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When do you need to see a chiropractor

Taking care of one’s body is often neglected. We overlook the hints, wait for the symptoms to worsen, and only take action when the situation gets out of control. Being negligent of one’s health can have various long-term complications and cause the condition to become untreatable.

A routine lifestyle, ample exercise, and regular health checkups are mandatory to ensure good health. One thing to remember is that your body gives you constant signs about its health in the form of frequent pains, dizziness, lethargy, etc.

Understanding the severity and taking immediate action can help you ensure better health. As mentioned above, pain is an indicator of various problems in your body, and while most of them can be soothed by home remedies, it is best to pursue professional help if the pain persists.

Today we will look at a few indicators that signal your next chiropractor visit.

1. Headaches:
The tension in the neck muscles and inflammation of the joints can cause severely painful headaches. A chiropractor can reduce the tension by manipulating your spine and significantly reducing headaches.

2. Joint pain:
If you are someone who suffers from constant pains in the joints and muscles, it is not advisable to take over-the-counter medications. Severe joint pains can arise due to problems in musculoskeletal alignment. A chiropractor’s work ensures optimal body functioning and relieves joints and muscles from unnecessary pain and discomfort.

3. Backache:
Many people experience severe back pain due to various factors such as poor ergonomics, working habits, body postures, and continuously sitting at a desk. A chiropractor can help you fix these problems without using medicines or expensive surgeries.

4. Limited movement:
Reduced flexibility leading to restricting movement requires a visit to a chiropractor. Realigning the bones and joints and relieving knots and tension areas can increase the body’s range to work at optimal potential.

5. Shooting pains:
Having sharp and shooting sensations, feeling tingles and weakness can signify pinched nerves or slip discs. A chiropractor is trained to diagnose the exact cause of this pain and perform a spinal adjustment to remove any unwanted pressure on the nerve to reduce the pain.

6. Lifestyle:
People who are often subjected to excessive strain and pressure in sports and gymming can be at greater risk of injuries. Prolonged activities can lead to pinched nerves, slip discs etc. Consult your chiropractor regularly to ensure correct postural alignment and fix other issues related to the same.

7. Injury:
Any recent injury can cause pain, numbness, tingling, and misalignment. You should visit the chiropractor only after your wounds and other injuries have healed.

Consider the above comprehensive list of all things if you are thinking of visiting your chiropractor. Remember that you should not wait for the pain to worsen and affect your daily activities. If it persists, see your chiropractor immediately. If you are a desk worker or someone who indulges in rigorous physical activity such as dancing, sports etc., fixing an appointment with a chiropractor will ensure good postural alignment and reduced tension in your muscles.

Older people are susceptible to joint and muscular pains, so regular checkups and visits to the chiropractor can help. Consider investing in health insurance options for your parents. Doing some research online can help you find the best health insurance in India for your parents. So, you can rest assured about yourself and your parents’ health.

Click HERE to know more about the best health insurance in India for parents.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How menstrual cups can transform menstrual hygiene routine

Menstrual hygiene has been a hot topic amongst people for the last few years. Earlier it was behind closed doors, but today it’s out in the open. Women have come a long way from using leaves to clothes to pads to tampons. With the times changing constantly, people have discovered newer, cheaper and more environment-friendly alternatives. The latest in the market is a menstrual cup.

What is a menstrual cup?

A menstrual cup is an instrument woman can use during her menstrual cycles to avoid leakage and staining. After insertion, this device collects the menstrual fluid inside the vagina. Menstrual cups are typically made of flexible medical-grade silicone or latex.

Why is it a competent alternative to pads and tampons?

● Sanitary pads are made out of plastics that can cause irritation, pad rashes and chaffing. Sometimes, additional chemicals and fragrances are added to these pads, which can cause allergic reactions in women.

● If the pads are worn for long hours, it can cause bacterial infections. Changing the pad every three to four hours can be a cumbersome task for a woman who is always on the go. Limited access to public toilets makes the process all the more challenging.

● Pads tend to dislocate easily from their position, so undertaking active sports or other activities can be challenging as there is always a chance of leakage and staining.

● Tampons are invasive menstrual hygiene devices made out of cotton. This means that the tampons can sometimes leave fibres or other materials inside the body leading to health complications.

● With tampons, there is a great risk of toxic shock syndrome, which can sometimes be fatal.

● Depending on the brand, a tampon or pad can cost between 10 to 15 rupees. A woman spends about four hundred rupees a month on menstrual hygiene. This accounts for around five thousand rupees a year, which is costly.

A menstrual cup is a solution to all the problems mentioned above. The menstrual cup is a reusable device that can last up to 10 years and cost anywhere between two hundred and six hundred rupees. Since it is made of medical-grade material, there is no apprehension regarding its insertion into the human body. A menstrual cup can be worn for about 12 hours and can be reused after a single wash for the same cycle. Since it is made out of silicone, it can absorb any bacteria and not cause an imbalance in the ph balance.

How is it helping the environment?

A significant part of the sanitary napkin is made of plastics that can take up to eight hundred years to decompose. And even after that, they break into microplastics which pollute soil, water and air. Many women burn the menstrual pads after use, releasing highly toxic fumes into the environment. In India, about one lakh tonnes of menstrual waste is produced yearly. Switching the menstrual cups can bring about a considerable change for the environment.

Bringing this change can bring about a significant difference to your menstrual hygiene routine. It is cost-effective, environment friendly and most importantly, the most fuss-free tool. Starting with a menstrual cup can be a little tricky and intimidating, but there are several instructional videos on the internet to make this process easier for you.

Menstrual hygiene should never be compromised and should be taken seriously. Regular visits to your gynaecologist can help you better understand your body and its needs. Before taking a trip to your doctor, do not forget to renew your health insurance. Updating your insurance has become as easy as just a few clicks. You can renew health insurance online and save time and even get additional benefits.

Click HERE to renew health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Your guide to choosing a perfect vehicle according to the family's needs

Purchasing a four-wheeler is a huge deal for most of the families in India even today. Determining the budget, brand, model, etc., takes a lot of research. It requires a lot of time to finalise a vehicle that suits your needs. Arranging the funds and loans can also be a tedious process.

But how do you decide on so many options? This blog is your guide to choosing a perfect vehicle according to your family’s needs.

1. Figure out your needs:
It is always good to start with setting your priorities. Discuss the type of car you need with your family. Do you need a statement car for occasional drives or long-distance travel? Jot down the factors in order.

2. Think about other factors that come with owning a car:
Purchasing a car is just the first step towards owning a vehicle. You need to consider the costs of servicing, repairing, maintenance, car insurance, renewal, loans, etc., before buying a four-wheeler.

3. Fix your budget:
Figuring out your budget probably takes precedence over any other factor while purchasing a vehicle. Your budget comprises all the charges apart from the cost of the car. This includes service charges, maintenance costs, insurance, etc. You also need to understand the various types of applicable taxes, for example, road tax. Determine the overall cost before going ahead with your final choice.

4. Determine the features:
All cars have different models and versions that come with various features. But, understand that with these features, the prices also increase. You need to check the ideal features of the car for you and your family.

5. Fuel efficiency:
With the rising petrol and diesel prices, purchasing a car and maintaining it has become a costly business. And the soaring fuel prices influence purchasing decisions. So, a fuel-efficient vehicle would definitely do justice to your needs.

6. Space is important:
You would want your car to be spacious. A bigger vehicle allows you to ride comfortably during long-distance travel or holiday trips. It also gives you the freedom to carry your belongings without congestion. Make a purchase depending on your family’s convenience and requirements.

7. Safety has to be a priority:
Along with the cost of the vehicle, safety should also be your top priority. The car you purchase must have advanced safety features to protect the driver and the passengers during accidents. Ensure to discuss and understand the safety features with the car dealer before finalising your option.

Other factors to consider while choosing your four-wheeler are the way you drive, the requirement of parking space, whether you would want to lease or buy, automatic or manual, cruise control, resale value, comfort during the test drive, etc. Ensure that you are satisfied with the performance before making the payment.

The above tips help you to choose the perfect vehicle for your family. It is essential to get your car insured to protect it against any damages caused by unprecedented circumstances. Explore your options and purchase the best car insurance in India that will cater to your needs in the best way possible.

Click HERE to know more about the best car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


List of key console organisers for ensuring the cleanliness of your car

Ever been embarrassed to bring someone to your car? A sock here, a pen there, it's infuriating not to have enough space to organise things in your vehicle the way you want them. Often, people turn to dump stuff on the seats, which looks highly unattractive. The revolutionary solution is to install console organisers.

This blog gives you a few different ideas so you can choose how to enhance the neatness of your car.

1. Full centre console:

The full centre console is a complete replacement of the console given with the car. It replaces your factory console, either due to damages to it or to have more storage in your vehicle.

2. Drop-in centre console:

Instead of replacing the entire console, this drop-in console lets you drop things into your existing console. It generally requires minimum installation. One unique advantage this console provides is that you can pull it and take your items with you on the go.

3. Double storage centre console:

If you have too many bulky items to store, a double storage centre console might be the way to go. This provides you with an upper storage compartment and a secondary dashboard.

4. Contractor centre console organiser:

Excellent addition for a rejuvenating road trip, this console is made for people who spend significant portions of their lives on the road. These organisers have all the essential compartments you need for a busy workday as a contractor and are most compatible with trucks. These provide two cup holders and offer an armrest that can multitask as a clipboard-holder.

Some great additions that you can install in your car.

Back seat organiser:

When you have kids travelling in the car, the back seat pockets more or less function as dumpsters. Back seat organisers help keep things tidy and you sane during long drives with kids. With pockets for juices, notebooks, pens, water bottles, games, and so much more, they are an essential need for every car.

Hand sanitiser pump for cup holders:

With COVID 19 and other diseases looming over us like a dark cloud, hand sanitisers have become necessary. Instead of forgetting a hand sanitiser and being frustrated over it daily, try this gadget which fits snugly into the car's cup holder and helps protect you from germs.

Car vacuum:

Keeping your car immaculately clean can significantly improve your driving mood and serve as a badge of honour when someone else enters your car. Bring an easily portable car vacuum with strong suction power to keep your car uncluttered.

First aid kit:

If travelling with children, the elderly, or alone, keeping a first aid kit is always a good idea. Keep an emergency kit stocked with essential medicines for common problems, band-aids, ORS, and pills for motion sickness. Also, have a box of wet tissues in case someone vomits.

Silicone baking cups:

Put these adorable cups in your cup holders to catch all future crumbs, it just needs to be removed and rinsed, and you'll never have to worry about cleaning the cup holder.

Choosing the right console organiser can be a daunting task for a new car owner, but there are a few key points to remember. First, check if your desired console organiser fits the make and model of your car. Also, know what function the organiser will have in your car. If you need something with a lot of storage space, go for the dual-level console, but if you want many compartments to hold your things, get a drop-in console.

These organisers may seem all fun and games until you understand their actual functionality. A clean and organised interior helps you maintain a decluttered mind, leading to better driving and fewer accidents. While talking about convenience, it is also paramount to consider safety. Search for car insurance online in India to ensure your vehicle is safeguarded against any mishaps. Happy driving!

Click HERE to know more about car insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.