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Do not ignore these exclusions in health insurance policies

Health insurance in India is a necessity in contemporary times as it takes care of your finances in case of any health emergency with the help of a single policy. That being said, even the most comprehensive plans come with some exclusions. These are mentioned in your policy document and are often standard for all insurance providers.

You can make the best of your policy only if you know its coverage as well as exclusions. So, here are some you should definitely know of before you sign up for a new plan:

Waiting period

The only risks your health insurance covers from day one are injury/ hospitalisation claims due to an accident. Other than that, all other medical conditions have a waiting period after which you can make a claim. For common ailments, the waiting period is between one to three months from the inception of the policy, whereas the more serious diseases are excluded from coverage for as long as the first year.

Pre-existing conditions

You must have been told repeatedly that making a full disclosure of your health status is essential to get the right coverage. The reason behind this is a standard exclusion which says that all pre-existing diseases have an exclusion period stated in the policy wordings. Falsifying or hiding critical information can render your policy void and will inevitably leave you hanging in the future.

Lifestyle diseases

While these have not always been a concern, the drastic change in our environment and daily routines have made this a necessary part of healthcare. Unless specified at the time of availing the policy, all lifestyle-related diseases arising from smoking, alcohol consumption or drug abuse are excluded from a health plan. You would either have to pay a higher premium or be denied coverage in cases involving such ailments.

Alternative remedies

Most insurance companies are only slowly warming up to the idea of alternative treatment options. Treatment systems such as Ayurveda, Naturopathy and Unani have conventionally been excluded from health covers due to a lack of support from the medical community, which makes it difficult for insurance companies to accommodate.

However, some insurance providers are beginning to recognise these treatments now and are providing optional benefits which you can opt for to get coverage for them.

Maternity and childbirth

Maternity benefits are an integral part of any family health plan. This includes the medical expenses incurred for childbirth, infertility treatment or even abortion. In most cases, you would have to opt for a specialised maternity plan which is subject to a waiting period. Hence, it is a great idea to keep your family's future in mind while picking your policy.

Cosmetic treatments

While your health insurance policy may mention coverage for all hospitalisation, treatments such as plastic surgery, laser treatments, weight loss programmes, liposuction, eye and dental procedures are excluded from this cover. The exception to this rule is cosmetic procedures after an accident as they are critical to the functioning and well-being of a person.

To conclude, when looking for the best health insurance policy in india , remember to get details of all exclusions and waiting periods from your insurance agent or the policy wordings available to you. After all, the unpleasantness of reading that massive policy document sure beats being caught in a lurch while making a claim.


Why home insurance is a must for your house in today's time

All of us are extremely lucky to stay in a nation as diverse as India, which has a plethora of climatic changes to offer and support its citizens. However, the past few years have been quite a difficult journey for all, as a series of natural disasters that occurred in and around the nation. From the cyclone in Andhra Pradesh to the floods in Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand and Chennai, to the more shaky issues like the earthquakes in Nepal and North East India, all have caused considerable losses to lives and properties. Instances like these are a colossal knock for people who haven't yet browsed through the Best Home Insurance In India since they can provide adequate cover for various physical properties and homes.

A considerable mark of an effective home insurance plan is that it has all the required components to reduce the financial stress that you may face at points of distress in your life. It ensures that, no matter what the mishap is, you can protect your home against the most brutal natural disasters like typhoons, floods, earthquakes, and landslides, to name a few. Home insurance also plays a vital role in covering against explosions and dire consequences.

Not just natural, but there are some manmade issues like theft, robbery, and terrorism against which home insurances are useful in protection and here is what the best home insurance in India will protect you from, and aid you in: -

  • Personal assets Articles such as furniture and clothes, household equipment, among other things are all covered even if natural forces like floods and earthquakes have destroyed them. Any home insurance policy will cover these items. More valuable products like jewellery and art, along with some silverware and collectables, are only covered within a specific set limit. The best home insurance in India is usually a complete package that takes care of your home against fires, natural disasters, and human damages like thefts, a burglary that may have caused a loss of household goods. It also covers personal accidents that may have occurred due to their negligence.
  • Infrastructural needs Home insurance policies cover all expenses that are associated with repairing or rebuilding the home if it gets damaged or destroyed due to an excruciating circumstance. This helps you ensure that the damage caused to your infrastructure can be repaired without exerting any additional pressure on your finances.
  • Premium Any premium of home insurance depends upon the selected sum, which has been insured of the structure and content. Usually, the structuring of the house depends upon multiplying the area of the structure in question with the total cost of creation. The values of the contents are calculated following the market value. All the benefits that you expect, along with various features, are all provided according to the home insurance policy taken by you.

These are some of the most important benefits which can be enjoyed by all those who take a home insurance policy. There are varieties of options available out in the market which provide the customer with adequate freedom to choose the open of their choice, from the diverse options provided with a plethora of features.



5 Effective Tips to Deal with Stress and Anxiety amid the Global Pandemic

The global pandemic has hit everyone hard, in terms of health and economy. But, more importantly, it harmed our mental health severely. Completely locked and confined to home for several months has led to some kind of depression to a large number of people. In these ongoing months, there are many reported cases of anxiety among various age groups. To overcome, we must focus on and prioritize our mental health first. This is also advised by the best health insurance company in India.

Below are some of the useful tips that will help you to avoid mental health issues:

  • Focus on your diet

A balanced and nutritious diet is the need of the hour. To fight the deadly COVID-19, it is advised that you boost your immune system. One can boost their immune system by consuming essential vitamins and other macronutrients.

From various studies, it is concluded that complex carbohydrate-rich food like pulses and nuts can make you relieve from unnecessary stress. The inclusion of fruits daily in your diet is advised by the best health insurance company in India.

  • Be Creative

You have now got all the time you always craved for. So, why waste it? Focus on your hobby now. It is important to engage yourself on something as it will help you divert your mind from reality. The whole day long, being confined to your home is not easy. But if you make a habit of doing what you like, then it will make you feel relaxed.

  • Stay Fit

Fitness is essential, not only to control obesity but also to boost your immunity as prescribed by the Best Health Insurance Company In India . Since you cannot go out for a walk or gym, then you need to work out at your home. Go for some practical freehand exercises. But, do perform them if you feel suitable and do not overstrain yourself. 40 minutes of exercise once a day can be a stress buster and help you concentrate on the functional aspects, ignoring the negativity

  • Maintain your Sleeping Cycle

It is hard to maintain the sleeping cycle when we don’t have the rush to wake up in the morning. Either we watch movies all night long or overthink, which is stressful and can also lead to severe anxiety issues. To overcome this problem, it is better to sleep at a proper and fixed time.

It is always advised to sleep before midnight and wake before 8 am. It will help you to have a better metabolism and grow your immunity. The significant impact of it will be to reduce overthinking and soothe your mental health. Proper sleep, at least 8 hours, will make you much more productive.

  • Socialize Online, Not Offline

It is advised that you socialize with your friends and other acquaintances often. Socializing is an essential factor that will make you open your heart and relax. Stay connected and always help them out. Also, ask for help in any matter, whether you want to talk out or need something.

Also, do cut off toxicity around you. Avoid them merely by cutting them off from your contact. To keep your mental peace, you must avoid some people.


So here are the critical five tips that will keep you satisfied and happy in the long term. Buying insurance for your health needs from the best insurance companies in India is important as they pay very much attention to mental health. This year is getting worse, but do remember every cloud has a silver lining. It will pass soon, so hold yourself up.


How to port your health insurance to Magma HDI?

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has extended the privilege of porting health insurance to all policyholders since 2011. What this means for you is that at the time of renewing your policy, you have the option to change your insurance provider.

Wondering how that works? Keep reading to find answers to the most common concerns about porting insurance in India.

Can you port your policy without losing benefits?

Some of the advantages of porting your health insurance policy is finding affordable premiums or better policy features without compromising on the continuity benefits of your policy. In other words, it helps you in your journey to find the best health insurance policy in india .

For instance, say a medical condition wasn’t included in your health insurance policy for the first two years due to a waiting period of 3 years. In this case, the two years from the earlier policy will be reduced, and you’ll get the waiting period of one year on the new policy.

How much time do you need for porting?

Typically, you can port a health insurance policy within 45-60 days of the date of expiry. However, it may change from insurer to insurer. The rules of porting not only apply to the policyholder but the insurer as well. Hence, the new insurer should respond within 15 days of receiving your portability request.

What documents do you need for porting your health insurance?

If you do decide to switch your insurance provider, you will need the following documents:

1. The policy documents issued by your existing insurer

2. Information specific to the renewal of the policy

3. A self-declaration if no claims were made in the previous policy

4. For claim settlements, send discharge summary, investigation report, and other related documents as a proof

Why should you port your health insurance to Magma HDI?

The OneHealth insurance plan from Magma HDI is a comprehensive policy that offers you protection from the financial liabilities of healthcare, offers discount options for your premium and gives you the options of add-ons such as a critical illness cover to leave you completely worry-free!

Here are some other features offered by the policy:

1. 24x7 claim assistance

2. Cashless hospitalization across 4100+ hospitals

3. It also offers as many as 16 key benefits such as loss of income cover, maternity cover etc.

Process for porting your health insurance policy to Magma HDI

If you want to port your existing health insurance plan to Magma HDI, you should do it within 45 days before your policy's date of renewal. Given below is the process behind successfully porting your insurance-

1. Ask for a portability form from Magma HDI or fill the form online. Provide accurate details in this form. The company’s team of underwriters will cross check your details with your current insurer within 7 days from submission.

2. This information goes to IRDAI where your existing insurer will also give the details about your coverage and claims in a prescribed format.

3. With these details, the underwriting team at Magma HDI will have access to the history of your plan. They will make a proposal according to the company’s underwriting norms.

4. The team at Magma HDI will then send across the proposal to your existing insurer within 15 days. The last step is the acceptance of the proposal by your existing insurer.

So, this is how you can easily port your health insurance policy to Magma HDI. Check out their website for more information on their OneHealth policy.