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Everything you must know about theft insurance in India

We have discussed various types of insurance on this forum: health, personal accident, general, home, health, two-wheeler, motor, and many others. As a consumer, the most important role you need to play is to be aware of the purpose and the benefits of the insurance you are looking for or are ready to purchase. Have you ever wondered about what to do in case of burglary and theft of your possessions with a high financial value? Is there any insurance that helps you cover the costs of the properties or possessions against burglary, stealing, robbery, and other types of theft?

This blog will discuss everything you must know about theft insurance in India, including what kind of losses it can help you compensate for, the claims, benefits, etc. In this space, we will shed light on all the information you should know before you get in touch with an insurance provider or an insurance agent to purchase a theft insurance policy.

1. We are getting started with the basics:
Let the first point cater to the question- What is theft insurance? Theft insurance comes in handy against burglary, stealing/robbery, and other types of theft. It protects against the loss of your valuables in the points mentioned above.
Theft, which will be significantly used in this blog, refers to all kinds of stealing/robbery activities. At the same time, burglary indicates the act of trespassing on someone’s property forcibly and taking away their possessions illegally.

2. Why should you have theft insurance:
Now that you know what theft insurance is, you need to understand the more profound answer to why you need theft insurance. To attain protection against such incidents, it is a good idea to have a theft insurance policy in place. Apart from home, if you own a shop or an office space with items of high financial value, a theft insurance policy helps you recover losses caused by such illegal acts on your property’s premises.

3. A note for you to remember:
You need to be aware of the difference between theft and burglary. Both these illegal acts have their respective covers under theft insurance and burglary insurance plans. To claim theft, you need concrete proof of non-consensual/not forceful and non-violent entry/attempts into the premises of your home or other properties.
Meanwhile, to claim burglary, you need to have solid proof of violent and pushing/forceful attempts to enter the premises to accomplish the burglary. Insurance plans cover theft and burglary, so you can explore all your options with your insurance provider, keeping the difference between these two threateningly illegal activities in mind.

4. What type of coverage and benefits are we talking about:
Always read all the terms and conditions of the insurance policy carefully, which will help you analyse and get more insights into the benefits and coverage limitations.
Theft insurance covers the risks and losses due to damage done by theft in your home or other spaces that you own. The insurance premium is decided based on the history of the claims made, the type of possessions, and the security measures within the property.

5. Limitations you must be aware of:
You will not be compensated for the theft insurance policy under the conditions which have been mentioned below:

● Silver, gold, and other high-value metals

● Hard cash

● Items stolen by members of the family

● Share certificates and possessions stolen by employees and house help

● Thefts that occur during stressful periods like wars, riots, natural disasters, calamities, terrorist attacks

● Absence of security or leaving the possessions uncared for/unlocked on your premises

● Forged theft acts

You must purchase the right theft insurance policy by exploring your options, talking to the insurance provider, and finalising the policy that caters to your needs in the best way possible. Reliable insurance will protect you against monetary stress in light of such unpredictable and dangerous activities.

Click HERE to learn more about purchasing a theft insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What are the benefits of purchasing motor insurance online

The world is adapting to digitisation, resulting in convenience and efficiency with the power of technology. The insurance industry has adopted various new and technology-driven concepts to ensure better customer support. Most official activities turned digital during the last two years due to the pandemic.

But many people believe that the online service mode is not very bankable, be it shopping, online payments, or online insurance. Even today, people choose the physical method because they believe it is more reliable and effective.

In this article, we will bust some myths and talk about all the benefits of online insurance and why you should buy motor insurance online.

1. No third party or agent is required:
One of the most significant benefits of buying motor insurance online is that you do not need an insurance agent to facilitate the process. When you purchase insurance from an agency offline, the insurance agent helps you identify all the covers in your insurance policy or any additional add-ons you might require.
When you switch to online insurance, you eliminate the need for this third party as all the information you require is readily available online. You can also compare various insurance providers and their costs. The cost you save on paying your insurance agent can be used for buying add-ons on your premium.

2. Ditch the paperwork:
Online insurance companies are making completely paperless purchases with bare minimum paperwork. All your IDs are digitally scanned and uploaded to your insurance portal, and the proposal form is also filled digitally. The digital copy is later forwarded to you for future reference. When you buy motor insurance online, you skip the hectic paperwork and contribute to a greener environment.

3. Instant policy:
The process of buying motor insurance online is faster compared to the physical mode. One can achieve everything instantly, from evaluating the policy holder’s profile to resolving the claim if opting for online motor insurance. All the documents and forms can be filled out from the comfort of your home and get instant policy issuance.

4. Compare online:
Since evaluating every motor insurance policy can be cumbersome when done physically, opt for an online comparison. Various websites with good customer reviews will enable you to make informed decisions on the different kinds of insurance policies, their premium amounts, and the overall customer experience.
Not only will these websites help you in comparison, but there are insurance calculators on various websites that can give you an approximate estimate of the total insurance cost. Read through the company’s website thoroughly to choose a tailor-made insurance policy. When you compare prices online, you know more about different deals available in the online market.

These are a few ways an online insurance policy is a better option than a physical one. Irrespective of the kind of insurance you buy, it is essential to remember that all your needs are met with your current insurance policy. Add value to your bike riding experience by investing in good motor insurance. Motor insurance is an intelligent way to ensure that you are safeguarded against accidents and damages and all the other expenses that your vehicle's maintenance might require. For your next renewal, buy motor insurance online to save money and time.

Click HERE to buy motor insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Protect your personal belongings with a theft add-on to your bike insurance

A comprehensive bike insurance policy protects you in case your bike gets stolen. It ensures the receipt of the total insured value or the IDV of your bike from the insurance company. This way, two wheeler insurance will reimburse you when you raise an insurance claim.

But what happens to your expensive belongings kept in the bike, such as your bag or wallet, that have disappeared along with your two-wheeler? Worry no more! You can now buy an add-on theft cover while purchasing two wheeler insurance online or offline to protect your personal belongings.

The benefit of theft add-on.

A theft add-on feature for your bike’s comprehensive insurance policy enhances its value by covering your personal belongings’ value. You can purchase this add-on cover while buying new two wheeler insurance online India or renewing the existing policy. The insurance company becomes liable to pay the amount mentioned in the add-on cover. The depreciation amount is deducted to date for your personal belongings in case your bike gets stolen.

Documents required.

You must provide the following documents to raise an insurance claim:

1. An FIR filed with a police station immediately after your bike is stolen

2. Original invoice of the items for which you are staking a claim or proof of ownership of the belongings stolen

You must inform the insurance company of the theft within 30 days of the bike being stolen. The insurance company will not entertain any claim post this period. Also, insurance companies will not accept claims for items not meant for personal use. It means the lost item should not be for trading or commercial purposes. Also, the item you are claiming should be inside or on the bike when it gets stolen.


Opting for a theft add-on to your bike insurance has several advantages:

1. Only this add-on assures you of reimbursement for the loss of your personal belongings present in your bike in case it is stolen.

2. This add-on protects your hard-earned money. You can have complete peace of mind and leave behind your belongings on your bike without worrying about their loss.


There are a few limitations of theft add-on to your bike insurance too.

1. Depreciation:
Insurance companies charge high depreciation for your valuables. The minimum percentage of depreciation charged is 20% which can go up to 80% for items over four years old. Hence, you may get a minimal amount for your lost personal belongings.

2. Documentation:
The formalities required to support your insurance claim for your personal belongings are cumbersome. For example, you may not have proof of ownership of all the items stolen with the two-wheeler and may not get the claim passed for them.

The theft of your bikes is not in your control. A standard insurance policy will only provide compensation for your bike and not your valuables. Opting for a theft add-on to your bike insurance is an intelligent choice. It has more advantages than limitations and will protect the valuables in your bike.

Similarly, opting for two wheeler insurance online India is a great choice. It minimises paperwork, saves time, and is much more convenient than buying an insurance policy through conventional channels. You can make an informed choice by comparing similar policies of all the service providers and choosing the best amongst them. Hence, ensure your peace of mind by buying your two wheeler insurance online India policy.

Click HERE to buy two wheeler insurance India policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Buying the best health insurance for your family decoded

Irrespective of age, health is easily one of the most overlooked aspects that are ironically detrimental to the quality of one's life. A few decades ago, maintaining health was not a matter of discussion as it is now, mainly because of the outbreak of viral infections, lack of exercise, and poor eating habits.

People of all age groups face health issues, the old due to their age and the young due to stress. The inconsistent lifestyles have become an open invitation to several health problems. And, as the severity of health conditions increases, it impacts your finances.

In unforeseen situations where you or your family may require to be hospitalised, a health insurance policy for family protects you from the rapidly rising medical cost. Managing finances during health emergencies can be daunting, but with the right insurance plan, you can handle everything well.

While it may seem complicated, keeping these factors in mind can help you buy the best-suited health insurance policy for family!

The need for family health insurance:

While most look at a health insurance policy for family as a means to claim tax deductions, it serves a far greater purpose. Medical emergencies are not preplanned, and without a comprehensive health insurance policy, you will have to pay for the expenses out of pocket.

These medical bills are almost in large amounts that are sure to vent your savings massively. Instead, upon paying a comparatively minimal premium annually, you can protect your spouse, children, parents, and parents-in-law under the same policy that covers any possible medical expenses.

How to decide on policy coverage:

While a health insurance policy for family is a one-stop solution to cover the entire family, it may not be enough based on your situation. If you are newlyweds or a young family, a family floater plan may suffice for your case.

Since medical emergencies are relatively infrequent at a young age, the premium is lower, and the cover is adequate. With time, as your family grows and the insured members' age increases, it is essential to take out individual insurance specifically catering to their health needs.

How much should your policy be for?

As medical inflation continues to rise, adjustments need to be made to these figures to accommodate any potential situations where a claim may need to be made. A cover of 5 lakhs should be the minimum for families with young adults. Since risks are fewer at this stage, premiums are also lower, and the amount is adequate to cover general medical bills.

With the increase in the insured members' age, the policy amount and premiums also increase. However, they do not rise proportionately, making it easier to purchase a higher-value plan at a relatively low increase in the annual premium amount. It is also necessary to factor in living costs and adjust these figures accordingly.

What is covered, and what is excluded?

While they are a convenient means of protecting your entire family without having to pay individual premiums for every member, there are certain exclusions to a health insurance policy for family that you must be aware of.

They generally include psychiatric medical expenses, provide annual health check-ups to all covered members, and even cover maternity-related costs. However, babies younger than 91 days and children over the age of 18 years cannot be included under family floaters. It also excludes any pre-existing medical conditions for which a separate cover needs to be purchased. Health insurance policy for family also has a waiting period, during which the insurance providers do not compensate for any expenses incurred.

A health insurance policy for family is a straightforward tool that protects your entire family at a low premium value from any medical contingencies. By attentively checking the inclusions and exclusions of the policy, one can ensure comprehensive cover for their family to combat health emergencies without any worries about finances.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance policy for family.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Move-over braces, and clear aligners are the way forward

As we progress, we are moving towards better options in all aspects of life. Advancements in medical science over the last few decades have resulted in ground-breaking discoveries and the latest med-tech developments. The constantly evolving world of medicine has resulted in innovation in the dental industry. This discovery came in the form of clear aligners, which are the latest trend. Orthodontists globally suggest them as they are better suited for many reasons, making them preferred over traditional braces. But why are they so popular? What makes them different? We will discuss them all in this article.

Clear aligners are still an upcoming trend that many may not know. Due to this, we will help you walk through these unique orthodontic devices and how they straighten your teeth. Regardless of your dental problems, you should always have the best health insurance policy in India to cover all your medical expenses. Now, let's understand the benefits of clear aligners.

What are clear aligners?

Clear aligners can fix misaligned or unorganised teeth placements. After conducting an intraoral scan, orthodontists can determine the problem with your teeth and possible solutions. Made with cutting-edge 3D technology, each aligner is customised according to the patient's needs. The aligners move the teeth into place gradually without causing pain. The time taken to do so depends on the unique condition of every individual.

What are the benefits of clear aligners?

1. Maintains oral hygiene:
With clear aligners, you can maintain your dental hygiene without any hassles. You can remove them as per your will and then brush your teeth meticulously without fear. On the other hand, you need to clean carefully when you have your braces on. Braces can cause dental problems as you cannot brush your teeth well. It can lead to other oral problems like bad breath and cavities.

2. Freedom to eat or drink anything:
Braces bring several dietary restrictions and place constant pressure on your teeth. However, you will feel nothing with aligners, as they are removable. You can eat or drink to your liking.

3. Practically invisible:
It is very difficult to spot clear aligners. They are almost entirely invisible. This means that you need not inform anyone about your orthodontic treatment. In stark contrast, metal braces are easy to notice. This can be a matter of embarrassment for many adults and teens.

4. No operational hassles:
The whole process of getting metal braces done can be tedious. It requires regular monitoring and tightening to keep you comfortable. If any wire is left unopened, it can lead to ulcers in your mouth. With clear aligners, this is not a problem. It does not require any tightening during doctor appointments.

5. No obstruction to teeth whitening:
Metal braces can force you to compromise on your dental hygiene. This can lead to the loss of a pearl-white smile. You may also notice plaque formation as a result of bacteria growth. If left untreated, you may have decayed teeth, bleeding gums, and other problems. To avoid this, switch to clear aligners, which pose no threat to your white teeth in any way. You can brush them whenever you want and not fear being cautious around metal wires.

Clear aligners are the future of dental science. They are highly effective, consume less time for fitting, and show results sooner than metal braces. With advancing times, most people will switch towards clear aligners to treat their teeth. In any medical situation, purchasing the best health insurance policy in India may help you cover the procedure's cost.

Click HERE to invest in the best health insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Effective ways to treat frozen shoulder and ensure a speedy recovery

Many of us feel shoulder pain when we try to remove our wallet from the back pocket or reach for something overhead. If you experience pain or stiffness in your shoulder joint while moving or resting, you most likely have a frozen shoulder.

Many treatment options, such as pain control medication and simple exercises, are available for frozen shoulders. If you diagnose a frozen shoulder early, you can treat it more quickly with the appropriate care.

Let's first understand the frozen shoulder and its symptoms for an early diagnosis and treatment!

In the shoulder, three bones named the scapula, clavicle, and humerus join together to form a ball and socket joint. These bones are surrounded by tissue that holds everything together. When a person suffers from a frozen shoulder, the tissue thickens and hardens, causing mobility loss. It also causes scar tissue formation, further restricting the shoulder's movement.

Frozen shoulders, also known as Adhesive Capsulitis, can cause discomfort in the arms, making simple activities such as taking a shower or getting dressed almost impossible. More symptoms of a frozen shoulder include stiffness and loss of freedom of movement. Depending on the severity, these symptoms may last from 18 months to three years. In some cases, people with frozen shoulders regain their mobility after three years without needing treatment.

However, it is best to see a specialist and get some relief from the pain. You can use several treatment methods and tips for fast recovery.

What causes frozen shoulders?

Knowing the cause helps you reduce the chance of developing a frozen shoulder. The main causes include inflammation, scarring, shrinkage, and thickening of the shoulder tissue that encloses the joint.

People with medical conditions such as chronic shoulder arthritis, diabetes, and who have recently undergone breast surgery are at more risk of frozen shoulders. Some shoulder injuries also cause frozen shoulders. Did you know that inactivity of your shoulder can result in frozen shoulders? Women are more likely to experience frozen shoulders than men.

If you think you are at risk of a frozen shoulder or suffering from it, you should get health insurance to cover your medical treatment in the future. You can instantly find and choose the best health insurance policy among several online health insurance companies.

Treatment for frozen shoulder.

The effective treatment options for a frozen shoulder include;

● Physical therapy:
It involves the stretching of the shoulder joint to regain lost movement. You need to exercise daily for a few weeks to nine months to experience a full recovery.

● Medication:
Doctors recommend taking painkillers and steroid injections to reduce joint inflammation and pain. You should consult your doctor before taking painkillers, as not all painkiller medications suit everyone.

● Home care:
Getting adequate care at home is necessary for quick recovery. You can use a hot or cold compression pack to relieve pain.

● Surgery:
If your condition does not improve with the above treatment methods, your doctor may suggest surgery. Surgeons use manipulation surgery to stretch and release the stiff tissue of the joint.

Frozen shoulders are a painful condition, and their treatment needs adequate care. Understanding the frozen shoulder and its cause is crucial to reduce the risks. Moreover, recovery from a frozen shoulder can take less time with proper treatment but can be expensive for most people. You can save yourself from paying hospital bills and other treatment costs with the help of health insurance. Several online health insurance companies offer insurance policies that provide specialised coverage for critical illnesses and surgeries.

Click HERE to purchase the best plan from the online health insurance companies for you and your family.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand the health benefits of cycling for elders

Cycling is a fun exercise with many benefits for everyone. The younger generation is fascinated with cycling adventure, and they usually ride their bicycles in their vicinity and even plan passionate cycling tours to thrilling destinations. But did you know that cycling also benefits and excites older adults? It is an excellent way of keeping older adults fit, healthy, and engaged without putting too much pressure on their bodies.

If you want your parents to be protected from the possibilities of heart diseases and cancer, make them indulge in cycling as it helps reduce the risk of these adverse medical conditions. Another great way to ensure a healthy lifestyle for your ageing parents is to buy the best health insurance in India and provide vital financial support during medical emergencies.

Now, let's see some interesting health benefits elders can enjoy by cycling regularly.

1. Boost the immune system:
Elders have a weak immune system; as they grow old, they produce fewer T-cells, essential to fight against diseases. Cycling helps maintain the production of T-cells in older people, which boosts their immune system. It also helps older adults to preserve their strength and muscle mass to stay energetic throughout the day and feel less lethargic in doing any activity.

2. Good for the heart and body:
Cycling is excellent for the cardiovascular health of the elderly. It reduces the risk of severe health conditions due to heart disease by 45%. The elders who ride bikes regularly get their cardiovascular health increased by 3 to 7%. Riding a bicycle for 30 minutes also helps reduce the risk of several other medical conditions, like kidney disease, diabetes, and colorectal and lung cancer.

3. Slower ageing:
According to a study, high intensity cycling or other exercises can result in slower ageing. Older adults can enjoy the anti-ageing benefits by setting up a daily cycling routine. It is essential to maintain mitochondrial capacity as its decline can lead to physical deterioration. Cycling is excellent for increasing mitochondrial capacity.

4. Deal with fat:
Excessive accumulation of fat due to lack of physical activity can increase the risk of health problems like stroke, type 2 diabetes, and heart attack in the elderly. As they grow older, exercising to lose weight becomes a little complicated. But cycling doesn't put much pressure on the body. Elders can easily lose fat and weight with regular cycling with less effort and maximum benefits.

5. A good stressbuster:
Stress is a general issue that bothers younger and older adults for several reasons. This stress becomes the underlying cause of several other health complications. Hence, it becomes crucial to control stress to improve an individual's mental and physical well-being. Group activities like cycling are enjoyable as cyclists can meet new people with similar interests. It helps elders find companionship and keep themselves cheerful.

6. Good for joints:
Walking and running become challenging as people get older. Seniors usually suffer from injured joints, and putting too much pressure can worsen their condition. Cycling is ideal for elders as it puts less stress on their joints. According to a study, cycling improves the condition of knee pain and osteoarthritis in older adults.

7. Build strength and stamina:
Cycling helps seniors build knee muscles and improve their stamina. It is a whole-body workout that helps older adults maintain their strength and endurance. It also enhances the mobility of individuals and helps them keep their bodies in the best shape.

Once you understand the significance of cycling, encourage your elderly to get involved in this activity. It helps elders meet new people, essential to improving their mood, and gives them a new direction to live their retirement life with enthusiasm.

Indeed, cycling improves the health condition of elders and provides them with the reward of a fitter lifestyle. Gift the elderly with the additional coverage of the best health insurance in India. Insurance supports financially by covering the diagnosis, hospitalisation, medical, and ambulance fees, releasing massive stress from older adults to deal with their health complications.

Click HERE to buy reliable health insurance in India for elders.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Lower abdominal pain: It may be a sign of appendicitis

Abdominal pain is a prevalent issue of concern worldwide. The common causes of abdominal pain are gas, indigestion, and constipation. They don’t require urgent medical care, and you can get relief in a few hours. However, there may be more serious causes of abdominal pain, like urinary tract infections, kidney stones or infections, and even appendicitis which can be serious.

These are some causes for which you must seek immediate medical help. If the cause for your lower abdominal pain is an inflamed appendix, more often than not, you may have to undergo appendix surgery. The surgery cost is high, making it essential to buy health insurance online. While health insurance covers medical expenses, taking precautionary measures and being aware of its symptoms is necessary.

Let us understand lower abdominal pain caused because of appendicitis more clearly.

What is appendicitis?

Our large intestine has a pouch-like structure at its beginning, known as the appendix. The appendix sometimes becomes inflamed and fills with pus, causing immense pain. This situation is called appendicitis. It is treated with antibiotics and must be removed through surgery.

You should not ignore severe and persistent lower abdominal pain as it may be a sign of appendicitis. It can be dangerous and result in a ruptured appendix that can cause severe infection when ignored.

What are some common symptoms of appendicitis?

If you regularly suffer pain in your right lower abdomen area for a prolonged period, it is time for you to visit a good doctor. Also, the severity of pain eventually increases if not diagnosed early. Other symptoms of appendicitis include nausea, vomiting, fever, and loss of appetite.

What are the associated risks of appendicitis?

When the appendix becomes blocked and inflamed, bacteria multiply in it. The appendix can start swelling, along with pus formation. This causes painful pressure in the lower abdomen. It can also block blood flow. Not only does appendicitis cause immense pain and trouble, but bacteria can spill into the abdominal cavity with the bursting of the appendix. This can result in developing life-threatening infections.

The pain caused by appendicitis is usually so severe that it can even wake us from sleep. It can worsen within just a few hours and may require immediate hospitalisation.

How is appendicitis diagnosed?

There is no specific test to diagnose appendicitis. The doctor first understands the symptoms and your medical history. He will physically check for swelling or rigidity of the lower right part of the abdomen. He may also perform a digital rectal examination.

The doctor may ask you to get a few more tests done to ascertain the occurrence of appendicitis. This may include blood tests, urine tests, and abdominal imaging tests.

How to prevent appendicitis?

There is no way by which we can fully prevent appendicitis and the subsequent pain that it causes in the lower abdomen. But having a high-fibre diet can help reduce the chances of appendicitis. Additionally, increase the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, lentils, beans and other legumes, split peas, brown rice, whole wheat, oatmeal, and whole grains. Consider the intake of some fibre supplements with the approval of your general physician to ensure a well-balanced diet.

One should never ignore lower abdominal pain as it can be a sign of appendicitis. The pain and uneasiness can lead to fatal infections. Since such ailments are beyond control, one should focus on safeguarding their health. Buy health insurance online with comprehensive protection to cover the costs of treating appendicitis without feeling a pinch on one’s wallet.

Click HERE to buy health insurance online policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.