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Are fibre parts covered under two wheeler insurance

Preferred amongst different economic strata, scooters and bikes help manoeuvre through tight-packed traffic and poorly maintained roads with precision. However, the lack of an effective safety system makes them a risky option, so buying the best two wheeler insurance in India is necessary to protect your two-wheeler against damages and allied losses.

While damages from accidents and maintenance costs of the 2-wheeler are covered by insurance, does the same apply to its additional fittings of glass, fibre, silicon, etc.? Read on to find out if such depreciable parts are covered by your two wheeler insurance policy.

What are depreciable parts?

With consistent use, the value of any vehicle is bound to depreciate. In two-wheelers, the primary function is served by the engine and mechanical parts. However, there are smaller parts made using relatively weaker materials, like silicon, rubber, etc., that inevitably depreciate sooner

Are depreciable parts covered under comprehensive insurance?

A third-party insurance policy is often lacking to provide coverage for depreciable parts. You may have to purchase an add-on cover for several of its excluded items, and depreciable fibre parts are one of the many partial exclusions. Generally, two wheeler insurance only partially covers the repair and replacement costs of the depreciable parts alone. Instead, they cover a marginal percentage of the expense, leaving you to shoulder the burden of the rest of the amount.

The general depreciation cost percentage.
Most two wheeler insurance applies the following depreciated cost percentages on fittings based on their material:

● Fibre: 30%

● Glass: 0%

● Nylon, Plastic, Rubber: 50%

● Battery, Tube, and Tyres: 50%

This implies that the insurer assumes the above-stated depreciation rates to affect the part and only pays the depreciated cost percentage of the repair or maintenance cost. The remaining amount is borne by the insured, which is often a significant portion of the expense.

Additionally, the vehicle’s age also determines the following approximate rate of depreciation:

● Up to 6 months: 0%

● Up to 1 year: 5%

● Up to 2 years: 10%

● Up to 3 years: 15%

● Up to 4 years: 25%

● Up to 5 years: 35%

● Up to 10 years: 40%

● Above ten years: 50%

However, an alternative is available to ensure that your insurance provider bears the expense.

Zero Depreciation Add-on Cover.

In case you have a standalone own-damage insurance or comprehensive insurance, you are eligible to purchase an add-on zero depreciation cover for your two-wheeler. By purchasing this add-on, you can claim the entire cost of repairing or replacing depreciable parts from your insurer.

Check the inclusions of policies when comparing alternatives to find the best two wheeler insurance in India that covers fibre, glass, rubber parts, etc.

Exclusions under zero depreciation add-on. Even after purchasing the add-on to the best two wheeler insurance in India, there remain some exclusions that you will have to bear, including:

● Vehicles older than five years

● Costs of over two claims during the policy period

● Machine-driven breakdown damages

● Damages due to uninsured risks

● Depreciation due to general wear and tear

When to buy zero depreciation add-on. While it is a beneficial facility, consider purchasing a zero depreciation cover if:

● You own a limited edition or premium 2-wheeler

● You live in an accident-prone area with heavy traffic

● Your vehicle is not older than five years

● The cost of individual repairs of depreciable parts is estimated to be greater than the cost of the add-on

Depreciation is an inevitable loss of asset value. Although most insurance covers do not provide for expenses relating to depreciable parts, an add-on zero depreciation cover can convert your preferred insurance into the best two wheeler insurance in India.

Click HERE to buy the best two wheeler insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How to deal with motorcycle wobble when riding at high speeds

Research states that over one third of vehicles on the road are motorcycles. Found to be cost-effective, easy to ride, and convenient, motorcycles are used extensively in rural and urban areas. They can tackle rough roads and get you to your destination while skillfully getting you out of traffic.

While motorcycles have a significant user base in India, they also have their fair share of problems. The lack of safety is a primary concern with these vehicles. Riding at high speeds on under-maintained roads in a country where traffic rules are not strictly followed has resulted in hundreds of road accidents daily.

This alarming information should be enough to prompt you to purchase online motor insurance if you do not have one already. It is necessary to have insurance to cover any possible losses from damages to you, your vehicle, and third-party property.

While online motor insurance can protect your post-accident damages, here's a quick guide to prevent and tackle motorcycle wobbling when riding at high speeds.

What causes motor cycling wobbling?
Your motorcycle can wobble due to many reasons, even when not at high speed.
1. Defective tyres – Ensure you evaluate the tyres' pressure and build before taking your motorcycle for a ride.
2. Worn equipment – Motorcycles used at the wrong tyre pressures or overused bearings that are worn out are potential causes for wobbling. You must check the parts of your motorcycle and ensure that they are in perfect condition to facilitate long-running and prevent mishaps.
3. Irregular road surface – A sudden change in the road surface in the form of an irregularity such as a pothole while in acceleration is likely to cause your handlebar to shake.
4. Rapid acceleration – If you consecutively accelerate the bike, it cannot keep up with the rapidly changing speed and may wobble violently.
5. Instant slowing – You may also experience shimmying while decelerating from a high speed. This is caused due to the instantaneous changes in speed.

What you shouldn't do when your handlebar wobbles?
If you feel a slight shimmy and are sure it is not due to any motorcycle defect, do not grip harder onto the bar to stabilise it. Continue holding on in the same way and allow it to adjust to the surface. Do not let your eyes stay on the road beneath. Instead, look straight and assess the road ahead and the vehicles around to keep yourself at a safe distance from others.

Tips to ease out the wobble safely:
Assessing the situation is key in such a situation. If it is a well-maintained motorcycle on an irregular patch of road, do not worry. Do not tighten your grip on the handle and allow your bike to balance itself on the surface. The wobble, in this case, would be slight and can be easily overcome by the motorcycle in a few seconds.

If it is a motorcycle issue, the wobble will be much stronger. In such a case, here are some tips for riding out the wobble:
1. Slowly engage the rear brakes – At no cost should you use the front brakes, which will cause an accident. With applying rear brakes, your bike may wobble more at first, but it will slow down.
2. Lean forward – While it may not solve the problem alone, it increases resistance and may help slow down your bike.

These are the only ways to slow down your vehicle. Assess your possible options based on the road ahead. If there is a greater obstacle that your motorcycle is bound to crash into, it is best to abandon the vehicle. Your online motor insurance can cover any damages to your bike. However, if the road ahead is straight, keep your calm and engage the rear brakes slowly. You will eventually be able to decelerate and get out of the wobble and regain control.

While bikes are convenient vehicles, we strongly recommend riding motorcycles at acceptable speeds where you can easily control them to prevent mishaps. Online motor insurance is a must that can prevent any potential financial burden and have your back during emergencies.

Click HERE to buy an online motor insurance policy for your motorcycle.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Challenges faced by Indian female pillion riders due to side-saddle posture

There are several issues raised when women pillion riders sit in a side-saddle position. Balance is the primary safety concern, amongst others. A significant safety hazard might arise from this posture. The pillion rider must be seated with the two-wheeler balanced between their legs and then place one hand over the driver's shoulder while holding onto the seat with the other.

Side saddling, more often than not, is an unpleasant experience. However, women are inclined towards this positioning because of their choice of clothes or because they feel like they are more in command of their bodies in case of an accident or a crash.

This is an added hassle for long trips and can be dangerous for the following reasons:
● The probability of an accident increases when a female rider moves around and repositions herself.
● Road traffic injury rates increase because of the fall of pillion riders in side-saddle posture.
● Frequently travelling in this position can give rise to severe back and shoulder pains.
● There are numerous ways that rainy weather might cause two-wheeler crashes.

How side-saddle posture affects women?
● With less space for your foot, side saddling can cause muscle soreness and uneasiness.
● Female passengers sitting side-saddle, in particular, typically lack backrests, which causes back and shoulder strain when riding for prolonged periods.

Problems faced:
● The pillion rider cannot equally distribute their body weight across both sides of the two-wheeler. At the same time, in a side-saddle position, the tiniest movements can cause a disbalance, create discomfort to the rider, and may also lead to an accident.
● Women riding as pillion in traditional attire are required to grasp the loose ends of their attire or sit on the loose ends. Both alternatives still provide sufficient space for the clothing to become tangled up in the two-wheeler.
● It is typical for ladies wearing traditional clothing to ride side-saddle because none of the clothing options—saree or skirt—allows for discreet or comfortable seating.
● Additionally, when a piece of long dress fabric gets trapped in a tyre, it increases the probability of various collisions. The two-wheeler will come to a complete stop. As a result, it possibly throws both the driver and the passenger off. The road in front of the pillion riders is only partially visible to them.

A two-wheeler has many advantages, particularly in terms of time savings. More and more people are choosing to travel by two-wheeler, particularly in cities where traffic and congestion are major issues.

However, two-wheelers make up the majority of traffic accidents in India. It increases the possibility of injury to the driver and pillion rider or damage to the two-wheeler. This may result in increased financial distress. That's why it's very important to buy a two wheeler insurance India policy.

It is advisable to avoid travelling in a side-saddle posture, but if it is necessary, then you must take all the precautions needed for a safe ride. Always ensure that you prioritise safety and accordingly use safety measures like a helmet, knee guards, etc., to reduce the impact of accidents if you meet one while riding.

Click HERE to buy two wheeler insurance India policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The best ways to treat shoulder dislocation and prevent it in future

Accidents are a common occurrence these days. They can cause major upheaval and disrupt our entire life at once. Not only does an accident cause financial damage, but it also builds a lot of anxiety, stress, and fear among individuals.

A lot can happen when an accident strikes, whether physical harm or mental discomfort. From road accidents to mishaps at workplaces or homes, unfortunate events can take place anywhere. You need to be cautious and take all the necessary precautions to protect yourself and avoid injuries. In addition, securing yourself with suitable personal accident insurance plans is crucial to prevent financial chaos after such incidents.

A shoulder dislocation is one of the major and most common accidental injuries. It can result from injury due to playing, road accidents, or slipping in the bathroom. Whenever a large blow is delivered to your shoulder, it can result in dislocation.

How do you treat a shoulder dislocation and take care after the injury? Let's find out!

What are the symptoms of shoulder dislocation?

Shoulder dislocation results from heavy damage to the shoulder joint due to the high-intensity impact after an accident. These are a few symptoms to diagnose dislocation:

● Swelling

● Severe pain

● Numbness of arm

● Redness

● Bruising

● Tingling sensation

● Visibly out of place shoulder

How is shoulder dislocation diagnosed?

If you notice the above symptoms, always seek immediate medical help. A doctor diagnoses the condition by asking relevant questions about the symptoms you are experiencing. If it correlates with shoulder dislocation, it is diagnosed accordingly. Muscle relaxers are then administered immediately to the patients to reduce pain.

Once the patient is stable, an MRI or CT scan is undertaken. It helps in revealing any broken bones in the body. Sometimes a dislocation can be diagnosed by simply touching.

How to treat shoulder dislocation?

A shoulder dislocation does not require any surgery. Your doctor can easily diagnose it. It will then be carefully put back in its place to heal. The treatment requires:

● Use of pain medication to ease the pain and discomfort caused by the dislocation. If the pain is severe, a numbing agent can be used to provide relief.

● The shoulder is carefully put back into its designed place by your doctor. It stops severe pain immediately.

● A splint or sling is to be worn for 7-10 days for proper healing of the joint.

● The doctor recommends icing the shoulder every day at least 3-4 times.

● After healing the joint, you need to go to a physiotherapist who will provide you with light exercises for the proper functioning of the joint after injury.

How to prevent shoulder dislocation in the future?

Shoulder dislocation usually occurs while playing sports or an accidental fall. It is advised to wear protective gear while playing any kind of sport to avoid an injury later.

A small mistake today can lead to bigger problems tomorrow. An injury to any body part can cause long-term problems in the future. The shoulder is an important body part that should be protected at all costs. Regardless of everything, you should know about personal accident insurance plans in advance to avoid exhausting your money on treatments and medications.

Click HERE to know more about personal accident insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.