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Is it legal to get your car windows tinted

The demand for passenger cars has continued to grow each year due to economic growth, the production of affordable vehicles, and driving convenience for the public.

However, with the rise in vehicle ownership, an inevitable increase in traffic and stricter rule enforcement have followed. It is essential to follow the rules to protect the passengers and the vehicle. For instance, purchasing a car insurance cover is one of the first things that you must do after buying a car to protect the vehicle from damages and reduce the financial burden on the owner. The car insurance price in India is reasonably set depending on usage, model, and engine cc and covers any contingent damages.

It is also essential to follow the rules laid down by the RTO. Often, car owners get their windows tinted, a practice restricted by the authorities. This blog discusses the issue and the consequences of not following the regulation.

What are window tints, and why are they needed?

If you are unaware of the term, it may be because your car does not come with pre-existing tinted windows. Placing a thin laminated film on the inside or outside of windows is common in automobiles and glass buildings, which results in tinted windows.

The thin barrier prevents harsh sun rays from entering the room or the vehicle, thereby minimising the heating. Since sunlight is known to penetrate glass easily, it not only heats the interior but may also cause damage to the seats or furnishings. Apart from sun protection, it provides the added benefit of privacy by minimising visibility from outside.

To sum up, tinted windows are a beneficial addition to cars since they protect the car's interiors from heating up, reduce the risk of damage due to direct exposure to sunlight and also provide passengers privacy.

Why does the RTO restrict the use of tinted films?

The RTO only allows a percentage of tinting that is permitted on laminated films for use on car windows. By following the limits, car owners can safely and legally protect their cars from the heat.

The significant risk of using tinted films is the reduced visibility to drivers. Driving requires the complete focus of the driver and the proper functioning of all his senses to ensure safety on the roads. Depending on the tint percentage, these films can severely hinder the driver's visibility and lead to accidents.

Are window tints illegal?

According to the judgement passed in 2012, the RTO has approved sun control films on windows that provide a minimum of 70% visual light transmission on the front and rear glasses. The side glasses must have minimum visibility of 50%. Some automobile manufacturers also provide the option of installing RTO-approved car glass films.

Penalty on tinted car windows:

If you install tinted films that are not following the RTO's guidelines, you may be fined INR 100 for your first violation. If found for the second time, the fine increases to INR 300. The subsequent breach is fined INR 300, along with the cancellation of the driver's licence. While tinted windows are not illegal, it is necessary to abide by the rules established by the authority to prevent one from getting into legal trouble.

Car insurance is a crucial investment tool that offers comprehensive coverage to the owner if the car gets damaged in an accident. Purchase one for your car by browsing through different plans online and looking for the best car insurance price in India.

But, not following the RTO-issued guidelines on tinted windows or road safety may cause you to encounter the rejection of your car insurance claim. Stay alert and avoid yourself from landing into any trouble.

Click HERE to check out for the best car insurance price in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What is the possible information required to claim motor insurance

Nearly 138 crores of the Indian population adhering to stringent traffic rules can seem daunting, but the benefits are surely rewarding. It is imperative to understand that these rules are in place to ensure the safety of citizens and exercise their rights freely without causing inconvenience to others.

Even with so many rules and regulations, many people face harrowing accidents and unfortunate defilement while travelling. It can be costly to deal with the expenses involved after an accident. With accurate knowledge and proper planning, one can counter these challenges with the seamless advantages of an insurance policy.

A motor insurance claim is a compensation provided to the insured by a motor insurance company. The compensation is paid for any damage caused to the insured's vehicle. The policyholder must pay a monthly premium to avail of the insurance benefits and get compensation for damage done to the vehicle and even to third-party.

Motor insurance is an efficient safety net to safeguard your asset and prevent your finances from draining behind the repair and maintenance work. It is important to keep your motor insurance updated and look for its renewal date. Never miss out on your motor insurance renewal. You can conveniently do online motor insurance renewal to save time and avoid your policy from lapsing.

Let's look at various types of motor car insurance claims available along with their requirements.

1. Cashless insurance claim:
This settlement process is the most convenient. You don't have to worry about expenses or vent your pockets for the repair work. The motor insurance company will clear all the bills associated with the respective vehicle, thereby giving you cashless benefits.

2. Reimbursement insurance claim:
You have to foot the bills by yourself, and the responsibility of filing for reimbursement is upon you. It can be daunting to keep track of all paperwork of repair, original bills etc. The documents required for claiming insurance should be thoroughly checked and filed accordingly. The claim can remain deficient if the necessary instructions are not followed.

3. Third-party claim:
This claim is enforced to seek coverage to the third-party liabilities. If any third party suffers damage from the insurer, it should be reported to the nearby police station and the motor insurance company. If the roles are reversed, the individual seeking claim must provide the vehicle and owner details needed to claim the insurance.

4. Own damage claim:
This type of claim is filed after the insured's vehicle is damaged in an unfortunate incident. The motor insurance company should be immediately notified where the verification and assessment of the damage will be done before paying the repair cost. The insurer must submit the required documents if a reimbursement claim is needed.

5. Theft claims:
This is raised when a car gets stolen. The initial step is to notify the police, the RTO, and the motor insurance company. Documents required to claim must be maintained and provided along with the car keys.

The following documentation is necessary as deciphered by the insurer:

1. In the case of accidents:

● The claim form with signature

● Copy of motor insurance policy

● Car registration certificate

● Driving licence

● FIR copy

● The bill estimated for damage repair

● Repair bill and payment receipts

● Vehicle inspection address (if no garage is mentioned)

2. In the case of car theft:

● Copy of insurance policy

● RTO theft declaration

● Police FIR copy

● Subrogation letter

● Car registration certificate and book

● Previous insurance policy details

● Any car-related items such as keys, warranties, booklets, etc.

● Forms 28, 29, 30 and 35

● RTO official intimation for theft

● Claim discharge voucher with revenue stamp and signature

3. In the case of the third-party damage:

● Claim form signed and filed

● Police FIR copy

● Driver’s licence

● Registration certificate and related documents

● A vehicle's original registration copy with the stamp

The police and the insurer must be notified about the mishap within 24 hours. The claiming process can become effortless and less complicated if the necessary documents are prepared beforehand. The owner must evaluate the entire situation before claiming anything for their vehicle. Every legal documentation in motor car insurance must be taken care of. Regularly schedule your online motor insurance renewal before the due date so you can avail maximum benefits and safeguard yourself by being a responsible citizen.

Click HERE to get online motor insurance renewal and protect your vehicle.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How do major floods impact the premium of motor insurance

There is no denying the importance of having the most comprehensive and cost-effective motor insurance policy that fits your needs and finances. Though in all of this, let's not forget that the insurance policy's premium can be affected by several things, natural disasters being among the most significant.

Since many readers seem to lack even the most fundamental understanding of how large floods might affect the cost of your car insurance, that's what we'll be discussing today.

When your vehicle is damaged in a major flood:

The first thing you should do after a flood is contacting your motor insurance company. They should make the necessary arrangements to restore your vehicle. Floods affect many people and their vehicles all at once, so you'll want to act quickly. It's important to file your claim immediately; the longer you wait, the more damage you'll likely incur. However, remember that major floods can make insurance companies slow down as the other drivers may be filing similar claims at the same time. This makes the claims process difficult for insurance companies.

If your insurance company provides a claim based on a flood, you may see your premium increase or lose on the NCB (No Claim Bonus) benefits. Most insurance companies won't increase the premium immediately, and also it may take longer for the claim to be cleared.

Methods used to calculate flood-risk zones:

Flood-risk zones are areas prone to frequent floods. These zones are often identified in the form of maps. There are many ways to determine a flood zone, and each type has its own conditions.

Flood insurance premiums are based on the probability that a vehicle will be damaged due to flood. The probability is usually between 0.2% and 1.0%. The risk to a vehicle's value depends on the location within the flood zone and the severity of the flood.

Effects of large flood events on premiums:

In the last decade, weather-related catastrophes have increased in frequency and severity, posing considerable challenges for the insurance industry. And the effects of climate change are expected to accelerate this upward trend, further affecting insurers' bottom lines.

Large flood events can cause motor insurance companies to reduce their payouts by reducing the number of claims they pay. Insurers also limit their payouts by restricting coverage for high-risk events. This, in turn, increases pressure on governments to invest in flood prevention and to provide compensation to those affected.

Floods are events that cause significant damage to vehicles, from expensive repairs to a total loss. They reduce the vehicle's value, and only comprehensive motor insurance can help you deal the best with these losses. If you reside in a flood-prone area, you need to consult your insurance company to see if they can cover the cost of repairing the vehicle. You may even consider buying add-ons like Zero Depreciation cover, Non-Claim Bonus (NCB), Engine protection cover, Roadside Assistance cover, and more to further lower the impact of flood damage and provide broader coverage. If you live in a flood-prone area, then you always need to be on your toes and up-to-date with safe and reliable financial instruments like insurance to make damages appear less daunting.

Click HERE to buy comprehensive motor insurance for your car.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why educating kids about different insurances is important and how can parents do this

Financial education is a topic being discussed like never before. What was previously seen as a taboo is now being openly discussed in live conversations and on various platforms on the internet by an audience of different age groups. As modern-day parenting involves breaking down finances by providing the privilege and freedom money brings, children are not far left behind.

Insurance is a fundamental component of sound financial management, which must be introduced to kids early. You can set an example by discussing different insurances with your child in simple words.

Why should you discuss insurance with kids?
You may wonder why discussing insurance with kids is of significance. Simply put, insurance is a mechanism that provides safety cover and teaches budgeting and saving, which are essential for efficient money management. People who have not been exposed to insurance at an early stage tend to take it for granted and realise its importance after reaching their 30s or 40s, when insurance providers hike up premiums, making insurance expensive.
By teaching your children the benefit of insurance, you are making them aware of contingencies, being prudent, and taking covers to monetarily protect themselves from any damage to their property or health. When taught at such an impressionable stage, concepts tend to stick for a lifetime and help in making conscious decisions relating to money.

How to bring up insurance with kids?
Insurance is a complex yet essential instrument that provides safety against contingencies in the future. While necessary, it wasn't easy to understand and pick one for your needs before digitalisation. However, the internet's plethora of resources makes it accessible to all. For example, you can buy your two wheeler insurance online India and show your children the complete process and its benefits.

1. Make use of your kid's prised possessions to pique their interest
Drawing and retaining a child's attention is challenging. However, you can easily explain different insurance types to children using what they hold dear- toys. Insurance protects what matters most from unintended damage. Use this concept to get your child's attention. Insurance discussions with children do not have to be formal and provide the best results when introduced naturally.
Playtime provides the best opportunity to introduce insurance. Using imaginary scenarios and functional characters, you can use them to explain the unpredictability of the future and the need for a safety net.

2. Use of digital resources:
Recently, resources like online courses have seen a rapid increase in demand. Similarly, online creators on platforms cater to simplifying finance for non-specialists, and a specific niche for kids is also developing. Since kids of this generation occupy the maximum screen time, it becomes easy to introduce financial habits in uncomplicated terms through visuals and digital content.

3. Involve your child in making financial decisions:
Choosing where to spend your money is essential to building an ample savings amount and helps determine the individual's financial acumen. Once you have introduced the topics to your child, give them a weekly or monthly allowance of a minimal sum that is enough to purchase a small value item like a snack, and then ask them where they would prefer to direct the balance amount.
You can guide them to invest their money to safeguard their valuable assets like their two-wheelers by researching themselves and investing in the two wheeler insurance online India. Let them know the wonders insurance can have in one's life due to its seamless benefits. This way, your child will gain practical exposure in a controlled environment.

Financial literacy is not obtained overnight and is a healthy discussion that should be initiated at the earliest stage possible. It allows for a greater sense of responsibility in children. The best way to inculcate this habit is through regular discussions about savings and managing wants and needs.

You might give your child a pretty bike or a scooter once they cross 18 years of age. Still, your next step should be advising and motivating them to self-understand the importance of crucial financial investments like insurance. They can start by using the internet for their analysis and learn to invest in two wheeler insurance online India not just to safeguard their asset but more to learn the power of smart investing!

Click HERE to buy two wheeler insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.