurance policy , both terminal and lifestyle diseases can be easily dealt with.
  • Medical help - If you meet any accident or have any form of illness or disease, you might need medical help which can cost you a lot of money. But reimbursement for all these expenses can be availed under the insurance policy at any required time depending on the type of policy.
  • Sudden illness - Imagine this, you are having fun with your family on a fine day, but all of a sudden you feel a sharp stinging pain in your chest leading to a heart attack. You have no health insurance cover. Your family is not in a good place to provide for hospital bills and medical expenses. What would you do? Such imagination does not appeal to you, right? That is why you should purchase a comprehensive health insurance policy.
  • Serves investment purposes - If you are wondering what to do with the large sum of money your retirement brought along, investing in insurance policies can be a great option. It is extremely safe and can be useful in the future if any misfortune takes place. You can even select autohealth Insurance Policy Renewal services and gain the advantage of long term insurance.
  • Beating medical inflation - With the constant rise in general inflation, the cost of medical services and treatment is also increasing. With a sufficient amount in medical insurance, you can make sure that any unfortunate disease or ailment at old age does not drill a hole in your pocket.
  • Saving tax - Under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act 1961, you can claim a deduction for up to Rs. 30,000 against the premium paid against medical insurance cover. This payment can be made for yourself or any of your family members like your spouse or children.
  • Loan on insurance - If by any means you need a large sum of money to fulfil a few urgent requirements, you can even use the insurance amount to obtain a loan from banks or NBFC (Non-Banking Financial Institutions). You even earn interest and bonus on the insured amount with the company depending on their regulations.
  • Long story short, buying insurance for yourself and your family can always be helpful in some or the other way. You can gain financial advantages for a long duration of time, even if you do not require it for medical purposes. Also, make sure that you keep a close tab on your health insurance policy renewal, to continue enjoying long-term protection.

Why do we need to be careful while crossing the roads?

With a striking increase in the number of vehicles on the road, traffic safety has become a crucial matter in the modern world. As drivers and as pedestrians both, you need to be extremely careful about yourself as well as your fellow citizens.


Yes, no doubt a lot of medical facilities are widely available nowadays. Many multi-speciality hospitals provide emergency services to the needy ones. Many companies offer individual health insurance in India. A variety of measures can be undertaken after an accident. But would you want to go through all of it? Better safe than sorry, right? That's why we present the importance of maintaining road safety.


The given article describes the importance of being careful while crossing the roads as well as discusses a few measures of how you can avoid any misfortune while doing so.

  • To avoid accidents - The first and foremost reason why you should be careful while crossing roads is to prevent collision with any vehicle. If you walk across haphazardly, you might end up getting hit by any driver who was not very careful with his driving. You cannot take control of what the fellow driver is doing, but you surely have the responsibility for your safety.
  • To avoid injury - Of course, an accident will result in severe injuries. If the force stays quite high during the collision, the pedestrian might lose his life as well! To avoid such circumstances, taking precautions is necessary.
  • To avoid a collision when someone is driving too fast - People are often seen to be in some sort of hurry while going somewhere as they operate at an unusually high speed. First things first, the speedily approaching vehicle has the potential to injure you severely if you get into its way. Moreover, applying brakes at high speed can be difficult and it provides absolutely no assurance that no collision will occur.
  • To avoid injury to the driver - If you somehow end up lucky enough to avoid being rammed into by a vehicle, thank your stars. But the case might not be the same with the driver of the car. There are chances that someone might have applied brakes all of a sudden to avoid colliding into someone and his head banged on the steering wheel. He might suffer injuries as well.
  • To avoid slipping on the road - Not just by accident, you can injure yourself by not maintaining balance while crossing the road and falling. You might end up hitting your head on the concrete. Worst case scenario, the driver of a random vehicle does not notice your fall and collides into you! You surely wouldn't want that to happen.
  • Measures that can be taken
  • Always cross from zebra crossing - All of you must have read about a zebra crossing in your school days. Those same instructions are what you need to follow. Nowadays, generally, zebra crossings are painted in the front area of traffic signals.
  • Look on both sides - As people tend to drive on the wrong side of the road, no guarantee looking at the opposite side of the way before crossing will keep you safe. To ensure maximum safety, always look on both sides and cross only when it's feasible.
  • Never run across roads - This is a crucial fact yet often goes unnoticed by people, never run while crossing a street. That doesn't mean you should walk extremely slow either. Always walk at a moderate speed so that you can cross calmly and can stop when any fast vehicle approaches.
  • Avoid crossing when incoming traffic is substantial - If you want to cross the road, but the number of vehicles coming in from the opposite end is large, try and wait for a while and let the rush reduce. You can cross when the road seems a bit or more empty. This eliminates the possibility of sudden collisions.
  • Having Individual Health Insurance In India only help you with the hospitalization related expenses but to stay safe and sound, you must follow the traffic rules diligently.

Why is your employer health insurance not sufficient

As a part of the measures undertaken to keep their employees motivated, many companies provide various types of incentives and insurance services, for example, personal health insurance , car insurance and so on.

No doubt this can be a great gesture from the company's end. But is it sufficient for you? Well, a lot of factors advocate why you should not remain dependent on employer health insurance as it is not enough. They are as mentioned below:

  • Less customization - Before signing up for insurance, employers decide all the features of the cover with the insurance company which include - the number of diseases, minimum and maximum amount that can be claimed and so on. This leaves very less scope of customisation available for you. You cannot be sure whether the diseases you have been dealing with or the ones that run in the family are covered or not. You cannot use the plan for any specific expenses as a fixed policy is made from a combination of various aspects where all are given almost equal weightage. This is the best option for the employer as he has to select a general plan for all employees, but the case might not be the same for individuals.
  • Continuity of the plan - Companies that offer a group cover have the facility of discontinuing as per their will. Moreover, insurance is related to the duration of your job. As long as you are associated with the company, you can reap the benefits of the policy. But if you wish to leave the job, you wouldn't be able to exercise the same benefits. Once you quit the job, the policy gets terminated on its own. Moving from a group plan to an individual one can drill a hole in your pocket after retirement as it is very costly.
  • Covers only one person - Generally, all companies offer insurance plans for their employees only. That can be beneficial to you on an individual scale, but what about your loved ones? Even if you wish to avail a health insurance policy for family, you wouldn't be able to ask for it by your superiors. Their care and concern are limited only up to you as only you are their employee. Therefore, it is best for your family members if you buy insurance for them rather than solely relying upon what your company is providing. .
  • Changes in the conditions of employer's policy - There is a possibility that your company has joined hands with any insurance agency to save money and reduce their liability towards the employees. They can thus, change the terms and conditions of the insurance policy as per their convenience. Some type of diseases can be exempted, coverage of certain expenses can be removed, and such similar measures can be undertaken by the employer. That is why it is best to choose an appropriate cover based on one's requirements.
  • Post-retirement coverage - As stated in one of the above points, your insurance is relevant only until the duration of your job. You would lose the cover after retirement, which is the time when it is required the most. And that is when you would have to buy your insurance policy. Getting one after a certain age, here say the retirement age of 60, is a very complex task. You might not be able to get a cover for the preexisting diseases. This means that eventually you would have to bear your medical expenses and the insurance amount would be of no use. To avoid any hassle in your senior life, you must get a cover in your youth to protect your health as well as your hard-earned money.
  • All this proves that opting for a Health Insurance Policy For The Familyrather than relying on employer health insurance is a far better decision.

How to find affordable personal accident plans with these easy steps

Congratulations! That’s a very smart decision you’ve made, having decided to get personal accident insurance for yourself. But what now? Not sure where to start or which insurance to get? Don’t worry, that’s why we are here – to help your find the right plan using our truth lens 

Accident insurance is a type of  personal insurance that protects from any unforeseen event listed in the policy. Though we know it is difficult to find the Best Accidental Insurance Policy In India, we have listed a few checks to compare Individual Accident Insurance Quote in India.

We’ve categorised the process of getting the right insurance into 5 simple steps. Here goes:

Prioritise your needs

Right now, the only thing you have considered is buying insurance to protect you in case of an accident. However, it would be helpful to prioritise your needs. If you want to secure your finances and save tax, keep that your priority. If you have a family, securing them becomes your priority. Understanding your priorities helps you figure out what kind of a plan you’d need.

Compare premiums and plans

While you know you need a policy that keeps you prepared for accidents, there are many other things to consider when it comes down to purchasing it. A common worry for most people is hefty premiums. Make sure you compare quotes from a couple of insurance providers before zeroing down on one. 

While most insurance plans offer the basic covers such as accidental death, total permanent disability etc. some providers may also offer additional benefits such as ambulance charge cover or education fund for your child. So, make sure you compare the offerings as well.

There are various covers for family as well as for individual health insurance offered by Magma HDI

Research your insurer

Once you’ve figured out who you want to get the insurance from, it’s time to make sure it’s the right choice. Check out the provider’s claim settlement ration, which will tell you how likely they are to settle your claims if the occasion arises. For instance, Magma HDI’s personal accident insurance is a policy with a claim settlement ratio of 91.85%. You should also check how extensive their network of hospitals is because a wide network means more options for you to get cashless treatment. 

Understand the limitations and exclusions

We have all heard of those cases where a lot of people find their insurance claims requests lost in the fine print. A good way to avoid that is by going through their policy wordings with a fine-tooth comb and to understand exactly what is covered and not covered. 

Figure out how to financially plan for it

Now, you can finally get to the purchasing part of the process. A common notion about insurance is that it is expensive but anyone who has ever had to pay hospital bills knows it’s not nearly as expensive. Having to pay these bills separately ends up costing even more than your premium. Premiums paid towards insurance also helps you save on taxes and hence, it makes for a great financial planning tool.

Now that you know how to get the right personal accident insurance, go ahead and secure your future right now. For comprehensive accident coverage take a look at our personal accident policy CLICK HERE.

Looking for Individual Personal Accident Insurance, you’ve come to the right place!


Bought A New Car This Monsoon Season? Don’t Forget to Buy Car Insurance Too

Driving around in a new car is an exciting feeling. But with owning a car, comes the responsibility of keeping it safe on the roads. In case of an event involving accident, theft, or fire, you may need compensation for damages sustained. Weather is also one of the primary factors due to which your car may suffer damage. Getting car insurance is a great way to provide a cover for your financial losses, especially during the monsoon season.

Why should you get Car Insurance In India?

Remember that a car is made up of a complex system of mechanical components and accessories. With comprehensive car insurance, you can easily get coverage for:

  • Damage after a road accident, fire, or vandalism
  • Damages that take place due to a natural disaster such as floods
  • If the vehicle is stolen
  • Unforeseen circumstances such as waterlogging

Accidents happen, but when you’re covered for the financial losses, it helps reduce your stress and brings you peace of mind.

Why do you need car insurance for the monsoons?

During the monsoon season, its even more important to consider securing your vehicle with a proper car insurance policy. Natural disasters like cyclones and flash floods can cause severe damages to property, including your car.

During monsoon water also collects in low lands and potholes making it really difficult to tell their presence. This often leads one to drive into potholes or park their cars in waterlogged areas. While the first one can cause damage to the body of the car, the latter can cause the engine to seize. But with the right insurance and the right add-on, both can be covered.

What would your car insurance policy cover during monsoons?

In the rainy season, no matter how cautious you are, there is always a risk of accidents due to poor visibility and slippery roads. Moreover, water damage like rusting, engine water-logging etc. are also quite common during heavy rains. Waterlogging happens if you drive through or start your car in deep water and the water gets into the engine. This leads to damage to the engine as well as electrical components. Sometimes, car insurers may exclude damage to the engine, but an engine protect add-on can offer you the required coverage. Similarly, roadside assistance add-on can be vital in ensuring you have help even during heavy rains.

While you have no control over the weather and road conditions, you can always be prepared to face them without any worries. Choose a good auto insurance policy such as Magma HDI's Private Car insurance and drive through monsoon worry-free.


What Will the two-wheelers Industry Look Like in the next ten years?

Two-wheelers have changed the landscape of transportation forever, ever since the invention of the bicycle world has adapted and moved forward with the revolutions two-wheelers brought in the world. Motorized two-wheelers have brought about the most significant change. They have better mileage than cars and are not as bulky as they are. Also, they are compact, and it is easier to tackle the traffic on a two-wheeler than in a car. They have made the world a smaller place. Now you can reach any destination you desire without tiring yourself. Two-wheelers have also empowered women. Women are generally nimbler than men. Now they can travel long distances and carry luggage on their two-wheeler without breaking a sweat.

Indeed, the invention of bikes has forever changed the transportation industry for the better. Most of the individuals and couples opt for purchasing a two-wheeler while families still rely on cars. Bikes have lower maintenance costs than vehicles, and also their cost per distance travelled is less than that of cars. Their compact size allows them to fit in most homes without the need for a garage. Though, you must never drive a bike without a helmet, nor should you ever drive it without insurance. If your bike is not insured, then now you can conveniently buy bike insurance online. As science progresses, there have been many revolutionary changes in bikes from how they look to their performance. The two-wheeler industry has also seen many economic changes over the years. Here is an overview of how the two-wheeler industry is expected to look in the next ten years: -

  • Currently, most of the two-wheeler market is dominated by mid-range two-wheelers. Id the current trend continues, we will witness an increase in high-range and low-range two-wheelers. This may lead to better technology in low-range bikes as well as high-range motorcycles to have more premium features and out of the box designs.
  • A.I. technology may make the bike riding experience better for everyone. We may witness automatic gear adjustments, terrain adjustments, fuel consumption adjustments, and much more. If A.I. technology grows at the current pace, the future is not too far when we will see it being installed on bikes.
  • We should hope for much better mileage and alternative fuel options. Currently, we have electric motorcycles, but they take a long time to charge and do not provide that much coverage. Electricity consumption is also high in bikes. In another decade we shall see much better bikes on the market that will run on electricity.
  • There has been recent news on bikes that utilize water as fuel and provide incredible mileage. There are no mass production variants yet. In another decade, we may have a range of motorcycles that use water as fuel and are environment friendly.

The future of the two-wheeler industry looks excellent. We have some significant advances in store for us within a decade. One thing will never change, though, that is safety guidelines and insurance policies. It is and will always be dangerous to drive recklessly. There is no hope of bikes that will allow you to drive without a helmet, either. Insurance policies will change slightly and will add more features and guidelines as technology progresses. They will more or less remain the same. It is essential to have your bike insured at all times. Right now, you can buy Bike Insurance online; maybe the future will be even more convenient.


What the world would be like if general insurance did not exist?

A world without general insurance is a world with millions of financially unprotected people. It may even be compared to a person without vaccination! The going is good as long as you don’t contract major diseases.

Why is insurance important?

It's not always possible to prevent falling sick. No matter how careful you are, someone can still break into your house. This uncertainty is what makes insurance important. It's a safety net that ensures that even if something happens, your finances don't suffer. At least not too severely. You can think of insurance as that vaccine that safeguards you against any future issues. After all, it is better to be safe than sorry.

General insurance in India covers an entire gamut of important aspects like health, home, vehicle, travel etc. Thus, to overcome the risks of everyday living, we need its security.

But what happens if there was no insurance?

You never realize the value of something until it isn’t available to you. That’s just good old human nature. So let’s appreciate insurance for what it does for us today.

Scenario 1:

You are driving back home, and it feels like every other day. However, a novice driver, driving a car with an L sign, hits your car and then speeds off. It leaves you with a broken headlight, dents and a damaged bumper.

Without motor insurance, now you need to pay everything out of your pocket. 

Motor Insurance would have covered you by paying for damages to the vehicle and its owner. You could even increase your coverage by opting for add-ons such as personal accident cover and engine protection. Sounds much better than just lamenting at your loss right?

Scenario 2:

Your family has had a history of heart disease and you know you also run the risk of getting it. But there's no way to prepare for it. Later down the line, you need to get an expensive surgery done. While you manage to pay for it with all your savings, now you aren't left with much. You also are required to quit your work to recover.

This would not only affect you but your family's lifestyle as well. Health Insurance, in this case, could not only have taken care of your surgery but pre and post hospitalization expenses as well. It covers our hospitalization, OPD treatments and even alternative treatments like Ayurveda. It is truly a necessity with rising prices of healthcare these days.

Scenario 3:

You are returning from a vacation in the U.S. However when you arrive in India, you find that your luggage has not reached. After contacting the airport officials, you realize that your luggage is lost. Not much you can do about it except hope that the airline reimburses you for your loss.

This is where travel insurance comes to your aid. It ensures that you get a predecided amount in case your luggage is lost by the airline. Not just that, it can also cover you for flight delay, missed flights and more.

It should be clear enough now how our world would be affected if there was no insurance. You may or may not need it, however, the risks of remaining uninsured are far more disastrous. A world without General Insurance would be far more costly in every aspect that you can imagine. To find more about your options for general insurance in India, you can click here.


7 things to keep in mind while buying health insurance in India

Health insurance happens to be one of the most serious decisions of your life as far as your health is concerned. Good health insurance policies ensure you the much-needed peace of mind, as it protects you and your family against the various health hazards that may find you unprepared.

Here, we will look at seven things to keep in mind before buying health insurance in India.

1. Getting early protection

Your health is at your prime when you are young. If you are opting for health insurance when you are young, then your premiums will also be cheaper. Besides, you can get other benefits such as a no-claim bonus, which means that you will get a discount on your premium amounts every year.

2. Fill the application form correctly

One of the most essential factors that you should take care of while buying health insurance is filling the application form correctly. Never lie about your health condition in your application form, as it may land you into trouble while filing claims.

3. Choosing lifetime renewability

Opt for health insurance which provides you maximum cover up until your old age, since you will be vulnerable to more ailments as you grow older. A good health insurance sticks with you throughout your life and can be renewed whenever you need it.

4. Opt for paperless policies

With the prevalence of the internet, it is much easier to do things offline than actually having to go through the rigorous process of filling up forms manually. Health insurance policies that have online support and are hassle-free. They also offer seedier reimbursement as you have the option to file claims online.

5. Get a thorough coverage

When opting for health insurance, choose an insurer that provides you with both pre and post hospitalization expenses, and everything that comes in between. This will ensure that you do not have to spend anything from your pocket. Everything should be covered, from doctor’s fees and medicine to bed charges.

6. Network of hospitals

Accidents and ailments can hit you anytime and anywhere. Once you are ill, it’s not the best thing to travel from one place to another to get admitted to a hospital. TO make sure that you get treatment where you are, opt for a policy that has an extensive network of hospitals.

7. Claim settlement rate

Good insurers are known for their excellent administrative process, which makes sure that the claims you file are attended in due time. To reap the benefits of your insurance, opt for a provider that has a high claim settlement rate so that you claims do not go unsettled and you actually reap the benefits.

If you are looking for the Best Health Insurance Policy In India, then Magma HDI health insurance policies could be the answer. It offers cashless hospitalization its vast network of more than 4,100 hospitals and comes with features such as optional cover for critical illnesses and accidents and a 24x7 claim assistance.


Best Bikes to ride in your youth days

The thing about youth is that it is not everlasting. It comes and goes before you might even realize. As you dawn towards your old age, you may be left to wonder if you made the best out of your youthful days or not — such is the tragedy of time.

When you are young, you will also want to experience the thrill and excitement which comes with certain activities, such as riding a motorbike. Riding is one of the popular occupations of youth — one that they rejoice in whole-heartedly.

Here, we will look at some of the best bikes that you can ride in your youth days.

Bajaj Pulsar

The Baja Pulsar is often called the first sports bike of India. It is cost-effective and comes with a unique design and a powerful engine which makes riding it a thrilling experience. It comes in several variants, with engines clocked at 150 cc, 180 cc, 200cc, 220 cc; the Bajaj Dominor even has a 373.3 cc engine which makes it fast and aggressive. If you are looking for a ride which promises good acceleration, fast speed, and decent mileage, then the Bajaj Pulsar could be your go-to option.

Yamaha FZ

Yamaha bikes are known for their engines as they perform exceedingly well on race tracks as well as Indian roads. The Yamaha FZ series is also known for its muscular look. It is finely cut out and crafted to stand out among other bikes. It has excellent acceleration, thick tires for better grip, and handling which will make you fall in love with it. Besides, its attractive digital meter puts all the riding stats into perspective, promising you a thrilling and engaging ride experience.

Royal Enfield

The Royal Enfield series particularly stands out for its stout engine and durability. You can ride it for miles straight, and the engine won’t even squeal. If you are someone who goes for long rides, then it should be an ideal fit for you as its powerful engine and huge tank capacity makes sure that you do not have to stop as often as you do with other bikes. The Royal Enfield engine is designed in a way where it can cruise for long hours without overheating.

TVS Apache

The TVS Apache series is known for its finely crafted design and a seating position which provides an excellent grip on the handle. It is also known for its acceleration and smoothness. It is a good mix of mileage and power, which makes sure that you do not consume much fuel as you cruise your way down the highway. There are several variants of the Apache to choose from, so pick one which suits your speed-need the most.

While bike rides can be thrilling and may excite you to a point where it becomes an addiction, it is essential that you get good bike insurance which protects you and your bike from unforeseen circumstances. Magma HDI bike insurance offers one of the best Two-Wheeler Insurance Rate so that you can save money on your insurance premiums and not burn a hole in your pocket.


Best Two Wheelers to Buy in India

Two-wheelers come as saviors at a time when Indian roads are bustling with traffic. It is particularly annoying when you are going out for a ride. If you are alone, then rides are best experienced when you are on a two-wheeler.

The thrill is worth mentioning. You let the wind graze past your face and the sound of the engine, adding to the overall aesthetics of the right. There is so much for the eyes to see, for the senses to behold.

Here, we present to you some of the best two-wheelers that you can buy for Indian roads.

1. Hero Splendor

The Hero Splendor is a classic and still manages to retain the design and durability of the classic Splendors, which means that you can trust this bike to be your companion for a long, long time. Currently, it rules the two-wheeler segment by a record number of sales. In June alone, the model sold 2,23,532 units, which is the reason why it makes to the top of our list.

2. Honda Activa

The Honda Activa is India’s favorite scooty and can be trusted on Indian roads with a decent pickup and mileage. It is known for its sleek design and durable engine. It recorded a sale of 2,10,961 units in June, which makes it the second favorite purchase. It is a decent option if you a frequent rider in city traffic.

3. Hero HF Deluxe

Another low-range Hero bike, this model falls to the third spot with a sale of 1,93,194 units. With an on-road price of a little above Rs 50,000, this bike is indeed one of the favorites when it comes to the two-wheeler segment. It has a 100cc engine, which means that it can ensure decent performance besides providing high mileage.

4. Honda CB Shine

This Honda model has been a favorite for a long time. It has dispatched 84,871 units in the month of June. Honda engines are known for their efficiency and long-run performance. If you are looking for a bike that promises a decent pickup with good mileage, then you should certainly explore this option.

5. Bajaj Pulsar

The Bajaj Pulsar models grab the fifth spot with a sale of 83,008 units. With a variety of models in the range, the Pulsar series has been a favorite for long, as they promise high engine performance, sleek design, and mileage which is decent for the Indian roads. These features make the Bajaj Pulsar a favorite among Indian customers.

Once you have purchased one of these bikes, it is crucial to buy two wheeler insurance for them. Magma HDI two-wheeler insurance offers features such as additional cover with the support for anti-theft devices. If you are looking for affordable, long-term two-wheeler insurance, then Magma HDI Two-Wheeler Insurance Online could come to your aid.


How to get a 360 Degree health cover and what are its benefits

The onset of modern life has lead to various dietary and lifestyle changes. In an effort to keep up with your health and deal effectively with any health issue, it is essential to get hold of a health insurance which provides 360-degree all-round protection.

Having a good health insurance makes sure that you can keep on with your life without having to worry too much about medical expenses that come with various diseases and ailments.

However, with so many options around us, it might get a tad bit confusing to choose the option which fits our health needs the best while being easy on the pocket at the same time.

Choosing a health insurance

Since the onset of the internet has made everything online, it has become much easier to find the Best Health Insurance Policy In India. Good health insurance providers provide a host of benefits and access to several medical care products. They also have a reasonable premium rate so that you do not have to worry too much about shelling out a lot of money from your pocket.

When you choose health insurance online, make sure that you have read the policy documents carefully so that you are aware of where your money is going and what benefits you are getting for that price.

Magma HDI health insurance

One of the names that come up while looking for the best health insurance policy is Magma HDI health insurance. With Magma HDI health insurance, you do not have to go through the physical and mental toll and worry about your financial loss.

Magma HDI offers several health insurance features such as optional cover to reduce your premium, 2x7 claim assistance, optional cover for critical illness and accidents, and cashless hospitalisation across more than 4,100 hospitals. It also has a range of insurance plans to choose from, so you do not have to compromise on your needs.

Magma HDI health insurance also comes with notable key benefits such as maternity cover, cumulative bonus, loss of income cover, and worldwide emergency cover, among others. With such benefits, it makes for an ideal purchase so that you can have 360-degree protection for your health.

The entire process of purchasing a Magma HDI health insurance is quite easy and can be done in a few simple and easy steps. All you have to do is choose the type of cover you want, review the polices to make sure that it is up to your expectations, add any other benefits if needed, and make the payment to activate the policy.

If you are looking for health insurance policy in India, then Magma HDI could surely be an option, as it also offers a secure and hassle-free claim service, which keeps your interest and comfort in mind.


Five things to keep in mind when you are buying a new house

It is not surprising that many people have a dream to own their dream house where they want to build their world. People work hard day and night, sleepless, work more, eat less, and run more to be able to get an independent roof over their heads. They give their best to meet both ends. There have been instances where whole life is spent working hard to get an independent roof overhead.

The idea of making any blunders while buying a new house can turn out to be a dangerous nightmare for many. Firstly, sacrificing a lot to get home and then disturbing mental peace is not at all a good idea. So, there are a few things that an individual must keep in mind while buying a new house. And hopefully, some agencies and organizations help you choose better. Here are five things that every individual must keep in mind while buying a new house.

  • Location of the property and your requirements: Choosing the right house is essential, but choosing the right neighbourhood is way more important than any other deals. The location of your house and the accessibility to nearby services is a very crucial concern. Though all services may not be available nearby, some critical requirements like hospitals, medical stores, and grocery stores need to be in the locality for any emergency conditions.
  • Identifying the dealer and necessary certificates regarding the property: It is essential to identify the dealer or builder from whom you buy the property. Many sweet-sounding offers by dealers may turn out to be mental peace destroyers later own. Identifying the right dealer, preferably a certified and reputed one. Crosschecking all the certificates regarding the property, including any due taxes or payments to be made. Clear land statement papers and ownership papers must be checked and signed after going through them thoroughly. All registration documents must be verified, and all the adequate stamping and payment of registration charges for sales deed and must be made at the registrar’s office.
  • Most important, house insurance : The insurance covers losses or damages to an individual’s residence along with any furnishings or assets in the home. Any injuries while being on the property at the time of the accident are also covered. HOUSE INSURANCE IN INDIA can be taken by anyone buying a new house. But this insurance must not be mistaken with any home warranty or mortgage.
  • Most important, house insurance : The insurance covers losses or damages to an individual’s residence along with any furnishings or assets in the home. Any injuries while being on the property at the time of the accident are also covered. House insurance in India can be taken by anyone buying a new house. But this insurance must not be mistaken with any home warranty or mortgage.
  • The age, style, and condition of the house : The required style and age of the house must be checked, and it must be made sure that the interior and exterior of the house is according to your requirements. Age of the is another factor that must be kept in mind; otherwise, the need for insurance coverage can come at any point in time.
  • Property on dispute free land : It is essential to buy a house that is built over a dispute free land. Whether it is flat in some apartment or a duplex or a villa, it is advisable not to buy any property built over the disputed land.

There many excellent insurance companies that are offering house insurance in India that helps in ensuring coverage of the losses made to any assets and liability coverage against any accidents in the house.


5 Best Sports Cars for Sports Avid Riders

Cars besides being a mode of transportation have been also a passion for many. For some driving a car simply to get somewhere is not the sole goal. People also love cars for the speed and the thrill that they offer, they love the feeling of whizzing past other cars. That’s why many people love sports cars.

Sports Cars are built primarily to offer people the possibility of driving at extreme speeds and are built in a way that they don’t wear out easily. But for the sake of safety, make sure you subscribe to a comprehensive car insurance. You can now easily check mcar insurance prices in india online and get a new policy within a few minutes. If you have a thing for speed and love the excitement that comes with driving fast, here are the top 5 sports cars you could choose from: -

  • BMW M3: The car was initially introduced in 1986 to serve as a race car for the road and has become increasingly popular over the years. Now, the 2018 model offers features such as a 3L turbocharged incline-six-cylinder engine that is capable of producing 425 HP, adaptive suspension, dual-zone climate control and much more.
  • Nissan 370Z:The car is equipped with a 3.7L V6 engine capable of producing 350 HP, a front-engine, fastback-coupe style, sport suspensionrear-wheel-drive and was first introduced in the year 2009. The 2019 model has added benefits such as a rear-view camera, cruise control, automatic climate control etc along with a sleek and stylish appearance which has made this car extremely popular.
  • Mazda MX-5 Miata: It is not a four-seater but a two-seater sports car and, unlike many others, does not offer a lot of power. It comes with a 2L four-cylinder engine that can produce around 181 HP. The seats are quite comfortable, and the car is surprisingly quite spacious for its size. If you are someone that loves to let the top down and enjoy the view as you drive, it is an excellent option.
  • Chevrolet Corvette: The car was initially brought into the market in 1953 and had fast become a favourite, owing to its stylish look and the many features. Now, the 2018 Corvette comes with a 6.2l V8 engine, which can produce up to 455 horsepower. Besides this, it also sports adaptive dampers and an uprated suspension, which makes it much easier to handle corners, keyless entry as well as ignition, automatic dual-zone climate control and a very comfortable interior.
  • Ford Mustang: Another classic, the 2019 version of the Ford Mustang, comes with 2 engines: a 2.3L four-cylinder engine that can produce 310 HP and a 5l V8 engine capable of producing 460 HP. Additional features include 83 cubic feet of passenger and 13 cubic feet of luggage volume, highly comfortable seats and a spacious interior. The car not only offers you speed but also a very smooth ride.

No matter how much you want to love speed and the thrill that comes with it, it is equally important to pay attention to safety measures and to not do anything reckless, especially when on the road. Also, sports cars are extremely expensive, and so it becomes even more important to take care of them. The best way to do so is to get car insurance,  but do remember to checkthe latest car insurance prices in India before you pick one.


Don’t miss out on these Medical Tests you should be doing in your early 30s!

Getting older could be a little scary. You begin to worry about your physical health, your finances, along with many other things, but it shouldn’t have to be. When it comes to both your health and your finances, you need to start preparing from today itself, if you haven’t begun already. Life is unpredictable and it always comes in handy to be prepared. So, when it comes to your health, you need to keep getting regular check-ups so that you can know about any possible problems on time and should also have a comprehensive health insurance policy for a family in case of any unforeseen incident.

Here are some medical tests you should be doing in your early 30s: -

  • Cholesterol Profile: It is your liver that produces cholesterol in your body; however, you take in cholesterol from certain types of food, and an excessive amount of it in your body can lead to problems in blood flow since it can harden in the walls of your arteries (atherosclerosis). Since high levels of cholesterol show no symptoms until the later stages of atherosclerosis, it can become difficult to detect it at an early stage unless you get regular health check-ups. While a cholesterol profile can be part of a routine check-up, it is advisable to get it done more frequently if your family has a history of heart disease, obesity etc. Your blood is drawn out for the test.
  • Eye Tests: While this may seem obvious, many people tend to ignore their eyes until the last moment, when the problem escalates. Your eyes are so important, and it is necessary to have your eyesight checked every couple of months. If you experience issues with your vision or any discomfort, immediately go to an optician. Getting your eyes checked regularly could also help detect cataracts at an early stage.
  • Blood Sugar Test: Done mainly to diagnose diabetes, a blood sugar test measures the amount of sugar or glucose present in your blood. You might need to get frequent blood sugar tests if your family has a history of diabetes. A blood sugar test can help determine the level of sugar in your blood, and whether you need to bring changes in your diet or exercise. In case you have diabetes, it can also help figure out whether your medications are working or not.
  • Urine Analysis: This test is done to find out if you have any kidney-related issues or urinary tract infections. While this is generally a part of a health check-up, if you experience frequent urination, have abdominal or back pains etc., it is advisable to get the test done. All you need to do as part of the urine analysis is to provide a urine sample.
  • Thyroid Function Test: It is a blood test done to determine whether your thyroid gland is functioning properly, i.e., whether it is producing the right quantities of triiodothyronine and thyroxine. Depending on whether it produces less or more of these two, you could suffer from hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. If your family has a history of thyroid issues, it is best to get checked regularly since thyroid problems could cause major changes in your body.

There are many more tests you should have done in your early 30s to avoid any complications later in life. Again, it never hurts to be fully prepared, especially when it comes to your health. Along with regular check-ups, make sure to have a valid health insurance policy health insurance policy for the family.


Does making modifications in your Car affect your Car insurance?

Everyone dreams of purchasing a car in life. Reasons can be numerous; after all, having your car has several benefits. You can visit any place at any time at your convenience. You will no longer feel constrained in your life; cars have made the world a smaller place. That's not all, as owning a car is a status symbol too. People feel more secure and enjoy more private trips in their car.

But owning a car makes you liable to all the extra liabilities that come with it. Your car may get severely damaged in an accident; theft is always a threat; moreover, if you own a car you are also liable to damages caused to it by pedestrians and property. Hence it is important that you have car insurance that covers all these liabilities. You can buy car insurance online within a few minutes. It will make you feel more secure in case of any mishap. But will making modifications in your car affect your car insurance in any way?

More or less, every modification will affect your insurance, increasing the insurance premiums. When arriving at the new quotation insurance companies generally look at two factors risk of theft and risk of an accident. If you have an entirely cosmetic modification, it will increase the value of the car hence increasing its risk of theft. If you are making modifications that affect the performance of the car, it will increase the risk of an accident. These modifications severely affect your car insurance:-

  • Engine modification- Engine modifications tend to increase performance and acceleration of the car. This tends to increase the risk of an accident.
  • Brakes and Suspension - Overall, control of the car lies in the breaks. Modifying brakes or suspension will affect the overall performance of the car.
  • Car Interior - Modifying the car interior is purely a cosmetic change to the car. It would not affect performance. However, it will increase the value of the car and will increase the risk of theft.
  • Paint Job - Getting a paint job on your car may end up completely changing how your car looks. Getting decals and vinyl on the car will also change the look of the car. This may make the car more desirable, increasing the risk of theft.
  • Rim Job and Wheel Modifications - Mostly wheel modifications and rim jobs are cosmetic effects and do not have severe effects on the performance. Some modifications might change road performance too.
  • Change in the Engine - Engine is the heart of the car and a major aspect in calculating the car insurance premium. Getting engine changed can have a severe effect on your premium.

It is important to notify your insurance company whenever any modification or alteration has been made. Not notifying your insurance company may revoke your insurance policy and any coverage will be declared void. Modifying a car generally increases its value. This makes car insurance even more important as you stand to lose more in case of any unforeseen event. If you do not yet have one, you can buy car insurance online. Living in constant worry of losing your car is not worth it. Getting your car insured with a comprehensive policy is a step forward towards a worry-free future.


How to claim car insurance after your accident in India?

While driving a car is a pleasure, a misfortunate incident can spoil everything. A tree falling over your car, water entering mechanical parts during rains and floods, road accidents, etc. are all incidents that do not come with any prior warning. Accidents happen in our daily life, and when a car is involved, it becomes a very costly affair. This is one of the reasons to have the best personal accident insurance policy in india.

Car insurance ensures that during any unfortunate accident, you will be able to ride the difficult waves created in your life with ease. Insurance policies usually cover damage to cars, pedestrians, and property. To claim car insurance after an accident, there are some dos and don'ts that you must keep in mind: -

Do's: -

  • The insurance company must be immediately notified when the accident occurs. They must be provided with a general description of how things happened, damage to the car, and surroundings.
  • File an FIR. Without an FIR, you cannot raise a claim. The police must be intimated about the accident and the FIR copy must be obtained.
  • Taking photos of the scene can help further your cause and can later be submitted as valid proof for claim settlement.
  • Make a note of any witnesses near the accident scene. Ask them for their contact details along with their address. The witnesses can help in the future in shedding light on the occurrence.
  • To raise the claim with insurer proper documents, need to be submitted to them. Documents include a soft copy of - the FIR, claim form duly filled and signed by yourself, your insurance policy, car registration certificate, driving license, receipt of other expenses incurred, and medical receipt in case of injuries.
  • Contact a lawyer if you can, as they can provide legal advice over the entire matter and help you get the appropriate claim amount.

Don'ts: -

  • Do not hide facts from your insurer. You must notify them of the entire events to the best of your knowledge. If the surveyor finds discrepancies in your claim, entire coverage might be deemed void.
  • Don't move away from the accident scene. Doing so without the insurer's permission can delay the claim process. Some insurers even provide tow and pickup services. Repair work must not be done without the approval of the insurer,
  • Do not settle for third party settlements to avoid FIR. Without FIR, you cannot raise a claim with your insurance company.
  • Don't sign settlement papers without legal counsel. If you believe the settlement provided is not enough, you can raise the issue with your insurer to obtain a better settlement.

Car accidents are sorrowful events that often lead to major damage and trauma, in worst cases, death. It is necessary to follow good traffic etiquette and rules. Car accidents can often leave a permanent mark on you. The financial burden after the accident is too much to bear for a single person. It is of utmost importance to have the best personal accident insurance policy in India. Having the best personal accident insurance policy in India will ensure that in the perilous time after the accident, you would not be financially burdened. It will provide you with financial security in what might be one of the difficult times in your life. Drive safely.


These should be your Fitness Goals in 2020

As the new year rolls in, it is time to begin setting down goals for the year, or New Year’s resolutions as we call them. It is at the beginning of the year that you make sure to stick to your goals and try to make positive changes in your life. Whether it is waking up early, travelling to someplace new, meeting new people or keeping away from technology, most of these goals become close to non-existent as January comes to an end.

However, of the most common goals for the New Year, is to become fit and healthy, shouldn’t cease to become important but must be maintained throughout the year and beyond, to have a long and healthy life. So this is what your fitness goals for 2020 should look like: -

Even though you probably hear everyone say this all the time, one of the most crucial practices which you must adopt immediately is drinking a lot of water. Water is, without a doubt, responsible for most bodily functions. In order to remain healthy, it is necessary to consume a considerable amount of water every day. Dehydration can cause serious urinary infections or kidney stones.

  • Exercise regularly but in moderation. Do not overdo it the first time you begin a workout. Start slow and ease into a harder regimen. If you begin with rigorous exercise, you can severely injure yourself. Also, make sure to do it the proper way as exercising the wrong way could cause a lot of damage. For instance, if you use weights, lift with your legs and not your back, or you could end up dislocating your disks or worse.
  • If you aren’t one for high-intensity workouts or weight training, a great way to get some exercise is by doing yoga. Not only does it allow you to stretch and work your body, but it is also a great way to learn how to concentrate better. It is an excellent way to relax your mind and be at peace. Yoga is great for both the body and mind.
  • While you must ensure your body gets regular exercise and movement, it isn’t enough. You must maintain a proper diet and eat different kinds of food for a regular intake of all the necessary nutrients. Do not neglect any food category, and to make sure that you consume foods specific to your body’s needs, you could consult with a nutritionist. Make it a habit to eat the right quantities at the right time and avoid snacking on junk food at odd hours of the day.
  • As a human, your body is prone to illnesses and injuries and thus, it is crucial to have health insurance. There are many different kinds in the market, and it is your responsibility to choose the best health insurance policy in India, to avoid any hassles when you need any kind of relief.

We only have one body, and we must take really good care of it. Whether it is eating nutritious food, exercising regularly and correctly, sleeping on time or finding a company that offers the best health insurance policy in India, how you choose to remain fit and take care of your health is up to you.


How to Reduce Car Pollution Level During Smog Season?

One of the most serious problems in today’s date is pollution, whether it is air, water, noise or otherwise. Air pollution has led to an increase in health issues and has become an issue that needs to be resolved at the earliest. A major contributor to it is car pollution. There are thousands and thousands of cars on the streets at any given point of time, and they emit smoke and other harmful gases which have only added to the pollution, and the situation only gets worse when there is already smog in the atmosphere due to other air pollutants. As a responsible citizen, and more so as a human, here are some ways you can help reduce the car pollution levels during smog season:

  • Try to Warm up Your Car in Advance: During the winters, when the smog is the worst, cars take slightly longer to start, especially if it is a few years old and runs on diesel, so it is advisable that you warm it up a few minutes before you actually have to leave. This way, the car does not consume too much fuel, does not emit high quantities of smoke or gas and thus, helps reduce the pollution a little.
  • Turn Off the Engine When the Car Isn’t Moving: It is a very common tip, yet many people do not follow it. When you are at a red light or have pulled over to the side for a short period, make sure to turn off the engine or at least the air conditioning since it puts more pressure on the engine, which in turn burns more fuel. The more you save fuel, the less pollution you cause.
  • Do Not Skip on Maintenance: A car is an investment, and you must take care of it. Irrespective of whether you experience a breakdown or not, make sure to take it to the workshop regularly to get the issues fixed. If you continue to drive your car despite there being something wrong with it, it will consume larger quantities of fuel and will thus cause more air pollution. Also, make sure that you do subscribe to private car insurance in india for protection against any losses caused to the car.
  • Make Sure to Get A Pollution Check: Every couple of months, take your car to get a pollution check done, so you know its level of emissions and can understand if it does adhere to the pollution regulations. With an increase in the level of air pollution, the government has made is mandatory to get a Pollution Under Control Certificate which states that your car is not releasing a high amount of smoke or gas and is thus, allowed to be driven around.
  • Choose to Travel Via Public Transport: One of the best options is to leave your car behind and to take a means of public transport instead, such as the bus or the metro/local train. Indeed, this option might not always be the most comfortable, but it goes a long way in reducing the level of pollution since there are fewer cars on the roads.
  • With the way things have escalated in terms of the pollution, it is imperative that you keep certain habits in check to not contribute to it any further. The way people take private car insurance
     in India very seriously, they must also take environmental concerns equally seriously.

How to Start Your Career in Life or Health Insurance?

If you are someone that derives pleasure out of helping others, then there are a multitude of jobs out there for you in almost every field. You can choose to become a lawyer, a doctor, a psychologist, an animal rights activist, a teacher or professor, an insurance agent etc. The last profession has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people becoming health or life insurance agents, to be specific. As a health/life insurance agent, the main aspect of your job is to help people figure out the best policy such as best health insurance in india for parents , one that suits their needs as well as situation the best. By doing this, you would be helping people secure their lives, finances as well as prepare well for the future. However, if you have just decided to become an agent, here are some ways you can actually begin your career in the health/life insurance industry: -

  • Do Not Give Up: Perhaps the most important point of all is to not give up easily. The insurance industry is highly competitive and is constantly growing. There are numerous companies and agents out there that are trying to attract clients. When you begin working as a health/life insurance agent, it will not be the easiest to convince people to buy the policies you offer, but you must not quit just because of a few failures. It will take time to finally start getting multiple clients.
  • Obtain Your License: A non-negotiable requirement when becoming an insurance agent is to obtain the license to begin working. The license is generally granted by the state where you reside, and to get it, you need to pay a certain amount of money, complete a training course and clear an examination. Without having earned the license, you will not be legally permitted to work as a health/life insurance agent.
  • Educational Requirements: While becoming a health/life insurance does not require you to have a certain degree, it is necessary for you to have cleared high school and preferably done an undergraduate course (earned a Bachelor’s degree). It is not mandatory to have information regarding illnesses or medicine in general, but it is a bonus if you can explain certain medical conditions or terms to potential buyers. Once you have obtained your license, you will most probably have to go through training where you apply for a job.
  • You Must Develop Your Marketing Skills: This does not necessarily mean that you need to undertake a marketing course, but you should be able to sell the policy to clients. A major part of your job as an insurance agent is to get people to buy the health/life insurance policy. You must be well aware of the details pertaining to the policy so you can explain everything properly to customers and convince them.

Health or life insurance is a necessity in life since it helps cover the costs for any unforeseen illnesses, injuries, or accidents, and so you must have one, not only for yourself but for your entire family. If you already have your own insurance, also make sure to choose the best health insurance in India for parents, so that you can be assured of the fact that everything will be covered when the need arises.