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Constructing your dream house? Make these suggestions a part of your strategy

It is our lifelong emotional dream to have a home for us. It is where we make the most memories with our families and cherish them for the rest of our lives. So, have you already decided to build your house? Congratulations to you on your decision!

But you can't imagine a piece of land as your home as it requires a lot of planning and proper construction. It is advisable to hire professionals as you will spend your life savings on this one project. In this article, we have put together some suggestions to help you design and construct your house.

1. Decide your budget:
The crucial aspect of constructing your own house is the budget. Your budget should be precise and inclusive of the expenses involved, from laying the bricks to finally stepping into your newly constructed home after completion. Remember, after building your house, you should have enough money to support a comfortable living for your family.

2. List the space requirements:
Have an idea of how many bedrooms you wish to have. What should be the appropriate size of your living room and kitchen? Will you need a separate kid's play area or a pooja room? Listing all the requirements will make the design work hassle-free, and the blueprint of your house can be accordingly finalized.

3. Hire an architect:
Find a good architect by looking at some of the portfolios online to better understand their expertise and intent. Then, make sure that the architect offers you the best suggestions for your house. An architect will,

• Make a few designs for you to select from.

• Supervise construction periodically.

• Check and certify the contractor's bills.

• Prepare structural design, Bill of Quantities (BOQ), cost estimates, drawings for approval to the authority, a tender document with T and Cs.

Always sign a formal contract with the architect specifying responsibilities and payment of the architect and associates.

4. Concept Phase:
Finalize the architectural design and appoint an interior designer if necessary. Based on the designer and finishing, you can get a better idea of the final budget.

5. Detailed design:
The structural engineers and electrical consultants will develop the designs and details based on architectural drawings. So it becomes convenient for these people to arrange for the materials and manage the required manpower. A detailed design also helps decisions regarding the flooring materials, ceramic fixtures, CP, fittings, requirements of light points, internet, ceiling fans, etc.

6. Approval from the authorities:
It is essential to obtain prior approval and sanctions for the drawings prepared by the architect. Make sufficient copies of the drawings as these will be required to get power, water, and sewage connections.

7. Tender phase:
The architect prepares a tender document to get the best prices and shares it with a few contractors. Then, you can meet the contractors to negotiate further and discuss essential points like the date of commencement and completion, terms of payment, any additional requirements, etc.

Once the construction phase gets over, the finishing stage commences. Now, collect all the documents related to the project, such as architectural, structural, and services drawings, warranties, final bills, and other necessary documents.

It feels incredible when you see the steel bars, layers of bricks glued with cement taking the shape of your house. You will feel accomplished by observing your progress because just thinking of building a house is itself a bold decision, and successfully making it is even bolder!

There is much discussion on how to construct your house, but what once it is ready? How will you ensure its security? For this, you can go on the web and search for a 'general insurance online quote' and buy the most suitable home insurance to secure your priceless possession financially.

Planning to buy a new home? Click HERE to check out a home insurance plan suitable for you.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The most common driving errors you don't know you're making

When you start driving, you don't become an expert overnight. For any perfect driver, it takes a good amount of practice every day. Also, for error-free driving, it is necessary to identify and rectify the common driving mistakes. The statistic shows that nearly 98% of the road accidents result from human errors and sheer unawareness. Here are some of the common driving errors that you might be doing ignorantly.

1. Distracted driving:
Most road accidents happen because of our distracted driving. So what are the most common reasons for distraction? Usage of mobile phones while driving tops the list. We feel an urgency to read the message or answer the call immediately that we can't resist it even while driving. But in reality, it's not always the case. We forget the fine line between urgency and emergency and end up committing this small error that can land us in massive trouble while driving.

2. Sitting position and driving posture:
Sometimes your driving pattern harms your body. Getting comfortable in your car with the correct sitting position is necessary. It might affect your back and spine. In addition, your posture can compromise your control over your vehicle, such as pushing the brakes and clutch, which can cause you some trouble.

3. Disobeying/ignoring signal lights:
Now, without getting caught by traffic police, the advancement of CCTV over the roads will burn your pockets when you break the signal. But, we still end up making those silly mistakes like ignoring the yellow/amber signal light. Yellow/amber signal lights are an indicator to "slow down", and when it turns red, you are supposed to "stop". But we prefer to "speed up" so that we don't need to stop and wait at a red light. And that's where most of the car crashing occurs.

4. Unused mirrors/indicators of your vehicle:
The rear-view and side mirrors of your car have some purpose. These mirrors are used to look for the vehicles behind you and on either side of your car.

5. Light indicators while driving:
Lights installed on your vehicle play a vital role in safety. Unfortunately, many of us don't use indicators. It can be unfortunate for you and the vehicles following your car on curvy roads or turnings. It is a good practice to use indicators so that vehicles behind you can be alert and slow down without hitting your car.
Driving with a high beam at night is prone to disaster; it is useful when driving on streets or roads without streetlights. However, it can distract and even blind the other drivers on a two-way road especially.

6. Switching lanes at turns:
Driving and switching lanes is equally dangerous. Start early, if you anticipate some traffic, so that you don't have to indulge in rash driving and over-speeding. Know that life is much more important than the destination you want to reach.

On a conclusive note, we must hold ourselves responsible for ensuring safety on roads. Therefore, practice safe driving and purchase car insurance for more safety of your car and yourself. And timely car insurance renewal is equally necessary for extended protection of your valuable possession.

Are you looking for a renewal of car insurance? Click HERE.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Visit these best places to enjoy thrilling river rafting experience in India

Considering the multitude of experiences, travellers all across the globe talk about India being their preferred destination for travel. Blessed with an extensive network of rivers flowing through the interiors of different states, India opens up to exciting river adventures for travel enthusiasts. One such adventure is river rafting, which charges up travellers' adrenaline.

This off-beat experience was introduced to boost India's inbound and domestic tourism, and over the years, it has shown remarkable responses from travellers. Manoeuvering the raft, feeling the roaring waters gushing past, and trusting the fellow rafters is a lifetime experience. Following is the list of places where you can plan to enjoy river rafting.

1. The Ganges, Rishikesh:

Rishikesh is a traveller’s favourite river rafting destination in India. Rafting in Ganga promises you a vast arena of difficulty levels and routes. No matter the level of expertise, you get to experience river rafting for everyone here.
Another benefit of choosing this stretch is the breathtaking views. The Garhwal mountains and the white sand river beaches are some of the most beautiful sites you wouldn’t want to miss out on. Plan to visit this place between September and June.

2. Barapole, Coorg:

This river in the southern part of Karnataka circles the Deccan Plateau and is one of the best river rafting fronts in South India. However, the route here is not for the faint-hearted as it is incredibly challenging and covers a stretch of about one hundred and fifty kilometres. July to September is the best time to visit Coorg.

3. Spiti, Himachal:

This stretch of one hundred and eighty kilometres spans between the Tuting region and reaches up to Pasighat. Rafting is spread over six days. What makes it worth the experience is the scenic views of villages and a closer look at the local life of the area. Tourists throng the place during July and August.

4. Kundalika, Maharashtra:

Kundalika is considered to be one of the fastest flowing rivers. River rafting here is open throughout the year. Kundalika is close to Pune and Mumbai, making it ideal for weekend getaways with family and friends. The green views and the rich rice fields are sure to be an experience and worth remembering.

5. Beas, Kullu Manali:

A relatively short route between Pirdi and Jhiri, the river rafting here covers a distance of about 14 kilometres. However, the rapids here can be challenging to manoeuver, but the scenery of the Beas makes it a must-visit place when in Kullu. The rafting is open between July and September.

6. Indus, Ladakh:

Indus hosts many river rafting spots, all of which are open for beginners. It offers spectacular courses and locations such as the Grand Canyon of Asia or the Zanskar canyon, the beautiful Ladakh skies, etc. The best season starts from July and goes on up to September.

Now that you have seen the list of places that host spectacular river rafting experiences in the country, get ready to plan your next trip to these places to feel the thrill. Whether going with family or friends or travelling solo, always keep safety your priority. Follow all the instructions carefully and make the optimum use of the safety gears provided to you. A little negligence can be fatal, and don't let carelessness spoil all your fun.

Take that extra mile towards safety and look for general insurance online quote to add value to your trips. Stay protected against all the additional costs you might face during your journey and are compensated for any damage or loss to your luggage. Ensure a safe touring experience with Magma HDI's insurance coverage.

Click HERE to know more about general insurance online quote.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Sculpt the perfect body in 25 minutes a day at home

The concept of "no time" gradually becomes an excuse for most urban populations not to exercise at all. The long working hours and corporate lifestyle has made life more stressful than before. The hectic schedules leave little or no time for us to go to the gym for workouts.

Remove the idea that hitting the gym is the only way to have a good physique and a healthy life. Instead, take out just 25 minutes from your daily schedule to do some easy workout exercises to fit.

Here is an exercise plan for you that you can practice without the need for any extra weight other than your body weight.

Warm-Up Exercises

Warm-up is crucial before starting any exercise or physical activity to avoid the possibility of serious injuries. You may include the following exercise in your warm-up routine;

• On spot jog

• On spot jumps

• Knee to chest stretch

• Heel to butt stretch

• Side bends (both sides)

• Forward bend

• Arm and wrist circling

After a good warm-up, it's time to go all-in.

1. Chin-ups (Trains your back and arm strength) –
Directions: You can either purchase a chin-up bar or simply use a structure or a solid beam in your home for doing chin-ups. Place your arms at shoulder width on the bar to get a proper grip for performing the exercise. Hold yourselves at the upward position for 30 seconds, and then gently lower yourself. You've just finished one rep; buckle up for the next!

2. Squats (Trains your Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Glutes):
Directions: Keep your feet hip-width apart, and all of your hips, knees, and toes should be pointing forward. Bend your knees and stretch your buttocks outward as if you were preparing to sit on a chair. Make sure your knees are not crossing your toes, and your weight is on your heels. Rise and repeat the process by maintaining the proper posture and focusing on your breathing.

3. Push-ups (Trains your Triceps, Pectoral muscles, Shoulders):
Directions: Push-ups are the most effective exercise in a workout segment. To do a push-up, get down on your arms and legs, position your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Then, straighten your arms and legs and go down till the point where your chest touches the floor.

You should feel that tightness in your triceps, chest, and shoulders. But, it is important to manage your breathing pattern during a push-up. When going down, take a deep breath, and release it when coming back up.

Complete as many repetitions as possible in 45 seconds for each exercise. Once time is up, take a 1-2 minutes break before starting round 2. Then, complete a couple of rounds of the whole set, and don't forget to stretch nicely after a good workout session.

To sum it up, practice these home exercises and encourage your family members to do them for at least 25 minutes a day. The results will be slow, but they’ll be evident. Also, we suggest you have a health insurance plan that serves as additional protection and a safety net for you and your family.

Click HERE to know about the best health insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are you aiming to take basketball as your sport? Here is the guide for you

Basketball is a lesser-talked-about sport in India, but it has seen an increasing number of people investing time in it. The enthusiasm of spectators is overwhelming, making this sport popular. Basketball can be one of the most physically demanding activities. If you are looking to start investing your time to this sport, this article will help you figure out the dos and don'ts of basketball.

1. Buying good shoes:

This is a no-brainer as any sport you play would require you to buy a pair of good shoes. Wearing the wrong size or one with no cushioning can lead to various injuries to the ankle. Buy shoes with proper cushioning and good ankle support while also keeping in mind the shoe's weight. Appropriate shoes are important for basketball players to obtain the optimum leg movement and lift to score baskets.

2. Warm-up:

A good game of basketball can be highly straining and exhausting. Warming up is an excellent way to prepare your muscles and joints for intense physical actions. It also helps reduce the chances of injuries and decreases the efficiency of various body parts. Jogging, jumping jacks, and skipping are some of the best warm-up exercises to prepare you for basketball.

3. Shooting practice:

Basketball is all about getting the ball in the hoop. Shooting from various positions and angles will help you understand the distance and the power you need to throw the ball. Understanding your shooting ranges is vital to ensure you perform well under pressure situations. Start shooting practice within the three-point line and work your way outwards to the half-court.

4. Dribbling:

One common mistake that beginners make is dribbling with their dominant hand. It is important to have command over the ball with both your hands. This is to ensure that in case you are up against a player from the opposing team, you are capable of making a switch between your hands without having to let go of the ball.
During the warm-up, one way to practice this is to try to dribble along the course of your jogging track. Dribble using your dominant hand using the first lap, switch to the non-dominant hand in the next lap and keep switching between the hands in the third lap. Repeating this cycle will ensure a good command over the ball.

5. Jumping:

Be it to defend the ball, collect rebounds, or make a go for the loop, jumping can not be ignored. Various jumping activities such as vertical jump training, jumping jacks, burpees, linear jumps, and rebounding are good ways to ensure flexibility and firm footing. At the same time, stretches effectively increase the height and the general mobility of the entire body.

6. Correct coaching:

Basketball is a team sport and taking note of how your fellow players perform and understanding their skills is vital if you want to improve your techniques. Another benefit of training alongside players is developing a good instinct for the game. It will give you a better insight into the body movements of other players, thus helping you in analysing and predicting the next move. If you intend on taking this sport, training under a coach's guidance will help you understand various tips and tricks associated with the game.

These are a few things you need to keep in mind if you wish to master the game of basketball.
Dedicate a considerable amount of time to practice. However, over-exerting your body can have other long-term implications, so it is also essential to take breaks now and then. If you consider basketball as part of your everyday fitness schedule, investing in personal accident insurance India would be beneficial. Personal accident insurance is an intelligent way to safeguard yourself in case of any accidents or injuries you might face while playing the game. Don’t let injuries hold you back, live your passion and make every moment count!

Click HERE to know more about personal accident insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Learn how to turn your ambition of starting a YouTube moto vlogging channel into reality

YouTube is a great platform to interact with millions of people and show your creativity through videos. According to the current industry facts, YouTube is the second most visited website after its parent website Google.

Where there is potential, opportunities dive in. The enthusiastic Millennials and Gen Zs go crazy for video blogging culture and wish to seize the big opportunities to start a YouTube channel. They want to create and post video content of their own to inspire others.

If you are passionate about riding motorcycles, you have an incredible chance to integrate your passion with inspiring video content through moto vlogging. If you are looking for a roadmap on how to turn your ambition of starting a YouTube moto vlogging channel into reality, you are at the right place!

Let’s start from the basics. A moto vlog is a video filled with cinematic shots highlighting a rider’s bike journey to a destination in a few minutes. Riding trips are known for exploring, and when someone captures his experiences in a video, it looks incredible!

1. Where to begin?
Start by planning your video. Your video must convey a story; otherwise, it is just a random clip. Avoid throwing in random facts anywhere; instead, prepare a script to narrate the video in an enticing story. Whenever you are putting your content online, like uploading your moto vlog on YouTube, you must analyze your content from the audience’s perspective. Therefore, your vlog should have ‘WOW’ elements that will steal the attention of your audience every single second. On your channel, you can also make informative videos about bike reviews, the latest models and trends in mobility, awareness content like the importance of Bike Insurance to avoid content saturation. In addition, you can refer to other moto vlogging videos.

2. Planning a route:
For the first video, select a well-versed route that you have frequently visited so that you won’t face any difficulties while expressing your experiences. Next, film your journey with spectacular and diverse views to make it visually appealing for the viewers. Also, consider routes that are challenging for bikers as those always excite the people to watch them.

3. Equipment:
Quality equipment and accessories are an essential part while creating content as they help you make your vlog with ease and ensure top-quality video content. The three main things you require are –

Camera: Cameras are the essential elements of vlogging video because the overall quality of your vlog depends upon your camera and its results. Therefore, investing in a high-quality camera is an intelligent choice. Buy the best action cameras which can capture even a single second of recording of any perfect shot

Microphone: You can’t seriously rely on your camera’s microphone to record your voice. Instead, you will need an external microphone to filter the background noise and record your speech.

Mount: Your video will keep people engaged if you have shots from multiple angles. To get the best angles, you will need a mount to attach your camera to your helmet, different parts of your bike like the steering handlebar, side mirrors, etc.

4. Focus on Editing:
Brush up your editing skills and try to be creative with video editing. You can always hire an editor or use some online video editing tools for the best results. Just recording videos is not it; editing is one of the significant checkpoints to make the vlog ready to be posted on your channel.

Though moto vlogging is becoming increasingly competitive with each passing day, it is still exciting to see new vloggers share their latest stories through cinematic videos. So kick-start it if you have a deep passion for motorcycle riding and share it with everyone out there.

Looking for a bike insurance plan? Click HERE to get the best insurance for your bike.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few summer diseases you need to be careful of

With the summer months approaching, it's time to restock on our summer essentials, from sunscreens and deodorants to the quintessential cotton clothing. But having said that, it is imperative to remember that summer months also come with a plethora of diseases ranging anywhere from jaundice to heatstroke.

Due to increasing global warming, the temperature is constantly rising as high as fifty degrees Celsius. Summers can be extreme in certain parts of India, especially in the months of May and June.

In this article, we will take note of a few summer diseases that you need to be careful of and how to protect yourself from them.

1. Heatstroke:

Heatstroke has become common for people to feel extremely nauseous and experience severe headaches, cramps, and weakness. These are all symptoms indicative of heatstroke. Although these symptoms are often neglected and mistaken as lethargy, heatstroke can lead to coma and other severe health ailments.
Treating heatstroke focuses on cooling down the body by reducing the overall body temperature to keep it normal at all times. Maintaining the body temperature to ideal levels ensures a lesser risk of organ damage. Taking a cold bath will significantly help you in reducing your body temperature.

2. Jaundice:

Jaundice is another common summer disease that spreads through contaminated food and water consumption. The most common symptoms of jaundice are yellowing of the skin and the eyeball, loss of appetite, and dark-coloured urine.
If you notice the symptoms mentioned above, it is best to consult a doctor to get it checked immediately. Timely treatment is crucial to ensure optimal liver functioning and avoid any complications.

3. Food poisoning:

Food poisoning is an awful result of consuming contaminated, stale or toxic food and impure water. The symptoms include nausea, fever, cramps, weakness, and diarrhoea.
Mild cases of food poisoning can last up to three days and generally heal by themselves. However, to ensure faster recovery and regain strength, it is essential to stay hydrated. Drinking water and other liquids such as fresh fruit juices and tender coconut water help flush out the toxins in the body.

4. Sunburns:

The harsh sun is not healthy for humans. During the hot summer days, exposure to the sun for more extended periods can lead to redness in the skin, itchiness, or flaky skin. This can worsen, causing blisters and peeling off of the skin.
The best way to avoid sunburns is by using sunscreens and cotton clothing overalls. Sunscreen with SPF above 30 acts as a barrier between your skin and the UV rays in the atmosphere, whereas cotton clothes overalls are an excellent way to prevent sunlight from directly hitting the surface of your skin.

5. Chickenpox:

Red and small rashes all over the body and high temperature are symptoms of chickenpox. These red rashes are filled with fluids that eventually burst and spread throughout the body's surface. People with weak immune systems are susceptible to chickenpox. Chickenpox is highly contagious, and it spreads through droplets present in the environment of an infected person.
Chickenpox can last for up to 14 days, after which the symptoms die down slowly. Since the body tends to become extremely weak, it is advised to take ample amounts of rest to ensure a faster recovery.

These are a few common summer diseases that can take a toll on your happiness during vacation time. The summer is a favourite hosting ground amongst bacteria and viruses, being the most favourable weather condition for them to grow and spread. Proper hygiene and constant hydration are the simplest ways to keep these diseases at bay and spend your summertime peacefully enjoying with your loved ones.

If you feel dizzy or nauseous constantly, it is best to get yourself examined by a doctor who will be able to provide you with medicines or other remedies to combat the diseases. Do not forget to renew your health insurance to ensure that the tests and medicines do not burn a hole in your pocket and you are safeguarded against financial burdens.

Click HERE to know more about health insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are you downsizing to a smaller space? Here are five tips to know

Moving to a new house can be an exciting change. And downsizing to a smaller place is beneficial for many reasons, including saving money and getting rid of unused space. However, it can be a challenge to decide which things to take with you and which to give away. If you get emotionally attached to your possessions, this kind of a move may be difficult for you. It's good to have a few tips up your sleeve for an efficient and clutter-free move.

Here are a few things to keep in mind while downsizing your house.

1. Give away or throw away:
One of the effective ways to make room in your new smaller house is by giving or throwing away the items that are no longer in use. For example, if you still have your primary school books or old clothes, you could donate them to the needy. For things that you cannot give away, you can recycle or simply throw them away.

2. Avoid renting storage units:
Storage units can be a great place for storing items when you do not have enough space in your house. They allow you to keep things you no longer use or need. However, before renting one, ask yourself whether you really need it and if you are willing to pay its rent for the next ten years. Remember one rule: if you have not used the item in the last year, you do not require it anymore.

3. Measure out your new space:
It is advisable to measure the dimensions of each room and other vital spaces of your new home. Make sure to get accurate measurements to eliminate any unnecessary furniture that won't fit. Try to manage and utilize the available space smartly to avoid any issues in adjusting to the new environment.

4. Make money for your move:
If you have numerous items that you do not need but can still be used by other people, you can set up a neighbourhood garage sale or resell them online. Create advertisements to generate awareness about your shop.

5. Avoid additional costs:
When you downsize to a smaller house, it can be tempting to buy new furniture that would go with your new place. However, this can cost a hefty amount of money. Think of how you can make the best use of your current furniture, and if you must purchase new things, aim to buy used ones whenever possible.

Setting up a few rules and focusing on what you need and do not need can make your move easier. While you're at it, it might be wise to re-evaluate your home insurance policy. Investing in the best home insurance policy in India will provide you with protection and safety in your new place. If you already have an insurance plan, don't forget to inform the firm about the change in your address to ensure you continue to receive the benefits.

Click HERE to protect your new home with a layer of best home insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.