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Here are a few tips for enjoying healthy winter

Winter brings with it a change that most people welcome. The cold temperatures and delightful food choices make it a pleasant period of the year. Despite the enjoyable climate that makes one seek warmth and comfort from cosy cafes and piping hot winter delicacies, it is a time that you must watch out for health issues.

The drop in temperatures and shortened daylight leads to frequent sickness. In such times, taking good care of your well-being and purchasing a health insurance policy is key to saving on medical costs that may arise due to contingent illnesses. If not taken good care of, health in winter can take a toll and become frustrating due to the uninvited expenses.

While maintaining good health, purchasing or renewing health insurance online is the most important tip for preparing for a healthy winter. Here are a few tips you can follow throughout the upcoming winter months to stay fit while enjoying the season the most!

1. Practising good hygiene:
While this may seem like a no-brainer, good hygiene is the easiest way to prevent catching even the most insignificant cold. The low temperatures and damp environment facilitate microbial growth that can lead to compromised immunity, leading to falling sick often. Wash your hands regularly, especially when you visit public spaces and restaurants, use public transport services and washrooms, etc.

2. Focus on your food intake:
Healthy food has been considered preventive medicine and fuel for one's body, especially in the Indian culture. We usually emphasise immunity-boosting foods like ginger, turmeric, etc. Coupled with fresh produce, these foods rich in vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C are sure to reduce your susceptibility to illness during the cold months.

3. Stay active:
Bundling up in your most comfortable blanket with a hot beverage to combat the cold is highly tempting. While your food choices can provide you with most of the required nutrients to keep you healthy throughout the season, some requirements, like Vitamin D, can only be supplied by exposing yourself to sunlight. Even a short walk in the early morning will improve your mood and keep you active and warm.

4. Ensure adequate sleep:
Sleep is an essential factor that is often overlooked when discussing health. It not only helps fight tiredness and stress but also allows you to wake up refreshed and ready to take on another day with new energy. Adults require a minimum of 7 hours of sleep daily. Provide your body with enough rest to recover and rejuvenate to ensure that it can function effectively and keep you healthy.

5. Dress appropriately:
In recent times, it has been noticed that winters aren't as chilly as they used to be. While present temperatures are noticeably less cold than previous trends, it is still necessary to keep yourself warm. Sometimes, our body does not recognise a cold draft, and staying exposed to it without enough clothing is bound to result in health issues.
In these situations where the weather doesn't warrant wearing heavy winter wear, simply layer on a few lightweight fabrics. These will keep you warm against a slight chill without being too heavy.

6. Quit smoking:
For smokers, foggy winter mornings may seem like an invitation to smoke to keep themselves warm. Smoking suppresses the immune system's normal functioning, which puts smokers at greater risk of falling ill in winter. It is best to quit smoking early and keep chest and lung-related problems at bay.

The cold climate makes one feel lazy and dull, but take the time to keep yourself in the best shape possible. Engage in light exercise daily, dress warm and ensure that you consume fresh food that will boost your immunity. While these tips can help prevent diseases, we encourage you to check your health insurance and purchase or renew health insurance online with just a few clicks so that winter doesn't get harsh on you!

Click HERE to renew health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to avoid sleeping while driving during the night

We all must have travelled by road at night, either by choice or due to some emergency. We try to stay awake and attentive while driving, no matter what happens. Then sleep starts taking over. We feel drowsy but continue to drive, feeling strong enough to stay awake with focus. But, this can be a fatal situation for the driver and others on the road.

So how can we avoid sleeping while driving during the night? Let us go through some of the best tips for the same.

1. Do not drive for long distances alone:
Never try to drive alone for over 4-5 hours, especially at night. Always take a co-passenger along who can drive. This has two advantages. Firstly, you can change shifts with him and rest in the middle of a long journey. Secondly, you will have someone to talk to, which will take your boredom away, and you will stay attentive and awake. If you cannot find a friend or a family member to accompany you for the trip, hire a driver and take him along.

2. Do not drive when you are sleep deprived:
Always ensure that you have slept well for at least 8 hours the night before you plan to drive at night. A proper night's sleep keeps you fresh, and you will not feel drowsy when in the driving seat. Sleep deprivation is one of the major causes of making you fall asleep while driving.

3. Park and take a nap:
What to do if you are sleepy but still have to continue your journey because it is urgent? Park your car on the side of the road, and take a nap for half an hour or so. This will do wonders for you and make you feel refreshed, awake, and alert again. Have some water and wash your face to recharge yourself and continue driving.

4. Turn on some music:
Turn on music that you love on your car stereo and hum with the songs. This will keep your mind alert, and you will feel fresh. Music stimulate your brain and keep you mentally awake.

5. Take caffeine and snacks:
Caffeine is a proven stimulant that helps you to stay awake and alert. Take regular coffee or tea breaks during your drive to help you fight drowsiness. Also, you can keep munching something while you drive. Get out of your car, roll down your windows, and take fresh air, coffee, and snacks.

6. Do not drink and drive:
Taking alcohol before or while driving at night seriously threatens your ability to stay awake and drive with focus. It is prohibited, and even one drink will make you sleepy if you have not had a good night's sleep the previous night or are feeling drowsy. You will feel low in energy, start losing concentration and can meet with an accident.

Sleeping while driving during the night can be life-threatening for you, your co-passengers, and even third parties and other vehicles around you. But it can happen to anyone. Sleep is sometimes uncontrollable, but the factors that can make you sleepy are surely controllable. Follow the above practises and have a safe night's journey.

Before heading out on a car trip, you must purchase personal accident insurance in addition to your car insurance. It will cover disablement and bodily injuries, impairment, and even loss of life while travelling. It becomes all the more essential if you frequently travel by road at night as the chances of accidents increase manifold at that time. Do your research well and choose the best personal accident policy in India.

Click HERE to buy the best personal accident policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The updated terms and reforms in the insurance industry you need to be aware of

Every industry undergoes some reform from time to time. This can be due to various reasons- changes in the country’s economic conditions, level of crisis, the impact of international and national markets, contribution to the nation’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product), budget regulations and much more. Several types of insurance act as investment plans, help you in a financially stress-free emergency, provide tax-saving benefits, and ensure a secure future for your loved ones and dependents.

Does the insurance sector undergo changes and reforms on a large scale too? The answer is yes. The premiums, terms and conditions, age limits, benefits, renewal, etc., are reviewed and revised when needed. This ensures that the insurance matches pace with the current economic conditions, the situation in the market and the demands of an existing and potential set of customers. And if you are someone who has purchased insurance policies or is planning to explore your options in the sector for all the good reasons, you need to stay updated with the changes.

This blog will discuss the revised terms and reforms you need to be aware of in the insurance industry. So, let’s get started!

The pandemic caught the eyes of the insurance sector reforms:

The covid-19 pandemic brought the entire world to a very unexpected halt. Given the pace of development and technological advancement, the pandemic situation across the globe was beyond the people’s and government’s imagination. While people were under lockdown, several opportunities opened up, and many sectors, mainly fintech, saw massive growth. In the insurance sector, which is majorly categorised into life, health and general insurance, the FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) limit is increased to 74 per cent from 49 per cent as per the new Insurance Amendment Bill 2021 passed in the Indian Parliament.

This was primarily focused on getting more foreign investments onboard. Why? The insurance sector is considered a good investment option. It is a capital concentration with a long development period. It takes at least seven to ten years to start making profits apart from their regular budget, retention and expenditure.

What does the FDI reform ensure:
The FDI reform discussed in the previous point will open up multiple avenues for investment in the insurance sector. This will significantly aid them in growth and expansion, even overseas. The whole loop continues and might attract more foreign interests, thus helping them flourish economically, eventually providing new features and insurance options for the customers such as

1. Pay-as-you-use motor insurance plan has now been ideated into the motor insurance framework. This would enable the customers and policyholders to reduce their premiums as per reduced coverage by availing of the switching on and off options.

2. Health insurance plans have been customised to comprehensively understand the needs of people during stressful times of covid. The comprehensive health insurance policies have incorporated mental health issues, covid-19 problems, modern procedures and treatments, etc.

Health insurance providers have been permitted to raise or reduce the health insurance policy premiums by almost fifteen per cent after three years. This is considered a significant reform in the health insurance sector and the pricing of these policies.

Some other reforms were accomplished regarding insurance awareness programs to ensure that people from the remote sectors of the country know the benefits of insurance policies and can avail a secure future, introduction of digitalisation of KYC and verification processes for the convenience of the existing and potential customers, 24*7 online help assistants, etc.

These were some updated terms and reforms you need to be aware of in the insurance industry. Insurance coverages help secure a financially stress-free situation when you encounter unprecedented circumstances that can endanger your health, assets or life. So, a wise option would be to explore all your options from the comfort of your home and buy insurance policy online that would cater to your needs in the best ways possible.

Click HERE to know more about how you can buy insurance policy online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know more about tailgating and ways to stop it

Have you ever been driving around and seen someone cutting it too close to your car's bumper? If yes, you are familiar with tailgating. For those unaware of the term, tailgating happens when there is insufficient space between your car and the one in front of you or behind you.

The likelihood of a collision increases with just one forceful brake from the vehicle in front. Tailgating increases the risk of accidents, making it essential for car owners to protect their vehicles. Also ensure that you avail of online motor insurance renewal services offered by your preferred insurer.

While insurance can help you safeguard your vehicle and yourself from financial contingencies, here are some tips to prevent tailgating.

What are the risks of tailgating?

A significant risk of tailgating is that drivers do not provide adequate space to stop if the vehicle in front suddenly decelerates which more likely makes a rear-end collision. A multi-car pileup that starts with one rear-end accident is expected to spread. Accidents involving a rear-end often result in neck and back injuries.

Another risk of tailgating is that it can create pressure on the vehicle's driver in front to apply the brakes to dissuade the tailgater. When the front driver performs what is known as a brake check, an impending collision may result if the foot is held down for even a brief period. In the worst case, brake inspections can also spark road rage among tailgaters.

Ways to prevent tailgating.

Driving too close to the car in front is the main reason for tailgating. Maybe you're upset or impatient and hurried. Whichever one it is, tailgating puts you and other drivers in danger every time.

Here are some tips to help you maintain a safe distance.

1. Understand the distances you often stopover:
The variation depends on how quickly you're moving. You might get into problems if you can't stop in this amount of time. Remember that stopping distances increase in wet circumstances, so be cautious and give the car in front of you enough room. You should raise the spacing by up to 10 times on slippery roads and at least double it in wet conditions.

2. Maintain your calm:
Avoid venting your frustration to other drivers if you feel irritated, furious, or exhausted. Stay at home until you feel better, or pause to unwind and regain focus before resuming your driving. It costs nothing to drive courteously and makes everyone's journeys safer.

3. Make use of your car safety features:
Nowadays, many vehicles feature collision warning systems that warn drivers if they approach the car in front too closely. Utilise such devices, but don't entirely depend on them. Always follow the road regulations rather than pushing your car's technology to its limit.

Driving is a skill that requires significant experience to master. Keeping calm and efficiently managing situations like tailgating is an indicator of an experienced driver. While you may not be able to control other drivers and their behaviour on the road, you can always ensure your vehicle's safety by following the above tips. Also, remember to avail an online motor insurance renewal service or purchase a new motor insurance policy to protect yourself from financial losses due to an accident.

Click HERE to proceed to online motor insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The best tips for choosing a cargo shipping company

A lot of stress surrounds the idea of getting your package shipped overseas. Knowing that your cargo will travel a long distance, you will want it to reach its destination safely.

While sending your package overseas, there are a few crucial things that you should keep in mind to save time and effort. The best thing you can do is look for a reputable and trusted cargo shipping company that will take care of your package. If you're sending a cargo for the first time, then there are several things you must know.

While you plan to ship your cargo, consider securing it with reliable marine insurance. For this, you need to be familiar with different marine insurance companies that offer this insurance at the best rates.

And to help you choose the best cargo shipping company, here are a few tips to make the right decision.

1. Competitive prices:
Pricing is one of the first things to consider when you choose a cargo shipping company. It would help if you did ample research about the average cost of shipping overseas.
In this way, the companies will not be able to scam you into paying more than usual. Consider a company that delivers on time and takes full responsibility for the goods to reach safely.

2. Delivery timeline:
The delivery timeline is also very important whenever you ship a package overseas. It can take days, weeks, and even months to reach your desired destination. Before you choose a company, enquire about their delivery timelines and make sure they are reliable and intact. The arrival of the package on the estimated date is significant.

3. Safety:
It is always wise to opt for a cargo shipping company that has been registered and procured a business license and permission from the concerned government authorities. Make sure to research it in advance, so you do not lodge yourself in a possible scam later. Try and track down customer reviews and feedback as well. Your package will be valuable and worth thousands of rupees. Safety is essential and it should not be compromised in any way.

4. Reliable insurance:
Your package should have good insurance to back up its security. Go for marine insurance companies that provide comprehensive and hassle-free coverage for your cargo package. This ensures that you get compensation, if things, unfortunately, go wrong.

5. Tracking:
Before you choose any cargo company, ask them about tracking mechanisms. In this way, you can follow the whole movement of your package through live tracking status. Your cargo shipping company should provide you with the tracking details. If it doesn't, avoid choosing that company.

6. Customer care:
Every cargo shipping company should have a functioning and active customer care service to answer all your queries related to the shipment. Make sure that you do a thorough background check on the company you are choosing. Select a company with an active customer service with 24/7 support.

When you invest your valuable time, effort, and money in sending the parcel to your family or friends, you always expect it to reach them safely and on time. These tips should be your priority when choosing a cargo shipping company for your goods. Additionally, it would help if you purchase insurance to cover the financial loss if your cargo gets damaged due to mishaps. Research the top marine insurance companies that offer relevant insurance for all your needs, compare their policies, understand the terms, and then make a final decision.

Click HERE to know more about marine insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What is the importance of enrolling in a self-defence class

In a world riddled with war and crime, it is always good to know that if need be, you can defend yourself. With active crimes rising daily, it is best to have some tips and tricks under your belt to protect yourself and your loved ones. One way to ensure your safety is by enrolling in self-defence classes. There are various kinds of self-defence methods that you can practice, such as karate, krav maga, boxing, judo, etc.

Choosing the one that best suits you and piques your interest can make learning more enjoyable. People have professed the importance of self-defence for women and children, but what is important to remember is that self-defence is for everyone.

This article will examine the importance of self-defence classes and why you should consider enrolling in one.

1. It helps your physical form:
One of the most crucial elements of self-defence is timely reflexes. If you are put in a dangerous situation, your mind and body should manage to work in sync. You can only achieve this with practice. Training can help you inculcate the necessary conditioning and helps you with a better fight or flight response.
Your body prepares for an adrenaline dump with the right amount of practice. Adrenaline dump is a reaction the body goes through in case of unprecedented dangers. Since the adrenaline rush lasts only a few moments, it is crucial to act immediately for the best outcomes.

2. Builds confidence:
When people are timid, they tend to undermine their skill set and are incapable of protecting themselves. Self-defence is an excellent way to build confidence and protect oneself in times of need by believing in their skill set.
Being confident helps you defend yourself and leaves a lasting impression on people. If you are aiming for overall development, self-defence can be extremely helpful.

3. Master discipline:
Excelling in any field requires hours and hours of hard work and dedication. The same applies to self-defence. The more hours you put into mastering this art, the better you will get the results.
The urge to improve yourself can drive you to a dedicated routine, which builds a disciplinary lifestyle. So, taking self-defence classes helps you stay focussed, grounded, and more aware of your surroundings.

4. Fighter instinct:
When faced with life-threatening or dangerous situations, it is best to start acting as early as possible. The quicker you are with your thinking, the sooner you can fight through your opponent or potential threats.
The power and the speed of your attack will help buy you some time before the attacker attacks again. You can utilise this time to escape or attack the opponent to keep yourself safe. These seconds can play a vital role in deciding your survival.

5. Makes you more goal-oriented:
Your goals at any particular time can be as small as achieving the perfect kick or as daunting as escaping a kidnap. Upon seeing an improvement in form, you only want to better yourself and make yourself well equipped to withstand any attack. Setting these small goals can significantly impact your form and energy.

These are a few reasons self-defence should be a part of everyone’s life. If you have children, it is best to give them an early start. We are constantly surrounded by news of mugging, killing, robbery, and kidnapping. Preparing yourself and your loved ones for any such thing is the best way to ensure their safety and welfare.

Another crucial way to ensure full protection for your family is by enrolling in personal accident insurance India. Personal accident insurances are the much-needed safety net that gives fruitful results during emergencies. Your insurance provider will help you financially to avoid an unnecessary burden on your shoulders to deal with the situation.

Click HERE to buy personal accident insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to look out for affordable health insurance for critical illness

Critical illness insurance covers serious health conditions that require expensive and long treatment. Such illnesses include cancer, paralysis, stroke, organ transplant, heart attack, coma, etc. The treatment for these illnesses can drain your savings and negatively impact your financial condition.

The recovery is time-consuming, beginning from the detection phase to a myriad of medical tests to surgery and then gradually returning to normalcy. All this will cost us much more than any normal health insurance coverage. This creates the need to have dedicated insurance cover for critical illnesses that are affordable and provide robust protection.

Let us look at the best tips for affordable health insurance plans for critical illness.

1. Comprehensive critical illness insurance policy:
A comprehensive critical illness insurance policy gives us a lump sum amount after we submit the required documents to the insurance company. You can use this sum to pay for the treatment cost, including diagnosis, hospitalisation, any surgery in the process, and the doctor's fees. The sum assured under such policy is fixed. Hence, you can plan your insurance coverage as per your specific needs.

2. Buy it as a rider:
You can buy a critical illness insurance policy as a rider to your existing health insurance policy. Hence you will not need to buy a new insurance policy to get this cover. Also, try to get this additional coverage in the health insurance policy provided by your employer to save money.

3. Low cost:
A critical illness insurance policy does not cost us a very high premium. The premium for such policies is much less than that for your regular health insurance. However, these covers provide us protection only for specific situations. Hence, they should never be used as a substitute for your regular health insurance policies.

4. Compare the premium charged:
Always compare the premium charged for critical illness insurance policies of different companies and select the most affordable one. You can do a detailed online search instead of visiting every insurance company's offices individually.

5. Check for the exact inclusions:
Always check the features and the exact inclusions of the policy because they may vary with every insurance company. Do thorough research and list what the policy does not cover. For example, your policy may state that it covers cancer. But it may also be mentioned in the fine print that it will provide a cover for cancer only after it reaches a certain level of severity.

6. Waiting period:
Look for a policy with the least waiting period. Usually, you can raise a claim for a critical illness after 90 days from the date of commencement of your policy. If you have a pre-existing major disease, the cover may start as late as 48 months from the commencement of the policy.

7. Age limit and benefits:
Always ensure the age limit until your policy provides you with insurance coverage. This will be helpful to you when you cross 60 years of age. There are some companies that provide a lifelong cover. Hence, it is advisable to choose such plans. Also, you should assess the benefits of your policy, such as NCB (No-claim bonus), in case you do not make any claim in a year.

Critical illnesses can result in the loss of your job, partial or permanent disability, and leave you with no source of income. The high cost of treatment can result in draining your pockets as the coverage provided by standard health insurance policies is insufficient for such misfortunes. The solution is to go for the best critical illness insurance policy available. The above tips can help you to choose the most affordable health insurance plans for critical illness upon which you can rely in times of actual need.

Click HERE to buy the best affordable health insurance plans in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The complete guide for people trying parasailing for the first time

Adventure sports have always been the best option for people who call themselves adrenaline junkies. They give you the thrill that knocks out your everyday life's monotony. There are different types of adventure sports, like river rafting, paragliding, bungee jumping, trekking, rock climbing, skydiving, and much more.

In this blog, we'll discuss parasailing, a sport that has created a special bond with adventure enthusiasts. Parasailing is an adventure sport that gives you the joy of sailing in the air while your parachute is towed by a motorboat or jeep. If you plan to enjoy this activity on your next beach vacation, consider this blog for an enjoyable experience.

1. The weather is an essential factor:
The parasailing conditions need to be suitable, and the timing of the day has an effect. Usually, a clear sky and a less windy time are preferred, so most people plan their parasailing trip in the mornings.

2. Get well acquainted with the equipment:
Knowing your parasailing equipment and its functionalities is a must. Even if you cannot understand the mechanics of the equipment in detail, you should be aware of the purpose of the essential tools which will keep you safe. The life jacket is provided to keep you safe if you need to land in water during emergencies.
The body harness helps keep you seated and is joined to the ends of the tow bar. The harness aids in eliminating your discomfort and helping you maintain a balance during sudden movement shifts. And the tow bar is attached to a parachute to help you glide smoothly and land without any significant danger.

3. Get complete information about the restrictions:
To restrict the risks to the bare minimum, the parasailing institutes set certain limitations regarding the prospective client's age, height, and weight for parasailing. These restrictions are also influenced by certain factors, such as the wind level. Still, you must check in with the guide who will help you to avoid any threats to your health and life.
The minimum age limit for the riders is usually around sixteen to eighteen years, and the minimum weight in case there are multiple riders is supposed to be about 150 pounds. But these limitations vary, so check this with your parasailing guide.

4. Your outfit:
Swimming-appropriate outfits help since they are snug and would help if you land in water or experience waves. But anything comfortable is a must, and the bottoms should fit you well so that you are focused on the experience and not distracted by the discomfort caused by your outfit. These experiences are not everyday things, so you better eliminate all sorts of discomfort, stress, and distractions to make the moment count.

5. Research the company:
Read the online reviews about your parasailing company/institute and check their ratings. You must go to the right agency with all security measures intact, trained professionals, quality equipment, and SOPs to take care of their riders. Always ask all the questions to clear your doubts before going in.

6. Carefully listen to the instructions:
Before they put the parasailing gear on, the guide will give you all the information you need, even though you are riding solo or with multiple riders. They will tell you the landing postures, which part of the equipment will help you ride low, high, turn, etc. Always ensure to clarify your doubts before you begin.

That was the complete guide for people trying parasailing for the first time. As we discussed, while adventure sports allow you to experience the unforgettable, they also involve a certain level of danger to your life. Therefore, browsing personal accident insurance plans as a mitigation strategy for unpredictable circumstances is essential. Choose the one that suits you best before planning your adventure trip.

Click HERE to learn how you and your friends can get personal accident insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.