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Reasons why underage driving is posing a threat to the lives of other commuters 24th November 2021

Learning to drive is a thrilling moment for teenagers. Transitioning from remote-control cars to handling the steering physically boosts the adrenaline for every youth. But this situation can be daunting for the parents. Statistics suggest that parents have valid reasons to be concerned because underage drivers are more likely to be involved in a car accident than any other age group.

Teenagers have better vision, faster reaction timing, and an acute sense of hearing than adults. Then why are accidents more common in this specific age group? In this article, we share the top reasons for accidents involving teen drivers;

1. They think differently, to begin with:
Teenagers are still maturing, and their brains are highly active. Studies have shown that the part of their brain that supervises planning and controlling impulses is still developing. Hence they’re more prone than adults to indulge in dangerous activities and struggle to evaluate the consequences of their actions while driving.

2. Lacking experience:
Teenage drivers are unprepared to make the judgments that drivers must make to be safe. They are still learning the road laws, traffic discipline, and the fundamental operations of a car. Furthermore, being impulsive, as mentioned above, combined with inexperience, lead to disastrous results.

3. Distractions are everywhere:
From smartphones, talkative co-passengers (mostly peers), or the latest track by their favourite artist blasting on the music system, the list goes on for the things that distract the young drivers while driving.
Teenage drivers may be cautious and stay focused to avoid distractions in their early stages of driving. However, the more comfortable they get behind the wheel, the more likely they are to participate in activities like texting on the go, scrolling through their social feed, or searching for a song.

4. Driving under the influence of intoxication:
As they’re underage, they are not legally allowed to drink. If you think from a teenager’s perspective, the safest place to chug some beer is in the car. Driving under the influence of a substance is a significant threat to other commuters as the mistake can adversely affect the lives of many.

5. Seatbelts? Not a need:
According to statistics, youngsters take wearing seatbelts casually. This casual approach leads to injuries and increases the chances of life-threatening situations in case of an accident.

If you're a parent and reading this article, imagining such situations can make you worry. Your best bet is to create a healthy environment with your children by laying out driving rules and ensuring they follow them. Your kids often take you as an example when they drive; make sure you set a good example for them by driving responsibly. Tell them about the possible consequences of their actions and the trouble they can get into. Also, make it clear that they cannot drive without holding a valid driving license.

Many things can be taught to your young one to get started, like wearing a seat belt, avoiding speeding, especially during the darker hours of the day. To give your car additional protection, make sure you invest in good private car insurance. This will help you adhere to the mandatory laws of our country and cover your loved one in case of an accident.

Click HERE to buy new private car insurance today.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
