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Are you a woman traveller? Here are a few packing tips for your next road trip 4th August 2022

Road trips are one of the best ways to rewind after a hectic work schedule. With the constant work-related stress of life, it's imperative to get out of your house once in a while to gain a fresh mindset and increase one's productivity. For women especially, such trips at least once a year are vital to set free and get rewarded for all the hard work. But whenever travel and women come together, emotions go out of bound. From planning the itinerary to packing up stuff, the excitement of the trip can be felt way before its commencement. However, packing can be quite a herculean task in itself.

Deciding which items are essential during a road trip can be confusing. Following are a few packing tips that can be a saviour for women travelling solo or in a group.

1. Luggage:
Handbags are a woman's best friend on a road trip. Lugging around your suitcase on a road trip does not sound ideal for anyone, especially on road trips where you're constantly on the move.
The primary concern with a handbag full of stuff is that they take a toll on your shoulder and hands, which is easily avoidable if you take a backpack that fits your body correctly. This helps the weight to get evenly distributed across your back.

2. Clothing:
It is recommended to bring as few clothes as possible without running out of options of clothing to wear. Select the clothes in such a way that you can mix and match them to make different combinations.
It's always advisable to bring a higher number of undergarments, though, as there might not be a lot of opportunities to clean clothes along the way.

3. Toiletries:
Bring along your toiletries in a small, travel-friendly pack and keep it in an accessible place so that it is not a hassle every time you stop at a hotel for a night's stay.
Most hotels provide bare essentials, but it's always best to carry your own. Bring along minimal makeup for the trip in sample-sized containers to avoid it taking too much space in your luggage.

4. Entertainment:
Road trips can get a little boring at times, with endless roads to travel before reaching the destination. When looking out the window to see the scenery becomes too monotonous, you need a good book to read to pass the time.
So, get that book you meant to read for the longest time along with you in your backpack. If you're travelling with friends or family and looking for a group activity, blast your favourite playlist in the speakers to make a memorable ambiance in the car!

5. Safety products:
As a woman traveller, the top priority is safety. It can be unsafe for lone female travellers to travel on deserted roads to unknown places, especially at night. But that's no reason to stay holed up in your house all year. Getting a lock for all your belongings is essential to prevent them from getting stolen.
Also, for your personal safety, get a personal alarm that rings loudly if you press it. This is a better alternative to pepper spray as it is legal in all countries and is small and easy to carry around. Also, check up on your private car insurance India to have a backup in case your car breaks down in the middle of the trip.

Road trips can be an exhilarating experience for those who want to rejuvenate themselves after monotonous weeks of work. You can make packing less daunting and more enjoyable by bringing the above tips into practice. If you are travelling solo, then get your car serviced properly before setting off on the trip. Also, check the crucial documents like your driving licence, car's PUC, and insurance papers. Be up to date with your private car insurance India to stay stress-free during the trip. Happy travels!

Click HERE to know more about private car insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
