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What are the terms not included in your car manufacturer's warranty

When you plan to purchase a car, you spend a lot of time on market research since it's quite a heavy investment involving various factors to consider. Then you look into the car insurance price in India before finalising your decision. Once you figure out all these details, you go ahead and buy the car which suits you the best.

But that's not it. What if there are some faulty parts? Or what if you face some issues with the car, which puts the vehicle at risk and endangers your family's safety? You cannot take that chance. You need to check in with the car manufacturer's warranty. The worst of it is to be unaware of the terms not included in the warranty provided by your car manufacturer.

This article is your guide to understanding your car manufacturer's warranty.

Let's discuss the terms and conditions:

1. Components that require scheduled servicing-oil, fluids, etc. are not covered under warranty by the manufacturer.

2. Accidental damages are covered under car insurance rather than the warranty.

3. Repair and car parts in the lower region are not included in your manufacturer's warranty.

4. Parts that are prone to "wear and tear" like the brake pads, clutch plate, bulb, belts, bearings related to AC, clutch bearing, hub bearing, gasket, etc., do not come under the warranty.

5. Repairing related to fuse, wiper blade, AC gas change, rubber components, cracks in the windshield glass, etc., cannot be claimed under warranty (unless there are manufacturing defects).

6. Paint issues, rusting, corrosion are not included in the warranty unless specifically mentioned.

7. Tyre, battery, music system, parking sensors do not come under the terms of warranty from the manufacturer.

8. Need of repair due to consequential damages like –

• Driving with an engine oil leakage causing a coolant leakage, leading to radiator damages.

• Jump-starting your car with a drained battery

• Engine seizure caused by driving the vehicle in deep water.

• None of these are covered under the manufacturer's warranty.

Car warranties can turn ineffective under the following circumstances:

1. Discrepancies in the recommended servicing schedule.

2. The vehicle is taken to unauthorised workshops or service centres instead of authorised ones.

3. Repairing your car using unauthorised/counterfeit car parts or accessories that can impact the wiring.

4. Damages in Electronic Control Unit (ECU) due to incorrect fitting/usage of unauthorised accessories or spare parts.

5. Attempt to install accessories by modifying the electrical wiring system or using supplements with substandard wiring.

6. Installation of cylinders (CNG) without checking the manufacturer's warranty conditions about the coverage and compensation in such cases.

Now that you're aware of the terms that are not included in your car manufacturer's warranty, you can refer them before making any critical decisions. However, while we're at it, it is necessary to purchase car insurance that caters to your needs for the additional safety of your vehicle and your family.

For that, you need to browse through several car insurances in India and verify their suitability. This small effort can safeguard you from unprecedented circumstances and monetary loss in the long run.

Click HERE to browse through the best deals on car insurance for your new car.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Vaccinated? Why do you still need to build your immunity

The vaccination drive is in full swing in India, and the government is trying to vaccinate the entire country before the year-end. But, once vaccinated, do you still need to focus on building your immunity? Absolutely yes! Medical authorities, wellbeing experts, and health insurance companies encourage people to continue wearing masks, maintaining physical distance and sanitizing hands. In addition to it, you should also focus on nutrition and a healthy diet to continue building immunity. And here are a few reasons why you still need to build your immunity even after getting both vaccine doses.

1. New virus variant:
In December 2020, the media reported the first variant of covid-19. Since then, many new variants have been identified in regular researches done by scientists. So the question arises, will the COVID-19 vaccine be effective on the new variants? Laboratory studies suggest that current vaccines may help reduce the severity but might not provide complete immunity against these new variants. Meaning you have a chance of contracting any of the virus variants. The best way to prevent this is to keep following the coronavirus safety precautions and focus on developing your immune system.

2. Not 100% effective:
So, will the country be safe and covid free once everyone is vaccinated? Few vaccines have a high rate of success in preventing the illness or reducing the severity of it. It is a fact that vaccines cannot be hundred percent effective against the virus on an entire population. The clinical trials of various vaccines show 90-95% efficacy, indicating that the vaccine reduces your chance of contracting COVID-19. There have been instances of people getting detected with the COVID-19 virus after getting both doses. Therefore, vaccinated people still need to follow safety protocols. The vaccine prevents the severity of disease, reducing the possibility of being hospitalized. Having high immunity further improves your chances to fight against the COVID-19 virus.

3. Other diseases:
Your immunity helps to fight any harmful substances, germs and viruses entering the body. So your immune system allows the body to fight microbes and acts as the first wall of defence in your body, not just when the coronavirus is concerned. Therefore, to not contract any disease, you must take measures to boost your immune system.

4. Protecting the community:
The only way to end the COVID-19 pandemic is to reach the state of herd immunity. Herd immunity is a situation where a massive section of a population gets immunity against a disease. As a result, the whole community is under protection from the disease, not just the few who are immune. Even if you are vaccinated and might be safe from a severe illness due to coronavirus, the people around you aren't, so you are responsible for keeping them safe too.

While it is inevitable that vaccines protect you against the severity of COVID-19, you must still build your immunity, follow COVID-19 protocols, and have good health insurance to be financially and physically prepared for any medical conditions or diseases coming your way.

Are you concerned about the medical bills during a pandemic? Click HERE to know about the health insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What are wheel alignment, balancing and rotation

After putting in months of research, reviews, and careful consideration, you finally zero down on one car. You go on long drives, cut the time of waiting for public transport, and get that car insurance. Let’s now talk about the essential care your car deserves after all the miles it has covered for you.

In this space, we will discuss tyres and the three crucial parts of tyre care - wheel alignment, balancing, and rotation. Taking care of these essential aspects of your car will ensure that you don’t have the unnecessary expense of changing your tyres frequently. But, most importantly, it reduces the risks of driving in unfavourable conditions.

1. Wheel Alignment:
After driving a significant distance, your car needs to go through wheel alignment. It essentially means that your vehicle’s suspension is adjusted so that the tyre makes an optimised contact with the road to avoid frequent wear and tear.
Things that might lead to the misalignment of the tyres are –

• A sudden impact on the vehicle

• Collisions

• Sudden change in steering alignment while driving

If you find it challenging to manoeuvre the steering or notice tears on tyres, it could be due to misaligned wheels. This would be a good reason to go to a service centre for your wheel alignment corrected. Before starting any repair work, buy car insurance online for better features and advantages.

2. Balancing:
Wheel balancing is done to equalise the weight of the tyre and wheel for a smoother rotation at high speeds. However, wheels and tyres vary in their weights resulting in a slight imbalance which leads to the car undergoing extreme vibration and wobbly movements. Tyre balancing along with tyre alignment is done to counter this.
Over a significant period, the imbalance of the wheels is inevitable, so we suggest that you contemplate rebalancing after having driven a considerable distance ranging between 6000km to 8000 km., which a computerised balancer can achieve. First, the wheels are tested for their weights, and the computer inspects any faults. The weight balance is then performed by adding weights on the rim where the computer suggests.

3. Rotation:

The wear and tear of your tyres are never identical. The front tyres are susceptible to more damage considering they undergo more pressure from steering, braking, and most of the weight is towards the car’s front. So for a uniform beating, interchange the front, rear, and spare wheels. To ensure that your tires have a longer run time, you must consider wheel rotation.

So there you have the three essential services that you need to provide to your car after having enjoyed some thousand miles. These services must be performed periodically to ensure the longevity of your vehicle. While looking for car services near you, do consider to buy car insurance online. Many owners tend to neglect the benefits of having comprehensive car insurance for their valuable possession, but this coverage can add value to your car.

Click HERE to get the best deals on car insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why you must consider getting a trainer before joining the gym

Aiming for a more intense physical fitness level is achievable, but consider hiring a personal trainer beforehand. Irrespective of your fitness level, training with an expert can most effectively help you achieve your health and fitness objectives. Whether you're new to fitness training or the gym is your second home, workout under a professional trainer will set the fitness tone for you.

Also, it is necessary to exercise caution at the gym to avoid injuries and mishaps that can impact your regular life. Since you cannot predict injuries while training, secure your life under the umbrella of a personal accidental insurance online coverage. This could assist you in covering the costs of medical treatment if you were injured while working out at a gym.

The following are the five primary reasons for working with a personal trainer.

1. You have no idea where to begin:
Exercise can be challenging if you are new to it. When faced with the responsibility of creating a comprehensive fitness schedule, it's easy to get carried away. You then have to consider multiple factors, such as which activities to include in your workout regime. However, trainers are well-versed in the various aspects of a complete program, including cardio, strength exercises, and flexibility training, among others.

2. Variety in regular exercise is encouraged:
While training, you can't continually gravitate to almost the same machines at the gym or repeat the same exercise routines at home. A personal trainer can expose you to activities you may have never done before or that you'd never have undertaken on your own. Also, reducing your chances of becoming bored or striking a border in your fitness journey. A trainer gives an unbiased perspective. They assist you in modifying your schedule to make it more engaging, proactive, or even just more fun to complete.

3. Understand how to work out on your own:
You can learn exercises correctly by working with a trainer, even if your ultimate objective is to design your regimens and training on your own. For those who are new to weight lifting and require additional practice, trainers can provide necessary guidance. The proper form for each exercise is essential for getting the most out of your training and avoiding injuries. In addition, while shifting from a personal trainer to working on your own, consider purchasing personal accident insurance online for additional safety.

4. Tips for a healthy diet:
Personal trainers can provide essential dietary guidance, which many customers may find highly beneficial as they navigate their health and fitness endeavours. Whether you want to lose weight, increase muscle, or do both, your diet is critical to reaching your goals. You can improve your gym performance by learning how much protein to eat, including more fruits and vegetables and whole grains, and even how much water to drink each day. As a result, consult with your trainer for recommendations as you plan your diet.

5. Diagnosed with an ailment, injury, or condition of some kind:
Trainers work with a diverse range of individuals. Some trainers specialise in working with clients having specific needs. For example, to avoid any further harm, a trainer may assist you in designing a workout program that concentrates on the areas of your body you need to work on without putting yourself at risk for new or recurrent injuries.

A private trainer can help you develop the necessary abilities and encouragement to achieve your fitness objectives. In the long run, working with professionals may prove to be well worth your time and money. In addition to it, you should also consider personal accidental insurance online so that you can concentrate on your workout without being worried about injuries and healthcare expenses.

Click HERE to browse the merits of purchasing personal accident insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.