

Experiencing a burning sensation in your chest? You may be suffering from acid reflux 27th March 2023

Most people may have experienced a burning sensation in their chest at least once. Associated with discomfort and heaviness, the feeling may not appear severe but can be life-threatening. Typically, it is a symptom of gastrointestinal issues and lung problems. Considering the frequency and ubiquitous occurrence of this issue, it becomes essential to buy health insurance online.

There are several reasons for the burning sensation, like stomach ulcers and panic attacks. The likelihood of experiencing a burning feeling in your chest can rise because of reduced blood flow and lung inflammation. But if you feel discomfort in your chest, consult your doctor as soon as possible because it can be related to other severe issues.

But did you know that acid reflux can also be a cause of experiencing discomfort in your chest? Acid reflux is caused by heartburn, a burning sensation mainly because of stomach acid. It can affect people of all ages. Hectic lifestyles and poor health management habits are the contributors to this condition. Many risk factors cause acid reflux, some of which can be serious. It may occur due to smoking, pregnancy, low physical exercise, obesity, etc.

Let's dive deeper to understand acid reflux.

Why does acid reflux happen?
The stomach contains hydrochloric acid, a chemical that reacts with the food and breaks it down. This helps in preventing bacterial growth in the stomach. The ring of the muscle usually acts as a valve that lets food to the stomach but does not back up into the oesophagus. If this valve fails, the stomach content regurgitates into the oesophagus, forming acid reflux. And by this, a person may feel a burning sensation in the chest.

What are the risk factors of acid reflux?
Sometimes, acid reflux happens for absolutely no reason. But there are several risk factors that you should know.

● Active smoking
● Low level of physical exercises
● Pregnancy
● Obesity
● Excessive consumption of caffeine
● Consuming spicy and fatty foods
● Drinking multiple acidic juices
● Eating fast foods

How does acid reflux feel?
Heartburn is the primary symptom of acid reflux. It's a horrific burning sensation that starts in the oesophagus and leads to discomfort in the chest too. It gets worse while lying down and can last for several hours. Sometimes, the stomach fluid can reach the back of the throat, producing a bitter taste and a disturbed peace of mind.

Symptoms of acid reflux
● Heartburn
● A sour, bitter taste in the mouth
● Bloating in the stomach
● Vomit with blood
● A feeling that fluid is stuck in your throat
● Nausea
● Constant weight loss
● Dry cough or sore throat
Causes of acid reflux
Several reasons cause acid reflux, some of which are:
● Eating larger meals at a time and immediately lying down
● Drinking a large amount of alcohol, caffeine, tea, or any acidic juices
● Eating citric foods such as tomatoes, mint, garlic, and spicy foods
● Pregnancy changes

Treatments for acid reflux
There are several ways to avoid acid reflux, including:
● Quit smoking
● Eat smaller meals throughout the day and modify your food types
● Try to sleep in a chair in the daytime for small naps
● Do not wear tight clothes
● Lose weight and change your diet
● Indulge in physical activity

If you have had an acid reflux problem for over a week, you must consult your doctor for medications. It may happen due to several lifestyle changes. It is a common concern but cannot be brushed off, as it may be life-threatening sometimes. In mild cases, simple medicines may resolve your issue. However, for recurring problems, doctors may recommend surgery to cure acid refluxes. Considering the increasing medical inflation and health-related expenses, it is essential to buy health insurance online for your safety against hospitalisation expenses.

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Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
