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How can your insurance save you money

Let's face the fact, who doesn't like to save money? Though many people see insurance as an unnecessary expense, it can still save your money and provide you with the financial security you need.

Motor insurance or vehicle insurance is an insurance policy that safeguards you financially when your vehicle undergoes damage or costs other people or their property. It's easy to buy motor insurance online and even easier to avail benefits that come with it.

So, are you looking for ways to save money on your annual motor insurance premium? We have put together some suggestions to help you save extra with your motor insurance.

1. Tax Benefits that you shouldn't miss: Most people invest their money into insurance when they land a job, as insurance policies have always been a popular tool for saving on income tax. But can an individual claim tax exemption for the premium paid on motor insurance? There is a small catch. If only the vehicle is in business use, the person qualifies for tax exemption on the premium paid for their motor insurance. Well, there is an exception here too. A claim may be made for a vehicle used for business and personal purposes, but it is time-bound. Meaning, the rebate is available for the proportion of time for which the car is being used for business purposes. So, for example, if a vehicle runs for ten hours per day, eight for business, and the remaining two hours for personal purposes. Then the taxpayer is allowed to claim the benefits from the insurance policy for the eight hours of business use.

2. General insurance benefits: People often prefer to deposit their money in savings accounts and avoid having insurance and paying the premium. The common factor they consider, if an individual doesn't claim their insurance during the valid period, all the premium paid is a waste. But, people don't consider the possibility that the amount claimed during an accident can be much more than the premium paid. And, in such instances, buying a good insurance policy is an intelligent choice.

3. Why buy motor insurance online? By choosing the right policy online, you can save a decent amount on the overall coverage cost. And, with your no claims during the policy period, you are entitled to a No Claim Bonus (NCB) upon the policy renewal. Everything can be managed online with ease, and additionally, your annual premium works out to be significantly cheaper.

4. Follow the motor vehicle legal requirements: It is a legal requirement to have motor insurance when driving on Indian roads. If you don't, you are violating traffic laws. Thus, having motor insurance saves you from paying enormous penalties. Moreover, since third-party insurance is mandatory, motor insurance can benefit the survivors in case of death during the accident.

Basic motor insurance is a legal necessity, and good motor insurance is a personal necessity regarding safety, financial security, and mental peace. One must remember that buying insurance comes with many advantages, and there is no advisory involved. Therefore, have the right kind of due diligence and pick the best motor insurance for you to save money.

Click Here To Buy Motor Insurance Online…


Secret to manage stress for working moms to have an efficient work-life balance

Being a mother is not easy, and if you are a working mom, it becomes even more challenging and overwhelming. Waking up every morning, dropping your kid at daycare, commuting to your office, working there for at least eight hours, buying groceries on your way back to pick up the kids, and going home again only to work more can be physically, mentally and even emotionally exhausting.

Managing your responsibilities to your child, your career, your social life, and trying to find some time for yourself at the end of the day is challenging and will leave you with a tiring schedule. The feeling of being stuck in an endless routine of stress and bare minimum sleep can adversely affect your health.

And in times like these, when you need more energy than ever, there are stories of a few inspiring moms who have proved that nothing can stop you from achieving any milestones in your life if you master your command over situations.

So, what is the secret to managing stress and having an efficient work-life balance for working women? Not just the work-life balance, it has to be the blend of both. Let's tell you how you can achieve that.

1. Involve your kids:
Many parents have the habit of starting household work only after their kid’s bedtime, which only delays things. So, do not be hesitant to complete your routine work even when your kids are awake. You will be surprised by how much time you can save this way. Sure, you can’t do everything with your kids around, but do not get delayed to do basic tasks.

2. Your partner:
Do not forget that your partner is equally responsible for raising the child and fulfilling their duty as a co-parent. Raising a baby alone is very challenging, so it is only understood if you and your partner share the work, like:

• Both partners should take turns dropping and picking up their children from the daycare or school.

• If you have a small baby who wakes up in the middle of the night, alternately wake up with it so both of you can get some rest.

• Love is all about caring and understanding. Cherish the most beautiful moments of life and team up with your partner to swiftly manage all the odds.

3. Bring your child to work (only if it is permissible):
Familiarize them with what to do. Allow them to understand and see your workplace. Introduce your children to your coworker’s kid. This is all very helpful.

The most important thing that you should never forget is to take out some time for yourself. Remember to prioritize yourself and your desires, too, because, in the end, if you feel miserable, there is no way you can take care of everyone else.

Even if you are feeling completely worn out, don’t skip meals or jeopardize your sleep hours in a day. Never compromise your mental or physical health for anything. Another crucial aspect that can keep your stress away and ensure your overall well-being is getting health insurance coverage for you and your loved ones. Stand a chance of getting exciting deals and incentives by buying online health insurance from insurance firms to keep the financial worries related to medical treatment at bay.

Click HERE to get online health insurance quotes.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Dealing with Back Pain: Causes and Treatments

"I can't sit. I can't walk. I can't work."
"Ouch! My back hurts."
Is this you, rambling about back pain? Whether it is a one-day return or every two weeks, you need to know the reason behind your back pain and how quickly you can treat it before it's late!

Know the Cause
A strain occurs in your body due to over-activity like working for longer hours, incorrect lifting of heavy objects, and improper body movement. When this happens, you experience back pain.
Whether you are studying or sleeping, if your body posture is incorrect, it causes back pain. A bad posture can be identified when you are reading or studying while lying or bending at an extreme level than usual.
ArthritisArthritis is caused due to damage in the cartilage of joints in your lower back. If you have arthritis, you are already at risk of severe back pain.
Osteoporosis is the thinning of bones and loss of bone density. It causes small fractures in your vertebrae, which can cause extreme pain.
Disc Degeneration Disorder
It occurs when the spinal disc between your vertebrae starts getting damaged. At times, you can face a spinal disc problem after an accident or because of aging.
Serious Back Pain Symptoms Usually, back pain is caused due to bad posture and strain which last for a few days or weeks. You might be suffering from chronic back pain if it lasts for more than three months.
If your back pain fails to improve within two weeks, you should see a doctor.
But before seeing a doctor, know a few severe back pain symptoms that are asking you to seek medical help:
● Weakness in one or both legs
● Continuous weight loss along with back pain
● Pain in the abdomen

Let’s Treat

The first thing that can heal your back pain is medications. Whether it is a painkiller or an anti-inflammatory ointment, the application can do wonders and reduce your pain. Some of the best painkillers that can help you get rid of back pain are:
● Ibuprofen
● naproxen
One of the most preferred ways of healing our back pain is using ointments. These ointments are much more useful than painkillers. These ointments are effective mostly when you have back pain due to strain or bad posture.
You already know how effective yoga is in curing diseases, and back pain is no less. Incorporating some yoga postures into your routine daily can help reduce and improve your back pain.
Heat Therapy
Heat therapy is considered useful in treating pain, especially the one that is caused by inflammation. You can try using heat therapy with hot water filled in a hot water bag and applying on the inflammatory or swollen area. You can also consider taking a hot water bath as heat therapy, which can improve your aching muscles. With a hot water bath, you can also boost and improve the pain by adding Epsom salt into the hot water while taking a bath.
Massaging the effective area with essential oils relaxes the muscles, which in turn reduces the pain. Research proves that essential oils reduce pain. Consider using lavender essential oil for massaging the inflammatory area.
Acupuncture is an effective traditional therapy that can spot the exact pain points in your back and puncture them. This therapy is effective when you are suffering from chronic back pain. Seek a medical professional for this therapy to get the right results.
Surgery is the last option for severe back pain if it fails to respond to medicines and therapy treatments.caused due to medical ailments like Disc Degeneration Disorder, Arthritis, etc. With surgery, doctors remove and replace the disks partially to reduce your back pain. Spinal fusion surgery is one such surgery. This surgery helps in combining the painful vertebrae into a single bone. The painful movement of the spine gets eliminated, and you feel relieved. Such surgeries
The right treatment at the right time can transform your life. Take advantage of the best health insurance in India and stay healthy.


How to check your claims online?

Having insurance is like having a safety deposit. That means if anything goes wrong, you would not be at a total loss. Insurance policies from the leading general insurance companies in India minimize loss and damage by reimbursing you for the expenses incurred during any unfortunate situations.

A wide range of insurance policies, ranging from life to non-life, are available in the market. Life insurance, as the name suggests, is about reimbursing your family members in case you lose your life due to specific reasons. Non-life insurance, on the other hand, is also known as general insurance, which is for automobiles, housing, commercial, travel and other similar purposes. If you suffer a loss from either of them, the insurance plan can help you in recovering from the same.

The process to check the claims online

While filing the claims correctly as per the terms and conditions of the insurance company is essential but it is equally essential that you track and check your claim online to know about the status of the claim and take corrective actions as and when necessary.

• When you file your claim with the insurance company or the TPA, they will provide you with the receipt number or file number along with an acknowledgement of filing of the claim.

• Usually, the insurance company or the TPA specify at the time of filing the claim as to how much time they will take in processing the claim. This is usually capped at 90 days but can vary according to the company policies.

• To track your health insurance or life insurance claim, you need to register your updated contact details with your health insurance company or the TPA. Once you have filed the claim, the TPA will send you the updates regularly on your mobile number or email.

• Alternatively, you can log-on to the website or mobile app of the TPA or the insurance company and track the status of your claim. To retrieve your claim details, you must have the following details with you: -

· Policy number

● Claim number

● Date of birth of the insured person

Once you enter all the details and submit them, you will be able to check the status of your claims online.

Different claim status and the steps to be taken

Depending on the status of your claim, either of the following status messages would be displayed on the screen. You must take the necessary steps according to the requirements.

Under process: -If your claim is under process, then you need to wait for a few more days and then check the status online again.

Issues/Details required: - If there are any issues with the claim, then it will be mentioned on the status page. You must get in touch with the insurance company or the TPA. They will be able to explain the problem in the processing of the claim. If any documents are required or any further details are required, you must provide the same to them at the earliest.

Approved: - If your claim has been approved, then you need not do anything else. The payment shall be credited into your account within a few working days.

Rejected: - If the claim has been rejected, you need to get in touch with the insurance company or the TPA to enquire about more details. If required, you will need to file your claim again.

Life is precious, and so are your belongings. It is the best to secure each of them right after purchasing as many general insurance companies in India provide covers for such belongings, thereby preventing you from being in a huge loss.


Seven crucial tips to avoid severe sports injuries

While being involved in sports is a pleasure, it also helps you achieve your fitness goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Being an athlete or a player, you simply cannot keep away from your share of cuts and wounds. However, you can reduce the risk of severe injuries in a few ways.

One can never predict the severeness of an accident, and hence only staying cautious won't work. You further need to cover yourself with individual accident insurance to enjoy the sport stress-free. Let’s mitigate ways to tackle them and keep you from encountering any severe injury;

1. Stretch! Stretch! Stretch!
Regardless of the kind of sport you are up for, warming up with some stretches is vital in keeping your body elastic and relieving muscle tension. To perform stretching after the game is just as important as doing it before the game. Post-game stretches relax the muscles and eliminate the chances of muscle fatigue.

2. Maintain a healthy diet:
The ideal time to start maintaining a nutritious diet is at least two weeks before the big game or your practice sessions. Besides consuming a balanced diet every day, consult with a sports nutritionist for specific guidance. Since food plays an essential role in your overall strength formation, this is a crucial step to keep you healthy.

3. Make sure you stay hydrated:
Hydration is a must for every action you carry out in your day-to-day life; similarly, staying hydrated during the game is essential. Prevent cramps and tiredness by taking time to drink water in between and be sufficiently hydrated. Water will catalyze your metabolism, keep your brain and muscles alert and impart energy to you throughout your game. This will help lower your chances of injury since staying active will keep your focus.

4. Get ample sleep:
Inadequate sleep causes your reflexes to slow down, which might lead to disastrous mishaps. Getting adequate sleep is not only required for sports but also in our regular life. A clear mind is the ticket to attain focus. And that is only achieved by getting mental and physical rest.

5. It is obligatory to have protective gear:
Having the proper protective gear is just as crucial as anything else. You should wear appropriate gear for each sport you participate in. Also, the gear should be correctly fitted. Consult with your trainers to ensure that your equipment is properly-suited to you and meets industry standards.

6. Obey the guidelines:
Many sports-related injuries can be prevented if you follow the proper guidelines. Guidelines also make the sport more demanding and entertaining while ensuring that nobody gets hurt.

7. Consult Sports Physiotherapists before the big event:
Besides the above tips, a sport physiotherapist further helps you assess and treat injuries related to the sport. His recommendations help you to gain a perfect fitness level and, in the prevention of injuries.

Michael Jordan once rightly quoted – “Never say never, because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion.” Our bodies have vulnerabilities that we do not always notice. But, what's more important than playing a sport is being a good sport while you are at it. Stay care-free and shield your dream of being a good sportsperson with individual accident insurance so that you focus on your training and not the injuries.

To browse individual accident insurance policies, click HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How to Choose the Right Sum Insured for Car Insurance Policy

With almost everyone, a driving car these days, the chances of accidents have increased, and there is always the possibility of the vehicle needing repairs. Both of these cases require a lot of funds, which is why you need to get car insurance online in India immediately. Having car insurance means that you would be compensated if your car faces any damages if you get into accident or needs repairs. However, what determines how well you would be compensated is the sum insured, which is the maximum amount that the insurance company would pay you in such situations. It depends on the premium you pay.

Here are some determinants of choosing the right sum insured for car insurance: -

  • Your age: Your age has a lot to do with the sum insured that you want for your car insurance policy. If you are younger, you can insure a low amount and then increase it gradually over the years. If you are older, it is best to have a higher sum insured just in case you need to take care of growing medical bills. Being in an accident may require you to either pay for the damages or hospital bills, and the amount for the latter could be higher if you are older and relatively weaker.
  • The condition of your health: It may seem odd, thinking about your health when deciding the sum insured for your car insurance. But the status of your health largely determines the kind of treatment you would need if you are involved in an accident, and also the expenses. If you are healthy and free of ailments, you should choose a lower sum as opposed to you being older and less active and agile, which might complicate the treatment procedure and lead to higher expenses.
  • Any ailments or severe health issues: If you suffer from a critical health condition, you might have to pay higher medical bills given the nature of complications. In such situations, it is best to opt for a higher sum insured so that you are protected from higher expenses.
  • Your income: A very vital factor to consider is your level of income. Whether you want a higher sum insured or not, your income determines how much you can pay towards the insurance. If you just began earning or do not earn a lot, it makes sense to have a lower sum insured, since you would have other expenses to take care of. On the other hand, if you earn a decent living, opt for a higher sum insured for full coverage.
  • Lifestyle and daily activities: The kind of area you live or work in, how you commute, at what hours, how much you drive the car, etc. determine the type of plan you would need, and thus would also determine the sum insured. If your lifestyle is such that there are more significant risks of getting into an accident or requiring frequent repairs, it is best to go with a higher sum insured so that you would be financially covered when the need arises.

It is not enough to buy car insurance online in India; you need to understand its terms and conditions and choose the sum insured that suits your needs and situations best.


Seven tips to make fitness your habit

While having the best health insurance policy in India can prevent you from financial losses due to hospitalization, but being fit can help you stay away from various health conditions. Fitness is one of the most fundamental needs of leading a healthy life, which cannot be achieved in any other way. Here are seven tips that will motivate and guide you to take up your fitness seriously.

  • Make time: One can not wait for the perfect day when you will have all the time in the world to kick-start the process. You can never have enough time, and it all depends on how you choose to prioritize your aims and set a timeline for the same. It is essential to schedule your workout efficiently and make it a critical part of your priority list. Analyze your habits and routines to finalize a time that will be perfect for you to hit the gym or workout on your own.
  • Move gradually: People believe that extreme workouts are all that matters when it comes to ensuring fitness. However, this is not the right approach since different bodies have a different limit, and pushing the body beyond the limit can lead to severe injuries. You can always start by engaging in some basic exercises, which can then be elevated into intense workouts gradually.
  • Formulate it easy has become an essential part of our lives with the advent of technology and regular developments. It is important to include the same for your exercise since your main aim is to transform it into a habit. If it is a gym, look out for ones which are near your workplace or home or in your society, since it will be easier for you to be a regular.
  • Search for your fitness personality: It is vital to have a little introspection and look for the inner motivation to push yourself. Maybe you are the kind who likes to exercise with a partner or in a group, or you could be the kind who wants to engage in the workout alone. You could like it fast-paced or feel better indulging onto slower ones. All these things must be taken into account before selecting a regime and formulating the kind of exercises you wish to pursue.
  • Give it sufficient time: 21 days is the minimum account for anything to transform into a habit, it is important to understand that it will take a minimum of 8 weeks for a workout to become a part of your life and showcase desirable results.
  • Choose your goals: It is important to remember that the performance is more important than results, thus enjoy the process of working out instead of focusing or hoping for immediate results. Look at the improvement made in your life during this time, and you will learn to adapt better.
  • Reach and celebrate small goals: Your progress and appreciate yourself for the efforts you are putting in. Celebrate your achievements by buying something beautiful for yourself or going for a “cheat meal.”

Along with following these tips for better fitness, you must also opt for the best health insurance policy in India to take care of all aspects of your health.


How to port your health insurance with Magma HDI - Magma HDI

Health insurance policies are of financial backbone — a lifesaver. When it comes to choosing a health insurance policy for family and yourself, it is essential that you select the best option that is out there. With health insurance policies going online, it has become much easier to compare policies. If you have already opted for a policy but want to change to a new one, then you get the option to port your health insurance as well. Since Magma HDI health insurance comes with a host of features, it is a good idea to port your existing health insurance to Magma HDI. The option of porting comes when you opt for your new insurance. The process is entirely smooth and hassle-free, and you do not have to break your head over it. Besides, if you come across any hindrances in the process, the support team will always be there to assist you. However, before you decide to port your policy, make sure that you have read the policy documents of Magma HDI health insurance carefully. It is crucial for you to be sure of the additional benefits that you will be receiving.

Conditions for porting policy

If you want to port your health insurance policy for family or yourself, then you have to make sure that you start the process while your existing plan is still in force. If your policy has expired, then you cannot move ahead with the porting process.

Portability form

To port your existing health insurance to Magma HDI you will need a porting farm along with the new policy’s proposal form. You have to submit your new policy at least 45 days before your new policy expires. You must mention the details of your existing health insurer in the porting form.

Documents required for porting

● Copy of your insurance renewal notice of the existing policy

● A declaration which states that you have made no claims so far

● Discharge summary, in case you have made a claim on your policy along with copies of the investigation report

● A record of your past medical history with treatment records

The porting process

After you have acquired all the papers, the next step towards porting the policy is submitting it to Magma HDI. Your documents will be reviewed, and if everything falls in place, your porting request will be accepted. You will get a proposal within fifteen days after submitting the form to Magma HDI. It is a great option to port your health insurance policy for family or yourself to Magma HDI. With Magma HDI health insurance, you get access to several key benefits such as maternity cover, cumulative bonus on your policy, loss of income cover, and worldwide emergency cover, among others. You also get access to features such as optional cover for critical illness, option cover to reduce your premium, cashless hospitalization across more than 4,100 hospitals, and 25x7 claim assistance among others.


How to recover from short-term memory loss after an accident

Short-term memory loss following an accident can drastically impact a person's life. People are left feeling disoriented, estranged from their families, and unable to carry on as they did before the catastrophe. Additionally, it can indicate that the person has experienced a severe brain injury, which necessitates rapid medical care.

Consult your doctor immediately if you're losing memories after being hurt in an accident. The sooner you establish whether your memory loss is an independent ailment or a sign of a brain injury, the better you can start receiving the treatment to heal it.

You must invest in a personal accident insurance policy to get protected from such eventualities. Personal accident insurance can be purchased regardless of age, profession, or health.

Memory loss causes:

We all deal with memory issues at some point in life, and a little reduction in other cognitive abilities often accompanies ageing. More research should be done on short-term memory loss because it should not be taken lightly.

Reversible memory loss may have a variety of causes, such as:

● A vitamin or thyroid shortage

● Disturbances of emotions, such as stress, anxiety, or sadness

● Alcoholism

● Sleep issues like sleep apnea

● Concussion, a minor head injury or damage

● Adverse effects of some drugs

● An infection or tumour that affects the brain

● Disordered functioning of the brain (FCD)

● Smoking

● Chronic stress disorder after trauma (PTSD)

Tips for recovering from short-term memory loss:

The unorthodox methods listed below will help you to improve your short-term memory loss mentally.

1. Put it on paper:
Generally used as a coping mechanism, writing down important information can do wonders. Putting something down on paper makes your brain focus harder, which enhances memory. Writing notes by hand is more productive for learning than typing on a laptop.

2. Rest:
The brain can't focus on doing tasks with precision if it is too exhausted. Thus, it won't be able to remember anything. Resting after a brain injury is crucial for this reason. Rest offers your brain the strength it needs to remember things. Studies have also revealed that your brain consolidates memories while you sleep. Therefore, be sure to obtain enough sleep each night and throughout the day.

3. Use vivid pictures:
We always do not require mnemonic techniques. These aren't particularly useful when remembering things like appointments. However, a connection can still be beneficial if you associate a fact with a real or vivid memory, according to a memory study.

4. Music:
Music therapy provides various cognitive advantages, but arguably the most significant advantage is how listening to music improves memory. In addition to aiding in the recovery of lost memories, music also aids in the retention of new information. So, try singing something significant that you want to remember to the melody of your favourite song. You'll be astonished by how much more you can memorise.

5. Exercise:
A regular, easy exercise is one of the best things you can do after a brain injury to restore short-term memory. Numerous studies have shown that aerobic exercise enhances memory and cognition by promoting the development of new brain cells.
Additionally, it improves cerebral blood flow, which promotes the oxygenation of the memory-related brain regions.

6. Separate your repeats:
Learning practically everything requires repetition. But just saying something a few times won't guarantee you'll remember it. Instead, you must increase the repetitions to rehearse the information you want to retain before you forget it.

Testing is usually the first step in the treatment of short-term memory loss following an accident. Therapy and medicine may be part of the overall course of treatment. Keep the patient away from pressure and stressful situations.

A dependent or damaged individual is intended to receive some relief from the personal accident insurance plans. From partial to total disability and medical costs involved in hospitalisation will be covered under this comprehensive plan.

Click HERE to purchase efficient personal accident insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Six popular myths about health insurance debunked

In recent years, the necessity of health insurance has become unavoidable. We have found a cure to many of the earlier incurable diseases with the advancement of medical technology.

However, most of the major surgeries in India cost several lakhs. This is where a health insurance policy shows its magic. Investing in reliable health insurance can give you the confidence and strength to focus on your health without worrying about expenses. But there are several misconceptions about health insurance policies that discourage people who are forced to have a second thought before buying them.

But, what's the reality? Let us look at six major myths about health insurance and debunk them.

1. Health insurance is expensive:
No, it is not! Many think paying a few thousand rupees as a premium every year for a health insurance policy makes it expensive. Have you ever imagined how much major medical treatments cost in India? The average cost of cancer treatment has shot up to INR 10 lakhs. The cost of angioplasty or bypass surgery in case of heart diseases ranges between 2-4 lakh rupees. Similarly, other major surgeries such as hip replacement, knee replacement, or kidney transplant also cost over 4 lakh rupees. Hence, it is wise to pay a few thousand rupees as a premium every year and get a health insurance policy that will cover all your above medical costs than to pay such hefty amounts upfront in one go.

2. Rejection of claims:
Often, the insured does not read the complete terms and conditions of the policy and faces rejection. They may omit necessary information or fill incomplete information in the application form. Some hide information about their pre-existing diseases. Also, a few claims before the waiting period is over and therefore face rejection. You need to understand that claims do not get rejected on baseless grounds. But, it is crucial to investigate the true reasons for rejecting your claim.

3. Processing of claims is time-taking:
The processing of claims does not take much time if a proper system is followed. Cashless settlement is very fast. The bill is settled right at the authorised hospitals at the time of discharge as per the terms and conditions of the insurance provider. Even the reimbursement facility does not take much time for repayment nowadays. The insured must submit proper bills and support documents, and the claims are processed in a few days.

4. Health insurance does not cover pregnancy or day procedures:
A myth is that health insurance policies do not cover pregnancies, maternity care, or day procedures such as chemotherapy. There are specific policies with some terms and conditions to cover such medical treatments. There may be a waiting period before the policy provides cover. Some policies allow the patient to avail the policy benefits even if they are not hospitalised for 24 hours or more.

5. People with pre-existing diseases or senior citizens cannot get a health insurance policy:
Insurers nowadays cover most diseases after some waiting period, usually four years. The insured should tailor specific policies for their situation in such cases. Also, insurers offer health insurance coverage even to senior citizens over 65 years of age. As per IRDAI, health insurance policies can be renewed lifelong. Insurers cannot deny renewing the policy on the grounds of the policyholder's age if the premium is paid in time.

6. Health insurance policies are not "portable":
It is possible for an insured to "port" or change his insurance service provider in case he is dissatisfied with it. Also, he can change from one plan to another with the same insurance provider if he meets the required terms and conditions.

A health insurance policy is necessary for individuals in fast, modern life. If you have a family, you can get a cover for all of your family members under one policy. There are many more myths associated with health insurance policies. But like the above myths we just debunked above, we need to debunk them rather than outrightly shunning these policies. After all, it's your life, and you must take care of it, right? Make health insurance policy a part of it.

Click HERE to buy health insurance to secure your health with the best protection.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


5 Strangest Insurances Ever!

Buying insurance is not uncommon, one wants to secure the money involved in an asset and thus he gets it insured. But here is the funny part: people have insured things which are weird if not downright hilarious! So, without further ado, let’s jump on to 5 Most Strangest Insurance Policies Ever.

  • Body Parts
    Insuring body parts has become a trend among celebrities. It started quite a while back and once the trend began, there was no turning back, Heidi Klum’s legs were insured for a whopping $2.2 million.
  • Absconding Spouse
    Getting cold feet right before the wedding is a common occurrence. So, what happens to all the hard-earned money spent by your parents for the fancy wedding you wanted? To your relief, you can buy an Insurance Policy to recover the money spent if your partner decides to take off!
  • Cigar
    Skansen museum in Stockholm exhibits a record-breaking cigar which is fully insured, for all the right reasons!
  • Death By Laughter
    In the 1900’s, people were overly confident of their sense of humor. So much so that an insurer, Lloyd’s of London, had issued a $1m policy for film-goers, just in case they lose their life by laughing so hard.
  • Alien Abduction
    Apparently, a lot of people have a huge fear of getting abducted by aliens. If you are one of those people, you can get an insurance from Lloyd’s of London,More than 20,000 Alien Abduction Policies have been sold till date.

Last but definitely not the least, if you planned for one child and got a surprise of multiple, you can get an insurance to pay for the expenses.


Take these measures to protect yourself if your bike catches fire

Motorcycle fires are horrific sites to bear. With the recent rise in the usage of electric vehicles, there is a greater possibility of fires leading to vehicle damage and burn injuries. Electric vehicles use renewable energy sources, making them sustainable, but they come with the drawback of being more flammable.

Electric vehicles use a lightweight lithium battery that has a longer lifespan than regular lead-acid batteries. However, a lithium battery consists of two electrodes and an electrolytic fluid running between them. The electrolytic fluid is highly flammable and causes fires when the battery is overheated or damaged.

Even combustion motorcycles are at risk of catching fire if something goes wrong in the bike's engine or fuel tank, or there is a sudden short circuit.

Bikes are the love of their owners' lives. Although it might be horrific to think of even a situation when this happens, it's always better to keep knowledge handy when you need it.

This blog aims to give you an insight into what to do to protect yourself and your loved ones in the unfortunate case of your bike catching fire.

1. Turn off the ignition and get away from your bike:
Imagine that you're cruising down the highway at a comfortable speed when your bike suddenly shows signs that it might catch on fire. If you notice a spark or a fire, immediately kill the ignition and park at the side of the road. Avoid places with many people and other vehicles, electric poles, etc.
Dismount and get away from the bike as quickly as possible using the stop-drop-roll method. If you've left something vital on the bike, avoid going near it unless it is worth dying for. This is to ensure you're least affected if your motorcycle explodes.

2. If it's a small fire or just smoke, try to extinguish it:
If you absolutely have to go and try to save the vehicle and your items with it, do it smartly. If there's a fire extinguisher around you, or you can arrange it, try putting out the fire yourself. Also, you can use drinking water you might have bought along with you on the ride or soil you pick up off the side of the road to stop the fire from spreading immediately after you first sense it. Ensure a safe distance between you and the vehicle to protect yourself.

3. Contact emergency services:
If it's a busy road, ask for help from experienced people in the traffic. If you're stuck in an isolated place, immediately call fire control and tell them about your situation. Your instinct might tell you that you can put out the fire on your own, but it's best to leave it to the professionals to avoid risking your own life.

4. Alert people in advance:
This is not a scene from a movie where you'll barely escape a fire without a scratch. So if the fire seems big, steer clear of it. Raise an alert to help other vehicles and pedestrians get out of the way.
Be sure to put a device named an Emergency Warning Device (EWD). This puts out an alarm that helps inform other pedestrians or vehicle owners to get out of the way in case of a fire. If the fire becomes too overwhelming, all you can do is get out of the way and wait for emergency services.

A motorcycle fire is a traumatic experience to go through. But as long as you are safe, there's no harm done. Having the basic knowledge of fire safety and about the different parts of the bike can be helpful for you during such emergencies.

In such unfortunate incidents, you are responsible for protecting yourself and others, but for protecting your bike, you need special coverage. Here's when insurance comes into the picture. Buy motor insurance online and avail various benefits if your bike faces severe damage due to fire. All the repair and maintenance of the bike will be covered under your insurance cover, and you won't have to worry about the finances.

Click HERE to buy motor insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Tattoos and piercings? Understanding the possible side effects and risks involved.

Tattoos and piercings are one of the most common forms of art of self-expression. While some people do it for religious purposes, others do it as a gesture or just as part of a trend. Especially with the new designs and technologies, more youngsters are getting fascinated towards them.

While you may be shortlisting new tattoo designs for your body, it is essential to understand that tattoos and piercings come with various health effects. You may flaunt your new tattoo, but the side effects that it develops can be challenging to overcome sometimes.

In this space, we will discuss the potential health risks of tattoos and piercings so that you can make your decision wisely. With that, let us dive into the details!

Risks of tattoos:

A tattoo artist will usually use a machine with a needle attached to make the tattoo. The needle injects the ink into the second layer of your skin, the dermis (below the epidermis). While tattoos are popular for expressing your feelings and yourself through art, there can be various complications. Some include:

1. Skin allergic reaction: Tattoo dyes like yellow, blue, green, and red can cause various skin reactions, including itching, rashes, more near the inked region. Even after years of getting the tattoo, a person may experience skin reactions that get troublesome with time.

2. Burn or swelling: Everybody reacts differently to tattoos. It is observed that many people experience a burning sensation and swelling around the tattoo area that can even last for longer durations if you don’t receive proper treatment.

3. Bloodborne diseases: If the needle is contaminated through infected blood, a person may get different bloodborne diseases, including hepatitis B, hepatitis C, tetanus, even AIDS. So, be careful regarding the sanitization of the needle and other equipment.

4. Inflamed tissues: A person can also experience nodules of inflamed tissue and may experience an overgrowth of scar around the tattooed area.

5. MRI test complications: Sometimes, a permanent tattoo on your body may interfere with the MRI test, disrupting the image's quality. In addition, burning or swelling can occur during MRI. However, this is rare but a possibility.

The long-term side effects of permanent tattoos are yet to be known. Although hundreds of ink are approved for cosmetic purposes, their side effects for injecting the skin are still not apparent. If you experience skin problems or allergic reactions after getting a tattoo, contact a doctor immediately.

Risks of piercings:

In certain parts of the world, piercings are a part of the culture. However, what most people do not understand is that piercings can cause various bacterial infections, development of an abscess. When it is left untreated, this puss-filled mass can develop a risk of blood poisoning and sepsis.

Since the nose and mouth area contain higher bacteria, the chances of infections are higher in these areas after a piercing. Additional risks include:

1. Keloid formation around the piercing area.

2. Swelling near the piercing site.

3. Bleeding due to damaged blood vessels.

4. Tongue piercing may cause damage to the teeth and gums in a few cases leading to difficulty in speech.

5. Swelling in the tongue after the piercing can cause blockage of the airway leading to difficulty in breathing.

Going with the tattoo and piercings trends can be a new experience that one does not want to miss out. However, it is essential to do extensive research on all the possible side effects and risks involved to ensure that these experiments do not affect your health negatively. Compromising health safety against excitement is not a wise thing to do. Therefore, guard yourself with health insurance before getting your favourite design inked on your body. Also, if needed, consult your family doctor, preferably a dermatologist, to get proper advice.

Click HERE to know more about health insurance plans for you.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete look into Affordable Car Insurance Plans

Do you know the most significant factor that drives insurance purchases in India? It is not the services or the goodwill of the service provider but it is the affordability. Affordability matters to the customers in every type of insurances, be it life, personal accident, or as a matter of fact; car insurance. Whether you buy car insurance online or offline, you will always look at affordability

Important factors that affects affordability of the insurance policy:

1. Segment of the car: The segment of your car that you are insuring plays a crucial role in deciding whether the premium will be cheap or expensive. An expensive car is ought to attract costly premiums.

2.Facilities: The number of services you are trying to acquire in the insurance also directly affects the premium. You need to identify what services are highly crucial for you and then take an insurance plan accordingly.

3.Insured Declared Value: The IDV needs to be paid attention to before going for an issuance. The manufacturer’s price minus the depreciation is your IDV. It directly affects your insurance affordability as well.

4.Customization of plans: When you buy car insurance online or offline, there is an option for you to customize your plan. You can customize the services as per your requirements and needs. This mainly affects the plan’s pricing scheme; if you add more services to your plan, then it is obvious that your premium will increase. This directly changes the factor of affordability.

5.No claim bonus also affects affordability: You can receive the no-claim bonus in the next year only if you don’t claim in the current year. Sometimes what happens is that we tend to claim small amounts for our car repairs that lead to lapse of no claim bonus. The main losing factor here is that you lose the significant advantage of NCB in the long term for the petty short term expenses. NCB also affects the resale value of your car because it ultimately depicts the condition of your car.

6.Claim frequency: When providing you with the renewal premium of your car policy, the insurers look at the number of claims made. If the number of claims made is high, the premium amount is going to be high as well. They think that you tend to make claims even for very small repairs. This indirectly affects your affordability.

Wrapping up:

There can never be a fixed list of factors that will affect your plan’s affordability when it comes to insurance. But, you don’t have to worry as good companies will make your task simpler. However, all you need to clearly know is your requirement.

Here’s some highlights to add value to the piece:

● Try insuring your car with the same company that manages your other insurances. This way, you will be entitled to receive a discount.

● If you have more than one car, go for insuring them together as it will unlock bulk

car insurance

at discounted rates.

● Ultimately, drive safely and responsibly!


Five health tips for people with obesity

People suffer from obesity disorder worldwide because of their hectic lifestyle and inactive fitness routine. Obesity is nothing but the accumulation of excess fats in the body that negatively impacts a person's health. Factors like genetics, overeating, no physical movement, psychological factors, and side effects lead to the cause of obesity.

Being obese puts you at a greater risk of developing potentially severe health problems, including – diabetes, heart disease, stroke, breathing disorders, fatty liver disease, and lot more.

You might be aware that obese people are more likely to pay a higher insurance premium than other healthy policyholders. This is because obese people are prone to illness and are likely to make more claims than normal policyholders.

But obesity can be brought under control with the help of dieting, daily exercise, weight loss, and many other disciplines in our everyday routine.

In this article, we give you some handy tips that are useful to control obesity.

How to know if you are obese? If your Body Mass Index (BMI), which is commonly used to determine obesity, turns out to be higher than or equal to 30, it classifies you as an obese person.

There is a thin line between being overweight and obese; if your BMI measures between 25 to 29, you are overweight and not obese. Therefore, the formula to calculate Body Mass Index is the weight (kg) divided by Sq. of height (m).

Practical health tips to control obesity.

Here are five tips weight-loss experts recommend to assist in keeping obesity under control.

1. Personalized diet plans:

You must have read a lot that a few minutes of daily exercise are the key to controlling your weight. But, cutting calories and reducing junk food intake is better than increasing your exercise time to achieve weight loss. Overeating and consumption of more calories than needed is one of the primary reasons that cause obesity. Customize your diet plan to ensure calorie intake and the proper nutrients that your body demands.

2. Exercise can help you to stay fit:

Daily exercise and fitness schedule is vital for controlling your weight, and physically inactive people are more likely to gain extra kilos. If you are already maintaining a healthy diet, plan a perfect workout routine or join a gym. Regular exercising helps you burn calories and lose fats.

3. Set up a strong will for an active routine:

You have to work harder than many other people – possibly for a long time if you are overweight. For instance, taking the stairs instead of the elevator will make a significant difference. By changing your detrimental habits, you will cultivate an active and fit lifestyle. Remember, losing weight requires patience and discipline, which does not occur overnight.

4. Eat more healthy snacks between main meals:

You read it right, eat more – just not at your mealtimes. Diet experts recommend keeping many healthy snacks like sunflower seeds, almonds, whole wheat crackers, sliced apples, and other fruits and eating small portions every couple of hours. If you wait until you're starving, you generally tend to eat more.

5. Maintaining a sleep hygiene:

The importance of good sleep in overall well-being cannot be ignored. It works wonders for your goal of preventing obesity, too. There are studies confirming that people who get too little sleep have a greater risk of weight gain and obesity than people who practice seven to eight hours of sleep per day. Sleep hygiene includes a proper sleep schedule and a bedtime routine like reading or listening to some good music.

Obesity, if it gets serious, can take a toll on your pocket. Although there are no policies especially for obesity yet, insurance companies protect obesity in exchange for higher premiums. Therefore, it is always advisable to secure your health insurance at an early stage of life to save you from that extra premium.

To know about the health insurance that gives the best benefits, click here…


The best destinations to celebrate Indian history and 75 years of independence

India has a long and rich history of its fight for independence. Most stories leave us with admiration and respect for that time's freedom fighters and activists and their sacrifice for India to breathe free. There's a sense of pride in knowing that we belong to the same country where many of these acts of bravery took place. The culture and heritage that we celebrate today is a blessing that we have received from the iconic stories of numerous Bravehearts. India has preserved this history for future generations to absorb the feelings of patriotism and cherish the diversity of our nation.

As we recently celebrated 75 years of our independence, the Indian Government launched an endeavour called "Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav" with a motive to celebrate the golden 75 years of freedom. So, pack your bags and head out to see these destinations that will surely fill you with patriotic fervour.

1. Cellular jail:
Situated in Port Blair of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Cellular jail is reminiscent of the horrors cast upon the freedom fighters. This jail can be visited by the public and has a famous light and sound show in the evening to remember the freedom fighters, especially the brave story of Veer Savarkar and his courageous escape from the jail.

2. Jhansi fort:
Jhansi fort in Uttar Pradesh is a symbol of strength and bravery of the highest degree. This place engraves the history of Rani Lakshmi Bai bravely fighting the British and eventually defending the fort with her last breath. Go to Jhansi fort to remember the brave acts of Rani Lakshmi Bai and the scenic views of the fort situated high on the hilltops.

3. India gate:
Located in the heart of the capital city, a few km from the Rashtrapati Bhawan, India gate was built to pay homage to the 82,000 soldiers who tragically lost their lives in the First World War. The martyrs' names are inscribed on the walls of this beautiful monument. Locals and tourists crowd this area to pay their respects to these soldiers and enjoy the beautiful lights and delicious street food near this historical monument.

4. Sabarmati Ashram:
Located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, on the peaceful banks of the Sabarmati river, this heritage site is famous for being one of the epicentres of the freedom struggle. Made by a friend of the Mahatma, this was where Gandhi Ji resided for nearly 12 years, training activists to join his 'Ahimsa' movement. This Ashram also had schools and health centres and was a whole community of patriotic people. Visit this Ashram to feel the peace, and captivate your heart with the values of Bapu.

5. Wagah-Attari border:
Visit the Wagah-Attari border near Amritsar to get a rush of patriotic fervour. A famous flag lowering ceremony has been happening every day since 1959, where the BSF and the Pakistani Army lower their flags just before sunset. This is sure to leave you in awe. The soldiers' energy creates an electrifying atmosphere with the crowd anticipating with continuous chants of "Vande Mataram" and the tricolour waving with pride. This ceremony is worth an experience of a lifetime.

6. Kargil War Memorial:
India has been rigorously battling to preserve its liberty long after independence. Our fierce border security forces are relentlessly serving their duties to protect the nation from external threats. The Dras War Memorial in Kargil is one such place that reminds us of the iconic 'Operation Vijay' of Indian soldiers to keep the country safe during the Kargil war of 1999. Be here to pay your respect to those who gave our lives for us and salute the soldiers' dedication to protecting the nation at all times and in every situation.

Independence Day is the perfect way to learn more about our country's freedom struggle. Plan a heritage trip to these places and dive deep into the archives of Indian history. While celebrating the glorious 75 years of independence, ensure that you secure your trip with the best online general insurance to make your travel hassle-free.

Click HERE to know more about online general insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


FASTag uses and benefits (Revised)

Do you travel a lot by road? Are you tired of waiting for your turn at toll plazas on the interstate highways or expressways? Do you wish to get done with it as quickly as possible? If yes, then you must get a FASTag! As the name suggests, a FASTag is a tag which is a mean to ensure faster transit across toll plazas. The tag is placed on the windshield of the car and uses Radio Frequency Identification Technology. The tag is scanned by the tag readers placed at toll booths who then deduct the toll amount from the FASTag account. All toll plazas placed along the national highways are now using FASTag for payment of toll as per the guidelines of the government of India.

As the balance in FASTag reduces, the user needs to reload the balance in the linked wallet account or the linked bank account. By eliminating the need for cash payments at toll plazas, FASTag ensures a quicker and smoother flow of traffic.

The following reasons highlight how using a FASTag can help you save time on your journey: -

Quick payment- As there is a FASTag affixed to your car, you wouldn't have to search your wallet for cash which ultimately reduces the duration of the transaction and your time is saved.

Less fuel wastage - As you do not need to stop and restart your vehicle, less petrol or diesel is burned, which saves your fuel tank from draining quickly.

Hassle-free recharge - You can easily recharge your FASTag using various methods like Internet banking, mobile wallet apps, NEFT, RTGS or even your credit and debit cards.

Message alerts - Every time your FASTag is used, you get an alert SMS on the mobile number registered with the card which ensures the prevention of its misuse.

Long validity - A FASTag is valid for five years, which means you need not worry about changing it frequently.

No requirement of cash - The work of cash is taken over by the FASTag. Therefore, it eliminates the necessity of carrying cash for toll payments.

Online portals - You can check the transactions made using your FASTag whenever you wish using specific web portals meant for the same.

Now, onto some Frequently Asked Questions: -

How to get a FASTag?

To buy a FASTag, you can ask the toll plaza employee for their sales department, or contact authorized agencies or banks that sell them. Many platforms offer car insurance quotes online and sell FASTag as well.

How much does a FASTag cost?

Generally, a FASTag can cost you around two hundred rupees for the purchase, which excludes recharge expenses.

Where is it placed?

FASTags are affixed on the windshield of the car in a very specific manner that allows the scanners placed at the toll plaza to scan it.

How to know if your card has been used?

As stated in the above benefits, a text message is delivered to the registered mobile phone when the FASTag is used. This is a sort of confirmation to the owner that payment has been made.

Do you need to maintain a certain balance?

You don't need to maintain a balance for sure, but yes there is a minimum value for a top-up of the tag which amounts to a hundred rupees.

Where is a FASTag valid?

Throughout the country, a FASTag can be used to make payments at toll plazas regardless of the city or state.

While getting FASTag will help you zoom seamlessly on the highways, do remember to check car insurance quotes online to get protection against possible accidents and incidents while on the road.


Here’s a guide to parallel parking that has guaranteed results

People often complain about parking spaces, especially in our country. They usually park illegally and in spots that make it difficult for pedestrians to navigate their ways and get to their destinations conveniently. Many people need to develop their parking skills, to avoid the problems of congested roads, traffic jams, etc. Parking your cars also avoids the risk of accidents, keeps your vehicles safe against any damage caused by collisions, and helps maintain proper order on the road.

Parallel parking is a skill that people find challenging to master. Are you somebody who has constant complaints about your inability to parallel park your two-wheeler or four-wheeler in parking spaces or congested parking lots? Well, do not worry. This blog is curated just for you. It discusses the tips to parallel park for you to read, quickly understand and practise parallel parking safely without damaging your car or hurting yourself.

1. Do not just go for a spot:
Always explore the spots that are empty before just going for the first one that you see. Giving it a thought for a minute will help you determine which location will be convenient for you and has enough space for you to parallel park your vehicle without any risk of collisions or damage. Determining if your car can fit in a particular area is crucial. Also, ensure that you keep a distance of at least two to three feet from the other vehicles.

2. Next step – reverse:
Your second step is to reverse correctly. Notice the other vehicle and reverse your car till the middle portion of your vehicle is parallel positioned concerning the next car’s bumper (rear). Keeping a distance of two to three feet is handy when you reverse. There is absolutely no risk of collision with the cars next to you on either side.

3. Platform behind your vehicle:
You must keep reversing your vehicle until you park perfectly parallel to the vehicles on the side and the divider, usually on the driver’s seat side. Ensure that you are aware of any platforms behind the cars in the parking lot to avoid crashing into them and damaging your vehicle while reversing it.

4. Aligning is important:
The last and final step is to check that your car is placed at an equal distance from the vehicles on either side of it and has enough space to open the door and get out comfortably. If not, straighten it or try parking it properly again. Aligning your car avoids the risk of any bumps and damages while you or others who have parked next to you try to move the vehicles out of their parking spaces.

While you parallel park, some tips to keep in mind include using your indicators to signal other cars that you are trying to park and avoid mishaps that might occur due to misreading directions. Slowly backing your vehicle is essential to prevent bumps into surfaces you might have missed out. Determining your parking position and being in control of your steering wheel are two other vital tips to ensure that you do not end up rushing or losing control of your vehicle.

These were a few ways to help you parallel park your vehicle in crowded places. Practise these steps, prevent the risk of damage to your vehicle, and learn to park it safely without creating chaos for fellow vehicles. And while we protect our vehicles against any damage, it is also crucial that you understand the significance of purchasing the best motor insurance India to safeguard your car against mishaps and avoid any monetary stress in case of a damage. Buy the best motor insurance India that compensates for the complete repair and maintenance of your car.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of purchasing motor insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


WHAT IS RT-PCR TEST for detecting corona virus infection?  By  Dr Sunilkumar Bura

RT-PCR Means Real-Time Polymerase chain reaction. RT-PCR one of the type PCR which the RNA template is first converted into a complementary DNA (cDNA) using reverse transcriptase. The cDNA is then used as a template for exponential amplification using PCR. Enabled sample amplification and eliminated the need for abundant starting material required when using northern blot analysis.

RT-PCR has been used to measure viral load with HIV and may also be used with other RNA viruses such as measles and mumps.

Advantages of real-time PCR test-

1. Amplification and detection occur in a single tube, eliminate post PCR manipulation.

2. An increased dynamic range of detection.

3. Ability to precisely measure the amount of amplicon at each cycle which allows highly accurate quantification of the amount of starting material in samples.

4. Ability to monitor PCR reaction in real-time.

Real-time PCR steps-There are mainly 3 steps involved in real-time PCR Reaction. Reactions generally run for 40 cycles -

1. Denaturation-High temperature incubation is used to melt double standard DNA into single standard DNA and loosen secondary structure in single standard DNA. The highest temperature use for Denaturation is 95 degrees.

2. Annealing-Complementary sequences have an opportunity to hybridize.

3. Extension-At 70-72ºc the activity of the DNA polymerase is optimal, and primer extension occurs at the rates of up to 100 bases per second.

TWO STEP qRT-PCR-Reverse transcriptase PCR (qRT-PCR) starts with the reverse transcription of either RNA or poly (A)+RNA into CDNA.

ONE STEP QRT-PCR-First-strand cDNA synthesis reaction and real-time PCR reaction in the same tube, simplifying reaction setup and reducing the possibility of contamination.


The Health Ministry has announced that the real-time reserve transcription-polymerase chain reaction or RT-PCR is the gold standard frontline test for COVID-19.

One is more accurate called RT-PCR which is extracting RNA from the nasal or mouth swab. Because of Genome sequencing technology, we have the sequence of SARS-COV-2 and RNA of the swab is checked whether virus and RNA share the same sequence. Because of proper research and Genome sequence projects going around the world, RT-PCR tests are considered more accurate and reliable.


RT-PCR Technology is a relatively expensive method. It requires RNA extracting machines, a laboratory and trained technicians. Minimum of 30 samples is needed to make it economically viable.


What you should do in case of accidents?

You’re driving safe. You’ve got your eyes on the road, and your seat belt on. But even if you do everything right, accidents well, they simply happen. While we know you’re doing your best to avoid accidents, here’s a list of essential tips to keep in handy in case you’re in an emergency:

  • If you or any of your passengers are injured, medical help is priority. Get first aid immediately.
  • Observe the site of the accident and note down all the details you can – from the location, to important number plates and names.
  • If there are eye-witnesses to the accident, make sure you note down their contact details, so you can follow up with them later.
  • Take pictures of the place where the accident happened. In times like these, every detail helps!
  • If the police have registered a case, remember to note down the case number.
  • Keep track of all the expenses you’ve had to undergo due to the accident. That means, don’t throw a single bill or receipt away!
  • Lastly, make sure you file your insurance claim as soon as you can! Because the sooner your Insurance Company knows about the incident, the sooner they can help you out.

In case of an unfortunate incident on the road, our no. 1 tip for you is the simplest: don’t panic! Stay calm, and keep a level head.
No matter where you are, always keep the accident no. on speed dial
Here’s to many safe, stress-free road-trips!


Eating during COVID-19: How nutrition can protect people's health during COVID-19

Started from the province of Wuhan in China, COVID-19 has spread all around the world, leaving behind the massacres. First reported on 30th January 2020, India has recorded a total of 1.44 million active cases and more than 32 thousand people have lost their lives as reported till 27th July 2020. Yet, till the current date, no verified vaccines have been launched in the market leaving behind a massive matter of concern for the common masses. In incurring medical care, what comes up to our mind first, does health insurance in India cover the COVID-19 or not?

What expenses does the health insurance cover?

Current Coronavirus health insurance in India covers hospitalization expenses including in-patient hospitalization, pre-hospitalization and post-hospitalization expenses. But it's always better to get our immunity system to act as the main barrier to trust, and for that, we need a stone-hard immunity.

What do you need for better immunity?

To get better immunity, we must focus on our nutritional well being and good food habits. To boost your immune system, you need the essential macro and micronutrients like proteins, good fats, carbohydrates, inorganic elements, and essential vitamins, apart from looking at the health insurance in India.

Some foods that you must include in your diet

1. Milk: One of the most common and cheap nutrition-rich liquid food is milk. A cup of dairy milk contains almost 8 grams of protein, 12 grams of carbohydrates, and 2.4 grams of fats along with Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and Vitamin B12. It is also a good source of Calcium(Ca) and Potassium(K). Due to the high complete protein content, it helps in lean muscle building and keeps bones healthy too. Having one cup of milk a day could help us keep us on track with the daily macros and micro required to boost up our immunity.

2. Egg: A whole egg contains approximately 13 grams of protein, 1.1 gram of carbohydrates, 11g of good fats along with Vitamin A, VItamin B2, B5, B6, B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K. The high-quality proteins and Essential Amino Acids in egg make it a complete source of protein. It is also a great source of Calcium, Zinc, and Iron. It raises HDL, which reduces the risks of heart disease.

3. Chicken: With a protein content of 27g, good fats of 14 grams, chicken is one of the best low-fat protein sources. It maintains muscle mass, strengthens bones, and reduces appetite. Though fried chickens might not be too good for our health, preferably grilled or boiled chicken, should be consumed for better outcomes.

4. Fruits: A variety of foods must be consumed regularly. Different fruits have different useful nutrient facts.
I. Banana: It has a high source of good carbohydrates. It also contains the right amount of Iron, Potassium, and Vitamin C. It is also a good source of fibres that keep our intestine healthy.
II. Lemons: The most famous citrus fruit, Lemons are highly rich in Vitamin C, Potassium, and fibres. Vitamin C helps in reducing heart disease risk, and the citric acid in lemons reduces kidney stones.
III. Grapes: Grapes packed with nutrients, especially Vitamin C and K are an excellent antioxidant that may prevent chronic diseases. It may reduce cholesterol and also might decrease blood sugar levels.

A balanced and well nutritious diet can help you increase your immunity to combat COVID-19 effectively. With healthy food, a bit of proper exercise will enhance your metabolism. Different health insurance in India promotes self-awareness so that the policyholders stay away from medical help.


Why Claiming takes so much time!

It’s time we shorten the time to Claim.

You know what’s the worst part about making a claim? THE WAITING! That uncertain period of time between you submitting your case, and your insurance company responding with a simple ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. We have all been through the ordeal, and we have all resigned to the bitter fact that there’s nothing you can do to change the situation.
Well, we decided we could do something about it! And we did!
Here’s how we manage to deliver seamless claims.

No waiting

You don’t have to wait for a third-party inspection, which may take days. Just do a quick self-survey using your smartphone camera by clicking pictures of the damage and send it to us. That’s it, your inspection is done in minutes!

No hard-copies

We don’t ask you for hard copies. We live true to our name and make everything ‘digital’. Which means, for any documentation or proof, just send us a soft-copy over email.

Our Customer Care works 24x7, making sure your claims are approved faster


Work from Home - The new normal    By Vikram Singh

Unprecedented times ask for unprecedented measures !! Many such measures and changes were enforced on our “way of life” due to COVID 19 crisis.

One such major change also for us Magmaites was WFH or "Work From Home". WFH became the new normal for us over the course of time, however this transmission has not been easy to many of us.

Once it was declared critical to put restrictions on physical movements to contain the spread of deadly virus - technology came to our rescue. This has been to ensure continuity of 'Work' even if it happens from the “safe” corners of our 'Homes'.

The vivid transition in our work lives -

1. To start with, it has evidently erased the physical boundaries of Home and Office

2. Those grapevine discussions over a 'Chai’ break' sound like a thing of past

3. Zoom has virtually intruded in to the Meeting spaces across all offices. One age-old proverb calling 'Man': a social animal, sounds meaningful and valuable now.

4. The very definition of “office time” has erased and one cannot see official and personal time differently as the office settings sometime tries to evade the personal or leisure settings. Perhaps, a reason, why Psychologists believe that separation from office-space would certainly have a toll on mental wellbeing of most of the people.

5. However, there are reasons to smile too. For, people are able to save a lot of travel-time - eventually adding to their overall productivity and happiness. They are able to give more time and attention to their loved ones as well. Almost everyone is trying their hands at long lost talents and hobbies - that is again adding to their mental wellbeing and creativity.

6. We were able to connect with our family members more and it has opened various possibilities in our relationships. This has definitely added immense value in our personal lives

At the end of the day, what we can look forward to is to have more disciplined and balanced approach to deal with these challenges and opportunities posed by our newly adopted WFH practices, and we can hope to get the better of this deadly virus soon enough, so as not to miss out on our beloved office tea breaks any longer !!


Considering open floor interiors? Here are its pros & cons

Open floor plans are increasingly trending in modern interior design. This layout combines two or more traditional spaces, such as a kitchen, dining room, and living room, into one large, open area. While there are many benefits to an open floor plan, there are also some drawbacks to consider.

Are you considering open-floor interiors for your home? We will discuss its pros & cons in the blog, so you can decide whether this layout suits your home. So, without further delay, let's get started with the pros.

1. Increases natural light
Opening up walls and combining spaces allows natural light to flow freely throughout the entire space, brightening the room and improving the look and feel of the home.

2. Enhances social interaction
Open floor plans allow for easy social interaction between family members and guests. Parents can watch children while cooking or doing other activities, and hosts can mingle with the guests while still taking care of other activities.

3. Makes smaller spaces appear larger
An open floor plan can create an impression of a larger space, even if the square footage is small. The area can feel more spacious by removing walls and creating a seamless flow.

4. Easy to entertain
Hosting a dinner party or social gathering with an open floor plan becomes effortless as everyone can move freely without feeling cramped or disconnected.

5. Adds value to your property
Open floor plans are currently prevalent in the real estate market, and having one in your home can increase its value, which can be beneficial when you sell your property.

Now let's have a look at the cons.

1. Noise pollution
With an open floor plan, noise from one area can easily travel to another, which can be troublesome when hosting guests or trying to relax.

2. Lack of privacy
Privacy can become a concern with an open floor plan, mainly when multiple people occupy the same space. This can disturb others when they need privacy to take a phone call or want to work quietly.

3. More challenging to decorate
Open floor plans can be more challenging to decorate as no natural dividers between spaces exist. Creating distinct zones in the same area may require more creativity and effort.

4. Messes are more visible
With an open floor plan, messes in one area can be seen from other parts of the room. This can be challenging and time-consuming as you need to clean it up regularly to have a tidy home.

5. Higher rates of house insurance India
Insurance companies may charge higher rates for homes with open floor plans as they may be riskier due to the potential for more significant losses in a disaster.

6. Requires more cooling and heating
While an open floor plan can reduce heating and cooling costs in some instances, it can also require more heating and cooling in others. This is particularly true for larger spaces, which may require additional heating and cooling to maintain a comfortable temperature.

Open floor plans offer many benefits, including increased natural light, enhanced social interaction, and the feeling of a larger space. However, as they also come with their share of challenges, consider your lifestyle, family size, and how you plan to use the space when finalizing an open floor plan. With careful consideration, proper process, and planning, you can make a thoroughly informed decision about the house insurance India you should buy that will serve your needs optimally and provide you with a functional and beautiful living space for years to come.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of purchasing house insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let’s understand the different types of property insurance you can invest in based on your asset type

Building a property from scratch can be a time-taking and intimidating process. Whether commercial or private property, the construction cost can burn a hole in your pocket. This is precisely why property insurance becomes necessary to protect you, your family, and your assets from any unforeseen tragedies that might occur.

Property insurance provides cover for various misfortunes, including but not limited to fire, natural calamities, or robbery. However, choosing an insurance specific to your asset type is vital for the best coverage and benefits. This blog gives insight into the various types of property insurance available in the market based on your asset type.

1. Office insurance:
Office insurance is essential for all office premises, including public and private offices, call centres, etc. This insurance plan covers office owners against damages from unforeseen circumstances like fires, storms, lightning, hurricanes, cyclones, etc. This policy also covers other possible threats, such as the theft of office appliances.

2. Construction sites insurance:
Construction sites are places with a high probability of accidents. The misfortune of contractors is that the property remains their liability till the entire construction is completed and the property is handed over to someone. Whether it is due to bad weather or some water damage, it is a possibility that the building might collapse onto itself. It is essential to get construction site insurance to keep your assets secure against these occurrences.

3. Commercial insurance:
This insurance covers the policyholder from the losses incurred from destroying commercial properties such as warehouses, offices, factories, hotels, etc. Taking a suitable commercial insurance policy can be the best investment for business owners to safeguard themselves from the enormous losses faced by man-made or natural calamities.

4. Landlord insurance:
Landlord insurance is much like the homeowner’s insurance with one significant addition. The addition is the compensation of lost rental income, which is not covered by any other policy.

5. Renter’s insurance:
Tenants are usually in a dilemma regarding the safety of their belongings in rented accommodation. If their prized possessions are stolen, or there is some natural calamity that results in the tenant incurring losses, there is no way that the homeowner will pay for it.
So, the best option for tenants is to get insurance that covers all their belongings. Renter’s insurance is very similar to the homeowner insurance policy. One significant difference is, however, that this policy is exclusively meant to recover financial losses sustained by the policyholder if their belongings (can include clothes, jewellery, and appliances around the house) are damaged because of man-made or natural calamities.

6. Homeowners insurance:
Homeowners insurance or HOME INSURANCE is the most widely acquired type of property insurance. This is for a good reason. A home is a significant investment, and it is imperative to be secure against the various misfortunes that might befall it.

An appropriate home insurance covers all the financial losses the homeowner might incur in the event of any significant damage due to an accident or mishaps like burglary. Additionally, it also covers any possessions that have been destroyed in the mishap.

Our home is the greatest property asset, and safeguarding it from potential damages should be our primary objective. Having the most suitable home insurance is a surefire way of protecting from financial mishaps and adding the safety net of damage coverage.

Property insurance gives the property owner security and credibility, which is important for peace of mind and financial safety. Thoroughly researching the best insurance policy is essential to have the optimum coverage for your assets.

Click HERE to know more about home insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why is public transport the best way to travel and explore places

Exploring the novelties and embarking on new adventures is what travelling is all about. From dingy roadside motels to premium five-star hotels, travel experiences make you more confident and better prepared for everything. To some people, it is a much-needed respite from the mundane routine of everyday life; for others, it is a way of life. Some people believe in setting aside a part of their earnings for annual family trips, while others earn to travel. Common among all these lifestyle choices is the desire to explore newness and the different versions of the planet.

There are multiple ways in which you can explore a city. You can accompany a tour group, walk around, and indulge in local life. But, in this article, we will discuss why public transport is the best way for you to enjoy your vacation.

1. Closer to the local life:
Cabs and rentals will ensure an easy commute, but if you want to indulge in the lifestyle of the locals, using public transport is a must. The locals frequently use public transport to carry out their day-to-day chores. Interacting with them will not only help you gain a better insight into the culture of the place, but it will also help you figure out where the untouched locations are. Many local restaurants and establishments are unexplored by the tourism industry. Local knowledge about these will help you explore the unexplored.

2. Cheaper:
People often complain about being scammed by taxi services and other car rentals. However, with public transport, you can avoid being scammed altogether. Since locals frequent this mode of transportation, they can't charge you extra. Some governments facilitate subsidised public transport rates, so the overall cost of your daily commute becomes considerably inexpensive.

3. Time to relax:
If you intend to book a car for yourself, be prepared to stress out about directions constantly. You might also be stuck in long traffic jams if you decide on exploring the city. Opt for public transport like trains to escape heavy traffic and the tiresome drive. During your commute, you can either look out of the window and enjoy the views or catch a nap before reaching your next location. This small break will help you be rejuvenated for the next part of your trip.

4. Personal health:
Public transport is a boon for you if you are a fitness enthusiast and cannot squeeze in the time for your workout in your jam-packed itinerary. Opting for public transport indicates that you will need to walk between stops, stations, or ports, depending upon the location and the type of transport. Not only does it prompt you to walk more, but it also helps you build an appetite so that you can eat more of the local cuisines guilt-free.

5. Responsible towards environment:
Public transport saves a considerable amount of fuel as compared to personal vehicles. The stark increase in carbon dioxide emissions has resulted in a rapid rise in global temperatures. Opting for public transport is a small contribution you can make to the environment and a better future.

These are a few reasons why public transport is the best option for you while travelling. Interact with the locals and explore the city's novelties while taking public transport. Remember that no trip is complete without travel insurance. Any risks you can incur during your vacation, including theft, financial losses, injuries, etc., will be taken care of by an insurance policy. To protect yourself and your family against such expenses, do not forget to buy insurance policy online. You can compare multiple policies, analyse their benefits and premiums, and choose from several online options.

Click HERE to buy insurance policy online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Invest in the fire and special perils policies for advanced protection of your property

Building a property from zero is a daunting process. It takes time, effort, and a high budget to construct your dream home or your dream office. Despite all this hard work, there are times when misfortune strikes unexpectedly. It can be a short circuit caused by lightning, a storm, flood, or cyclone that might drown your premises.

You won’t want your property to fall prey to such casualties. Despite taking all precautions and looking after safety measures, still, you cannot avoid the probability of mishaps. As rightly said, we must always pray for the best but prepare for the worst.

So, it is wise to be smartly insured against any such happenings. A policy that covers most misfortunes, either natural or man-made, is the Fire and Special Perils Policy.

What is the fire and special perils policy?

A fire and special perils policy is a contract where the insurer secures you and your property from any damages that may occur due to natural calamities such as storms, cyclones, and resulting floods, lightning, or man-made perils such as riots, strikes, or malicious damages.

Even though adversities like these may not strike you as something you should pay immediate attention to, it’s best to get insured before the situation gets out of hand. This will give you and your loved ones some much-needed peace of mind.

Key features of this policy:

This policy usually covers several contingencies, including

1. Fire hazard: Your property and possessions are insured if a fire breaks out.

2. Lightning: If any damage is caused by lightning impact

3. Explosion/Implosion: Your property is insured against an unforeseen explosion. If the building collapses inwards due to the failure of a system, that is also insured within this policy.

4. Human hazards like riots, strikes, and malicious damage: In case of these man-made hazards, your possessions are insured against visible physical damage.

5. Natural calamities: No one can accurately predict precisely when a natural disaster will occur. So, it gives great peace when your property is secured against these unforeseen calamities like storms, cyclones, typhoons, tempests, etc. This policy also insures you and your loved ones against floods, and landslides, including repairing your property.

6. Accidental mishaps: The repair charges are covered in the rare chance of accidental damages like the bursting of an automatic sprinkler installation.

7. Missile testing operations

8. Groundworks and other excavations

Some of the add-ons you can opt for in this policy are

1. Debris removal

2. Destruction in the event of a forest fire

3. Loss of rent

Features that are not covered:

Knowing the pros and cons of each policy before purchasing it is essential. There are a few instances where this insurance policy does not cover damage and loss to your property. These are

1. Destruction and damage caused by wars, being invaded by a foreign entity, civil war, rebellions, or in the case of military or usurped power

2. Nuclear war and allied risks

3. Pollution and contamination

4. Damages incurred due to volcanic eruptions or earthquakes

5. Damages incurred due to the loss of unclaimed precious stones or works of art

6. Acts of terrorism or militant activities

It takes a lifetime to build assets like property, so it doesn’t come as a surprise that one would want to get it insured against unforeseen misfortunes. The Fire and special perils policy are one of the most popular insurance policies chosen by homeowners, SME’s and big corporations alike. This holistic plan can protect you and your loved ones and also comes with a lot of flexibility.

You may even invest in the best HOME INSURANCE IN INDIA to protect the content of your home from incidents like theft or damage to the building. Investments that reap fruitful outcomes go a long way in safeguarding your dreams.

Click HERE to know more about the best home insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What are the different types of general insurance policies?

In modern times, uncertainty has become a part and parcel of life. You can take as many precautions as possible but certain unwanted situations can always take place. These situations can be related to your health, your life, or your possessions like car, mobile, house etc. Due to any man-made situations or natural disasters, you can suffer losses on various accounts. In such situations, an insurance policy is something that can reimburse you for the losses suffered to a great extent and reduce the monetary damage.

Although insurance policies cannot prevent the happening of any unfortunate incident, they can help minimize losses suffered due to such incidents. Irrespective of the fact whether you decide to Buy Insurance Policy Online or offline, having an active insurance policy is a must.

Insurance policies are available in various types and categories. The two main categories are life policies and non-life policies. The life policies are the ones that deal with ‘life’ of an individual. On the other hand, the non-life policies are the ones which deal with all other types of mishaps that can occur. These non-life policies are also called general insurance policies.

What are the different types of general insurance policies?

Following are the different types of general insurance policies that are available, whether you buy insurance policy online or offline: -

  • Health insurance covers all the expenses related to a person’s health when he/she gets hospitalized due to problems like any illness or any accident. It also covers situations like an annual health checkup, daycare procedure, psychiatric support and other health-related situations. Specific extensions of these insurance policies cover critical illness, maternity-related situations and organ donation. The premium of a health insurance policy is based on the individual’s age, history of the health, any genetic disorders and other cases like that.
  • Travel insurance losses suffered while travelling to domestic or international locations are covered by the travel insurance policy. Situations like loss of baggage or passport, hijacking, medical expenses and other travel-related situations that require settlement are covered. Any accidental deaths caused during the travel are also compensated by the insurance policy. Some insurance companies also allow the travel insurance policy to be free of any deductibles. In this situation, the company covers all the expenses.
  • Motor insurance has further two types of policies that involve comprehensive and third-party policies. The third-party policy involves the settlement in situations that involve any damage caused to another vehicle or person by your vehicle. The accidental expenses caused by your vehicle are settled by the insurance company. Comprehensive policies also cover the damages caused to your vehicle. It is a policy which encompasses the features of third party policy in it.
  • Marine insurance is useful in reimbursing of losses cause to goods that are being transported through cargo ships to national as well as international locations.
  • Commercial insurance policies deal with the business-related insurances that involve loss of property, professional liability, marine damage and other such expenses.
  • Home insurance the insurance covers the losses related to theft, fire, or other damages caused to your home.
  • In case you are interested in buying a general policy, you can do so by contacting any insurance company, or you can even buy insurance policy online. The quotations will be provided to you in both online and offline cases. You can look at it and in case it suits you, you can purchase the respective insurance policy. You must make the premium payment on time to keep the policy active and enjoy its coverage. Any delay in the premium payment beyond the grace period would render the policy ineffective, exposing you to various liabilities and losses.

Why should we follow the traffic signals while driving vehicles?

Traffic rules are meant for your safety, and there should be no arguments against why you should ensure to follow traffic rules while driving or walking on roads. Traffic rules help protect you on the road as well as everyone else driving on the same road. People should know about the basic traffic signs and rules that should be followed while driving any vehicle on roads. People driving bigger vehicles need to be extra careful because of the multiple blind spots that are created by the big size of the vehicle.

Moreover, someone behind any bigger vehicle should also understand that there is limited visibility of the driver, and they should not try to come in the way of such vehicles which can be dangerous for both parties. Prevention is always better than cure but in case any mishappening occurs due to mistakes from either side, there are insurance providers who provide personal accident insurance as well. You can buy Personal Accident Insurance Online from any reputed insurance provider after properly comparing the benefits of all the different policies that are provided by different insurance providers.

Need for following road traffic rules

Government statistics show that more than 400 road accidents occur in India almost every day due to the negligence of the people driving and walking on roads. In many of these accidents, people get injured and in most of them, there are deaths of people involved also while some may escape unhurt. But, if traffic violations had not taken place and people were following the road traffic signs properly, there is a very high chance that the number of accidents will be very less than the current rate of 400 accidents per day.

Such traffic crashes and accidents also affect the Gross Domestic Product of the country, and the impact can be as high as 3% of the GDP. The traffic signs put on roads by the government for the people work to ensure that order ensues on the roads and signs are followed by the people on the roads. These traffic signs if followed properly will greatly help in reducing the accidents that occur daily on Indian roads.

Misconceptions amongst the people are aggravating the problem

There is a large population of India that do not follow traffic rules and is habitual of violating the rules, either due to no knowledge of the signs or even due to some misconceptions. There is a long time misconception in Indian public that it is not necessary to follow traffic signals after 10 PM and you see people racing past signals after 10 PM. This is completely false but people still following such myths is also the reason for many high-speed accidents occurring at night on city roads. People also do not follow one-way road rules and come with their vehicles on the road from either direction. They believe that reversing their vehicle on a one-way road is correct even if they are walking in the opposite direction, but this is completely wrong. You can reverse your vehicle on a one-way road, but you should be moving in the direction in which the road allows movement. These were examples of some common misconceptions among the people in India but there are more, and these myths lead to an increase in accidents on the roads.

It is necessary to train the people what different traffic signs and signals mean and what you should do when you see one of these signs. Campaigns should be undertaken by the government to train people on how to drive their vehicles properly on the road without causing a nuisance to others. Additionally, one must purchase personal accident insurance online or offline, as preferable, to get protection in case of such incidents.


These 5 practices can help you stay protected from Covid-19

In these difficult and devastating times, we all want to keep ourselves protected from this deadly pandemic. The entire human race is praying to be safe and establish a Covid-free atmosphere in the world. But how can we make this happen? What measures can truly safeguard us from getting infected by this highly contagious disease?

1. MASK- A dependable shield

Wearing a proper mask should be our utmost priority whenever we move out of our houses or go to crowded places. Mask is the first wall of defence against the Coronavirus. The majority of the chances of getting infected are narrowed down if we wear appropriate masks suggested by our government and health authorities. But just wearing the masks is not sufficient; the mask should cover your face and nose properly. Only good quality masks should be used, cloth masks should be regularly washed, and use-and-throw masks should not be used more than twice. Masks should be handled only by using elastic strands. Avoid using masks that have filters installed on them, but use masks that are comfortable and easy to breathe. Remember, Mask ON....Life ON!

2. Maintain a safe distance today to have a safer tomorrow

Another crucial and effective preventive measure is maintaining a social distance of at least six feet when you are around other people. Avoiding close contact with people can nullify the chances of getting infected to larger extents. Even when you are at home, it is recommended to avoid getting close to the sick person or with low immunity, especially aged members of your house. Today this physical distance is a necessity to ensure the safety of you and also the people around you.

3. Safety is in your HANDS. Literally!

Our hands touch many things and surfaces daily, which means they are massively exposed to the virus. Later these hands can act as a carrier and can make our bodies vulnerable to the infection. So, we must wash our hands regularly and properly. Hands should be either washed by using soap and water or using hand sanitizers with a minimum of 70% alcohol. Especially when you are in a public place, carry a sanitizer with you always and use it whenever you touch an unknown surface. Avoid touching your nose, eyes, face, and mouth with unclean hands. Also, maintain personal hygiene and even keep your surroundings disinfected.

4. Vaccine is a must

Responsibly participate in the vaccination drive and get yourself vaccinated with both the doses of the vaccine. Also, encourage others to get themselves vaccinated. The vaccine is a game-changer during these challenging times, so be responsible and take the shot whenever available.

5. Your Health, Your Priority

In this depressing environment, it is wise to understand that staying positive can flush all the negativity and restore happiness. Every human is a superhero during these crucial times. Together we all can do wonders, follow these guidelines, and realize the importance of Covid appropriate behaviour and be a life saviour.

Lastly, in this extreme situation, closely monitor your health for any unexpected changes in your body. Never underestimate any symptoms, stay alert and consult your doctor in case you feel something odd. It is suggested to have an appropriate 

health insurance 

policy that acts as a rescuer for immediate cashless hospitalization and huge Covid related hospital expenses. You can buy Health Insurance Online in a contactless manner from a trusted source to ensure your health cover.

Let's make this difficult period a little lighter, both emotionally and mentally, and win this battle.


Getting the Covid vaccine? Here's what you need to know

Amidst this pandemic, the human race is praying desperately for the cure. After so many efforts, we are finally blessed to have a vaccine now. It is indeed significant that it could be made in such a short period; all credit to our advanced medical researchers.

Want to get the COVID-19 vaccine? Please check this step-wise procedure.

The first step to get vaccinated is to register yourself on the CoWin portal and get an appointment for the first dose of the vaccine. CoWin is a trusted platform designed by the government, which runs both independently and also on the Arogya Setu app. Avoid using any other portal or application for registering yourself as a lot of fraudulent portals are being run to fool people. Know exactly where the vaccine drives are rolling in your vicinity.

Also, it is important to know the difference between various doses, their side effects, and which one is suitable for you to take. Do this with the help of a physician or a doctor before taking your shot of vaccine.

Setting up your mind to get vaccinated without getting afraid is important. Vaccination is nothing but immunization!

What is to be done before getting vaccinated?

Register yourself on the government-suggested website and get an appointment for a particular day. As your day of vaccination is close, take adequate rest. Have enough sleep of 7-8 hours and avoid exhausting yourself. Also, if you are on some other medication or if you are on steroids or any immunosuppression, then consult your doctor.

For the safer side, if you feel any symptoms like cough, fever, cold, sore throat, etc. on or before the day of vaccination, then seek medical help. Consume a balanced diet to boost your immune system and to maintain your energy level. Stay hydrated, it is the key to stay calm inside out.

What to do when ‘it is the day’?

On the day of your shot, do a safety check. Ensure you are wearing a proper face mask and sanitize your hands properly. If possible, wear hand gloves too to maintain zero contact. Foremost, wear loose clothes when you are going to the vaccination centre because the vaccination spot is on the upper arm, giving easy access to the vaccinator.

The most important thing is to stay positive. Don't get anxious, take slow deep breaths. Think of a positive outcome – this shot is going to be a shield for you and others around you.

And, please carry your photo ID card mentioned in your appointment details for vaccination.

What are the steps taken after getting vaccinated?

The primary step is to monitor yourself. If there are any side effects, they will appear within 30 minutes after getting your vaccine shot. There are mild and common effects like swelling, redness on the arm, dizziness, headache, chills or mild fever, joint or muscle ache, etc. Remember that these side effects will subside within a few days.

If you feel severe symptoms like vomiting, fainting, allergic reactions, then seek medical help immediately. Avoid consuming painkillers or any other medication unless you consult a doctor about it.

The second dose is equally essential, so don't miss that. There should be a fair gap of 4-12 weeks between both the doses.

And most important of all is, even after getting vaccinated, don't stop taking precautions in day-to-day life. Continue wearing your masks, do sanitize properly and maintain social distancing.

Also, considering the risk pandemic brought, if you already don't have an existing health insurance, it is time to purchase a new 

health insurance plan

 .You can buy Health Insurance Online to get coverage to protect your family from sudden illnesses, hospitalization and medical expenses.

Let us be responsible, and let us all protect one another and help our community get through these pandemic hard times. Stay Safe, Get Vaccinated.


Tips for a homeowner facing a fire or smoke damage

Disasters have many faces and can strike anytime, anywhere; they can be seen in the form of quakes, floods, gas leaks, explosions, etc. and one of the most commonly known faces of disaster is fire. Damage felt after a partial or full-blown fire mishap is quite painful and nearly unrecoverable. However, if you have your house insured with ironclad insurance from a well-reputed fire insurance company, then your hassles can be reduced to a minimum.

fire insurance policy plays an essential role in dealing with the losses and damages incurred due to fire. It is highly recommended to purchase fire insurance to safeguard your homes from any future calamity that a sudden fire or smoke can cause.

Here are some of the tips you can follow if you face damage from fire or smoke in your homes.

  • Ask for an advance against your claim: -  Right after the house has been gutted to fire, you might be forced to evacuate the house, considering the dangerous situation because of the smoke. In this case, you are eligible to get an advance from your insurance company so that you can buy your daily essentials. Inform your insurance company and ask it to issue a cheque and bring it to wherever you are staying. It will help you in this dire need and will be enough for your survival until your claim gets accepted.
  • Checking for the extent of losses: - Once the fire tragedy is controlled, the first act of the homeowner is to calculate or check for the damage extent of personal belongings and property loss in the fire. Once the total loss is measured and counted, it will be easier for you to negotiate with officials handling the claim process.
  • Having your receipts documented: - After facing a disastrous house fire, you may be forced to live in a temporary dwelling like a hotel or guesthouse close to your vicinity. It would be ideal to secure all the receipts, document all the costs and expenses carefully. Once you receive the claim for the house fire, you may also get a compensated amount you incurred on your living expenses.
  • Check bank statements if you don’t have a receipt: - People tend to be careless when it comes to saving receipts for every new thing that they buy. While we might save receipts of the electronic items for warranty or claiming a refund, it’s not easy to keep those long bills every time you go for grocery shopping. However, your every online transaction would bring a huge relief; hence look for credit card statements and bank statements to prove the value of items.
  • Back up your vocal claims with evidence: - After the fire tragedy, some items are destroyed or damaged to such an extent that for the insurer, it could be challenging to identify for assigning the claim. So, as a responsible party, you ought to click as many pictures and shoot videos as possible of the damaged, smoked rooms to show the physical evidence of the actual damage before it gets wiped by a restoration company.

Quick Guide on Fire Insurance

Fire insurance is a contractual agreement between the policyholder and the insurer wherein the insurer in return for consideration or premium agrees to indemnify the policyholder or the insured person for the financial loss that he/she may suffer due to destruction of or damage to property or goods by fire during a specific period. You can buy as well as renew a fire insurance policy in India by online as well as offline ways.

The purchase of fire insurance helps to cover the cost of replacement, repair or reconstruction of the property, but fire insurance is generally not valid in case of war, nuclear risk or any such similar peril. Buying fire insurance is always a good idea because your property is your investment and buying a fire insurance policy will help you recover the damage and loss caused due to fire on your property.

Most of the policies offered by the different insurance providers cover the physical damage caused to your property by the following perils: -

  • Fire
  • Lightning
  • Riot and Strike
  • Earthquake, wind and storm
  • Explosion
  • Smoke damage
  • Sprinkler Damage
  • Damage due to aircraft
  • Bush fire
  • Subsidence, rockslides or landslides
  • Impact damage which may occur due to the impact of road vehicles or animals or rails.

There are various types of fire insurance policies that are available in India, depending on the coverage requirement of the individual. The type of fire insurance policy in India you may choose also depends on whether the asset which is being insured is a fixed asset or a non-fixed asset. Depending on the type of asset being insured, insurance providers have different types of fire insurance policies available. The types of policies for fixed assets such as homes are: -

  • Replacement Value Policy - The asset which has been insured is replaced if it is damaged by fire wherein the insurance company pays the replacement value of the damaged property.
  • Reinstatement Value Policy - This is almost similar to the Replacement Value Policy but with an added clause that the insurance company will replace the damaged property to its original condition before the occurrence of the peril. This policy applies to fixed assets like buildings.

There are many different types of policies for non-fixed assets, such as: -

  • Specific Policy - This policy covers the loss up to a specific amount which is less than the real value of the property.
  • Comprehensive Policy - Also called ‘All in One’ policy, this policy covers loss due to fire, theft, burglary as well as other third-party damages.
  • Valued Policy - Under this policy, the insured person can recover a fixed amount which was agreed to at the time the policy was bought.
  • Floating Policy - This policy covers loss due to fire to property belonging to the same person but at different places.
  • Valuable Policy - The sum insured is not decided at the time of buying the policy but instead, the claim amount is calculated at the time of loss.
  • Consequential Loss Policy - This policy covers the loss in profit caused due to disruption of the business by damage due to fire.

Buying a fire insurance policy for your house or your goods is always a good decision, but you must buy a policy which covers the risk that you face and understand the nature of the asset that you want to insure and then buy an insurance policy accordingly.


Quick Tips on Fire Insurance

Fire and related events can cause very big losses, and they have become one of the biggest causes of losses in recent times. The damage due to fire can include non-movable assets like homes and buildings as well as movable assets like goods. To ensure you are protected against any unforeseen damage of your property by fire or any fire-related event, you can buy fire insurance for your property from any of the fire insurance companies in India. Fire insurance involves many things and some things must be taken care of while buying fire insurance or renewing your insurance so that you need to pay a lesser premium as well as while filing claims so that you get the best deals.

Things covered under fire insurance: -

Fire, explosion and implosion Lightning Damage due to aircraft Strikes and riots Rockslides and landslides Impact damage Malicious damage Bush fire Smoke damage Storm, typhoon Sprinkler damage Earthquake

Things which fire insurance companies in India do not cover: -

Perils like war, civil war, invasion and similar events Rebellion or Martial law and similar events Underground fires and losses due to that Spontaneous Combustion Losses due to pollution or contamination Theft related losses occurring during or after the fire Consequential losses

What should be the policy amount of your fire insurance?

In most cases, the total sum for which you are buying the fire insurance should be equal to the total cost needed to rebuild or reinstate the property and the professional fees involved along with the charges for the removal of debris.

What is the difference between Replacement Value Policy and Reinstatement Value Policy for Fixed Assets?

In Replacement Value Policy, the insurance company pays the cost of replacing the complete asset that has been damaged or lost due to fire and related events whereas in case of a Reinstatement Value Policy; the insurance company pays the cost to replace the damaged property to its original condition it was in before the loss due to fire. While Replacement Value Policy can apply to other assets, the Reinstatement Value Policy is only applicable to buildings and no other assets.

When buying a fire insurance policy from fire insurance companies in India, you must consider the following things:

The type of risk that the policy covers and if the risk covered by the policy matches the risk you face for your property. The nature of the asset you want to insure because there are different types of policies available for fixed assets and many other different types of policies available for non-fixed assets. Understand the coverage duration of your policy and when to renew the policy.

What information you should get from the fire insurance company while buying the policy?

Premium Payable The insurance cancellation and refund policy Period of coverage Scope of policy coverage Non-standard exclusions Claims reporting procedures

What things are considered to calculate the premium?

The insurer uses many different kinds of data to come up with a final number which you need to pay as premium annually:

The type of policy The type of risk or risks covered The total sum insured The total value of the asset being insured How the asset being insured is used by the owner of the asset The expected risks that can damage the property being insured Whether the person has taken a policy extension or not

How to claim if your asset is damaged?

You need to immediately contact your insurer as soon as your insured property is damaged. The insurer may appoint an independent loss adjuster to take care of your claim, and you will be required to fill a form to start the claim process. The insurer will undertake proper investigation and will then accept the claim if everything is fine.


Keep your car in great shape!

Your car gets you safely everywhere you want to go, but it requires that you take good care of it in order for it to keep running. Some of these simple maintenance issues can actually result in an accident or injuries. Take the time to make sure these 10 things are checked regularly and maintained as needed and avoid a potential accident or claim.

Tip 1: Change the oil. Neglecting oil level checks and fresh oil changes will not do your car any favours.

Tip 2: Change the oil filter. Check the oil level once a month and replace the oil filter regularly.

Tip 3: Check your brake fluid. Check when transmission fluid and power steering fluid need to be replaced as well.

Tip 4: Check the tyre pressure each month. You should check your tyres regularly by ensuring that they are properly inflated and that the wheels are aligned. Not only will you get better mileage, but your tyres will last longer too.

Tip 5: Check the windscreen wipers. Make sure they are not damaged and are in a good working condition, as driving without proper visibility is dangerous.

Tip 6: Change the air filter. Keep your engine clean by regularly replacing the air filter.

Tip 7: Check the windscreen. Inspect the windscreen for small chips and scratches. These are reasonably cheap to repair, while replacing an entire windscreen is expensive.

Tip 8: Check your lights. This means indicator lights, hazard lights and headlights. Replace burnt out bulbs immediately.

Tip 9: Check the dashboard. Don't ignore the dashboard if there are flashing lights or the temperature gauge is suddenly extra hot. Stop as soon as it is safe and read the manual to make sure it is safe to drive further.

Tip 10: Protect the exterior of the car. A coat of good quality wax will ensure that your vehicle paint is protected. Apply the wax every six months.

Keep your car in good running condition and it will keep you safe and in control on the road. It takes a short amount of time to check these important functions, but can save money, fuel, and even lives in the long run. Make sure the functions of your car aren’t the only thing you’re checking. Get Car Insurance at the best price and protect your prized possession!


Get the peace of mind you deserve with one step

We all know that setting up a business and buying an asset takes a lot of time and toiling, it may be a car, your dream house or simply a household item.

For many, work and business is a doppelganger of their personal identity. Your office could have cash, valuables, goods and raw material, critical documents or intellectual property that in an event of a theft or burglary can leave you financially crippled. 

Here’s what we have figured out through our truth lens!

Even though the crime rate in India is on the decline, it is still quite high at 379 crimes per lakh of the population as per data from NCRB (2016). Most urban business complexes now have better security systems and more personnel on board; however, most perpetrators in cases of thefts are known to be familiar faces. This makes it imperative for businesses to add a layer of security with a comprehensive burglary and theft insurance plan.

For the sake of insurance, theft and burglary are two separate categories, where burglary, unlike a theft, also accounts for forcible/ violent entry and/or armed robbery that puts the people, place and other valuables at risk. 

Why is securing yourself against theft and burglary important?

A comprehensive protection plan can be purchased for your home, office, factory, warehouse, etc. The compensation from the insurer covers for any item that is stolen from the insured premises and also makes good any loss or damage caused to the premises on account of the said theft or burglary.

Any stock of goods, furniture, computers and electronics and other assets within the business premises are covered too. In fact Magma HDI’s Burglary Insurance Policy goes a step further and provides for reasonable coverage to clean up the premises and move any debris from the premises to the closest disposal site. It also reimburses for making good critical documents such as agreements and confidential business documents, on which sometimes the registration and stamp duty itself can run in to lakhs of rupees.

If you fear a repeated attempt at the theft or burglary, Magma HDI burglary policy also covers for the cost of temporary protection incurred for the safety of your employees and assets.

The first thing you need to do is to ensure that there are reasonable safety and security systems in place so as to minimize the risk. This will also have a direct impact on the insurance premium you will incur. The better your preparation, the lower the premium. The insurance will not cover for any loss arising out of an ‘inside job’ unless through forceful means.

Review your insurance requirements periodically, especially if you have different value of cash, goods/ raw material moving in and out of your office, new equipment/ machinery, critical R&D technology, etc. The value of your stocks and assets have a direct correlation to your premium.

The cost of insurance is a small price to pay for ensured business continuity, protecting your family and employees and securing your peace of mind.


What is the claim settlement ratio?

Have you thought of your insurance claim getting rejected? Scary is’nt it?

Any individual taking an insurance policy would never think about their claim not being approved, but there have been numerous incidents of insurance claim rejection. Some of the reasons could be due to negligence on the part of the policyholder, but sometimes, it could also be because of choosing the wrong policy provider who looks for loopholes to avoid paying claims.

Claim settlement becomes especially important in the case of life insurance policy, where an entire family’s short-term sustenance may depend upon the claim amount.

What is Claim Settlement Ratio?

As the name suggests, the Claim Settlement Ratio is the number of claims the insurance provider has settled up until now. For instance, if the company has a claim settlement ratio of 80%, then that means that the particular company has settled 80 out of every 100 claims that were filed by policyholders.

Magma HDI has maintained an exceptional CSR of 94.1% in FY 17-18 compared to the industry average of 87.2%. With our convenient and efficient claim settlement process, we were able to ensure less than 30-day claim settlement for almost 87.17% of the total claims made in the year. 

Why is the claim settlement ratio important?

It is essential to consider every aspect so you can take an informed decision before picking the right insurance provider and signing the policy papers. This becomes particularly important when taking life insurance, as, in the event of your untimely device, you will leave behind a financial security cushion for your dependents to fall back on.

The Claim Settlement Ratio is an indication of the likelihood of the policy provider to pay the claim. Companies that have a higher claim settlement ratio are automatically trusted higher as compared to companies with a lower ratio.

Few reasons for claim rejection:
  • Withholding critical information at the time of taking the policy can seriously impact the likelihood of your claim getting settled as it affects the risk assessment – Can be written as tell the truth always! no matter what
  • Not understanding or being unaware of the company’s terms and conditions could lead to complications or incorrect/incomplete information that could then lead to rejection. Therefore, make sure you understand the clauses and use the free-look period to ensure that you’ve made the right selection
  • Faltering during the claim filing process is one of the key reasons for claim rejection. Therefore, you must thoroughly follow the process before filing your claim

Now that you know all about the Claim Settlement Ratio and how it impacts your chances of claim settlement, you can make an informed decision and choose the right provider. 


How Magma HDI liability insurance makes you a responsible citizen?

It is hard to name a single businessman who hasn’t taken risks, but you will know many brave ones who trusted luck and risked everything. Truth be told, as a responsible business owner and citizen, one needs to be prepared with and Magma HDI Genaral Insurance Company offers a wide range of liability insurance policies that give you

1. Compensation for damage/loss of property or human injury

2. Covers your legal liabilities towards damage to any third party, along with the legal costs and expenses incurred by the insured.

3. It applies to both industrial and non-industrial establishments.

4. Compensation for damage/loss of property or a human injury caused due to defects in product manufacturing

5. Even after ensuring the highest quality standards and assessment parameters, a manufacturing defect in products is still possible and can cause mishaps.In such instances, Magma HDI Liability Insurance covers the liability to a third party.

6. Compensation for damage caused due to human negligence

Be it any professional– doctor, engineer or lawyer – involuntary errors and omissions could seriously impact their customers’ health, well-being, or financial stature. Liability insurance will take care of any liabilities that may arise due to negligence while executing your responsibilities.

Smart and trusted businesses quickly compensates loss or damage that might occur during the regular course of business as they are backed by their Liability Insurance policies and so can you CLICK HERE for buying Magma HDI’s liability insurance Policy.


7 things you need to know about public liability insurance

Accidents happen. Sometimes due to negligence and sometimes due to sheer bad luck.

What if a customer slips and falls at your premise and breaks a bone? Or purchases an electrical device from you which causes a short circuit at their home resulting in a fire? In either of these incidents, as a business owner, you can be liable to compensate for the loss/damage to life, property and the legal fees a third party incurs.

An Example

A famous incident that highlights the need for public liability insurance is the 'hot coffee lawsuit' of 1992. The plaintiff, 79-year-old Ms Liebeck accidentally spilt hot coffee on her lap, (while in her car) purchased from a renowned fast-food retailers outlet. She spent eight days in the hospital because of third-degree burns, had to undergo a skin graft and two years of follow up treatment. Her attorney argued that the coffee served at 82-88 degrees was significantly hotter than what other outlets served (60 degrees) and was a burn hazard even if consumed immediately.

The jury initially awarded Ms Liebeck US$160,000 as compensation and coverage for medical expenses in addition to US$2.7 million in punitive damages. After a prolonged court battle and multiple appeals, the parties settled out-of-court in 1994 for an undisclosed amount, said to be under US$600,000.

Most businesses do not have the time, resources and deep pockets to weather such lawsuits.

Thus, every business needs to protect its interests and that's what a Public Liability Insurance can help them do. Here are six things you should know about Public Liability Insurance (PLI) in India:

1) Who needs it

Enterprises that regularly entertain the public such as restaurants, shops, educational institutes, sporting areas, etc. should get public liability insurance. It also applies to businesses that work in public spaces or private homes such as building contractors, electricians, etc.

2) Scope of coverage

The insurance covers the cost of damage/medical treatment and legal fees if any third party sues your business. This includes customers, vendors, and general members of the public excluding your staff (that comes under workers compensation).

3) Domicile of coverage

The coverage is not geographically restricted. It covers incidents at your premises or those at a customer/ clients location.

4) Cost

The cost of your PLI depends on the nature, size and scale of your business. Enterprises that deal with hazardous substances or have multiple outlets/ franchisees, etc. will have to pay more due to greater probability of a mishap.

5) Customizations

You can customize the coverage after assessing your needs. For example, a small café would probably need a considerably lower cover than a 5-star hotel complex. You may also choose add-ons for extra protection. For instance, the act of gods covers situations such as floods, lightning etc. which end up being frequent causes of dispute.

6) Legal Requirement

Even though businesses are not legally bound to opt for a PLI, certain lease agreements or trade associations make it binding on the lessee/partner to obtain the insurance. Many private parties too may not contract services to a business or tradesman without a PLI.

7) Exclusions

Like any other insurance policy, Public Liability Insurance In India is also subject to exclusions. Some common exclusions of insurance providers in India are- disputes related to pollution, slander, fines and penalties. Please refer to your plan's policy wordings for a better understanding of the same.

Many-a-times businesses fail to realize the damage to goodwill due to an incident is greater than the cost of financially alleviating the situation. To know how you can secure your business and do right by all stakeholders, have a look at what Magma HDI has to offer.


Did you know you could safeguard your precious gadgets/equipment with this one step?

Connectivity has become the fourth pillar of our rations today. Each one of us, at least, own three gadgets, in which we store and share critical data. Whether it is business-related information or personal details, our gadgets hold a lot of information that, if leaked, could cause serious damage. Besides the implications of a security breach, these gadgets come at a high cost, and replacing a lost or stolen one may seriously burn a hole in the pocket.

Therefore, it’s prudent to secure your gadgets by taking Electronic Equipment Insurance (EEI). EEI extensively covers loss of electronic good, and subsequently, helps to meet unavoidable costs. Depending on the coverage that will be best suited for you, there are different types of EEI to choose from. Before we get into the different types, let’s take a true look at the scope of the cover.

What’s Covered?
  • Damaged equipment coverage, including replacement expenses, such as freight, installation cost, customs duty, etc.
  • Damaged data media coverage, including expenses incurred in restoring lost information, external data media, damaged/lost data media, etc.
  • Increased cost of working, caused due to employing more manpower to substitute for the work that would have otherwise been done by the equipment.
  • Any damage caused to the equipment’s software as a result of the damage to the hardware is also factored in.
Types of Electronic Equipment Insurance
All risks included

Give your gadgets complete protection from perils, including those caused by natural and man-made causes. For instance, damage due to natural calamities includes the ones caused by fire, landslide, or storm, whereas manual perils include terrorism, strikes, and riots.

External data media

This option covers the losses partly and includes expenses arising due to data loss on external media devices, such as hard discs, etc.

Increased cost of working

This type of EEI is usually taken by organizations that rely heavily on data processing units. In the event of any loss or damage to the unit, the expenses incurred to employ any additional/alternative tool or manpower, are covered by the insurance policy.

What are the types of electronic equipment that can be secured with EEI by Magma HDI?

Electronic Equipment Insurance is suitable for a range of equipment, including, but not limited to:

  • Computer and allied peripherals
  • Audio visual equipment
  • Auxiliary equipment, such as voltage stabilizer, UPS, etc.
  • Electronic control panels
  • Navigation equipment
  • Telecommunications equipment
  • Electronic equipment used for research and testing materials
  • Medical equipment, such as MRI scan machines, X-Ray machine, ultrasound devices, etc.
Who should take an EEI by Magma HDI?

Practically, anyone who owns and operates electronic equipment should secure their gadgets with an EEI.

  • Owners and businesses owning electronic equipment
  • Organizations that are involved in leasing electronic equipment
  • Third-parties, such as financiers or bankers who ultimately bear the purchase cost of the equipment

While an Electronic Equipment Insurance secures your gadgets from multiple threats, note that there are certain cases, such as normal wear and tear that do not fall under the purview of the policy.


Do I need marine insurance?

Insurance provides the safety net required to protect the financial integrity of your personal and professional needs. If you are in the business of sending or receiving physical goods from one destination to another, insuring your goods and business interests inevitably becomes your priority. 

Therefore, the simple answer to whether or not you need marine insurance is 'yes'. Read along to understand why that is so: 

What is marine insurance?

‘Marine’ insurance is a colloquially used term for any kind of transport insurance, not just restricted to waterways. Whether your cargo or goods are moving over land, railways, or a combination of multiple transport modes, marine insurance provides cover for any loss or damage to your goods while in transit from source to the point of delivery.

Marine insurance can be purchased by sellers, buyers, and even financiers of the goods. So, whether you’re a small trader, moving materials interstate or a manufacturer sourcing raw materials or a large import/export house, marine insurance can protect your stock against any unforeseen eventualities.

Why marine insurance?

Depending on the mode of transport, distance, size, and value, your cargo could take days or months to get from one point to another. In the interim period, your goods are at the risk of damage due to accidents, improper packaging/ storage, seepage of water, mishandling by personnel and natural disasters such as floods, fire, and storms. They could also be lost due to theft, piracy, or be lost at sea. The carrier, in most cases, cannot be held liable for any damage or loss either. Hence, it becomes imperative to opt for additional security.

All natural calamities and human errors can be covered by marine insurance. There are various types of policies such as valued, unvalued, floating, time, voyage, etc. that you can choose from basis your needs, irrespective of whether the cargo is moving for domestic trade or across international waters.

Magma HDI, for example, provides comprehensive coverage through its Marine Cargo Open Insurance Policy. Whether you are sending a small parcel via airmail or a huge consignment via cargo, Magma HDI has your peace of mind covered.

In some instances, taking marine insurance may be obligatory basis the terms of the shipping or business contract. This helps bring in clarity over service delivery and safeguards the interest of all parties. 

Alternatively, the insurance helps you gain a lot more control over the jurisdiction and language if in case the need for a claim arises. Imagine dealing with an insurer based out of Japan speaking a language alien to you while you are trying to get the information and paperwork through. It can be both time-consuming and exasperating.

In conclusion, marine insurance is extremely pocket-friendly. The premium depends on the value of the goods and the mode of transport. For a fraction of the cost of the shipment, you can secure your peace of mind. In case the need for a claim arises, a dependable insurer like us is just a phone call away.

Events when your Marine Cargo insurance claim gets rejected

With the continuous rise in international trade, the volume of marine cargo is also increasing. Marine cargo has always been and will be an important component of international trade. With more and more businesses opting to transport their goods through marine cargo, the market is on the rise for shipping companies. This increase in business also increases the importance of having a comprehensive marine cargo insurance policy.

Irrespective of the fact how simple you might think a marine cargo insurance policy is, several claims get rejected every year due to one reason or another. You must, therefore, immediately take the necessary steps to ensure that your insurance claim does not meet the same fate.

Here is a list of the events when your marine cargo insurance claim can get rejected and how you can avoid them.

  • 1. Insurance policy is not proper: - Not all marine cargo insurance policies cover for all types of damages. This is why you must have a comprehensive marine cargo insurance policy. If your policy does not cover the damage for which you have filed a claim, your claim will get rejected. Moreover, any changes in the constitution of your assignment or cargo might also lead to this rejection. You must, therefore, review for policy periodically and get it updated as and when required.
  • 2. Mistakes in filing the claim: - Whether you have failed to file your claim within the requisite period or have filled the claim form incorrectly or have filed a claim under a wrong policy, the marine insurance companies will not hesitate in rejecting your application. Even, if they do not dismiss the claim outright, they might delay it for many days. Therefore, you must give this responsibility to an expert who has successfully filed such claims in the past. 
  • 3. Mishandling of goods: - If you have not packed the goods correctly or your personnel has been mishandling them, then the insurance claims filed thereon will be rejected by the insurer. You must, therefore, ensure proper packaging and careful handling of the goods on your vessel. 
  • 4. Perishable Goods: - Even if your insurance policy specifies that losses suffered due to delays will be compensated, it does not cover damages caused to goods of perishable nature. You must, therefore, check with your insurance company if such goods are covered under the policy or not, before accepting them. 
  • 5. Negligent Maintenance: - If you have not been paying attention to the maintenance of your vessel, marine insurance companies will certainly reject your claim. As your vessel will be plying in rough waters as well, so the chances of it suffering from damages are very high. These damages must be repaired as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the personnel as well as the cargo. You must, therefore, ensure that your vessel undergoes regular maintenance and follows safety and standard operating procedures. You should also keep a log of the repair and maintenance work carried out on the vessel, as it will help with your claim later on.

You must therefore carefully assess your needs, discuss them with your marine insurance company and only then subscribe to a comprehensive marine cargo insurance policy that caters to all your requirements.


Hazards of shipping goods by the sea & how marine insurance can help

Ocean shipping is one of the most cost-effective means to ship out your goods to international borders. If a business acquires large bulks of orders from foreign customers wherein there are no quick delivery protocols, then shipping goods by the sea is the most viable option. However, there are some demerits attached to this practical advantage. Shipping goods via sea or ocean floor depends highly on factors like; weather, human-error, technical issues, and etc.

The hazards of not comprehending such factors might lead to disasters or accidents in the ocean, which further adds monumental loss to both business owners and the environment. This can be easily averted if you plan and get hold of proper marine insurance to combat the risks of shipping. Some of the better-known dangers related to sea shipping and how insurance can help tackle them includes;

  • The occurrence of natural calamities - Perils never comes knocking on doors; they strike on decks without a single warning. Thunderous sea-storms, cyclones or tsunamis can destroy well set stocks and lives of those sailing on carrier ships. We cannot challenge the force of nature but what we can do is opt for marine insurance online to cover the losses, injuries, or damage caused during such natural disasters.
  • Human Errors - There are certain dangers caused by man that could lead to a disastrous situation. Having untrained ship sailors or workers who load and unload goods with negligence and carelessness might create rooms for few accidents to occur in transit.
    A reliable shield in the form of marine insurance to handle the mismanagement of shipping goods by workers would be a great help in such situations.
  • Geographical Hazards - Apart from natural distress signs, there are other forms of dangers present at sea in the name of geography. Try remembering Titanic, an unsinkable ship that sank nevertheless by hitting a massive iceberg. Big cargo ships going through narrow canals, icebergs, rocky shores or shallow coral reefs can get caught on sides or bottom, hence creating unimagined losses.
    Mitigating such losses by having a rational marine insurance plan is one way, and another way is to have the ship properly tested for such hazards and assign a well trained, professional staff for commandeering the vessel.
  • Technological Issues - Such issues are more or less related to the ship's structure, engineering equipment, navigational tools, or motor engines. If the boat starts leaking oil in the ocean or one of the propellers is jammed due to long years of service, it could sustain significant damage to the goods on board.
    To avoid such substantial financial losses; having a well-planned marine policy that can cover the ship's outer and inner structure after a thorough inspection is the right way to go.

Businesses work for profit and if your business requires delivering goods via sea or ocean, then why not keep yourself financially protected with a Marine Insurance cover and keep the profits intact.


How NCB Works for Car Insurance?

Your car insurance comes with an annual premium, which helps you bear the financial losses that may arise due to an accident. While a claim-free year may seem like a waste of money since you paid the premiums but didn't really use the benefits, it's really not the case. Firstly, having insurance provides you with mental peace that in the case of any mishap, your finances will be covered. Secondly, your insurance provider offers you discounts on your next year's premium if don't make a claim in the previous year. This is what is known as a No-Claim Bonus (or NCB). Keep reading to find out more on how to maximize savings on your Private Car Insurance In India.

What should you know about NCB?
Car insurance companies reward vehicle owners who drive safely with no-claim bonuses. The bonus becomes applicable if you get through one policy year without making a claim. The company pays the discount on Own Damage (OD) premium for each claim-free year

Typically, the amount can vary from one insurer to another. But, discounts begin at 20% per year and can go up to 50% for five claim-free years or more.

How does NCB work?

When a policyholder does not file any claim in the past one year, a no-claim bonus is initiated by the insurer.

As a result of this, you’ll get a discount on your annual premium amount subject to increase with every succeeding year.

Things to remember about NCB in India

An essential feature of NCB is that it relates to the policyholder, not the vehicle as it rewards you for precautions taken on your end. So, you can retain your NCB even if you replace your existing vehicle. Other prominent features of a no-claim bonus are:

• Applies even when you switch the insurer

When you switch from one insurer to another, the no-claim bonus remains unaffected. For example, if you have a policy from company X for the last five years with no claims made and you shift to company Y later on, the company Y will give you a benefit of 50% discount on your annual premium as NCB.

• Bonus increases every year

The insurance companies calculate your no-claim bonus in the range of 20%-50% on an annual incremental basis.

• Doesn’t apply on third-party cover

Keep in mind that the no-claim bonus applies to the own damage or OD cover on your auto insurance. So, if you have only the third-party (TP) cover, you’re not eligible for NCB. However, if you have both OD and TP protection, you’ll receive the discount proportionately.

Protecting your NCB

As NCB policyholders, you are entitled to a maximum discount of 50% for five claim-free years. However, this discount expires if you make even a single claim. In such a case, to protect your NCB, insurers give you the option of opting for an add-on cover. It covers your claim in order to protect your NCB.

Another great hack to keep your NCB would be to avoid making claims for smaller damages.

Head over to Magma HDI to find out more about NCB available with your private car insurance in India.


Monsoon Safety Checklist for your cars

Monsoons might not be the ideal time to drive around. The roads are slippery, and there are higher chances of meeting with an accident. However, the rainy season does not mean that you should stop driving altogether.

Instead, you should make sure that you follow some safety points to make sure that your driving experience is smooth and safe.

Here, we will look at some of the safety checkpoints that you should follow during monsoon. However, before we dwell on that, it is crucial to make sure that you get Car Insurance Online In India so that your car is covered in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

Fix those exhaust holes

Exhaust holes are made of iron, which means that they are vulnerable to rust. If there is a hole in your exhaust, then there are more chances for the rainwater to get in, besides the fact that a faulty exhaust is no food. Make sure that you have checked your exhaust for holes and other damages to ensure the smooth running of your car.

Cover your headlights

With time, your car headlights tend to develop spaces with them due to constant wear and tear. If they are damaged, then it is highly likely that the rainwater will get inside them, further leading to the damage. Make sure that you patch up these spaces so that your headlights are safe. Faulty headlights can lead to driving problems at night — something which no driver wants!

Check the door of your car

The doors in your car have a rubber attached to it. With constant usage, they may loosen up and make room for the raindrops to seep and ruin your interiors. To make sure that your interiors are as good as new, make sure to check on these doors now and then. If needed, replace them, as a repair might not be the easiest or the most convenient of ways.

Check your brakes

If you are driving around in rains, through clogged puddles, some water might just get deposited in your brake pads which can hinder the braking process and might lead to the deterioration of your brake pads. To get rid of the moisture, find a dry stretch of road and gently apply the brakes. The heat which comes out of friction will take the moisture away. If you find mud deposited on your pads, then go to a mechanic and get it clean. Remember that brakes are one of the most critical components of your car and you should always have them in good shape.

The way you treat your car is the way the car treats you. One cannot stress enough on the importance of taking care of vehicles. Magma HDI car insurance comes with affordable premium rates and features such as support for anti-theft devices, which can ensure that your car has a long and safe life.


First-time car insurance buyer's guide

Buying your first car can be a little overwhelming. You work persistently and save your hard-earned money aside to buy the vehicle of your choice. However, keeping your vehicle safe and secure is a necessary next step after your purchase. Accidents occur anytime and anywhere. Having a comprehensive car insurance policy to back up those damages is a wise decision to make.

These days, you may buy a car insurance policy online or by contacting a service agent at your convenience and get your vehicle insured. With a sound knowledge of car insurance policies, you can optimize your purchase and savour great benefits. Read along to have a better grasp of your first-time insurance purchase.

Purpose of Car Insurance

'Use it or lose it' is a common motto on which car insurance policy runs; to benefit from it, you need to pay a yearly premium. On the off chance that you are lucky enough not to have gone through a severe road mishap, you lose the premium sum paid for insurance. Then again, you get a No Claim Bonus, which is a quite significant sum beginning from 20% of the premium in the first year to 50% in the sixth, which is the reason why you shouldn't go for minor harms claim.

Different Covers under Policy Terms

A well-framed car insurance policy covers the damages due to natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, storms, typhoons, etc. Secondly, it includes the loss incurred due to manual disturbances like riots, theft, terrorist attacks, fires, etc. Thirdly, you as the insured can access the personal accident cover for your family if you die or suffer disability post-collision or mishap. Some company even offers benefits to co-passengers at the time of the accident. Your insurance policy covers the third-party liabilities like if you accidentally damage a third person's car or he dies of injuries due to collision, your insurer will protect you from legal repercussions.

Additional Benefits and Covers

One of the pluses of having a comprehensive car insurance policy is that you get various additional perks. It may raise the premium amounts a bit, but the level of your car's safety is maximized. Some of the add-ons can be;

  • Windshield or car glass cover 
  • Accident cover for a paid driver or unknown passenger
  • Depreciation waiver
  • Personal belongings damage/theft cover
Hiring an Insurance Advisor

During the brainstorming sessions of buying your first auto insurance, it is natural to get perplexed with different coverage benefits. A simple way to tackle that confusion is to get in touch with an insurance agent who is well versed with different company's policy premiums and covers. He can advise you along the way to look over your shortlisted insurers by comparing their proposed rates. He may also identify premium discounts for your first-time policy purchase.

Going for a comprehensive car insurance policy is prudent. It gives a well-rounded cover for your car. So, it's highly advisable to get in touch with your financial experts and buy a car insurance plan today.


Your car premium may be affected by your location!

Car insurance is a critical aspect of car ownership, providing financial protection in accidents, theft, or damage to your vehicle. However, the cost of car insurance can vary depending on several factors, including your driving history, car make and model, and age. Apart from this, location is also one of the most significant factors affecting car insurance premiums. Where you live plays a crucial role in determining the cost of your car insurance premium. The influence of location on car insurance is a complex issue that involves several factors. Insurance companies analyse these factors when determining your car insurance premium.

This blog post will explore how your location affects your premium so that you are aware of the correct policy before buying car insurance. Without any further delay, let's get started.

1. Crime rate
One of the most significant factors that can affect your car insurance premium is the crime rate in your area. Insurance companies consider areas with high crime rates a severe risk, as they have a higher incidence of car theft and vandalism. This increased risk means you may have to pay a higher premium if you live in an area with a high crime rate.

2. Population density
Another factor that can affect your car insurance premium is the population density of your area. Areas with high population densities have more traffic, which increases the likelihood of accidents. Therefore, if you live in an area with a high population density, you may have to pay higher car insurance premiums.

3. Weather conditions
The weather in your area can also affect your car insurance premium. Regions with harsh weather conditions, such as snow, ice, or heavy rainfall, have a higher risk of accidents. Therefore, if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions, you may have to pay higher car insurance premiums.

4. Road conditions
Poor road conditions, such as potholes or inadequate lighting, can also increase the risk of accidents. Insurance companies consider the road conditions in your area when setting your car insurance premium. If you live in a location with poor road conditions, you may have to pay higher car insurance premiums.

5. Laws and regulations
The laws and regulations in your area can also affect your car insurance premium. Some states have minimum coverage requirements, while others do not. If you live in a state with high minimum coverage requirements, you may have to pay higher car insurance premiums.

6. Local insurance market
Finally, the local insurance market can also affect your car insurance premium. Insurance companies may charge different rates in different areas based on the level of competition in the local insurance market.

Therefore, if you live in an area with a less competitive insurance market, you may have to pay higher car insurance premiums.

When setting your insurance rate, companies consider factors such as crime rates, population density, weather conditions, road conditions, laws and regulations, and the local insurance market. Therefore, it is essential to understand how your location can affect your car insurance premium to make informed decisions when choosing a car insurance policy. Explore and compare car insurance policies to find the right one that fits your needs optimally.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of purchasing car insurance

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


FASTag Uses and Benefits

Do you travel a lot by road? Are you tired of waiting for your turn at toll plazas on the interstate highways or expressways? Do you wish to get done with it as quickly as possible? If yes, then you must get a FASTag! As the name suggests, a FASTag is a tag which is a mean to ensure faster transit across toll plazas. The tag is placed on the windshield of the car and uses Radio Frequency Identification Technology. The tag is scanned by the tag readers placed at toll booths who then deduct the toll amount from the FASTag account. All toll plazas placed along the national highways are now using FASTag for payment of toll as per the guidelines of the government of India.

As the balance in FASTag reduces, the user needs to reload the balance in the linked wallet account or the linked bank account. By eliminating the need for cash payments at toll plazas, FASTag ensures a quicker and smoother flow of traffic.

The following reasons highlight how using a FASTag can help you save time on your journey: -

● Quick payment - As there is a FASTag affixed to your car, you wouldn't have to search your wallet for cash which ultimately reduces the duration of the transaction and your time is saved.

● Less fuel wastag - As you do not need to stop and restart your vehicle, less petrol or diesel is burned, which saves your fuel tank from draining quickly.

● Hassle-free recharge- You can easily recharge your FASTag using various methods like Internet banking, mobile wallet apps, NEFT, RTGS or even your credit and debit cards.

● Message alerts - Every time your FASTag is used, you get an alert SMS on the mobile number registered with the card which ensures the prevention of its misuse.

● Long validity- A FASTag is valid for five years, which means you need not worry about changing it frequently.

● No requirement of cash - The work of cash is taken over by the FASTag. Therefore, it eliminates the necessity of carrying cash for toll payments.

● Online portals- You can check the transactions made using your FASTag whenever you wish using specific web portals meant for the same.

Now, onto some Frequently Asked Questions: -

How to get a FASTag?

To buy a FASTag, you can ask the toll plaza employee for their sales department, or contact authorized agencies or banks that sell them. Many platforms offer car insurance quotes online and sell FASTag as well.

How much does a FASTag cost?

Generally, a FASTag can cost you around two hundred rupees for the purchase, which excludes recharge expenses.

Where is it placed?

FASTags are affixed on the windshield of the car in a very specific manner that allows the scanners placed at the toll plaza to scan it.

How to know if your card has been used?

As stated in the above benefits, a text message is delivered to the registered mobile phone when the FASTag is used. This is a sort of confirmation to the owner that payment has been made.

Do you need to maintain a certain balance?

You don't need to maintain a balance for sure, but yes there is a minimum value for a top-up of the tag which amounts to a hundred rupees.

Where is a FASTag valid?

Throughout the country, a FASTag can be used to make payments at toll plazas regardless of the city or state.

While getting FASTag will help you zoom seamlessly on the highways, do remember to check car insurance quotes online to get protection against possible accidents and incidents while on the road.


Do you experience frequent swelling in your legs? These can be the probable reasons

Medical issues are being observed as a rising problem, mainly because of drastic lifestyle changes, improper nutrition, and irregular physical activities. The best way to tackle medical adversities is by prioritising your health and never neglecting the symptoms that your body throws at you. Most health conditions develop over time due to your habits, while some are even hereditary.

One common issue is swelling in the legs, feet, and ankles. There can be multiple reasons for swelling, including physical injuries, medicinal reactions or allergies, and underlying conditions like cholesterol, diabetes, etc. If you see a frequent swelling pattern in your legs for a month, seek medical help, as it may be something to worry about. Leg swelling happens for two main reasons - edema and inflammation.

Let's explore more about them.

Factors causing edema
Several factors contribute to edema or fluid buildup in one or both legs. Here we discuss some major factors that require immediate medical assistance.

1. Congestive heart failure
When the heart is too weak to pump blood to body parts, this condition is termed congestive heart failure. Such a reduction in blood supply leads to fluid buildup, especially in the legs. Besides swelling, a person may also experience trouble breathing and constant tiredness.

2. Veins
Two vein issues can cause leg swelling and other problems in the body. Those are:
● Clotting in veins: A blood clot can form in any vein in your leg, which can break off and easily travel to your lung. This can lead to a life-threatening situation if left unnoticed. Other than swelling, if you also experience constant leg pain, cramps, or red or blue skin, immediately visit your doctor, as these might be the symptoms of vein clots.
● Chronic venous insufficiency and varicose veins: A person suffers from these conditions when the valves inside the leg veins cannot maintain the blood flow up toward the heart. Instead, the blood gets collected in pools, resulting in varicose veins. Other than swelling, you may also experience achy legs, pain after sitting and standing for too long, and dry, irritated skin.
If you experience these problems, visit the doctor to start your treatment.

3. Reaction from certain medication
Not every medication suits our bodies. Some cause side effects such as swollen legs, hair fall, irregular menstrual cycles, etc. Pain in the legs can also be a symptom of a medicine reaction. Notice the change in your body and talk to the doctor about getting alternative medicines that have zero to minimal side effects.
Factors causing inflammation
Some of the common causes that lead to inflammation in our body are listed below:
1. Arthritis
Anyone can develop arthritis at some point in their life. Due to the constantly changing environment, it is open to older adults. Diseases like gout, knee bursitis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis are becoming more common among people of all ages as they ignore proper care of their bodies, diet, and physical well-being.

2. Sprains and broken bones
Getting broken bones or twisting your ankle also causes swelling. It's our body's natural reaction to the injury as it moves the fluid and white blood cells into the injured area and releases the chemicals that speed up recovery. Some of the common injuries are mentioned below:
● Achilles tendon rupture: It is our body's largest tendon, and it connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. When it tears, you might experience a sharp pain in the back of the ankle and lower leg. The pain is so intense that a person may be unable to walk. ● Cellulitis: It's a severe infection that happens when bacteria get in through the crack in the skin. It is most common in the lower leg and ankles. Other than swelling, a person may experience tenderness, pain, a reddish skin area, blisters, and dimpled skin.

These were a few common reasons for frequent swelling in the legs. Your legs must be in the best shape to ensure pain-free and smooth movement. Give proper rest to your legs, and indulge in 10-15 mins of daily exercise like jogging or brisk walking.

Irrespective of the medical issues, one should always visit the doctor to rule out any worst outcome. Undoubtedly, any treatment can cost you heavily to your pocket. Therefore, getting health insurance from the best health insurance company in India to cover your medical expenses is ideal. Such insurance policies can help you in your time of need.

Click HERE to buy insurance from the best health insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Expert's guide on preventing fire outbreaks at home

A home is a place of comfort, protection, and security, but a fire breakout can rapidly turn it into dust. Various sources, including electrical failures, kitchen accidents, and malfunctioning appliances, can start fires. A fire breakout can be disastrous, causing significant damage to your property and personal items and possibly resulting in death. As a homeowner, you must take the essential precautions to prevent fires and safeguard the safety of your property and loved ones.

This blog discusses "expert's advice on preventing fire outbreaks at home." We'll review some of the best ways to protect your home from fire threats and the importance of obtaining the best home insurance in India. Following these suggestions and purchasing the appropriate house insurance coverage, you can protect your home from fire damage and enjoy peace of mind. So, without any delay, let's begin!

1. Install smoke alarms
Installing smoke alarms is one of the most effective strategies to avoid home fires. Smoke alarms detect smoke and notify you during a fire. This will help you to take the required precautions to prevent further damage. Install smoke alarms in each room and check and replace the batteries regularly.

2. Be careful of faulty appliances
Faulty appliances are one of the leading causes of home fires. Appliances must be handled with care and inspected regularly for flaws or damage. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions and use the appliances in accordance with their recommendations.

3. Check electrical wiring
Faulty electrical wiring is another major cause of home fires. Inspect your home's electrical wiring regularly for signs of wear and tear. Repair or replace any damaged wiring or electrical components immediately to avoid fire hazards.

4. Cook safely
Cooking mishaps are a significant cause of home fires. Practicing safe cooking skills and using caution when using the stove or oven is critical. Always keep combustible things away from the cooking area, and never leave the kitchen unattended when cooking.

5. Keep flammable objects away
Keeping flammable objects away from heat sources is critical to prevent home fires. Ensure that all flammable materials, such as cleaning solutions, paints, and petrol, are kept securely away from any heat source.

6. Have an emergency plan
Having an emergency plan can go a long way toward preventing home fires. Prepare an exit plan for a fire, and teach your family how to use fire extinguishers.

7. Obtain the best home insurance in India
The best home insurance in India is essential to protect your home from fire damage. A comprehensive house insurance policy covers fires, natural catastrophes, theft, and other unanticipated events. You get compensated for your loss and are relieved from financial stress due to the fire outbreak.

8. Conduct regular inspections
Inspecting your home for fire hazards regularly will assist in discovering potential threats and avoiding fire outbreaks. Periodically inspect your home, particularly the kitchen and electrical wiring, and take the required precautions to prevent fire threats. Install water sprinkler mechanisms, smoke detectors, and fire alarms to ensure safety against fire catastrophes.

Every homeowner is responsible for preventing fires in their homes. A fire breakout can be disastrous, causing significant damage to your life, property, and personal items. By following the expert's advice and taking the required precautions, you can ensure that your home is safe from fire threats and that you live in a secure atmosphere. In addition to these precautions, obtaining the best home insurance in India is necessary. A comprehensive house insurance policy covers fires, natural catastrophes, theft, and other unforeseen events, providing financial security and peace of mind. You can research alternatives and select the best home insurance in India to meet your requirements.

Click HERE to know more about how you can purchase the best home insurance in India and its benefits.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here’s when you should change your bike’s engine oil

It is always necessary to change the engine oil timely to improve the performance and sustain the long life of your bike. However, many people ignore the importance of quality engine oil, which severely damages the engine and the bike's overall performance. Therefore, in this post, we'll discuss when you should change your bike's engine oil and why it is required to keep it in ideal condition.

When it is time to change the oil
To know when to change the bike's oil, you have many indicators that you need to keep an eye on. Your bike gives you several alerts indicating issues with the engine due to low oil levels or the need for replacement. You might hear weird sounds when giving ignition or revving your bike. Low oil level or poor quality oil can severely damage the engine and leave you to bear a massive repair and maintenance cost.

Below are some signs that will help you change the oil on time.

1. Read the manual
It might be possible that every bike has a different requirement when dealing with the engine. Read the bike manual to understand the guidelines and specific requirements for your bike. You can also learn about engine type, driving conditions, climate, etc.

2. Oil level
Check the oil level in your bike with the help of a dipstick. If you find the oil below the given level, you should look to change the oil.

3. Oil colour
You'll find a clear orange colour. As time passes and you use the bike regularly, the oil turns black due to impurities, wastes, and remains. When you find the oil dirty and get a foul smell, it is time to change it.

4. Engine performance
When you don't change the oil, you can't expect the desired performance from your bike. It is the case when your bike's oil turns black, and you should change it at the earliest. If left unchanged, you'll keep getting sluggish acceleration, reduced fuel economy, and poor performance.

5. Mileage
Generally, manufacturers suggest a rider to change the oil every 3,000–5,000 km. Changing the oil is always advisable when you cover this distance on your bike.

6. Unusual engine clatters
Untimely oil replacement might increase friction and wear on engine parts, leading to unexpected noises. So, if you hear any noise or clashes, you must change the oil. On the other hand, if you use your bike for high-performance racing, off-road biking, or long trips, you should always look to change the oil timely. These tours can strain your bike's engine and cause its performance to go down.

Points you must be aware of about the oil change
● Synthetic oils perform longer instead of the normal engine oils. You get better mileage and performance from your bike's engine. Also, thoroughly read the user manual to get clarity on oil changing.
● Regularly keep checking the oil level with a dipstick. Look at the colour and density of the oil.
● Visit the local garage and inspect your bike's engine for an oil change.
● Always use the best quality engine oil recommended by the bike manufacturer to avoid harming the engine and its parts.

It is evident to regularly monitor your bike's engine oil to enjoy a smooth riding experience and ensure the engine's longevity. Along with checking the engine oil's quality, you must also look for reliable bike insurance. Accidents can occur at any point. Therefore, you must protect your asset with comprehensive coverage. So, insurance and a timely oil change are two basic requirements that must be fulfilled on time for a stress-free and enjoyable riding experience.

Click HERE to buy reliable bike insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why motor insurance is not enough: The importance of fire insurance for your vehicle

When protecting your vehicle, having a motor insurance is a legal requirement in most countries, including India. However, many vehicle owners mistakenly believe that motor insurance is enough to cover all kinds of damages, including those caused by fire. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Fire accidents can cause significant damage to your vehicle, leaving you with a hefty repair bill. This is where fire insurance comes to your protection. Fire insurance is a type of insurance that covers damages caused by fire, including damages to your vehicle.

This blog will discuss the types of damages fire insurance covers, the cost of fire insurance, and how to obtain fire insurance for your vehicle.

1. Motor insurance does not cover fire damage
While motor insurance covers damages caused by accidents, theft, and natural calamities, it does not cover damage caused by fire. If your vehicle catches fire, you cannot claim any compensation from your motor insurance policy. On the other hand, fire insurance is specifically designed to cover damages caused by fire.

2. Fire accidents are common in India
India witnesses a high number of accidental and intentional incidences of fire annually. Fire can spread quickly and cause significant damage to your vehicle in minutes. Having fire insurance for your vehicle will protect you against the financial impact of such accidents.

3. Fire insurance covers the cost of repair or replacement
If your vehicle is damaged by fire, fire insurance will cover the cost of repair or replacement, depending on the extent of the damage. This means you will not have to bear the entire cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle's parts, which can be a significant financial burden.

4. Fire insurance is affordable
Contrary to popular belief, fire insurance is not expensive. The cost of fire insurance for your vehicle will depend on various factors, such as the age, make, and model of your vehicle, as well as the extent of coverage you choose. However, fire insurance is a small price compared to the potential cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle after a fire accident.

5. Fire insurance provides peace of mind
Having fire insurance for your vehicle provides peace of mind, knowing you are protected against the financial impact of fire accidents. This is especially important if you rely on your vehicle for your livelihood or have invested significant money in purchasing or modifying your vehicle.

6. Fire insurance covers damages caused by riots
In a situation of riots and civil disturbances, vehicles are often targeted and damaged by fire. Fire insurance covers damages caused by such incidents, providing financial protection to your vehicle.

7. Fire insurance covers damages caused by electrical faults
Electrical faults can also cause fire accidents in vehicles. Fire insurance covers damages caused by electrical faults, providing financial protection against such incidents.

8. Fire insurance is easy to obtain
Obtaining fire insurance for your vehicle is easy and uncomplicated. You can purchase fire insurance as an add-on to your motor insurance policy or as a standalone policy from any insurance provider. Purchasing it is quick and hassle-free, and you can do it online from the comfort of your home.

While motor insurance is mandatory by law in India, more is needed to protect your vehicle against all kinds of risks. Fire accidents can cause significant damage to your vehicle, leaving you with a hefty repair bill. This is why it's essential to have fire insurance for your vehicle in addition to your motor insurance India. Fire insurance provides comprehensive financial protection against damages caused by fire, riots, electrical faults, and other such incidents.

Click HERE to learn more about motor insurance India and its benefits.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are the different types of back pain you must be aware of

Back pain is one of the most common problems everyone faces across the length and breadth of the country. Some people may face a dull pain in their back now and then, while for some, it may be constant. Others may experience sudden and excruciating pain in their back, that they may be unable to sit or walk properly.

The leading causes of back pain are a fall, an accident, lifting a heavy load, or age-related factors. Sometimes a medical condition can also result in back pain. The treatment varies with the category of back pain you are suffering from. Hence, let us first understand the different types of back pain.

1. Cervical pain
The cervical region in our body is the vertebrae of the neck. When you suffer from pain in or around your spine, it is a case of cervical pain beneath your head. It is a common type of pain that can last a few days to several years. The common causes of cervical pain include poor and slumped posture, physical strain, mental stress, herniated disc, tumors, and other health conditions.

In Cervical pain, you may feel the most axial neck pain in your neck or radicular neck pain that shoots to other body parts, such as your shoulders or arms. Cervical pain is not very serious and can be treated with treatments such as exercise, stress management, and medicines for pain.

2. Thoracic back pain
Thoracic back pain is the pain in your upper back. The main symptoms include fever, loss of weight, nerve pain or numbness in the legs or lower body, physical trauma, noticeable deformity, severe stiffness, and constant severe pain that does not go away even after a change in sleeping or sitting position.

Thoracic back pain should not be ignored because the upper portion of the spine is connected to the ribs that protect your heart and lungs. You should immediately see a doctor if you experience any of the above symptoms for a long time.

3. Middle back pain
Middle back pain occurs below your rib cage but above the lumbar spine region. You may feel similar symptoms, such as fever, chills, weight loss, dizziness, etc., as in thoracic back pain. However, sometimes the symptoms can be vague, and you cannot easily diagnose them.

Middle back pain is caused due to several reasons, such as obesity, stress, anxiety, lack of physical activity, smoking, and pregnancy.

4. Lower back pain
Lower back or lumbar pain is common in people over 30 years of age. It is caused by a strain on muscles or tendons in the back. Arthritis of the spine is also a common cause of lower back pain. The pain can be mild to severe, leaving people unable to walk, sleep, work, and do their daily activities properly.

The common causes of lumbar pain are obesity, back injuries and accidents, lifestyle, mental health, diseases, and age. Such pain can come and go suddenly, especially after you bend abruptly to pick up something or during a sport. Medications and physical therapy can treat it, while sometimes surgery may also be required to cure it.

Back pain is becoming common even among youngsters, making it a cause of concern. Excessive junk food intake causing obesity, a lifestyle with no physical activity, stress and anxiety, smoking, etc., are primarily causing back pain in the younger generation.

Furthermore, this problem is alleviated with age, injuries, and accidents. A good health insurance policy can be very helpful in case you require a long treatment or surgery due to prolonged back pain problems. It will make you financially secure and stress-free, even if your treatment lasts for several years.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Do you see black or white smoke from your motorcycle's muffler? These can be the reasons

When you notice black or white smoke coming out of your motorcycle's muffler, it is a sign that something is not working correctly. The smoke's colour makes it possible to tell what kind of problem the engine faces. White smoke typically indicates the presence of coolant or water mixing with the fuel in the combustion chamber. Whereas black smoke typically indicates a vibrant air/fuel ratio. The causes of black or white smoke can vary.

The following are some common causes of black or white smoke coming from a motorcycle's muffler:

Black smoke
1. Fuel injectors
The ability of the fuel injectors to supply the engine with the appropriate amount of fuel may be compromised if they are clogged or broken. Black smoke can result from incomplete combustion caused by a shortage of fuel.

2. Spark plugs
Black smoke is produced when the air/fuel mixture does not burn completely due to a damaged spark plug.

3. Inappropriate fuel blend
Black smoke can result from incomplete combustion, caused when the fuel combination is vibrant or too much fuel in the air/fuel mixture. This may occur if the motorcycle uses power with a more excellent octane rating than the engine needs.

4. Air filter
Black smoke may result from the engine receiving less air than required due to a blocked or dirty air filter. A vibrant air/fuel mixture caused by a dirty air filter can result in incomplete combustion.

5. Carburetor
Black smoke can also be produced by a vibrant air/fuel mixture from a dirty or faulty carburetor.

6. Exhaust system
Black smoke can result from an accumulation of exhaust gases brought on by a damaged or blocked exhaust system.

7. Carbon accumulation
An engine's combustion chamber, valves, and pistons may accumulate carbon deposits over time. These carbon deposits can interfere with combustion and lead to black smoke.

8. Oxygen sensor malfunction
The oxygen sensor determines how much oxygen is in the exhaust gases. The oxygen sensor may be unable to provide the engine control module with reliable readings if it is broken or faulty. This can cause the engine to receive insufficient fuel, leading to black smoke.

White smoke
1. Overheating
If the engine operates excessively, the coolant may boil and combine with the fuel in the combustion chamber. Additionally, this may cause the silencer to release white smoke.

2. Incorrect fuel blend
White smoke may result from an excessively lean fuel combination or an air/fuel mixture that contains too much air. This might occur if the motorcycle is powered by fuel that doesn't meet the engine's octane requirements.

3. Transmission fluid
A motorcycle with an automated transmission may emit white smoke from the silencer if the transmission fluid is burning.

4. Defective fuel injectors
The engine may not receive the proper amount of fuel if the fuel injectors are not operating correctly. White smoke can result from incomplete combustion caused by a lack of power.

5. Coolant leak
Coolant can leak into the combustion chamber if the engine's head gasket is damaged or the cylinder head is cracked. White smoke will flow out of the muffler when the engine runs because coolant and fuel will combine.

6. Water in the fuel
White smoke may emerge from the silencer if the fuel contains water. This may occur if water has collected in the motorcycle's fuel tank due to prolonged sitting.

7. Defective glow plug
The glow plug heats the combustion chamber, which helps the engine start. White smoke may result from incomplete combustion caused by an inaccurate glow plug.

A motorcycle's muffler may emit black or white smoke, indicating several engine issues. It is essential to determine the root of the problem and take quick action to fix it to stop the engine from suffering additional damage. Taking your motorbike to an expert mechanic for diagnostic and repair is advised if unsure of the cause. Motor insurance provides financial security in the case of an accident or damage to your vehicle. It is advisable to buy motor insurance online as it eliminates the need for paperwork and mediators, which may result in cost savings on insurance premiums.

Click HERE to buy motor insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's have a look at some common motorcycle injuries that you must know

Motorcycles are open vehicles with no outer enclosures to protect you in case of a fall or an accident. Also, they are smaller than cars, making them less prominent and visible on the roads. This makes motorcycle riders more susceptible to accidents that can cause injuries, many times so severe that they can result in the loss of lives of the rider and the pillion.

Motorcycles are also lighter in weight, meaning they may drag on the road for a few metres after a fall or crash. This may also cause severe injury to the passengers. Let's look at some common motorcycle injuries you must know.

1. Rashes
Rashes are the most common injury that motorcycles can cause. When you fall from your bike, your arms and legs are most susceptible to rubbing against the ground's surface. This causes rashes on your skin, the severity of which depends upon the intensity of the drag or fall. If you were riding your motorcycle at high speed, you would likely develop severe rashes and bleeding, which will take a few days to heal. You can even develop infections and nerve damage.

2. Fracture
A fracture or multiple broken bones are also a common motorcycle injury. The impact of your fall on the ground can be intense enough to break or crack a few bones in your body. A fracture commonly occurs in the legs, forearms, or pelvis bones. A severe accident can even cause damage to your skull and rib cage.

3. Head injuries
The impact area of your fall from the motorcycle is often your head and neck. You may face severe head injuries, especially if you are not wearing a helmet. Youngsters tend to drive their motorcycles fast and recklessly, and falling at such high speeds can be fatal to the head and life.

4. Spinal and neck injuries
Your neck and the spinal cord may face irreparable damage if the main impact area is the neck or back. Such damage can be intense and extremely painful. The pain can be chronic, and the accident can result in paralysis, nerve damage, and even death.

5. Hands, arms, and legs

After a fall due to a motorcycle accident, you instinctively throw out your arms and land on them. Your hands and arms immediately bear the brunt of the fall, and you may suffer deep rashes, cuts, and broken bones. Such accidents can also result in nerve damage and paralysis of your arm.

Similarly, the main impact area of a motorcycle accident is your legs. In most accidents, you will hurt your legs by suffering rashes, deep cuts, or a fracture.

6. Muscle tear
A motorcycle accident often does not break your bones or cause a fracture. Instead, it causes muscle tears, soreness, and internal muscle damage. Since the impact is internal, recovery also takes a lot of time.

7. Burns
Severe burns are also a possibility when you meet with a motorcycle accident. This rarely occurs when the fall or accident is intense enough to spill the fuel from the fuel tank during the crash. The motorcycle may immediately catch fire, causing severe burns. Burns cause intense pain and take a long time to heal.

A motorcycle accident can happen unannounced with anyone, anytime and anywhere. You should always wear protective bike gear while riding your motorcycle, such as a protective jacket, knee and arm pads, gloves, etc. A helmet is a must and should be worn every time you ride your motorcycle. You should also choose a good motor insurance company in India to protect your vehicle from damages due to an accident. It will protect you financially and cover all the repair costs when your bike needs repair work.

Click HERE to buy insurance from the best motor insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Can depression be genetic? Let's discuss

As healthcare and mental health awareness continue to grow, the question of whether depression can be genetic has become more prevalent. Depression is a debilitating mental illness affecting millions worldwide and can be challenging to diagnose and treat. While various factors can contribute to the development of depression, including environmental and social factors, the role of genetics in the condition has been a subject of research for many years. Understanding the genetics of depression and its impact on mental health is crucial to providing appropriate care and treatment for those who need it.

We'll also understand the importance of early detection and treatment and how health insurance policies can play a vital role in curing depression. Let's get started!

1. Understanding depression
Depression is a complex mental illness that can manifest in various ways, including feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and despair. While it is a common mental health condition, depression can be challenging to diagnose and treat due to the wide range of symptoms that can be present.

2. The genetic component of depression
Research has shown a genetic component to depression, confirming that it can run in families. Studies have found that people with a family history of depression will likely develop the condition. It is advisable to consult a doctor and get routine tests done.

3. Other influencing factors in depression
While genetics play a role in depression, it is not the only factor contributing to the condition's development. Environmental components, such as stress, trauma, and life events, also significantly impact your mental health.

4. The genetics of depression: What we know so far
There is still much to learn about the genetics of depression, but researchers have made some significant strides in recent years. Studies have identified several genes that may be involved in the development of depression, including those that regulate serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the brain.

5. The importance of early diagnosis and treatment
Whether depression is genetic or not, early detection and treatment are critical to managing the condition effectively. People who are at risk of developing depression due to their family history should be screened regularly and should seek treatment if they begin to experience symptoms.

6. The role of health insurance in depression treatment
For many people, the cost of depression treatment can be a significant barrier to accessing proper care. Health insurance policies can help to mitigate these costs by covering the cost of therapy, medications, and other treatments.

7. Health insurance policy renewal and mental health coverage
When it comes time to renew your health insurance policy, reviewing your coverage for mental health treatment is essential. Ensure that your policy covers the cost of therapy and medications for mental health treatment or if there are some deductibles you may be responsible for.

8. The importance of spreading awareness about mental health coverage
If your health insurance policy does not provide adequate coverage for mental health treatment, it is essential to speak up for better coverage. Contact your insurance provider or speak to your employer's benefits department to discuss your options and work to improve your coverage.

In conclusion, depression can be a complex and challenging condition to manage, but with early detection and treatment, it is possible to live a fulfilling life. While genetics play a role in the development of depression, environmental factors, and other influences can also contribute to the condition's onset. Health insurance policies can help to make depression treatment more accessible and affordable. However, verify all the policy features at the time of health insurance policy renewal. Working together can improve mental health care and help more people get the support and treatment they need to thrive.

Click HERE to learn more about your health insurance policy renewal and how to do it quickly.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The hidden indicators in your blood test report you might not be aware of

Healthcare professionals frequently utilise blood tests to identify and track a range of medical disorders. A blood test is a medical process in which a medical professional takes a sample of a patient's blood. Then the sample is examined in a lab to measure different chemicals in the blood. Blood test costs are frequently covered as part of health insurance plans in India. Depending on your chosen insurance plan, the scope of coverage and the particular blood tests covered may differ.

It would be best if you were made aware of the significance of several hidden indicators which can provide important details about your general health and assist in detecting future health issues.

1. Vitamin D
Vitamin D helps immune health, bone health, and other bodily functions. Numerous health issues, including osteoporosis, depression, and an elevated risk of several malignancies, can be brought on by low vitamin D levels. People who reside in places with little sun exposure are more likely to have vitamin D deficiencies.

2. Thyroid hormones
The thyroid gland releases hormones that regulate the body's metabolism and production of energy. Fatigue, weight gain, and depression are just a few health issues that are caused due to low thyroid hormone levels. Other causes of thyroid abnormalities include autoimmune diseases and radiation exposure.

3. C-reactive protein (CRP)
C-reactive protein (CRP) is produced in the body in response to inflammation. Increased CRP levels can signify several medical conditions, including infections, autoimmune diseases, etc. Cancer, diabetes, and arthritis are a few examples of chronic diseases that can be contributed to inflammation in the body.

4. Triglycerides
Blood contains a specific kind of fat called triglycerides. Cardiovascular disease risk is enhanced by having high triglyceride levels. Obesity, a high-carbohydrate diet, and particular medications are just a few of the things that might raise triglycerides.

5. White blood cells
White blood cells are a specific type of blood cell that aids in the body's defence against illness and infection. Abnormal white blood cell counts can indicate a disease such as leukaemia and autoimmune disorder which can weaken bodily function and be life-threatening.

6. Iron
An essential ingredient called iron is required for the production of haemoglobin. This protein is found in red blood cells that transport oxygen throughout the body. Anaemia is the condition when the body produces insufficient red blood cells, and low iron levels can cause it. In addition to other symptoms, anaemia can make you tired and worn out.

7. Homocysteine

Homocysteine is an amino acid produced during the metabolism of methionine, an essential amino acid. Elevated homocysteine levels are linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and Alzheimer's.

8. HbA1c
Diabetes is diagnosed and managed using the HbA1c blood sugar control indicator. The risk of consequences like kidney damage, nerve damage, and cardiovascular disease can increase when HbA1c values rise because they signify poor blood sugar control.

9. Creatinine
Creatinine is a waste product filtered out of the body by the kidneys and produced by muscle metabolism. Several symptoms, including fatigue, fluid retention, and high blood pressure, can be caused by elevated creatinine levels. Elevated levels of creatinine can be an indication of kidney damage or injury.

An individual's health status can be determined a lot by blood tests. In addition, there are a lot of hidden indicators in these tests that can reveal important information about your health conditions. Discussing blood reports with your healthcare professional is essential to understand your overall well-being. The cost of diagnostic testing, including blood tests, can be covered under health insurance plans in India. These plans could be excellent for people who want frequent check-ups to monitor their health status. It is always advisable to verify all the terms with your insurer and do thorough research before purchasing health insurance plans in India.

Click HERE to browse different health insurance plans in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The power of positive thinking: How to develop a growth mindset for success

Our way of thinking and approach to life significantly impact our success and well-being. The growth mindset, or the power of positive thinking, is a well-known concept that has gained widespread recognition in recent years. This mindset emphasises that we can develop our abilities and intelligence through hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude. Here, we will explore the power of positive thinking and how to develop a growth mindset for success.

What is a growth mindset?
The term "growth mindset" was coined by a well-known psychologist and researcher, Carol Dweck. A growth mindset defines that one's abilities can be developed and polished through hard work and perseverance. People with a growth mindset view challenges and failures as opportunities for growth and steer themselves out by making strong comebacks to achieve their goals. In contrast, people with fixed mindsets believe their abilities and intelligence are predetermined and cannot be changed. They shy away from hardships and give up easily when faced with challenges.

The power of positive thinking
Positive thinking is a crucial component of developing a growth mindset. It involves focusing on the positive aspects of a situation and looking for opportunities to learn and grow. Positive thinking can help develop a growth mindset by:

● Changing your perspective: Approaching challenges and failures with a positive mindset enables you to view them as opportunities for growth. You can learn valuable lessons from the experiences and avoid the thoughts that demotivate you.
● Increasing resilience: Positive thinking helps to develop resilience or the ability to recover from adversity. Focusing on the positive aspects of a situation equips you to tackle problems and endure difficult times.
● Boosting confidence: Positive thinking helps to boost your confidence and self-esteem. When you believe you can shine your abilities and overcome hurdles with a passionate intent, you're more likely to take risks and accomplish your goals.
How to develop a growth mindset?
Developing a growth mindset requires time and effort, but it's worth it. Following are a few ways to develop a growth mindset:

● Embrace challenges: It is the best thing to do to make growth chase you. Seek out challenges rather than running away from them. Every new challenge gives you a new experience that shapes your skills and confidence to improve.

● Learn from failures: When you experience failures or setbacks, reflect on what you can learn from those experiences. Consider what you could have done differently and how to improve next time.

● Cultivate a positive mindset: Focus on the positive aspects of a situation and look for opportunities that promise you contentment. Practice gratitude, positive self-talk, interact with positive people, and consume motivational content to help shift your mindset to a more positive outlook.

● Emphasise effort over talent: You're more likely to succeed when you work hard and put in the effort. Be consistent with what you do and continue to work hard unless you achieve your objectives.

A positive mindset is essential when caring for our health and well-being. By maintaining a positive outlook, we can stay motivated to lead a healthy lifestyle, seek the best healthcare options, and take steps to prevent illness and disease. Similarly, developing a growth mindset can help us stay motivated to achieve our goals and overcome challenges related to our health.

Choosing the best health insurance in India is just one of the many steps to ensure we care for ourselves and our loved ones in the best way possible. The power of positive thinking and the growth mindset can profoundly impact your success and happiness. By accepting challenges, learning from failures, and cultivating a positive mindset, you can develop the skills and abilities needed to be successful. Developing a growth mindset takes time and effort, but you can achieve great things with dedication and hard work.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The complete guide for bike safety during floods

Biking is a well-liked form of exercise and transportation, but it may also be dangerous when floods occur. One of the natural calamities that occur most frequently worldwide is flooding. As a result, the nation suffers severe socio-economic losses. Floodwaters can cause highway disasters, create dangerous situations, and increase the risk of electrocution. You can, however, ride your bike safely during floods if you take the proper safety measures.

Even though caution can significantly lower the chance of accidents and injuries when biking through floods, unexpected events can still occur. Bike insurance offers financial security and peace of mind in such circumstances. Here's a detailed guide to biking safely during floods.

1. Plan your route
It's essential to consider regions prone to flooding, such as low-lying areas, riverbanks, and bridges, while planning your motorcycling route during a flood. Always stay on high ground and avoid these regions. Plan a path that stays clear of the flooded areas using online maps.

2. Use lights
Motorcycle lights make you more visible to other drivers when it's dark or low light. Ensure that your bike has lights and reflectors. It would help if you also considered bringing a tiny torch or headlamp in an emergency.

3. Stay informed
It's essential to be aware of local conditions before riding a bike during a flood. If there are flood warnings or advisories, keep an eye on local weather forecasts and news updates to stay informed. Avoid riding in regions with flood warnings or advisories and take a different route.

4. Wear appropriate gear

You must wear appropriate clothing to protect yourself from the rain and water when riding through a flood. Put on a waterproof jacket and a pair of trousers to keep dry. Ensure that your shoes are water-resistant as well. Wearing reflective clothing or gear can improve your visibility to other drivers.

5. Slow down
Riding in flooded regions requires extra caution and slowing down. Floodwaters may be deeper than they appear and may cover trash or other obstructions. To avoid any unforeseen dangers, slow down.

6. Watch out for dangers
Be cautious when riding through floodwaters to avoid obstacles like downed trees, electricity lines, and perhaps washed-in debris. Avoid these risks whenever possible. If you encounter a downed power line, maintain a distance of at least 10 feet and contact your local power company immediately.

7. Follow the guidance of authorities
It's essential to follow the advice of emergency officials and local authorities during a flood. Road closures and evacuation orders may be included in this. Consult with local authorities first if you are unsure whether riding in a particular location is safe.

8. Stay on marked bike paths
Stick to marked riding paths or roads that are open and safe for commuting. Avoid any areas that are closed off or that the authorities have blocked. When a road is closed, or a diversion is indicated, follow the instructions on the sign.

9. Avoid fast-moving water
Avoid riding your bike across the moving water since it might easily knock you off and take you with it. If you must ride your bike through the water to cross a flooded area, walk your bike instead. Remember that riding a motorcycle through even a few inches of water can be fatal.

Additional safety measures and close attention to detail are needed when biking during a flood. You can safeguard your safety when biking through floods by carefully planning your route and following official guidance. Remember, it's always better to avoid biking in dangerous conditions whenever possible. Bike insurance can offer significant financial protection in unforeseen circumstances like floods or other conditions. Review your policy carefully and take the appropriate safety measures to safeguard you and your bike.

Click HERE to invest in the bike insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are some ways to ensure the protection of your dear ones and assets from flood

Floods are natural disasters that can happen unexpectedly, causing damage to property and putting lives in danger. Even while you can't always stop a flood from occurring, there are precautions you can take to safeguard yourself and your property from damage.

Personal accident insurance India does offer protection in an accident that leaves someone injured or dead. But buying a separate flood insurance policy to protect yourself and your property from flood damage will be ideal. Typically, this policy will cover flooding-related harm to your house, assets, and other property.

Let's look at a few guidelines to protect your loved ones and assets against flooding:

1. Know your risk
The first step in preventing floods from harming you and your belongings is to become aware of your area's flood risk. The likelihood of flooding varies from place to place depending on geography, elevation, and proximity to water sources. Consult the Flood Map Service Centre to determine your flood risk. You can contact your local government or emergency management office to learn about flood dangers.

2. Buy flood insurance
Getting flood insurance is one of the most crucial things you can take to safeguard your home against flood damage. You'll need a particular flood insurance policy to protect your property since standard homeowner's insurance sometimes doesn't cover flood damage. The National Flood Insurance Programme (NFIP) and private insurers offer flood insurance. It's important to carefully read your policy to understand what it covers and how much insurance you have.

3. Elevate your property
Consider elevating your home if you live in a flood-prone location to reduce the chance of heavy damage. Raising your house or property above flood level is called promoting it. It can be accomplished in many ways, including constructing a raised foundation or adding stilts or piers. You can reduce the cost of your flood insurance by elevating your home.

4. Safeguard important documents
Important papers, including insurance policies, forms of identification, etc., should be kept in a secure location in case of a flood. Store these documents in a position that won't likely be affected by flooding. Store them in a waterproof container, like a safe or waterproof bag. You can also make digital copies of your key documents and store them safely online or on a portable hard drive.

5. Install flood-barriers
By keeping water from entering your home, flood barriers can help safeguard your property against flood damage. Sandbags are typical flood barriers to build a wall against flood waters around your home. Another form of flood barrier that is quick and simple to install is a water-filled barrier. Levees or other permanent flood barriers can also be implemented, offering long-term protection against flood damage.

6. Stay informed
You can prepare for a flood and reduce the risk of damage by staying updated about flood alerts and advisories. You can sign up for alerts from emergency management agencies and follow local weather reports online. Follow local officials' advice and vacate the place if a flood warning is issued for your area.

7. Have an emergency plan
You and your family can stay safe in the case of a flood if you have an emergency plan in place. Your emergency plan should contain escape routes, emergency contacts, and a list of things you must take while leaving. To ensure everyone is prepared, practise your emergency plan with your family.

Protecting you and your property against flooding is essential to reduce damage and safeguard your well-being. By looking at flood maps and learning about the local flood history, you can estimate the risk of flooding. Additionally, an emergency plan should be created that details evacuation routes, contact options, and emergency supplies. In addition to personal accident insurance India, buy a separate flood insurance policy to protect assets from the flood.

Click HERE to buy a reliable personal accident insurance India policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.