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Is comprehensive car insurance truly exhaustive? Here's the complete guide 2nd January 2023

A car has the capacity for durable and comfortable rides, ensures safety, and is a significant investment. All this has given cars an upper hand over all the other vehicles.

Although buying a car can be easy if you have enough money, it is not always the only thing. With a car, there are a ton of other responsibilities. One is getting your vehicle covered and ensuring the car insurance renewal is done on time.

There are multiple options available for car insurance online and offline. This can leave you to require more clarifications. One such option lies in the comprehensive car insurance that covers almost every damage that might trouble your car. From man-made problems to natural disasters, you'll get compensation for all the damages. However, this insurance might cost you more money than usual. Is it worth to have comprehensive car insurance, or is it just exhaustive? Let's find out!

What is comprehensive car insurance?

Comprehensive car insurance is not mandatory insurance by law, but most people prefer to buy it. It is because it comes with many benefits that set it apart from the other options.

Comprehensive car insurance will cover own damage (OD) as well as third-party damages. It covers all damages due to natural calamities, accidents, theft, man-made issues, and even fire. Natural calamities like floods, cyclones, and earthquakes are covered. Acts like vandalism and riots are listed under man-made issues.

What are the benefits of comprehensive car insurance in India?

1. Complete coverage:
This insurance type is the only one that offers complete coverage to a car, including its total or partial loss due to own damage and third-party damages. It also compensates for the death or disability of the owner-driver, third party, or property damage.

2. Best returns on investment:
Comprehensive insurance eliminates the need to buy separate policies to cover own damage and third-party damages. All the benefits can be obtained from a single policy, including the personal accident cover. This helps in saving money and offers the best ROI.

3. Liberty to add optional covers:
You can purchase additional covers like zero-depreciation, no-claim bonus, tyre protection, engine protection, breakdown assistance cover, etc. This makes your base policy stronger.

4. Cashless benefits:
Yes! You may enjoy cashless benefits while claiming your comprehensive car insurance when you get your car repaired or serviced in a network garage. You don't have to pay even a single penny for the damages!

You may have understood what comprehensive car insurance is all about. But, did you imagine to whom this insurance type would benefit the most?

1. The city drivers:
Cities signify constant traffic jams, chaos on roads, and persistent risks of accidents due to overcrowded roads and indiscipline traffic situations. Metropolitan residents must buy this policy to provide all-round protection to their cars.

2. The adventurers:
If you love to plan road trips and explore places frequently, this insurance can do wonders for you during emergencies with its road assistance cover.

3. New owners:
If you have bought a new car, the first step should be buying comprehensive coverage to improve the longevity of your new asset.

4. Premium and luxury car owners:
If you own premium and expensive car, having this insurance in your investment portfolio can be fruitful.

5. Obsessed with your car:
Even a small dent or scratch on the car panics you. Then you must opt for comprehensive coverage to calm your nerves and stay stress-free regarding compensation for any damage to your car.

You should keep various pointers in mind while buying comprehensive car insurance in India. Owning an asset is a crucial responsibility and ensuring its safety is paramount. Comprehensive car insurance has seamless benefits that make it a reliable investment option and less exhaustive compared to its counterparts. Regardless of the policy you buy, get the car insurance renewal done on time to avoid your policy from lapsing.

Click HERE to get your car insurance renewal done on time.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
