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Common mistakes beginners must avoid while changing a flat tyre 21

If you don't drive often, you could believe you don't need the competence to change a tyre and may leave it to the mechanic. However, the "flat tyre" problem can happen to anyone at any moment, whether you're driving your car around the block or through highways. The process of changing a tyre is more straightforward than you may imagine. It is better to fix the flat tyre issue immediately before it results in an accident.

Also, remember another best practice to follow is to buy new car insurance. This will provide a considerable financial benefit if your vehicle meets with an accident and causes loss or damage to any third party's property.

Here are some of the most frequent problems encountered while changing a tyre are listed below.

1. Shifting while on an incline:
Get to level ground before pulling the jack out of the car and changing the tyre. If you try to replace the tyre while on a slope, the car can slide off the jack. Before you jack up the car and steady it, set the emergency brake. To prevent rolling, put wheel wedges in front or behind the tyres.

2. Lacking the required tools:
Most individuals don't examine the vehicle jack kit when they acquire a car and undermine the importance of a complete kit. Ensure you check the jack kit thoroughly before driving.

3. Having passengers in the car:
Consider the situation when you have to repair a flat tyre quickly, and you have located a suitable location to do it. Before the tyre-changing procedure begins, ensure all passengers, including pets, exit the car. This can help change the tyres easily as you remove obstructive weight from the vehicle.

4. Stuck alloy wheel rims:
Even seasoned drivers can get caught off guard by this one. Due to rust, alloy wheel rims that haven't been removed for a while may end up attached to the hub immediately behind where the tyre is located. You might need a hammer in the car, which you can use to hit the centre of the wheel covering the tyre. However, it is recommended to take the help of a professional mechanic.

5. Incorrect use of jacking points:
Every car has a few places on the underside that are intended to be used with a jack. Neglecting this part of a flat tyre replacement could cause damage to the automobile or cause it to fall off the jack. The owner's manual for your particular car model will include the proper jacking points. Always use those points to secure the jack.

6. Forgetting about your spare tyre:
Some vehicle owners heed it. An easy maintenance task is to check the spare tyre's condition every few months. If you need to put the spare tyre, do ensure that it is adequately filled and in good condition. If it's flat, weak, rotten, or fractured, it is of no help.

7. Impossible to unscrew wheel nuts or studs:
Even people with well-developed biceps may struggle with this. It might be relatively easy to manually free wheel nuts if they were excessively tight the last time you visited the workshop. Additionally, overtightening has the potential to harm threads permanently.

A flat tyre is a common occurrence that causes stress levels to soar. Take a deep breath and ensure you exit the road safely to prevent the risk of accidents. While there is no way to avoid a flat tyre, you can prepare for such situations by knowing basic car know-how. We also urge you to buy new car insurance since it covers the costs of an accident and financially protects your vehicle against the damages.

Click HERE to buy new car insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide to hosting a party at your home

The world only recently started reeling from the pandemic that took almost two years of our lives. Malls, cinema halls, and amusement parks have begun functioning at full capacity. This is the perfect time to meet people and renew old friendships.

If you're excited to plan a reunion with your college gang, peer groups, or family, then why not host a party at your home. This article is just for you if you want to host a simple yet fun party at your home.

1. Sort your guest list:

Creating the guest list is challenging. With limited seating inside your house, hosting a huge crowd becomes difficult. Prioritise the people that you want at the party. Try not to mix your personal and professional groups at the same party. Focus on choosing people who are capable of leaving their work behind.

2. Order food in:

Hosting a party can be stressful only if you decide to handle every aspect of the party. Everything can become overwhelming quickly. Ordering food is a smart way to eliminate the preparation time and effort that goes into making the food.
One thing you can do before the party is to ask the guests about their food allergies or preferences. Be creative with the starters. Most people fill up on the starters and barely try the main course. Opting for fun and unique starters is sure to set a benchmark.

3. Use paper cups and glasses:

It might not sound classy or elegant, but tons of fancy and quirky cutlery is available in the market. Opting for disposable plates and cutleries helps eliminate the whole washing and cleaning routine.
You can also rest assured that none of your bowls or plates is broken. Also, you allow yourself the time to focus on enjoying the party rather than killing the excitement under the stress of washing the utensils later.

4. Keep the bathroom clean:

We end up fussing about the decor, the cushions, the sofa, and that one corner behind the TV stand that nobody notices. But we often forget the essentials such as bathrooms and kitchen. A dirty bathroom or a kitchen is sure to leave a mark, and no matter how dolled up your living space is, a dirty bathroom will be the talk of the town.
Throw in a couple of extra towels and set up multiple tissue boxes around the house so that people have easy access. Use room fresheners and other fragrances to keep everything smelling fresh and fabulous.

5. Let others help you:

Being a good host essentially means letting everyone enjoy a party. If people offer to help you with food or decorations, accept it. This way, you are sharing the load and enjoying a mix of different ideas and options. This will help you tremendously at the last minute as you know that there are fewer things that you need to be worrying about.

6. Account for kids:

If you are hosting a party and the kids are also invited, then you might want to set up a room just for them. A few games, puzzles, or a TV running in the background can help keep the kids occupied. If possible, make a dining set up exclusively for the kids as it's not fair to expect them to hold the plates in their hands while eating.
Also, customise some of the food items for the little ones. Almost every kid loves food items such as pizza, nuggets and juices.

Follow the above tips, and you're all set to host the perfect house party. Making all the arrangements, decorating the house, and creating a positive ambiance before planning a party is fun.

We put so much thought into making our home the best place to live. Why not take some time to ensure its safety? After all, our home is our responsibility, and safeguarding it should be our priority. The best way to do this is house insurance. Magma HDI offers the best house insurance India with several benefits for the homeowners. Buy your house insurance today and be assured of comprehensive coverage against unexpected circumstances.

Click HERE to know more about house insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Dealing with accident trauma and overcoming fears to drive again confidently

Road accidents can be dangerous, not just physically but mentally as well. The trauma of post-accident can be devastating and scare a person for life. Since an accident can involve a lot of gore, and even casualties, sensitive and weak-hearted people can take years to get over post-accident trauma.

Witnessing or even hearing of a road accident involving the loss of life or even injury to a close one is a disturbing experience. One can be too scared to drive again and may develop a phobia of sitting at the wheel. Vehophobia is the fear of driving that can take place after a road accident. It can significantly affect a person mentally and physically.

Knowing the effects on your life and vehicle, you should always buy motor insurance online to avoid problems later. While such measures are modern introductions, you can now seek help to overcome your fear of driving after an accident. You must take baby steps toward recovery and gradually return to the steering wheel.

This article will help you do that at the earliest with the following steps to overcome fears to drive again confidently.

1. Therapy:
Psychotherapy can help you a lot if you are dealing with accident trauma. Accident trauma can manifest itself as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It can prevent you from driving again. Your therapist can help you get to the root of your problems. They will also use coping mechanisms to help you drive again. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or CBT, is the most effective tool to help with your recovery. It can help you move past your trauma and anxiety.

2. Be a passenger:
To help you get used to driving again, start as a passenger first. You must get in a vehicle first. It will help you adapt to the look and feel of a moving car again. Ask a trusted friend or family member to take you along for a ride. You can also play some music to keep the ambiance lively and help keep your mind away from negative emotions.

3. Don't drive solo:
Do not go solo as soon as you think you are ready to return to the wheel again. Start diligently from a quiet area with no traffic. You can start in a parking lot or open ground before getting ready for the road again. You should also ask a trusted friend to accompany you at all times. If anything goes wrong, they can take charge.

4. Employ a driving instructor:
A driving instructor can do wonders in a situation like this. They not only teach you to drive but also help you get over your fears. The instructors will help you take the much-needed baby steps in overcoming your fear of driving. They can also help you with defensive and more careful driving tactics. By this, you can avoid accidents in the future.

5. Be kind to yourself:
The whole process of recovery can be frustrating. You will feel like giving up many times, but you must fight the urge to do so. As recovery is a long process, you should be kind to yourself. Let yourself heal at your own pace.

You need to remember these things before returning to the road after an accident. Recovering from a road accident is difficult but not impossible. Give yourself ample time to heal and grow out of it. During this chaotic time, you can stay financially secure. Buy motor insurance online to protect your vehicle from unexpected expenses due to damages.

Click HERE to buy motor insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand the benefits and risks of keto diet

Over the last few years, we have seen an increasing number of people making various lifestyle changes. People are exploring different diet options like intermittent fasting, keto, veganism, low-fat diet, etc. Today we will look at the keto diet and its benefits and risks.

The ketogenic diet is an extremely low-carb diet with a high fat intake. It aids in faster weight loss and has thus, become a favourite in recent times. Keto drastically reduces carbohydrates and replaces them with fat. This dramatic reduction of carbs puts the body in a metabolic state known as ketosis. During ketosis, the body's tendency to burn fat for energy increases rapidly, promoting faster weight loss.

Now, let's look at the benefits of a ketogenic diet.

1. Reduced appetite:
Binge eating is a concerning habit that contributes to weight gain. Studies show that people who concentrate on protein and fat intake eat fewer calories than those who intake carbs. Low carb eating helps you with reducing food cravings.

2. Abdominal fat loss:
It's a piece of common knowledge that abdominal fat or more commonly known as tummy fat, is the most rigid kind of fat. Keto is effective in reducing abdominal fat and getting into a perfect shape.

3. Increased level of good cholesterol:
High-density lipoprotein is commonly known as "good" cholesterol. A keto diet improves HDL cholesterol. It further helps lower total cholesterol and bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. Lower cholesterol levels mean a reduced risk of heart attacks and improved immunity. These are just a few of the many benefits that keto provides. However, since Keto is instrumental in faster weight loss, it also comes with its own set of risks and disadvantages. Let's look at a few of those.

4. Muscle loss:
Protein is the key ingredient in gaining muscle. However, it is heavily dependent on carbohydrates for muscle development. Depriving your body of carbohydrates means that the protein is incapable of building the muscles. Which therefore results in significant muscle loss.

5. Kidney stress:
A high meat intake makes urine acidic, which increases calcium and uric acid levels. This is a potential cause of kidney stones and other health problems.

6. Dehydration and Discomfort:
Your brain is heavily dependent on glucose provided by carbohydrates for energy. In a ketogenic diet, the brain depends more on ketones. And the kidneys release electrolytes when insulin levels fall. These drastic changes in bodily functions can cause various symptoms such as constipation, nausea, headache, fatigue, etc.

These are some of the benefits and risks of following a keto diet. Although there are ways to research various kinds of diet trends. It is best to visit a dietician who can give you a detailed diet chart that is suitable for your lifestyle and body type.

Adapting to a new diet can come with various challenges and frequent visits to your dietician's office. While you are working on modifying your lifestyle, it is the wisest move to look up the best health insurance in India. By choosing the best health insurance in India, you safeguard yourself against unnecessary medical expenditure during medical emergencies.

Click HERE to know more about the best health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.