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Eight effective interior designing tips that are not openly shared

One common myth is that people believe the best interior designs require spending countless money. Fortunately, this is far from reality. Whether you live in a tiny room or a big bungalow, decorating your own home is all about exhibiting your aesthetic.

Everyone dreams of a beautifully adorned home. However, the proper budget plays a vital role in designing. Also, before conducting any repair or renovation work, ensure that you invest in a good house insurance India plan to cover all finances at the time of need.

So, let's dive into the hidden secrets that'll help you with all decorating needs.

1. Get rid of excess clutter:
Clutter has never been attractive and doesn't do any good to your home. Before making a design plan, you need to prioritize getting rid of all the unwanted items. Emphasise decluttering to get things flowing easily when beginning with an interior revamp. To make this task less daunting, you can take help from cleaners, friends, and family and make the job hassle-free.

2. Blend older items with modern furniture:
Every modern home should have antique or vintage items as it adds a well-collected and curated look. Bringing older pieces in furnished rooms with newer items instantly adds soul and depth.

3. Wallpaper older appliances:
If you have old appliances and want to change things, use peel and stick wallpaper to give them a fresh and new look. Wallpapers provide a contemporary look to your house's walls and surrounding areas.

4. Bring on aesthetic lights:
Investing in good-quality lighting will surely add a gorgeous touch to the room. It is recommended to switch existing bulbs with full-spectrum lights, as colour renders much better. This will prevent the room from having insufficient lighting and appearing cramped.

5. Choosing your style and colour palette:
Look through different interior design styles and choose what matches your personality. Then select the colour palette you'll like and not get bored of. Colour creates a rich visual experience and a pleasant atmosphere. They make things look more attractive and play a vital role in elevating your mood.

6. Use home accessories:
Small accessories can completely change the look and feel of your home at little to no cost. Artworks, candles, cushions, the list is long. All of these items give a modernized feel to the existing furniture. In addition, shelving organizes your study materials, business files, and books, making them look organised and clutter-free.

7. Keep open spaces:
Always preserve doorways and walking spaces. To make the space more breathable, keeping doorway or closet areas visually accessible is essential. If you cover them with furniture, your room will automatically start to feel off and dull.

8. Hide worn-out flooring with carpets:
If you don't have the budget to replace or refinish a worn-out flooring, one of the easiest ways is to cover it up. A large-scale rug or carpet tiles can bring your floor up to your design aesthetics. It also gives a comfortable place to sit, play or work. Also, carpets minimize noise by absorbing it.

Interior design isn't just limited to rearranging furniture and slapping paints. It is an art. You can turn any dull room into a masterpiece with little creativity and imagination. It is a form of expressing emotions and creativity.

Besides designing your home, as mentioned earlier, you should also invest your time and money in assuring its safety for the long run. So purchase an ideal house insurance India plan to safeguard your house and belongings from damages and loss owing to theft, fire, or flood.

Click HERE to know more about the home insurance plans suitable to your requirements.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Last-minute hacks and tips to make your home look guest-ready

We've all been at a point where we've faced the situation of sudden guests’ arrival. And a messy home isn't impressionable. It's a lot of hassle, especially when you have people coming over. Throwing away those crumbled pieces of paper, wrappers, crumbs, pizza boxes, bottles, etc. On a calm day, this can be pretty therapeutic. But when you have last-minute company about to show up at your door in the next 20 minutes, you must be on a mission.

So, how do you clean it all up and make your space ready to host people? Don't worry. This article is precisely what you need -some last-minute hacks to make your home ready for your guests. Let's discuss some tips to make your home ready to welcome your guests.

1. Go to your room:
Make your bed. Fold the sheets or your comforter, arrange your pillows, put your makeup back in the drawer and tidy up your nightstand. Declutter the scattered items and put them in their respective containers so that you can find them easily later. Fold your clothes and arrange them back in your closet. Dust off all the eye-level surfaces. Once you finish dusting, clean them with a disinfectant or a cleaner liquid.

2. Scoot to the kitchen now:
Do you see all those utensils in the sink? Wash them or put them in the dishwasher to save time. Post washing, arrange them in their suitable racks or drawers. Wipe the slab and get your serving containers ready. Arrange them properly to avoid any mess in a hurry.

3. Clean your bathroom or restroom:
Replace the used towels with some fresh ones. All the dirty clothes must go in the laundry bag. Clean the mirror. Spraying some fragrant freshener will do the magic to get off the odour. If you have overnight guests, you can keep new toothbrushes, soaps, and shampoo sachets for their ease and convenience.

4. Dining hall:
Put away all your groceries in their respective containers and cupboards. Wipe the table clean and arrange the chairs correctly. Place the meal settings- the plates, tissues, napkins, and the cutlery- to avoid the chaos of the last moment.

5. To the living room:
Tidy up your entrance. Replace the dried flowers in the vases with fresh ones. Clean up the sofa and place all the cushions. Grab all the wrappers and boxes and make sure to take out the trash. Arrange all the newspapers and remotes scattered around. Place your gadgets away from the party to avoid any spilling or damage.

You can light a candle, put on some music, get some drinks and snacks ready to serve, and there you go. A spick-and-span home that is going to be admired by your guests

While that's a wrap on some last-minute hacks to clean up your house, what about safeguarding it? Life is unpredictable, and we need to be careful about the things we love. Your home is a massive part of your life, and protecting it should be your priority. Exploring your options regarding the best home insurance policy in India is a step towards avoiding unprecedented mishaps and monetary loss and securing your home and the memories attached to it.

Click HERE to know more about best home insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Twenty fitness trends you need to adopt in the year 2022

Various fitness trends have come and gone since the 2000s, but people are still looking for new ways to get fit. With the global pandemic hitting us, people now prefer to work out in their homes because of the government’s orders to close gyms. As a result, online gym classes are also on the rise. Let us look at the upcoming fitness trends in 2022.

1. Weighted hula hoops:
Swinging a weighted hula hoop around your waist can be a great addition to your workout for burning calories and losing fat.

2. All-in-one fitness:
Instead of going to different places for your wellness needs, such as the gym, nutritionist, etc., you can find these professionals working under the same roof at all-in-one online fitness centres.

3. Virtual workout:
With modern technology, you can find various fitness apps with workout plans tailored to your requirements and even videos made by professionals for your reference.

4. Stroller fitness:
Taking your kid to the park can help you stay fit. In addition, pushing a stroller and walking can burn calories. You could even do single-hand chest presses, and lunge walks.

5. Community-driven wellness:
Going to the gym alone may be boring and unmotivating for some people. However, gathering a group of friends or family with the same fitness goals will support your journey and cheer you up on the bad days.

6. Wearable tech:
Fitness pros are now using wearable fitness devices such as smartwatches to track their workouts and stay focused on their goal.

7. Reverse running:
Reverse running is the act of running in the direction that your back is facing. It improves cardiovascular efficiency and endurance by strengthening the foot muscles.

8. Virtual trainers:
Hired virtual trainers can provide one-on-one workout sessions and give you the time and guidance you need.

9. Jogging with your dog:
Dogs make the perfect partners. They are a great company to be with, and you can play catch with them. This can keep you physically active and mentally at peace.

10. Kickboxing:
Make workouts fun by adding boxing and kickboxing to them. They are enjoyable and safe for all age and weight groups.

11. Stretch and recover:
Stretching for 10 minutes every day improves posture, reduces the risk of injury, and decreases muscle soreness.

12. Meditation:
Adding 15 minutes of meditation to your workout plan can improve your focus and control, which are much needed while exercising.

13. Quality over quantity:
Instead of working out for a longer period, choose the right exercises for your goal and put your best efforts into it.

14. Disconnected fitness:
While tech is a great way for virtual workout sessions, sometimes disconnecting is needed for good mental health and general sanity.

15. Cardio-rhythm classes:
Burning calories while dancing to your favourite music can be a relaxing and refreshing way of working out.

16. ZUU:
ZUU workouts refer to movements of animals such as gorillas, frogs, and bears and aim to improve your body’s flexibility.

17. Customized programs:
Everybody has different types of bodies, capabilities, and requirements. Instead of following others, have a fitness program tailored to your needs for maximum gain.

18. Trapeze classes:
Trapeze is aerial yoga involving traditional poses, pilates, and hammock dances.

19. Building a foundation:
It is crucial to building your foundation with exercises such as squats, hinges and lunges for at least a month before beginning a heavy workout. It prevents chances of injury.

20. Workout for wellness, not abs:
Instead of aiming to shed pounds and gain abs, strive for the overall wellness of your mind and body.

Staying fit is crucial, and everyone should incorporate exercise into their lives. Remember that good health is not about the weight you lose but the life you gain. By coupling fitness measures with a good health insurance policy for family, you can safeguard your health and finances altogether.

Click HERE to get more details about the best health insurance policy for family.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know about these seven causes of industrial accidents

Industrial employment frequently constitutes a high degree of danger of workplace accidents. This challenging scenario can be created by heavy machinery, electrical lines, loosely suspended objects, short circuits, all of which can be life-threatening. Moreover, such hazards adversely impact working conditions.

These industrial accidents can be severe and, in many cases, cause long-lasting damage. Fortunately, public liability insurance provides support for protecting workers from these mishaps.

Let’s understand the most common causes of industrial accidents.

1. Improper functioning of machinery:
Industrial machinery is highly complicated and sophisticated in its design and operation. A faulty component can result from something as simple as a loose screw or a frayed wire. A variety of safety features is in place to guard against the possibility of a fire, overheating, or other problems. But the probability of these functions and operations having faults cannot be neglected. This necessitates a high level of ongoing maintenance to eliminate the possibility of any mishaps.

2. Mistakes made by employees:
Employee routines and behaviour influence workplace productivity. The causes contributing to industrial accidents are an improper use of machinery, inability to concentrate, failure to pay attention to detail, and insufficient training. In addition, a lack of knowledge and experience can lead to unexpected accidents.

3. Overworked employees:
Injuries caused by physical exertion (such as lifting) are widespread in the industries. This is bound to occur when workers are not given proper breaks or rest sessions and are not alert when performing tasks.

4. Chaotic workplaces:
Industrial cleanliness is often more prevalent in client-facing firms than in businesses that do not require daily visitors. Housekeeping is widely considered a good sign of a company's commitment to safety and faith in quality. Hence all businesses must maintain a clean and hygienic environment. Lack of proper cleaning in the workplace can lead to an accident.

5. Accidents from stumbling, falling, and slipping:
In some cases, careless personnel might fail to close cabinets or drawers properly while reaching for goods, putting lives in danger. In addition, dangling electrical wires in the workplace can be a severe hazard for employees. Every employee must be aware of any messes, wet flooring, or slippery surfaces they encounter when moving around the workplace.

6. Distractions:
Distractions have a significant influence on a worker's day-to-day safety. Boredom might impair decision-making abilities when a person has been doing the same thing for an extended amount of time.

7. Taking shortcuts:
It can be tempting to cut corners to complete tasks more quickly. Yet, doing so might result in various dangers and complications. Unquestionably, taking shortcuts is a method that compromises employee safety and will raise the likelihood of injury. As rightly quoted, “There’s no substitute for hard work”. So, the workers must follow the processes instead of taking unnecessary shortcuts.

Accidents in the workplace can result in significant injuries that can take a severe toll on the employees' well-being and affect the growth of the industries. Therefore, it is crucial to maintain discipline while working. Proper safety measures and working guidelines must be ensured in the workplace, and the staff must be trained for the same. Next, industries should implement public liability insurance to guarantee that employees are fully covered under the hood of a helpful insurance plan.

Click HERE to know more about public liability insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.