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Here is everything you need to know about cat eyes reflectors on the road 31st October 2022

Cat eyes reflectors are also known as road studs or raised pavement markers. They are safety devices installed on the roads and reflect or emit light flashes at night. You can commonly see them on roads or highways while driving. Drivers use them as lane markers to guide vehicles on dark roads.

Cat eyes reflectors reflect light to a light source, such as a car’s headlights. Hence, when driving on a dark patch of road, these reflectors reflect back light to your vehicle. This helps you to identify the sides and centre of the road and minimise the chances of a mishap.

Types of cat eyes reflectors:

There are primarily four types of cat eyes reflectors in use.

1. Plastic:
Reflectors made of plastic are the least durable and not as strong as the other types of reflectors. They are good to use on the sides of bridges and highways.

2. Aluminium:
These reflectors are made of aluminium and hence, are strong enough to withstand the load of heavy vehicles. These have reflective objects installed inside them. They are also ideal to use in the middle of the roads because of their strength and durability.

3. Glass:
You will also spot reflectors made of hardened safety glass. They come with a coating on their bottoms that reflect the light back to the source.

4. LED:
LED cat eyes reflectors are the most advanced as they have solar panels on their tops. This acts as their energy source and helps them to emit blinking light at night. They provide the brightest light and have much better visibility than the above three types of reflectors.

Advantages of cat eyes reflectors:

● Enhanced visibility:
The primary advantage of cat eyes reflectors is to make night driving safe and secure and minimise the chances of accidents. They help to make corners of traffic lanes visible at night and ensure that the drivers do not skid away from the roads, especially at dangerous curves.

● Prevent unsafe lane changing:
Cat eyes reflectors mark the lanes on the roads. This ensures that vehicles do not frequently change lanes or swerve from one lane to another, causing accidents.

● Speed control:
Cat eyes reflectors also act as a road rumbling strip. The traffic automatically slows down while passing over them since they act as barriers to speed. Thus, they help to control rash driving.

● Durable and easy to install:
These reflectors are very durable, economical, and easy to install than other lane markers. They do not come out by themselves when attached to the roads. Also, there is very little chance of their theft. Hence, they have a very long life.

● Multi-coloured:
Cat eyes reflectors are multi-coloured. While this increases their aesthetic beauty, each colour has a special meaning too. White reflectors denote lane divisions and centre marking on the roads, and red reflectors denote lines that we cannot cross. Green reflectors denote the lines we can cross, such as entrances to service lanes.

Cat eyes reflectors are excellent warning devices on roads inside cities and highways. They have a special role on highways since there are few streetlights, and vehicles run at high speeds. The governments have increased their usage in recent years. It is a step in the right direction as they enhance the safety and security of all types of vehicles plying on the roads.

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