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Don’t miss out on these Medical Tests you should be doing in your early 30s! 26th February 2020

Getting older could be a little scary. You begin to worry about your physical health, your finances, along with many other things, but it shouldn’t have to be. When it comes to both your health and your finances, you need to start preparing from today itself, if you haven’t begun already. Life is unpredictable and it always comes in handy to be prepared. So, when it comes to your health, you need to keep getting regular check-ups so that you can know about any possible problems on time and should also have a comprehensive health insurance policy for a family in case of any unforeseen incident.

Here are some medical tests you should be doing in your early 30s: -

  • Cholesterol Profile: It is your liver that produces cholesterol in your body; however, you take in cholesterol from certain types of food, and an excessive amount of it in your body can lead to problems in blood flow since it can harden in the walls of your arteries (atherosclerosis). Since high levels of cholesterol show no symptoms until the later stages of atherosclerosis, it can become difficult to detect it at an early stage unless you get regular health check-ups. While a cholesterol profile can be part of a routine check-up, it is advisable to get it done more frequently if your family has a history of heart disease, obesity etc. Your blood is drawn out for the test.
  • Eye Tests: While this may seem obvious, many people tend to ignore their eyes until the last moment, when the problem escalates. Your eyes are so important, and it is necessary to have your eyesight checked every couple of months. If you experience issues with your vision or any discomfort, immediately go to an optician. Getting your eyes checked regularly could also help detect cataracts at an early stage.
  • Blood Sugar Test: Done mainly to diagnose diabetes, a blood sugar test measures the amount of sugar or glucose present in your blood. You might need to get frequent blood sugar tests if your family has a history of diabetes. A blood sugar test can help determine the level of sugar in your blood, and whether you need to bring changes in your diet or exercise. In case you have diabetes, it can also help figure out whether your medications are working or not.
  • Urine Analysis: This test is done to find out if you have any kidney-related issues or urinary tract infections. While this is generally a part of a health check-up, if you experience frequent urination, have abdominal or back pains etc., it is advisable to get the test done. All you need to do as part of the urine analysis is to provide a urine sample.
  • Thyroid Function Test: It is a blood test done to determine whether your thyroid gland is functioning properly, i.e., whether it is producing the right quantities of triiodothyronine and thyroxine. Depending on whether it produces less or more of these two, you could suffer from hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. If your family has a history of thyroid issues, it is best to get checked regularly since thyroid problems could cause major changes in your body.

There are many more tests you should have done in your early 30s to avoid any complications later in life. Again, it never hurts to be fully prepared, especially when it comes to your health. Along with regular check-ups, make sure to have a valid health insurance policy health insurance policy for the family.
