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Here’s how you can support the driver while riding along as a passenger 14th March 2023

Driving is an activity that requires extreme carefulness, responsibility, and special attention at all times. One tiny mistake can lead to significant damage to a person and property. Road accidents are frightening and can even prove to be fatal. Hence, being on your best behaviour when driving is recommended.

However, accidents while driving can take place due to a variety of reasons. One of them is the disturbance from your outer surroundings. This can also include the distractions that your passenger may create. It may induce driving concerns and cause road accidents or violations of road safety rules.

Apart from the driver, the passengers must also be highly responsible and dutiful while the car is in motion. They can play an essential role in maintaining peace inside the vehicle. If you're a co-passenger and want to contribute to the vehicle's safety, here are a few ways. Regardless, you should have private car insurance in India to protect yourself and your vehicle.

Let's discuss here how you can support your driver by being a responsible co-passenger.

1. Be attentive:
If your driver is getting distracted by texting or calling on the phone, call them out on their behaviour. It can be dangerous even if they talk with the passengers in the back seat. You must stay attentive to such situations and speak up whenever necessary. Politely request them to focus on the road.

2. Don't draw attention:
You can help your driver focus by not distracting them by any means. You should not talk to them unnecessarily or argue with them in the car. Emotional responses can distract the driver. Moreover, you should refrain from clicking pictures or showing them things on your cell phone. You should lay low and avoid all these activities.

3. Be careful of your surroundings:
You can easily be the co-driver for your driver by being extra cautious on the road. You can help them navigate busy streets by being their additional set of eyes. You can also help them read road signs, point out intersections, or alert them about possible hindrances they may fail to see.

4. Put on good music:
Good music can make the atmosphere inside your vehicle cheerful, serene, and lively. It can calm the nerves of your driver and help them focus better on the road. You should take control of the music in the car. You can put some of the driver's favourite tracks in a playlist on shuffle. This way, they need not constantly touch or operate the music system.

5. Keep quiet:
Small talk with the driver is alright, but you should refrain from having a full-fledged conversation that can distract the driver. You should not shout, yell, or sing loudly in the car. All these can make your driver lose focus completely. You should pause the music or stop talking when a congested road is approaching.

6. Stay out of sight:
You need to lay low and stop obstructing the view of your driver while driving. You should not physically block the driver from seeing the road well. They should also be able to see outside the windows. Apart from that, you should always be an adjusting and supportive co-passenger.

These are just some tips and tricks that you can use to be a good passenger inside the vehicle. It can lead to lesser accidents and mistakes on the road. A car journey becomes enjoyable and safe when the driver and co-passengers have a good understanding and coordination. The more focused the driver is, the better. Don't forget to buy private car insurance India and safeguard your finances against loss due to accidental damages to your car.

Click HERE to buy private car insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
