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Do helmets really save lives? Here's proof

Section 129 of the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988 makes it mandatory for two-wheeler riders to wear safety helmets. According to the law, the helmet must also have a thickness of 20-25 mm and be made of high-quality foam. It should also be ISI-certified and adhere to the Bureau of Indian Standards.

Now the question you ask: Do helmets save lives?
According to recent research published by the United Nations, at least four out of every ten motorcyclists killed in road accidents might be spared if they wore proper helmets. The UN Motorcycle Helmet Study further points out that two-wheelers are one of the most dangerous modes of transportation, stating, "Motorcyclists are 28 times more likely to die in a traffic collision than drivers of passenger vehicles. Wearing a proper helmet increases motorcyclists' chances of survival by 42 percent and prevents almost 70 percent of injuries."

In India itself, effective helmet use can save at least 15,000 motorcyclists in India each year. The traffic discipline on Indian roads is annoying to most good commuters. Even though you follow all the rules, lack of lane discipline, over speeding and jumping the red signal light by the defaulters around you cause a higher risk of accidents. So while you are cautious on the road, getting an extra layer of bike insurance protection is always recommended. If you haven't bought one, purchase bike insurance online for your vehicle to remain extra safe on uncertain roads.

Why don't riders wear helmets?
Despite these facts, people neglect to wear a helmet citing the many excuses such as; heaviness of it, narrowing view, neck pain, or hair loss because of it. But they should understand that the advantages surpass the disadvantages in these cases. Some individuals avoid wearing helmets in their community by lanes, but they fail to realize that accidents do not always happen at high speeds. People have died from severe head injuries after falling off a two-wheeler at low speed. Furthermore, several incidents have occurred when bikers met with accidents due to potholes on the roads. Also remember, not everyone travels at 20-25 kph.

Quick tips before you buy a helmet?
By now, you've probably recognized that wearing a helmet is an essential part of your safety routine. So here are recommendations to help you to get the appropriate helmet:

• When purchasing a helmet, look for one that has the ISI mark on it.

• The ISI marking on a famous helmet brand assures that it can withstand the forces generated by accident and protect your head from damage.

• Only buy helmets from well-known manufacturers.

• The helmet's fit is essential, so get a helmet that fits your head tightly

• Ensure the protective padding within the helmet, which absorbs the power of an impact.

With a good helmet, a good bike insurance plan is what you also need to have. You can go for bike insurance online and select the best one with an attractive premium and features. You always look fabulous on the bike, but safety comes first. So, be cool, wear your helmet!

To view the best bike insurance online, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few reasons why two-wheelers are a preferred alternative to public transport

Commuting during the peak office hours in India requires around 149% more time than usual, which means you can expect to be stuck in traffic for hours. But the modern-day lifestyle does not allow us to be slow-paced, and thus, people require quick solutions to their needs. Two-wheelers can provide an easy solution to this daily hassle.

Two-wheelers are among the best and most affordable forms of a daily commute. Moreover, ever since the Covid outbreak, travellers have been increasingly switching from public transport for their safety. However, prevention from a disease is not the only reason people prefer two-wheelers.

Reasons why two-wheelers are a preferred alternative to public transportation.

1. Safety:
Commuting by public transport amidst the infection spike is risky and a big no considering the lack of hygiene. While the lockdown may have been relaxed, the pandemic continues to exist. Travelling in overcrowded conditions with strangers is unsafe. In comparison, two-wheelers let you travel independently and with reduced risk of infection by avoiding the crowd.

2. Cheaper:
Purchasing a private motorbike for yourself is a one-time investment. If you buy a second-hand vehicle, the prices are even lower. In addition, the maintenance cost of a two-wheeler is way less than a car and is, thus, an economical choice for all types of families.

3. Convenience:
Public transportation lacks convenience. On busy days, you can rarely find seats on a bus due to it being overcrowded. In addition, they are undependable, cancel anytime, operate slowly, and are uncoordinated. On the other hand, using your private two-wheeler provides the utmost comfort during the journey, prevents waiting in lines, and is a more flexible option to move at your own pace.

4. Saves time:
Travelling in public transportation such as buses or trains requires a lot of patience. First, you need to make your journey from your house to the bus or train station, wait for it, make the commute itself, and then again travel from the station to your destination. You need to make several journeys and hustle before finally reaching your destination. A two-wheeler can significantly save time by cutting down door-to-door commuting time.

5. Enjoyable:
When you spend half of your day commuting, you might get bored and tired of it. Even if it is a small distance between your house and workplace, journeys on two-wheelers would not feel dull. If you enjoy motorcycle rides, you would be doing something you love rather than sitting with strangers on buses.
Public transportation may be eco-friendly and cost-effective in some cases, but let us not ignore the various cons that come with it. Moreover, given the current circumstances, a private commute is the best way to stay safe!

If you consider buying a motorcycle or scooter as your alternative to public transport, make sure you do not miss out on a two wheeler insurance in India plan. Carrying two wheeler insurance in India will protect your vehicle from damages caused by third parties and be a financial saviour during unforeseen accidents.

Click HERE to buy the best two-wheeler insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few home remedies to treat sore throat

While most of the country is still experiencing the summers, some parts are transitioning into the beginning of the early monsoon. This is when common ailments like fever, runny nose, sore throat, etc., take up pace. These illnesses last for only a brief period and can be controlled with over-the-counter medicines.

Monsoon brings along the shortcomings of several viral infections that lead to different health complexities. One such complexity is a sore throat. Having a sore throat can be irritating and a complete disgust at times. Everyday activities such as eating, drinking, or swallowing can be painful, and we end up looking for ways to heal our throat as soon as possible. The misery and the suffering will test your patience and tolerance level. It is important to find the remedies before the sore throat takes a toll on your peace.

In this article, we will look at a few ways in which you can soothe your throat and aid in the faster healing process right at home.

1. Gargle with saltwater:

This age-old technique of using salt water to gargle is the most common and efficient way of soothing sore throat. Salt and water help in pulling out the bacteria and viruses. Use one teaspoon of salt and add it to lukewarm water. Use this concoction to gargle at least two times a day to recover from the soreness.

2. Take turmeric milk:

Another recipe from grandma's kitchen! Turmeric as an ingredient is widely popular in the Indian kitchen. It has surprising healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric powder into a glass of milk and stir well.

3. Honey – a sweet retreat:

Honey has various healing and therapeutic abilities. This makes it perfect for treating soreness. Honey acts as a superficial seal between the cracked throat tissues and prevents further accumulation of bacteria.
You can either consume honey directly or mix it with hot water or other herbal teas for best results.

4. Steaming – a warm therapy:

The tissues lining the inner wall of the throat produce mucus. However, they become dry and itchy when they are swollen or sore. Steaming can help retain the moisture levels by loosening the mucus layer in your throat.
Remember not to use steaming too often as it can cause difficulty in breathing, cause distress to the eyes and even cause coughing spells. Fill a vessel with boiling water and keep the container on a flat surface. Hold your mouth over the vessel and use a cloth over your head to prevent steam from escaping. You may even use a vapouriser machine to take the steam, but the traditional way has its own magic.

5. Give your voice good rest:

Giving your throat some rest is the best way to heal sore throats. Talking can put pressure on your vocal cords, further worsening the pain. Try sticking to lower volumes when talking till the soreness subsides. Sometimes, due to congestion, people tend to clear their throats. This heavily irritates the vocal cords and can strain the throat. Use gargling instead to clear out all the congestion.

If all the remedies mentioned above do not work for you and the pain prolongs, you must visit the doctor. Doctors can help you with the proper diagnosis and the necessary treatment. Sometimes, prescription drugs are the only way to fix prolonged soreness and irritation of the throat.

Look out for recurrent throat problems, difficulty breathing, earache, lumps in the throat, etc. These can be symptoms of severe health conditions and should not be taken lightly. Compromising your health can have severe long-term implications, and one must do everything to ensure the best health. One way to do that is by opting for the best health insurance policy in India. Health insurance adds value to your life and acts as a safety net for all your medical checks and treatment expenses. When you invest in your health, you indirectly invest in your life. Go ahead and choose what's best for you and your loved ones.

Click HERE to know more about the best health insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Nine features that make supercars special

Supercars are known for their elegance. One can spot them from a mile away. Car enthusiasts are always on their toes about supercars' speed, unique design, and handling. A whole new level of exclusivity has been defined based on the characteristics of these mighty beasts. The distinctive sound they create, their high performance, and the luxury they project are factors that leave people desiring to buy one. These top-range cars leave others in the dust.

Let's discuss some features that make them superior!

1. Powerful bulls:
Potential buyers do not just look for powerful engines but also the power-to-weight ratio. A heavier car's engine spends a lot of its power pushing the vehicle's weight. The power generated by the humongous engines of supercars is exceptional. The thrust and torque brought into action shoot the driver's adrenaline to the extremity each time the engine is revved up.

2. Accelerate:
We all speak in numbers whenever we talk about the top speed of supercars. But that's just half of the equation. Of course, we do demand excessive-high speeds but faster acceleration to reach that mark is what doubles the thrill. The ability to reach 0-100 km/hr in a few seconds is a marquee feature that makes these cars stand out from the others.

3. Limited edition:
Limited releases maintain the exclusivity and uniqueness of these supercars. In addition, they are marketed as "far-fetched and elite," adding to their "limited" release marketing. This ensures the hype of these machines stays intact throughout.

4. Expensive models:
Considered "a class apart," supercars are supposed to be hard to afford. However, the premium design and features of these cars explain their steep price. The cost may seem high, but it is wholly justified. Supercars satisfy all the exclusive touchpoints of modern mobility, from safety to performance and from design to execution. So, indeed they add value to money and are worth the investment.

5. Handling is important:
A powerful engine or a high-top speed won't accomplish much if the handling isn't perfect. The aerodynamics and structural design are conceptualized with perfection to enable drivers to have complete control over the car even at high speeds.

6. Speed:
Insane speed is what an average person would describe when asked about supercars. The speed, amongst other, features draws the most attention to these cars.

7. Size of the engine:
The soul of a car is its engine. The engines of supercars are designed to be robust and efficient enough to muscle a beast that promises to attain 200 mph speed within a few seconds.

8. Build quality:
A powerful engine and insanely high speeds require an elegant and superior build quality for these cars to last long and perform to the best of their abilities.

9. Appearance:
You see a supercar, and you fall for its look. Their robust and gorgeous designs are among the most swoon-worthy factors about them.

Now that we've discussed the features of these supercars, which will indeed lure you into getting one for yourself. Supercars usually have high invoice value, and an owner of a supercar cannot take the chances with substandard car service or insurance premium rates. An exclusive car insurance online policy will provide additional security against theft, third-party damage, complete loss, and passenger damages. Car insurance online is an easy way to ensure the safety of your beast and enjoy the privileges that come with it. So, protect your priced car with car insurance online before you press the ignition button and vroom!

Click HERE to know more about car insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.