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Implement these tips to ensure the safety of truck drivers by minimizing accidents

Driving trucks is considered to be a dangerous job in many countries. It requires more strength, focus, and training to drive a massive vehicle. Most trucks have more than six tyres, whereas large trucks can have eighteen wheels and more. Truck drivers have to be very cautious operating such heavy machinery with material weighing tons. They need to be careful on a busy road with smaller-sized vehicles around.

Trucks are an integral part of the transportation and logistics teams. They help move various supplies around several industries and within different sets of factories within a single sector.
In such scenarios, the training of truck drivers becomes essential. By training them about the rules and safety measures, you protect them and avoid the risk of accidents and subsequent medical costs and insurance claims. But what are specific pointers for truck drivers that they should follow strictly?

This blog will discuss all the measures they can take. Implement these tips to ensure the safety of truck drivers by minimising accidents.

1. Stay patient:
While driving such a giant vehicle, truck drivers need to ensure that they are calm, relaxed, and attentive. Even the tiniest anger or frustration can distract drivers who can have severe accidental consequences and potentially cause heavy damage to the truck, other vehicles, and people on the road. Drivers must avoid any road rage behaviour and mindset even when cut off or honked by other drivers on the road.

2. Seatbelts are a must:
Wearing your seatbelt is a universal rule for all four-wheelers and above. Trucks bear no difference here. It is even more necessary since trucks are enormous, and maintaining balance, sudden jerks, close calls with other vehicles, and poor road conditions can be tricky for a driver. You can lose momentum and control of your body during such sudden movements and putting your driving at risk.

3. Be on the lookout for blind spots:
Blind spots can make your life challenging as a truck driver. It is often difficult to see the positioning of other cars, and the side view and rearview mirrors might not be of a huge help due to the height and captured visibility. Hence, while driving the truck, it is suggested that they leave a gap around the corners. Keep a watch manually while changing lanes to avoid the risk of blind spots.

4. Use signals correctly:
It is crucial to know what each signal means and how it would impact you and other vehicles on the road while moving. Give the proper indication so that the car around you knows which direction you might be turning. Leaving the other drivers on the road hanging and anticipating your next move can cause dangerous collisions and accidents.

Other tips include carrying a bag of spare essentials for emergencies, avoiding alcohol before and while driving, having spare parts and tools handy, not using cell phones or any other gadgets while driving, etc. These measures are quite common and essential to implement earnestly.

That’s a wrap on how you can implement these tips to ensure the safety of truck drivers by minimising accidents. It is equally important to take care of your truck since it encounters different terrains, and long distances can cause wear and tear of the tyres and damage other parts. For such sudden circumstances, motor insurance will safeguard your vehicle. You can explore your options and buy motor insurance online to provide firm protection to the big machine.

Click HERE to know more about how you can buy motor insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know about these protein rich foods that can be good alternatives for vegetarians

It is a widespread concern that healthy diets may not provide enough protein to the body. Muscle growth and maintenance, health of skin and hair are all dependent on getting enough protein. It also helps keep you satiated, which is essential.

Why is there a need for protein?

Proteins are made up of amino acids, and an adequate supply of amino acids is necessary for the normal development of our cells. There are several crucial parts of our bodies where proteins play an important role. These include our skin, nails, and other vital organs.

Many people are curious about how vegetarians can receive enough protein in their diets, but it's pretty simple. If you're attempting to stop eating meat and consume more veggies or turning vegan, these vegetarian sources of proteins can assist you in meeting your daily protein intake.

1. Lentils:

Adding lentils, or dal, to a daily meal is common in Indian cuisine. With each cup containing roughly 18 grams of protein, fresh salads, substantial soups, and dals laced with spices are just a few of the foods that can be made with them. Lentils are a good source of protein and fibre, which can aid in the maintenance of a healthy microbiome in the intestines.

2. Oats:

Eating oats is a simple and delicious way to increase the protein intake in your daily diet. In addition to being high in protein, oats are a powerhouse of soluble fibre. Clinical studies show that oats can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. While not considered a total protein, oats provide a higher quality protein than some commonly consumed grains, such as rice and wheat.

3. Legumes:

In general, legumes are thought of as protein-rich foods because of their large concentration of essential amino acids. For example, chickpeas have roughly 15 grams of protein per serving, as well as a slew of other nutrients that will keep you strong, healthy, and fit.

4. Nuts:

Nuts are considered nutritional powerhouses. They are an excellent source of dietary protein for vegetarians and vegans alike. Nuts like almonds and cashews are a good source of protein and are considered a protein-rich diet.

5. Green Peas:

Green peas are a good source of vitamin A, potassium, and folate, all found in abundance in this dish. Simply adding green peas to your everyday vegetarian diet can help in supplying your body with the additional protein it demands.

6. Tofu:

Adding tofu to your plant-based diet can be a great decision since it is an excellent source of protein and minerals. Usually, people consume Tofu as a replacement or a veg-alternative to meatballs to add to their healthy lifestyle.

Final Words

If you're eating a nutritious diet, you're unlikely to have protein deficits as experienced by many vegetarians and vegans. The above list might serve as a starting point for anyone who wants to boost the consumption of vegetarian sources of protein.

Speaking of nutrition, if you are not regularly consuming essential nutrients and minerals via protein food items, your body may become vulnerable to diseases or infections. Hence, considering health insurance is an excellent idea to assist you in providing additional financial protection you always require to keep you stress-free and ensure your well-being.

Click HERE to know more about different health insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let us know more about 'Act of God' insurance and their clauses

The events that are not under any human's control, cannot be predicted, and are bound to happen, are called an "act of God." The unavoidable destruction caused by natural disasters, including earthquakes, floods, cyclones, volcanic eruptions, asteroid collisions, etc., are considered "act of God". One cannot estimate these vast events, and occurrences cannot be counted at their time of happening. They happen, and humankind must bear the passive consequences of such active events.

Did you know that insurance covers damages due to “act of God” events? Let's learn more about the chronology of events and decisions taken by the government and other companies and help you become more knowledgeable about insurance and its clauses.

1. What exactly is the "Act of God" insurance?
This insurance covers damages and losses done due to incidents that come under the act of God. But if there is any harm or damage done to the property due to human ignorance and negligence, family dispute, etc., you will not be reimbursed and covered through the act of God insurance.

2. Is the "Act of God" coverage the same everywhere?
A lot of similar events are covered in the act of God insurance. The similarity is relatively high. But certain events might be an odd one out in a policy and is not included for other circumstances. You need to keep yourself up to date with the clauses, terms, conditions, prices, renewal rates, exceptions, etc.

3. Do you need to assess your insured properties and assets?
You need to evaluate your properties, assets, etc., that are insured. It is essential to assess the risks of those possessions and chart out the potential risks that can happen under God's name. This will help you clarify the dangers and negative possibilities and how you could recover from them using the liabilities that come under the act of God insurance. These risk evaluations will help you reap the benefits and help spread awareness about the act of good insurance and its pros and cons.

Another important clause is the extreme climate conditions you need to be aware of. You must purchase the act of God insurance for third-party protection and security of your properties, etc., against all unavoidable dangers. The policy is eligible for termination if the authorities observe any inconsistencies, negligence, zero remorse, and rectification of mistakes. Examine the policy in detail and watch for any hidden clause and terms and conditions that might devoid you of the "Act of God" insurance benefits. You need to present the proof of these events to claim your insurance and reap the benefits that come along with it. Also remember, insurance companies may limit the coverage for acts of God under some specific terms and conditions.

Apart from the "Act of God" events that you might or might not see coming, you need to take care of the risks which can make you liable/responsible for inevitable mishaps (e.g., a machinery accident in your factory causing injuries to the workers). You need to purchase public liability insurance in India to cover such alarming accidents. Explore your options and determine which insurance plan suits you and your business's needs.

Click HERE to know more about the best public liability insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These good habits can increase the longevity of your two-wheeler

As a bike owner, you enjoy all the perks that come with it. Whether going to the nearest grocery store to get your monthly supplies or taking an impromptu long trip, one can not deny the many benefits of owning a two-wheeler. But as with great power comes great responsibility. Having a bike also means dedicated time to take care of it. So, it is your responsibility to keep your bike moving and functioning.

Irrespective of how often you drive your two-wheelers, it is susceptible to daily wear and tear. It is, however, possible to increase the longevity of bikes to some extent.

In this article, we will take a look at a few ways in which you can increase the longevity of your two-wheeler. Extending a bike’s life is not a very challenging task. You need to be slightly attentive to the signs indicating any faults and provide regular upkeep without constantly worrying about maintaining it.

1. Regular servicing:
Regular servicing ensures that the bike performs optimally. Your service cycle depends on how old your bike is. Speak to an expert and understand the servicing cycle for your two-wheelers. Things such as changing engine oil, ensuring proper functionality of brakes, checking for corrosion are a few things to note during the next servicing.

2. Riding habits:
The lack of coordination between the clutch and gear affects the bike’s performance in the long run. This puts an unnecessary load on the engine if done constantly. Giving ample time to yourself to understand gear shift and the bike's speed will help you perform better on the road.

3. Manage the load:
Overburdening the bike during long road trips can have dire effects on the vehicle. You must balance out excessive workload with regular maintenance. However, if you overload the bike with minimal aftercare, the bike is bound to break down eventually.

4. Keep it clean:
Maintaining your bike through regular cleaning can help you increase the functionality of your two-wheeler. Use soaps specifically meant for your bikes to wash with water and a cloth. Always wipe the bike thoroughly after every wash. After driving through rains or dirty tracks, wipe down your bike to avoid dust and dirt accumulation to avoid corrosion.
Dust and dirt can affect the engine’s functionality and spoil the paint job on the vehicle. A dirty bike is more susceptible to various problems such as rusting that can impact its overall performance.

5. Take note of minor changes and problems:
Usually, vehicles produce different sounds or low-performance levels as an indicator for various problems that are likely to arise. Do not neglect the problems, immediately take your two-wheeler to the service centre and get it checked thoroughly.

These were a few things to keep in mind if you want to ensure a long life for your two-wheelers. Sometimes no matter what you do, your bikes can still cause troubles and might need extensive servicing and change in parts. All changes said and done can come out to be pretty expensive.

It is a wise option to invest in 2 wheeler insurance to cover the damages, cost involved in repairs, and replacement of parts. Buying an ideal 2 wheeler insurance is also a good habit of increasing the longevity of your two-wheeler and can be beneficial for it to cover more distances.

Click HERE to know more about 2 wheeler insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These can be the probable reasons for your bike failing to start

It can be highly frustrating for any rider to turn the key in the ignition, and the vehicle fails to start. There are several reasons for your bike giving way and facing trouble starting smoothly. While a motorcycle's design is simple to understand, it can be challenging to point out the reasons for these ignition issues. However, knowing about the possible reasons causing these issues is essential in maintaining your vehicle and fixing these problems.

You may consider the extreme winter season to be the main reason your bike fails to start, but there are several more. While you can always rely on bike insurance for critical problems, you can read the points below to learn the probable reasons for the two-wheeler failing to start.

1. The battery is weak or dead:
Some two-wheelers are designed to start using an electric self-start. Their motor is dependent on the battery. If this motorcycle does not start when you press the self-start button, it could be because the battery did not transfer a sufficient charge to kickstart the motor.
A weak or dead battery cannot provide this high voltage to the engine, and therefore, the electric self-start won't be operational. In this case, you may have to call a mechanic to either recharge or replace your bike's battery.

2. Too cold:
This frozen state of the bike is caused mainly due to extreme cold weather conditions. Combustion doesn't occur correctly as the gasoline in the vehicle doesn't evaporate when mixed with air. There might be ice build-up that is causing the malfunction. You can use a space heater directly on the engine for 15-20 mins to get your motor running.

3. The fuel tank vent is clogged:
Since the fuel tank vent in most motorcycles is too narrow, it becomes inconvenient to supply fuel to the intake system consistently. The vent can get clogged due to no regular maintenance and cleaning, and the fuel supply gets restricted. If you find yourself stuck in this mess, try to unclog the duct with a thin pin or get it cleaned.

4. Blocking intake or exhaust:
A blocked airbox or a blocked muffler exit may be another significant reason your bike won’t start easily. The motorcycle’s mechanism is dependent on the intake and exhaust system, and your bike will give away if it is restricted or clogged for some reason. Get it checked by a professional as soon as possible to avoid further damage.

5. The clutch does not engage properly:
The clutch lever needs to be correctly pulled to start your bike successfully. Often, problems can occur in the ignition when the clutch does not engage correctly. Try again by bringing your transmission into neutral and then starting the bike. Sometimes, riders turn off their bike while in gear and forget to put it back into neutral. You must set your bike into neutral and start again.

6. Problems with the spark plug wire:
A loose or cracked spark plug wire can also cause your bike to fail to start. Constant heating of the engine will eventually deteriorate the material of the wires in the motorcycle over time. Places with extreme weather conditions can be a catalyst in the cracking of the spark plug wire. If you find any cracks or slits in your bike's wires, replace them to avoid any issues.

These are a few likely reasons why your bike may fail to start. While investing in a reliable bike insurance plan can secure your vehicle by covering the expenses involved in the garage repairs, it is essential to know about the issues that could arise with your two-wheeler. Being aware and getting to the root of every problem can avoid future losses.

Click HERE to buy a comprehensive bike insurance plan for your new bike.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's why windshield wipers are important

What are the primary things that come to your mind when you think of car maintenance? Oil changes and engine inspections. But what most of us forget are windshield wipers. These underrated blades are just as crucial as the engine of your vehicle. We do not need them often, and wipers don't seem to do much in our daily driving. So, it's assumed that they don't require much attention. However, during unexpected changes in the weather, wipers are an integral part of your vehicle maintenance to ensure safe driving.

Why are car wipers important?
The first pair of wipers for cars were made back in 1903, and since then, their use has advanced significantly. These key technologies improved car safety and allowed drivers to travel in adverse weather conditions. Latest windshield wipers come with a variety of enhanced functions and settings. Modern devices have been built to be simple to use, effective, and maintain clarity while driving.

Importance of maintaining wipers:
It is common knowledge that clear vision is the most critical driving component. Appropriately functioning wipers are a way to ensure complete visibility for the driver.
If you don't repair your windshield wipers on time, the blade may tear and break away from the wiper. As a result, the bare metal or plastic wiper arm can scratch the windscreen as it scrapes over it. Damaged windshield wipers can also produce scratches on your glass, resulting in higher repair costs. It's far easier to examine and change your wipers regularly than paying for windshield repairs.
Windshield wipers' care varies from place to place, depending on the region you live in and their frequent use in the vehicle. However, the wiper blades are supposed to be replaced every six months.

How to clean / replace your wiper blades:
Regular cleaning of the wiper blades should be done to increase their efficiency. You may begin by wiping the wipers down with clean towels and mild detergent. Then clean the edge of the blade with a towel soaked in alcohol to get rid of any leftover grime and dirt.
Replacing wiper blades regularly is a low-cost investment in your driving security. To begin, measure the durability of your wiper blades or consult your car's owner's handbook for the correct information. After that, you may buy and install fresh blades. Next, lift the arm of the windshield, press on the little button under the wiper, and slide the blade off downhill to remove the old blades. To swap the blade, tighten the new blade onto the arm. When done, a clicking sound should be heard.

Safe driving requires total visibility of the front view while you are in the driving seat. When rain or snowfall strikes, be sure you're ready with a clean windscreen. Therefore, ensure to inspect your wiper blades regularly and replace them when required. Also, add washer fluid and make sure to maintain the right combination. Maintaining your wipers and washer system is a simple and inexpensive method to keep you and your family safe while driving. Also, do not forget to invest in a reliable motor insurance India policy to keep your vehicle insured and obtain the benefits that it has to offer.

Get the best motor insurance India policies HERE .

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These important tips can make riding in the bright sunlight easy for new riders

We often hear people talk about the beautiful roads and the impeccable views that are part of road trips. Especially during winters, we listen to riders talk about taking their bikes out to enjoy the sun's warmth above them. And, summer brings exciting travel plans to exotic destinations.

However, before setting for a bike ride on a sunny day and making your trip experiential and worthwhile, consider the following tips.

1. Sunglasses or tinted visors:
If the sun is glaring right at you from the opposite direction, it becomes challenging for the riders to see the road ahead and the fellow drivers on the road. Getting a pair of sunglasses ensures that your vision is not tempered and you have a clear view of everything on the road.
If you are someone who does not fancy wearing a sunglass, opting for a tinted visor is a great alternative. Tinted visors can double up as sunglasses and a face shield to prevent your skin from burning directly under the sun.

2. Wear appropriate gear:
If you are traversing through long stretches of roads, it is best to wear a bright-coloured vest. This will ensure that the person coming from the opposite side notices you, thus preventing a collision.
Another thing to note is that driving through harsh conditions will require you to wear anti-abrasion and impact-resistant gears. Opt for gears with mesh panelling to help you remain cool but protected against extreme heat.

3. Carry water:
Driving under the sun can cause dehydration and exhaustion. Take pit stops in the middle to drink water and rest. It is extremely important to maintain your body’s water levels. As you start sweating, your body will lose water. This can lead to heat-related illnesses. Do not forget to carry electrolytes for added benefits.

4. Vent the helmet:
Venting the helmet can help in cooling down immensely in hot weather. While riding, keep the vents open to dissipate the heat and allow air to sleek in for freshness.

5. Wear gloves:
The gloves will act as a barrier between your palm and the accelerator to avoid sweating and reduce the risk of accidents. They even protect your skin from direct sunlight, preventing the palm skin's tanning.

6. Apply sunscreen:
Ensure to lather your skin with enough sunscreen to protect the exposed body parts. Use sweat and water-resistant ones with at least SPF 30 rating.

7. The 12-3 rule:
Unless absolutely necessary, skip the riding in the peak hours between 12:00 noon and 3:00 pm. As this is the hottest period of the day, it is best to take a break. You could use this time to grab your lunch and restock your energy and water supplies.

These are a few tips that you can follow to make your drives easy and less tiring. However, if you feel dizzy or lightheaded, your body could be overheating. This could lead to heat strokes and can be fatal. Under such circumstances, it is best to pull over and rest under the shade or in an airconditioned restaurant or supermarket.

Long road trips can be exhausting for you and your bike. Take a day off to relax and drop your bike off at the nearest service station for a quick check-up before you set out on your next trip. Add value to the whole experience by investing in bike insurance to sit back and not worry about the expenses you might face later.

Click HERE to know more about bike insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Try these six remedies to treat food poisoning at home and get instant relief

Trying various foods is always tempting but can also cause food poisoning or other stomach related problems. We experiment with new foods and cuisines but often overlook the consequences.

Food poisoning is mainly caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites in food. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhoea, nausea, abdominal discomfort, fever, etc. Food poisoning is accompanied by a stomach infection that makes your body lose more water than usual. Drinking plenty of fluids and avoiding solid foods is the first line of defence. As innocuous as it may appear, food poisoning can become life-threatening if not handled promptly.

However, you can treat minor cases of food poisoning at home with a few common everyday items. Read more to know about these magic ingredients from your kitchen that will soothe your food poisoning.

1. Garlic cloves:
While the idea of gulping raw garlic may be unsettling, garlic is famous for its antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties. These characteristics make it an excellent home remedy to combat food poisoning. Take a couple of cloves of garlic and chew on them. Afterwards, drink some warm water.

2. Ginger:
Ginger helps decrease the symptoms of food poisoning. Its anti-inflammatory properties soothe your stomach lining. Boil a cup of water with one scoop of grated ginger in it. Alternatively, you can directly eat ginger slices.

3. Cumin:
Cumin seeds, also known as jeera, provide immediate relief. Boiling one teaspoon of cumin seeds in water can cleanse your system. You can also combine it with one teaspoon of coriander juice and a pinch of salt. It stimulates the activity of digestive enzymes in your body, thereby improving digestion.

4. Lemon:
Lemons have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial qualities that fight the microorganisms causing food poisoning. Drink warm lemon juice and stay hydrated to reduce the pressure on your stomach.

5. Curd with fenugreek:
Curd contains beneficial bacteria that aid in the fight against other harmful bacteria in the body. Fenugreek seeds also have a high amount of soluble fibre, which absorb water and act as a lubricant, aiding in treating gastrointestinal discomfort. Consume one teaspoon of curd with one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds to ease your stomach.

6. Holy basil:
The best herb against food poisoning is holy basil or tulsi. This plant has many antibacterial characteristics that can help lessen the impact of food-borne diseases. For immediate relief from the symptoms of food poisoning, chew on a few fresh leaves that can be easily spotted in all Indian homes.

These are some tried and tested home cures that have proven to be effective through time. While some may notice a significant improvement in symptoms, others may not. In such circumstances, you must act quickly and seek medical assistance at the nearest health care facility.

It's always wise to plan for such unforeseen concerns by investing in health insurance. While you're taking these steps to cure food poisoning, your health insurance covers your medical bills in case of an emergency. Get one immediately from online health insurance companies and be secured by comprehensive coverage that can act as a strong safety net.

Click HERE to learn more about health insurance policy for you.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These are a few mistakes done by riders with short height

There is no denying that riding bikes is a dangerous sport. It requires a lot of focus, physical work, mental stability, and risk-taking ability. It is an expensive hobby or passion to take up. Professional riding bikes are costly, and the riding gears demand a heavy investment.

While no sport is supposed to discriminate between different attributes of the sportspersons, the short-heightened riders need to be a little careful while riding their bikes. It can be a bit difficult for them to control their bikes due to their short height. Short riders can make a few mistakes out of no will of their own but due to their physical features.

How would you identify the errors these riders are making? This blog will discuss those discrepancies caused by the riders.

1. Not paying attention to the gear:
It is alright if you do not want to purchase the most expensive biking gear available. But skipping out on paying attention to the gear, quality gloves, and boots could negatively affect your riding. Boots keep your feet in position, and the heels give you a certain height which would help you gain control of the handlebar and the bike in a better manner. Premium quality gloves would help you handle the control of your bike and avoid any slips of the gears, throttle, steering, and clutch, even on tricky and rocky terrains.
The gloves and the boots solve your height issues and give you better control of the bike. They help you avoid any accidents or compromise your safety. You would be more efficient and capable of managing the bike better and have a comfortable journey.

2. Not working on your driving skills:
Several riders with short height pay way too much attention to the hardware of the bikes. While it is essential to learn and have a detailed understanding of the features and the hardware that goes into building the bike and making it function properly, it is equally important to work on your driving skills.
Honing your skills would help you achieve better control in stressful situations and increase your response skills which would come in handy when you have a sudden decision to make while riding. You can focus on specific skills that would help you maximize your bike's output, not put your safety at risk and gain better access and control of the motorcycle, thus nullifying the issues that might come with having a short height.

3. Position your bike correctly:
Learn how to change your motorcycle positioning. If you have plans to lower it, think again. You will reduce the ground clearance, which will affect your ability to lean your bike correctly. This might also increase your chances of sudden falls and possibility of disbalance putting your safety and bike performance at risk.

Some other things you can take care of are leaning left while stopping, practicing with a good bike on which you can put your feet flat on the ground, etc.

That’s a wrap on the few mistakes made by short-height riders. While we discussed the specific type of riders here, such mishaps are not only limited to short-height riders. A bike can get severely damaged in all these scenarios, and the rider’s safety can be compromised. Get your bike insured to avoid such risks and cover the damages involved in sudden circumstances. You can explore your options, purchase two wheeler insurance online India, get the best premium with plethora of benefits, and stay financially stress-free.

Click HERE to know more about buying two wheeler insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Which is a better option for buses: rear-engine or front-engine

We often see new models and designs of the buses plying in the neighbourhood. These buses with new technologies are not only designed to look aesthetically pleasing but also to support aerodynamic needs and the vehicle’s functionality.

Bus engines and their placements play a crucial role in the handling of the bus, its performance, and impacts the passenger experience. It is difficult to make a call as to which engine is better suited for the bus. Various characteristics factor into what kind is better, and we will look at them.

In this article today, we will discuss the pros and cons of rear and front engine buses so that you can have a detailed understanding of both options.

Benefits of the rear engine:
1. The rear engine does not block the centre or the front of the bus, thus making it easier for passengers to walk and aiding in the free flow of traffic.
2. Rear engine buses are comparatively lighter than front-engine buses.
3. The rear-engine buses have a quieter cabin due to the location of the engine at the rear. This gives a better driving experience for the drivers with less disturbance from the engine noise.
4. It aids in better visibility and comfort for the driver.

Disadvantages of the rear engine:
1. The engine takes up space in the back, thus providing lesser luggage space.
2. Rear engine buses are more expensive as compared to front engine buses.
3. Since the vehicle’s entire weight upon an uphill journey is concentrated on the back, it becomes difficult to traverse hilly roads.

Now, let's look at the merits and demerits of the front engine.

Benefits of front engine:
1. The weight of the bus is well balanced on all wheels.
2. The different parts of the bus, such as the engine, clutch, etc., are easily accessed for any repair or maintenance.
3. Better cooling since the radiator is attached to the front, and it gets a natural draft of air due to the forward movement of the bus.
4. There is more luggage space at the back of the bus.

Disadvantages of front engine:
1. Since the engine is in the front and amidst passengers, it can be loud for everyone.
2. Heat emanating from the engine makes driving inconvenient.
3. The horizontal steering becomes challenging to maneuver for drivers.
4. Reduced cabin space due to the presence of an engine in the cabin.

These are some of the benefits and disadvantages of each of these buses and their engine types. It is difficult to say which is better simply based on the positioning of the engines. Various other factors, such as fuel efficiency, driving comfort, the safety of people on-board, etc., are to be considered when investing in heavy-duty vehicles. This article solely focussed on the engine type to help you understand the different functionalities of said buses.

Even when investing in the best option available, you have to take care of your vehicle’s regular maintenance and upkeep. Keeping a tab of service cycles, investing in good motor insurance, and timely online motor insurance renewal is crucial for your vehicle’s longevity and efficient functionality. Hence, do not skip on these essential aspects of vehicle care.
Regular maintenance can help you extend the lifetime of your big machines. At the same time, motor insurance acts as a safety net to guard you against any expense that you might incur due to accidents, thefts, or other forms of damage.

Click HERE to know more about online motor insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Wondering how to keep your car cool during summers? Here are the best ways to do so

Summers in India are pretty difficult to handle as the temperature can exceed over 45 degrees celsius, making it arid and humid. Humans can quickly get affected due to such hot weather, and it becomes unbearable to travel anywhere. While you can take care of yourself by drinking sufficient fluids and staying hydrated, your car needs an equal amount of maintenance,
especially in the summers. You must have seen how difficult it gets to drive anywhere during the hot season. Due to the temperature rise, the car becomes too hot to sit in and drive during a peak summer day.

Are you wondering how to keep your car cool during summers? Read this blog till the end to understand the tips to get the best results and protect your car from high temperatures.

1. Support solar technology by getting a solar-powered fan:
You can get a solar-powered fan for your car to cool down car interiors. It's better to use the sun's energy and heat instead of getting roasted. The solar fan helps balance the air inside the vehicle by extracting the hot air from the cabin. Regulating the process of constant circulation prevents overheating and avoids the stuffing of hot air.

2. Cross ventilation is a solution:
We all know how cross-ventilation works in our homes, kitchens, etc. Similarly, whenever your car is parked in the summers, especially if it is parked under the sun, it would be an intelligent solution to open the car's windows just enough to let the air pass from one window to another and circulate inside the cabin. Thus, a single temperature will not be maintained, and the car would be more comfortable to drive.

3. Park at the right place:
Look for some shade and park your vehicle under it to maintain a relatively low temperature for the car's body. A shade will protect the car's body from getting overheated due to the extreme temperatures and exposure to the direct sun, thus making the cabin bearable to sit and travel in. You can also cover your car to safeguard it against the hot weather, but it is a little more hassle than finding fully covered spots which provide shade to your vehicle.

4. Think about your steering wheel:
Summers spare nothing, not even the steering wheel of your car. Due to the hot climate, your car cabin temperature rises and affects the steering wheel, making it too hot to hold. You can cover your steering wheel with a light cloth to counter this. Avoid darker steering covers as they tend to absorb heat from the sun, making it unbearable for you to touch the steering wheel.

As we discussed protecting your car against high temperatures and how you can keep it cool, it is also essential to safeguard your vehicle against other damages that you may or may not see coming. Purchasing car insurance is an intelligent choice to cover your priceless possession under the safety net of financial benefits. But you need to make sure that you are aware of all the terms and conditions, including the new car insurance rates, before you make your final decision.

Click HERE to know more about the new car insurance rates.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Is it good to ride your bike on reserve all the time

Fuel is one of the essential things needed for your bike to function efficiently. It generates power in your bike and makes it operable. You cannot risk being low on fuel or having no fuel in the tank. But there are times when you forget to fill up the fuel tank, and get stuck in an area with no petrol pumps around, or the fuel starts leaking, and you don't notice until the very end. What are you supposed to do then?

For such situations, bike manufacturing companies brought in the concept of reserve fuel. The reserve tank permits you to drive your bike till you find the nearest petrol pump and refill your tank. It is a fail-safe option in your main tank whenever you are stuck in a no-fuel situation.

However, this raises questions. Is it appropriate to ride your bike on reserve? What will happen to the bike's performance and efficiency? Let's address these.

1. No warning:
You can run your motorcycle on reserve all the time, but you might use up all the fuel without any warning signs that your tank is empty. This means that your bike can stop suddenly due to zero fuel, and you would have to push it to the nearest gas station.

2. Less power:
Driving on low fuel puts pressure on your bike's engine. As a result, the engine's power deteriorates over time and hampers your bike's performance significantly.

3. Practice occasionally:
The two reasons mentioned earlier are why you should not run your bike on reserve all the time. But it is advised that running your motorcycle on reserve from time to time is a good practice as it is essential to occasionally use the fuel in the lower part of the fuel tank. But, ensure that this is carried out periodically and doesn't become a habit.

4. Dirt collection:
In the previous point, we discussed that it is necessary to use the fuel in the lower part of your fuel tank. Why is it essential to do so? The lower part of your fuel tank is where a lot of dirt, dust, water, etc. is collected. And when you avoid riding your bike in reserve mode, all dirt and moisture can accumulate and fill up the reserve tank. This might end up clogging the main tank.
This accumulation can be challenging to deal with. It will involve a lot more tank maintenance, and frequent visits to the mechanic to get the tank cleaned, fixed, or even replaced, none of which is quick and easy to manage.

So, all in all, is it good to ride your bike on reserve all the time? It sure does not cause any severe harm as long as you are careful. Switching your motorcycle to the reserve mode means that the fuel will flow from the reserve tank instead of the main tank to the carburetor.

While riding in reserve is one of the many questions about motorcycles and their maintenance, other factors contribute to your bike's proper and efficient functioning. It is wise to insure your bike to protect it against any sudden problems with the parts or severe damages, which might involve a lot of repair expenses. Try investing in reliable motor insurance India and assure your bike a long life.

Click HERE to know more about motor insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few anti-theft devices and how they can impact your motor insurance

Automobile theft instances have increased drastically throughout the country. In older times, thieves used to steal a less guarded motor vehicle using standard keys. To counteract this, automobile manufacturers designed the keyless remote system, prompting thieves to become more tech-savvy. As a result, thieves began stealing automobiles by employing black market gadgets that could delete data and even replicate the signalling of the keyless remote.

As a result of all this, owners have started installing anti-theft devices in their motor vehicles. These gadgets serve as an alert system and help save money on auto insurance rates.

How exactly do these devices affect the insurance premium?
Your insurer is responsible for compensation if your automobile is stolen. Automobile insurance providers recommend anti-theft systems to prevent criminals from taking your vehicle and, as a result, avoid paying the expense of your loss. If your car has a lower chance of getting stolen, the insurer will also benefit from it. Thus, every motor insurance company in India will provide discounts on the amount you pay to insure your vehicle.

Now, let us talk about some anti-theft devices that you might want to check for your motor vehicle too.

1. Alarms:
When the alarm system detects an unwelcome touch, it makes a loud noise. A burglar is likely to ignore your automobile if you have an alarm system because it attracts attention.

2. G.P.S. trackers:
You can track your automobile while it's moving when the G.P.S. technology is installed. Some versions even allow you to get warnings by push notifications and text messages on your phone.

3. Remote Disabling System:
These are some of the latest developments in anti-theft technologies. These gadgets link to your smartphone and allow you to brake, downshift, or decelerate. A con about these devices is that they are a bit expensive and hence seen less in passenger vehicles.

4. Kill Switches:
It's a switch attached to one of the automobile's critical starting components to inhibit the electric flow to that component when it is turned on. When the switch is toggled off, the connection to the component is restored, allowing the automobile to start normally.
You must conceal the switch in an unnoticeable location so that no one who accesses your vehicle knows its location.

5. Mechanical Immobilizers:
These are the most affordable anti-theft solutions in the market. These include steering locks, tire locks, bonnet locks, gear locks. While they prevent a vehicle from moving, there is a possibility that thieves can carry your vehicle away by towing it and later remove the immobilizers forcefully. Therefore, it's better to pair these devices with additional anti-theft devices.

A vehicle is like a partner, and buying one comes with specific responsibilities. Besides maintaining and servicing your automobile, you also need to prioritize its security. Always install anti-theft devices and give your vehicle the benefits of a double layer of protection with full motor insurance. Remember, your insurer evaluates the safety standards maintained by your vehicle. Therefore, installing security gadgets in the car can reduce the premiums offered by your motor insurance company in India.

Click HERE to learn more about our motor insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Following are a few best places to go off-roading in India

Travel adventure always has its benefits for your quality of life and overall well-being. Getting your family and friends into one car and driving to different locations to explore the culture, people, wildlife, food, heritage sites, etc., is a thrilling experience.

But let's talk about off-roading? It's an activity pursued on unconventional terrains that don't have a proper paved way. It's carried out on rugged tracks like deserts, mountains, dirt tracks, river beds, etc. There are variations of off-roading, including rock racing, cross country trails, dune bashing, etc.

Sounds intriguing? Certainly, but since off-roading needs unique locations and uneven terrains, you might wonder which places offer these experiences. This blog will discuss some of India's best places to go off-roading.

1. Gir forest national park, Gujarat:
Route 2-6 through the Gir forest national park offers an off-roading experience (35 kilometres) where you can enjoy the beauty of wildlife and see asiatic lions, spotted deer, nilgai, sambar, and numerous other flora and fauna that will make your journey mesmerising.

2. Rann of Kutch, Gujarat:
Divided into two parts called the Great Rann and the Little Rann, Rann of Kutch is one of the greatest wonders of India. It has dry and dusty terrains but hides a few marshy surprises beneath the sand. The clay mud retained makes driving through these areas challenging but exciting at the same time!

3. Zoji La Pass, J&K:
Zoji La pass is a challenging and tricky trail in Jammu and Kashmir. It is located at a great height, and specific points in the course do not allow more than one vehicle to pass. You can enjoy the view of the snow-covered mountains and the beautiful sceneries the state has to offer. This place is worth all the efforts and challenges.

4. Kanha national park, Madhya Pradesh:
Situated in the districts of Mandla and Balaghat in Madhya Pradesh, Kanha national park is a tiger reserve. The national park's safari is listed amongst India's most popular off-roading trails. It occupies an area of 940 sq kms.

5. Bisle ghat, Karnataka:
This beautiful trail in Karnataka takes you along a route consisting of almost fifteen waterfalls. The trail is narrow and challenging, but the scenic views of the panoramic ghats make it worth trying.

While off-roading may seem enticing, especially for people who love adventure, it can be risky too. You need to understand all the dangers and be a skilled driver to go off-roading in rugged terrains. Ensure that you have enough food, water and first aid kits in case of an emergency. Never underestimate the safety aspects of off-roading.

You will also need some equipment for ease and precautions. These include GPS+maps, spare tyres, shovel, rope, and ensure that you have a tank full of fuel.

From our discussion above, you can gather that it is a challenging activity and requires your vehicle to function efficiently. The dangers associated with it indicate that there are possibilities of damage to the car. These extreme roads will test your car's performance to its core. To ensure that your vehicle is protected against any severe damages, you need to get it insured. And keep up with the car insurance renewal dates to enjoy your trip wholeheartedly without any stress.

Click HERE to know more about car insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are you an off-road biking enthusiast? Consider purchasing these add-ons

Bikes are nothing short of an adventure on two wheels. While they have always been highly preferred in the Indian market due to their convenience, relative inexpensiveness, and ease of learning and riding, bikes are also doubling as a means of thrill providers over the last few decades.

With the varied topographical diversity in India, adrenalin seekers that enjoy motorbiking have found new joy in off-roading. While taking your bike on the road not commonly taken may give you momentary exhilaration, keeping your safety in mind before taking on such adventures is essential. Purchase a bike insurance policy that covers accidents resulting from such extreme sports.

Before getting started on your off-roading journey, consider purchasing these add-on covers to your bike insurance –

1. Engine protection:
The bike's engine is quite literally the heart of the machine. Ensuring it is in excellent condition is essential, especially when taking on challenging terrains. Since off-roading involves steep and rocky inclines, it puts tremendous pressure on your bike's engine. This makes it more likely to break down and leads to high engine repair costs. This add-on provides coverage for all expenses allied with engine repairs and maintenance.

2. Zero depreciation:
Wear and tear is a natural occurrence, and your bike is no exception. Usually, in case of raising a claim, the insurance company only admits a partial amount of the insured sum after factoring in the depreciation costs of the bike parts. However, buying a zero-depreciation cover can help you receive a higher claim amount than in the absence of such cover, making it easier to finance the cost of replacing bike components.

3. Theft of personal belongings:
Unlike regular riding, dirt biking requires special equipment that enhances the rider's safety. Such personal belongings are often expensive and require additional care to maintain. In case your riding gear gets stolen, a personal possessions cover can help you recover the insured sum or the cost of the stolen assets, providing peace of mind and financial security.

4. Roadside assistance:
Breakdowns may be frequent, even for regular bikes used for standard conveyance purposes on paved roads. Harsher terrains inevitably lead to greater chances of bike breakdowns due to multiple uncontrollable factors and mechanical failures. In such emergencies, it is necessary to have a backup plan to rely on. A roadside assistance cover provides reassurance of help in unforeseen conditions, making it a key requirement to purchase.

5. Outstation emergency cover:
The outstation emergency cover is necessary for off-road biking enthusiasts who enjoy long-distance biking adventures away from their residences. Generally, most bike insurance companies state the scope of coverage to be outside a 100-kilometre radius from the place of residence stated in the policy papers.

Can you buy specific bike insurance for your dirt biking adventures?

If you are a beginner to the sport, you may think of purchasing the above-stated add-on covers as a hassle and wonder why not buy an all-inclusive dirt biking insurance policy to protect your bike. Whether you intend to use a regular motorcycle for adventure sports or own a dirt bike, most insurance companies in India do not offer specific off-roading bike insurance. However, you may get comprehensive bike insurance that provides extensive coverage for your bike.

As the activity gains popularity, we expect the Indian insurance industry to adapt to the changing demand and provide suitable security cover for adventure activity. Until then, if you wish to take on the thrilling activity, we urge you to purchase the requisite add-on covers to make your bike insurance policy's coverage comprehensive for your needs.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's how you can boost your brain power with the power of magnesium

Brain power is directly affected by several nutritional factors that enrich our body through the food we eat. Proper nutrition intake helps to boost our cognitive well-being. Our brain constitutes merely 2% of our body weight but consumes almost 20% of the overall energy utilisation. Hence, it is always searching for nutrition, and it becomes our duty to fulfill this need.

Is there any particular nutrient that can boost your brain power? You will be surprised to know that magnesium plays a significant role. Let us know more about it in detail.

It is crucial to invest in the best health insurance policy in India to avoid venting your pockets while dealing with treatments or medical emergencies.

1. Energy production
Magnesium produces unimpaired energy required by mitochondria, the powerhouse of cells. Magnesium also enhances the activities of the essential enzymes useful in energy production.

If energy production is not optimal, our brains may not function properly. There can be a negative impact on its cognitive powers. Hence, magnesium is essential in our body to facilitate energy production and boost our brain power.

2. Neuronal processes
Other than energy production, magnesium is important for neuronal processes too. It regulates neuro-transmitting signals in the brain. It is the key to the prime neurotransmitters- GABA and glutamate.

Magnesium also helps to maintain sufficient calcium content in the brain cells and regulates the activity of calcium channels. High magnesium levels in the brain can help enhance your memory and learning power. Also, it strengthens the process of synaptic plasticity, which can delay cognitive decline due to ageing.

An increase in magnesium levels in the brain may also increase the pace of neural stem cells production. It can promote neurogenesis in adulthood and improve the brain's adaptability to changing external environments, mood regulation, and cognitive flexibility. Magnesium can also help to maintain proper blood flow to your brain by helping to control oxidative stress and inflammation.

3. Brain decline
Various studies have proven that low magnesium levels can result in a decline in the brain's performance. People who have Alzheimer's disease come up with low levels of magnesium in their cerebrospinal fluid. Studies also show that people using magnesium oxide are less at risk of developing dementia.

Research also shows that magnesium plays a significant role in healing traumatic brain injuries. People treated with magnesium sulphate showed a favourable outcome and recovery within 12 hours. Studies have also proven that magnesium affects the functioning and health of a normal brain.

4. Magnesium-rich foods
Now you must be clear about the power of magnesium in boosting your brain power. But what are the foods that are rich in magnesium? Here's a complete list.

Dark chocolate, spinach, avocado, pumpkin seed, bananas, cashews, leafy green vegetables, whole grain, legumes, almonds, brown rice, black beans, yogurt, fish, and sunflower seed are some foods that are a rich source of magnesium.

Magnesium helps to boost your brain power and cognitive well-being. Increase your intake by consuming more food rich in magnesium. Magnesium is also important for several enzyme reactions impacting your bones, blood sugar, and nerves.

In addition to taking a magnesium-rich diet, you must buy the best health insurance policy in India that can protect you from unplanned financial burdens. Your health can deteriorate anytime, and you may require surgery. Health insurance will cover you in such instances. Do proper online and offline research and opt for the best health insurance policy in India that provides good coverage at the most reasonable premiums.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Can accidentally misfuelling your car be a potential threat

Motor insurance is a boon that provides vehicle owners security against the financial burden of mishaps that occur to their cars. While it offers several inclusions, acts classified as contributory negligence do not fall under the policy's scope of coverage.

One such act is misfuelling your vehicle, which unfortunately happens frequently. If you find yourself in such a situation, here's all you need to know.

Case 1: Potential dangers of petrol in a diesel car.
Gasoline in a diesel car is a solvent for low lubrication and could damage the fuel pump. Metal pieces from the broken pumps could cause more problems with the fuel delivery system.

What to do: Avoid turning the key and igniting the engine.
The tank must be emptied, with all tainted fuel removed and replaced with a new charge. You can only turn it on after that.

Case 2: Threats of diesel in a petrol car.
Because the diameter of the diesel fuel filler cannon is often larger than the slot of petrol cars, refuelling a petrol car with diesel fuel is uncommon. However, in such situations, the engine doesn't start, and the exhaust severely smokes while running.
The spark produced by spark plugs is what drives a petrol-powered car. Diesel can clog the candles and the fuel system when you fill it up and start the vehicle. It can lead to misfires, smoke, and possibly even a motor failure.

What to do: Don't turn on the ignition and refuel the tank.
Use a specialised additive that clears diesel traces from the fuel system if you fill the petrol tank with diesel in any amount. Furthermore, it matters how much diesel has dispersed throughout the car's internal components after entering the gasoline tank.
It is advised to do a complete tank drain and then fill the entire tank with gasoline. If less than 2 litres have been added, there will be no issues. Obtain assistance from a professional who can remove and clean the gasoline tank if the diesel content exceeds 5% of the tank capacity. Once completed, you can start the car and drive it further.

If your car is already running.
It is advised to drain the fuel tank and refill the fuel system with fresh gasoline before starting the car. If you're driving when you realise, stop as soon as possible. To eliminate the contaminated fuel, it is imperative to flush the tank. Replacement of the gasoline filter is essential in each scenario.

How can the risk be reduced?
No one purposefully fills their tank with the wrong fuel, yet many individuals do so even though the filler size varies for the two fuel types. The type of fuel used on each car is noted, typically on the tank cap and the filler cap as well. Before beginning to refuel, always double-check the type of fuel!

The repair cost may increase depending on how much-contaminated fuel is in the fuel system. You should always be careful to avoid such incidents, and if it does, you could incur significant repair costs.

One of your most valuable possessions, your car, needs to be protected because repairs are expensive. The best way to protect yourself is to purchase motor insurance, which offers several advantages that can increase your safety and safeguards your finances in the case of an accident.

Click HERE to buy motor insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Ensure thrilling long rides without any aches by following these tips

Commuting by bike is a routine affair for millions of Indians around the length and breadth of the country. If you are a daily commuter and have to go through crowded, traffic-filled small lanes in India, a bike can be the best form of transportation.

Bikes can be great fun, even for long rides. However, the long journey can be tiring and cause body aches. Aches can spoil your remaining adventure and may dampen your high spirits about bike travel.

You can ensure thrilling long rides without any aches by following these tips.

1. Exercise
Long rides can cause severe backaches. Riding a bike puts extensive pressure on the core muscles because they bear your body weight. You need to strengthen your midsection and ensure that your spine stays strong. Several exercises strengthen your back, but you need to do them regularly, not just for a few days. There are some yoga asanas, too, that can help to strengthen your spine. Exercising will help preserve your core muscle strength and ensure your spine does not suffer undue pressure. It will benefit you immensely and prevent long-term health problems as well.

2. Correct posture
Incorrect posture while riding your bike can result in back pain, which even regular exercising cannot help. You should maintain a straight back during long bike rides. Line up your shoulders above your waist, and never sit in a hunching position. Most riders ignore their sitting posture and end up with back pain during long rides. Also, do not put extra weight on your back, such as a heavy backpack. Undue weight can also spoil your posture and cause back ache.

3. Rest occasionally
You must occasionally take a rest during a long ride on your bike. Continuously riding your bike without stopping can cause chronic injury. Stop frequently and get down from your bike. Try simple stretching exercises such as arching your back forward and backward, twisting your shoulders and arms, and leaning in front to touch the toes. It will relax your body and freshen your mind and spirit.

4. Give your hands a break too
The incorrect gripping style of the bike handle can result in hand aches. Your wrists should have about 10-15 degrees back-bend on the handle. Some bikes have very low handles, which can cause discomfort and pain, especially during long rides. You can always get your handle position adjusted by a mechanic if you feel it is too high or too low before commencing the long ride.

5. Good seat cushioning
Company-fitted bike seats may not have adequate cushioning. This can cause discomfort and backache during long bike rides. Get a good seat cover for your bike that has proper cushioning. You can get it customized and choose the cushioning level as per your choice and comfort.

Many bike enthusiasts love taking their bikes on long rides for a thrilling experience. Following the above tips will ensure that you truly enjoy your long ride without aches and discomfort during your journey.

A good 2 wheeler insurance policy is as critical for any rider as it ensures a comfortable long ride. It will provide you with financial coverage for an accident or damage. The insurance company will reimburse you for your bike’s current value if stolen. Moreover, having valid 2 wheeler insurance while riding your motorcycle is legally compulsory. So what are you waiting for? Go get your 2 wheeler insurance policy immediately!

Click HERE to buy a 2 wheeler insurance policy in just a few clicks.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Encountering these 3 situations warrants cancelling your bike insurance

Bike insurance is essential for every motorcycle owner to protect themselves from financial losses because of unfortunate events such as theft, damage, or accidents. Most people purchase bike insurance online as it saves time and offers them various options to compare and choose from. However, sometimes people encounter situations where they should consider cancelling their bike insurance to save unnecessary payments.

If you are selling your bike, moving abroad with your bike, or your bike is no longer in use, you can save unnecessary premiums just by cancelling your insurance policy.

By understanding these situations, bike owners can make informed decisions about cancelling their bike insurance policy when necessary. Without further ado, let's discuss these situations in detail.

1. Selling your bike
If you have sold your bike, you do not need to keep the insurance policy active. In such a scenario, you should cancel your bike insurance policy to avoid paying unnecessary premiums. You can easily cancel your bike insurance online by contacting your insurance provider.

2. Moving abroad
You must buy bike insurance in that country when moving abroad along with the bike. In such a situation, cancelling your existing bike insurance policy is advisable to save you from paying unnecessary premiums. Contact your insurance provider to cancel your policy, and they will guide you through the process.

3. The bike is no longer in use
You do not need to pay for bike insurance if your bike is no longer used. For instance, if you have switched to public transport or a car, you should cancel your bike insurance policy to save money.

The other probable reasons when you can cancel your bike insurance are;

● Not satisfied with the policy
If you are dissatisfied with your current bike insurance policy and have found a better one with more benefits and a lower premium, you can consider cancelling your existing policy. However, before cancelling, you should read the terms and conditions of your current policy to understand if there are any cancellation charges or penalties.

● High premium
If you are finding it difficult to pay the high premium of your bike insurance policy, consider cancelling it. However, before cancelling, you should compare policies from different insurance providers to find one that suits your budget.

● Reckless driving
Your insurance provider may cancel your policy if you have a history of reckless driving and have been involved in multiple accidents. In such a scenario, it is advisable to surrender your bike insurance policy and look for a new policy that suits your needs.

Bike insurance is a crucial aspect of bike ownership as it provides financial protection against any unforeseen events. However, there are certain situations where cancelling your bike insurance policy is the right decision. It is essential to remember that before cancelling your policy, you should read the terms and conditions of your policy to understand if there are any cancellation charges or penalties. By cancelling your bike insurance policy when necessary, you can save money and ensure you buy the right bike insurance online to fully meet your needs from the comfort of your home.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of purchasing bike insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best beginner's tips for enjoying kayaking this summer holiday

Kayaking is one of the most exhilarating water sports activities one can indulge in during the summer holidays. It is an exciting way to explore the natural beauty of lakes, rivers, and oceans while exercising and enjoying the fresh air. However, for those who are new to the sport, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start. Therefore, we have compiled a list of the best beginner tips to help you enjoy kayaking this summer holiday.

While kayaking is a fun and exciting activity, it also involves some risks, and it's essential to take precautions to ensure your safety. In addition to learning the basics of kayaking, it's necessary to understand the importance of wearing protective gear and obtaining a personal accident insurance policy before you hit the water.

With these factors in mind, let's understand some detailed pointers to help you make the most of your summer kayaking experience.

1. Choose the right type of kayak
Before you start kayaking, you must choose the right type of kayak for your skill level and the water you'll be kayaking on. Sit-on-top kayaks are an excellent option for beginners as they are stable and easy to use. They are also less likely to tip over, making them safer.

2. Wear appropriate clothing and gear
Kayaking can be a wet and messy experience, so wearing appropriate clothing and gear is essential. Wear a life jacket, a helmet, and appropriate footwear. Choose quick-drying, lightweight clothes that will keep you cool and comfortable in the water.

3. Learn the proper paddling technique
The paddling technique is essential for an enjoyable kayaking experience. Learn the proper technique from a qualified instructor or watch online tutorials. Good technique will help you conserve energy and prevent injuries.

4. Choose calm waters
Choosing calm waters with minimal currents and waves is essential for a beginner. Avoid kayaking in open water or rough conditions until you're confident in your abilities.

5. Bring a friend
Kayaking alone can be dangerous, especially for beginners. Bring a friend along for safety and to make the experience more enjoyable and memorable.

6. Stay hydrated
Kayaking can be physically demanding, and you can quickly dehydrate in the sun. Bring plenty of water or sports drinks to stay hydrated throughout your kayaking trip.

7. Check weather conditions
Before heading out for your kayaking trip, check the weather conditions. Avoid kayaking in stormy or high wind conditions, as these can make the water choppy and difficult to navigate.

8. Know your endurance
As a beginner, it's essential to know your limits and not push yourself too hard. Take frequent breaks, and don't overestimate your abilities. It's better to have a shorter, enjoyable kayaking trip than to push yourself too hard and have an awful experience.

9. Get a personal accident insurance policy
Consider getting a personal accident insurance policy before embarking on your kayaking adventure. This will protect you from any accidents or injuries during your kayaking trip. This policy can provide financial assistance for medical expenses and lost income due to injuries.

Kayaking can be incredibly fun and rewarding for anyone looking to enjoy the great outdoors this summer. By following the beginner's tips outlined above, you'll be able to get started with kayaking in no time while ensuring your safety and minimising the risks. Always prioritise your safety by wearing personal protective gear, obtaining a personal accident insurance policy to safeguard yourself against all the risks and dangers of the sport, and checking weather conditions before you hit the water. So, grab your paddle, wear your life jacket, and get ready to have fun on the water!

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of purchasing a personal accident insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are you an older adult? Indulge in these sports to make you feel young again

Are you getting older and giving up on sports? This is a common phenomenon as the fear of injury increases with age and our fitness levels diminish. We hesitate to indulge in our favourite sport, badminton or cricket, with the fear of a muscle tear or a strained back.

But wait. Older adults should constantly engage in physical activities and sports to stay fit and active and enjoy a good social health score. Here are a few sports you should indulge in if you are an older adult and want to feel young again.

1. Golf
Golf is popular worldwide, and older adults can easily engage in it. It is a great stress reliever and improves your overall mental fitness. At the same time, it does not involve much running or physical effort, making it a great choice for older adults. Golf is known to improve blood circulation, which benefits your heart.

The older adults will also build a social circle while playing golf, which improves their emotional quotient. You should keep in mind that there is no pressure to perform well. Enjoy the time you spend outside in the sun in good company, and you will feel young again and light at heart.

2. Group exercises
Yes, group exercises are not just for the young ones but for older adults as well. Older adults can join group exercise classes, be it yoga, pilates, zumba, or some other dance form. They will start feeling young again even if they participate just a few times a week and not daily.

A group exercise will encourage older adults to match their pace with the group. It will keep them agile, fit, and active. These low-impact exercises can also benefit their respiratory system, muscle flexibility, and core balance. They are enjoyable and will also help them build a social circle.

3. Cycling
Cycling can be a great sport that can greatly benefit older adults. They don’t have to cycle at high speeds for long, as mild cycling can do the trick. Cycling improves cardiovascular functioning, immunity, and blood circulation and sharpens the mind. It can make you live longer and reduces the chances of hospital visits.

4. Doubles tennis/ badminton
Playing tennis or badminton in the singles format can be tough and draining for older adults. They can play doubles tennis or badminton to stay fit and agile at their own pace. These are fun sports, easy to play and practice. These sports will help strengthen their muscles, improve blood flow rate, and help them stay mentally fit. Older adults will feel young, active, and energetic once they start playing these sports in routine.

5. Billiards
Older adults can also engage in billiards as a sport. It is an indoor game; they need not sweat to play it. Also, it can be played with just 2-3 people. The sport requires moderate physical movement, sharpening the mind and improving concentration.

It is essential for older adults to engage in any of the above sports of their choice and feel young again. These sports will improve their muscle strength, blood circulation, balance, efficiency, and general mind and body fitness.

But sports also come with the risk of accidents. Hence, a personal accident policy is a must for everyone. It provides coverage and financial support for medical treatment due to an accident. You can easily browse several personal accident insurance online that the insurance companies offer, compare them, and choose the best among them conveniently at the click of a few buttons.

Click HERE to buy personal accident insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How embedded insurance is set to accelerate the pace of insurance penetration

There are numerous general insurance companies in India offering multiple insurance products. However, most of the population is opposed to purchasing these insurance safety instruments despite the dire need for long-term stability. Recognising the slack in demand for purchasing specific policies, general insurance companies in India have developed a new way to make insurance products more accessible.

Embedded insurance, also known as bundling insurance, is the latest method of partnering with a third-party brand and offering consumers complimentary insurance or with a nominal fee over the transition cost. It helps make insurance accessible by bundling it for customers.

However, if you wonder how embedded insurance can expand opportunities and build strong customer journeys, read on.

What is embedded insurance?
Embedded insurance enables a third-party provider to introduce innovative insurance products for customers. It provides consumers with more affordable, personalised, and relevant insurance. It also allows general insurance companies in India to access underserved and untapped markets.

How embedded insurance helps increase insurance penetration in India? Insurance penetration is calculated as a percentage of total premiums collected relative to the country's GDP. According to the IRDAI, the country's general insurance penetration is about 1%. India's insurance penetration is lower than in developed countries.
However, we anticipate an increase in insurance penetration due to embedded insurance.

Here's how embedded insurance transforms the insurance sector and increases insurance penetration.

1. Charging the untapped markets
This insurance allows insurers to access a new market. With embedded insurance, general insurance companies in India can provide microfinance companies with policies like personal accident insurance and more to target a specific audience. Insurers and third parties can expand the insurance sector's reach in India's underdeveloped markets with the help of embedded insurance. It allows them to reach the untapped rural market, increasing insurance penetration deeper in the country.

2. Innovating product offerings
Insurers can construct personalised and more relevant insurance policies using consumer data that was not recorded or digitised. Customers can also change the insurance policy's features, coverage, cost, etc., and discontinue them if they are no longer reasonable.

3. Enhanced customer experience
Embedded insurance boosts customer satisfaction, resulting in greater opportunities for general insurance companies in India to market their services and products. It also provides more customised coverage, allowing customers to change plans and premiums according to their needs. This way, it offers more significant benefits and value to the customers.

4. Low client acquisition costs
General insurance companies in India spend roughly 20% of their income on advertising to new clients. Embedded insurance decreases the churn rate by engaging policyholders at the right time in their journey. Also, the effective cost of customer acquisition is lower than other insurance.

5. Streamlined onboarding
Many people consider insurance an inconvenient procedure requiring a series of steps. Embedded insurance gives customers a streamlined issuing process, making insurance simple and inexpensive. This applies to the claim procedure too. The smooth operations of embedded insurance is a boon for Indians to invest in insurance massively.

Embedded insurance has much potential, but businesses must balance the efficiency and speed of business operations, regulatory compliance, and customer protection for this model to succeed.

Many general insurance companies in India are now integrating the internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, big data analytics, and other technologies to transform the insurance industry and deliver a hassle-free customer experience. While it will require time for adoption, it is a welcome move to increase penetration rates. Insurers must use the momentum and improve their dependability to gain consumer trust.

Click HERE to invest in a reliable general insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are extreme sports covered under personal accident insurance

Insurance is a financial product like no other. Upon payment of a meagre premium amount, it protects the insured person or asset against a contingent event involving a risk to its present or future value. While general, health and life insurance are relatively common products with a higher penetration rate in India, personal accident insurance online lags far behind.

While this may be attributed to the lack of awareness, it is straightforward why the product is required. Accidents are uncertainties that can occur in any setting, whether travelling, commuting, or at work. Since you cannot eliminate the risk of accidents, purchasing personal accident insurance online is essential to protect yourself against hospitalisation costs and other expenses resulting from an accident.

The limited awareness regarding personal accident insurance is also only partially reliable due to the misconceptions surrounding the product. While its coverage to the extent of travel accidents is commonly known, there are several questions surrounding its scope of coverage for adventure sports.

Find out whether adventure sports are covered by personal accident insurance online.

Defining adventure sports.

Adventure sports are easy to define in lay terms but are described differently by every insurer. It includes sports that involve contact, extreme speed, technical gear, and extremely high levels of risk. As the name states, these sports have a considerably high-risk grade, making most insurers hesitant to cover them. Common extreme sports include skydiving, skiing, rappelling, mountaineering, etc.

Generally, irrespective of the type of insurance- general or non-general, most insurers do not offer coverage for adventure sports due to the intensity of the activities.

Why should you check for adventure sports inclusion before participating?

The thrill of adventure is second to none, and the addition of multiple uncontrollable factors only adds to the experience for those who seek an adrenaline rush. However, one must always ensure to protect themself from potential accidents before participating in such sports for the following reasons –

1. Hospitalisation coverage:
With medical inflation on the rise, covering any possible medical expenses, including those arising from adventure sports, is prudent. Considering the high-risk profile of these sports, it is always better to be ready for the worst and prepare a financial net that shoulders the burden of such costs.

2. Allied perks:
Personal accident insurance online offers related allowances such as a daily cash allowance, transportation, and more. This reduces the strain on your finances during your period of hospitalisation or any inactivity as an earning member.

3. Mental peace:
The most significant benefit of inclusion is the peace of mind to engage in activities of your choice. You don’t have to worry about the consequences due to the existence of a safety net for your finances.

Does personal accident insurance online cover extreme sports?

At face value, one may assume that personal accident insurance online would offer extreme sports coverage. Most insurers in India presently do not include accidents caused while engaging in such sports within the scope of the policy.

However, if you want coverage against such risks, some insurance companies offer comprehensive accidental coverage across all terrains and destinations. It may take additional effort to discover such insurers amid all those that exclude such accidents. Here are a few factors you should consider before purchasing a policy from such a provider:
1. The extent of sports covered- land, air, water, etc.
2. Provision of immediate medical assistance
3. Customisation of a plan as per your adventure needs
4. Active policy period

Despite the exclusion of extreme sports by most insurers, personal accident insurance online is an essential requirement that provides financial assistance when you are only partially covered by your term or health insurance policy alone. We encourage you to consider purchasing personal accident insurance online to cover the other form of accidents and your risk exposure.

Click HERE to buy personal accident insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How to adjust the driver’s seat properly to ensure optimal posture and visibility

Driving is a highly responsible task that requires a lot of attention and focus. Even the slightest distraction can lead to an accident which could be extremely dangerous and fatal.

So, it is recommended to be familiar with all the functions of the vehicle and drive sensibly. But did you know that the position of your seat and posture also play a significant role in your driving? You should always adjust your driver's seat for the best driving visibility. It should also ensure a good posture to avoid fatigue later. A good posture also ensures you are saved from injuries in an accident.

If you are wondering how to get optimal driving posture, we have you covered. This article will list all the ways to help you achieve the best driving posture.

Also, you should get the online motor insurance renewal on time to have additional protection and avoid trouble for your vehicle later. It can save you time, energy, effort, and hassles

How to maintain the best posture while driving?
Whenever you start driving a car, you should adjust the driver's seat according to your comfort and convenience. If you're driving someone else's car, it becomes more important to adjust your seat. If you fail to do so, you can get musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) due to bad posture. A good posture also ensures that you don't get exhausted while driving. To adjust the driver's seat, consider the following:

1. Adjust the height of the seat
The height of the driver's seat needs to be appropriately adjusted to increase visibility while you drive. You need to adjust the seat according to your height so that you do not bend over to get the view properly. Moreover, there should be a minimum gap of about five fingers between the head of the seat and the roof of the car.

2. Maintain seat distance
The distance between the seat and the steering wheel is of prime importance. You cannot see the view correctly if it is too far away and requires bending over to reach the steering wheel. The seat should be positioned in a way that you can reach the steering wheel and the pedals effortlessly. This reduces the reaction time and helps you navigate the road well.

3. Maintain the backrest of the seat
Although it may not seem important, the backrest plays an important role while adjusting your driver's seat. The backrest ensures optimal comfort while driving. The backrest should be as vertical as possible.

4. Adjust the headrest of the seat
The headrest can serve as a great safety tool while dealing with accidents. It provides more protection to the head and saves it from injuries. You need to adjust the position of the headrest in a way that it protects your head in case of a sudden impact. You can also position a bit above your head for more protection.

These are only some suggestions by which you can get the best out of your driving experience. Lack of proper road visibility while driving can make it difficult for the driver to get judgement while making turns. These small measures will help you maintain a good posture and see clearly on the road. Make these adjustments in your driver's seat and savour the joy of a comfortable car journey. You should also get online motor insurance renewal done regularly for added protection.

Click HERE to get online motor insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here's how you can treat cracked heels at home

Cracked heels are one of the most frequent and concerning foot problems, especially during the winters. It can happen to adults and children, although it tends to impact women more frequently than men.

Most individuals don't take broken heels seriously. Going barefoot may be uncomfortable as heel cracks occasionally go quite deep and hurt. Read on to find out the best home remedies and ways to keep your heels from getting cracked.

You can use home ingredients in simple cures for cracked heels:

We constantly take care of our faces, hands, and nails, but for some reason, we frequently overlook our feet. Additionally, they are more likely to get dry and cracked when wearing slippers or other footwear that exposes the feet.

Here are a few home-based cures for cracked heels that work quickly

1. Rose and milk for a deep conditioner:
This treatment will work like magic for people with painful, cracked heels. Take a small tub and fill it with warm water before adding half a cup of milk. Include a few rose petals and three to four neem leaves. Add a teaspoon of seed oil to the tub. If you have any essential oils, add a couple of drops. Spend 20 minutes soaking your feet, then gently scrub them to clear off the dead cells.

2. Oil massage:
Take one teaspoon of castor, olive, and almond oils and massage your heels with the mixture of these healing oils. Try moisturising your heels to help the oil soak properly. Wear socks and complete this technique right before bed. Your cracked heels will be healed and soft by overnight dampness.

3. Honey and banana moisturiser:
You should mix a teaspoon of honey and a small banana in a bowl. Achieve a liquid-like consistency before applying the paste to your heels. Keep it for 20 to 30 minutes, then rinse it with warm water. After patting your feet dry, apply your moisturiser. Vitamins A, C, and B6 are abundant in bananas, making them a natural moisturiser. Honey helps hydrate your skin and provides moisture to the skin's outer layers

4. Using a pumice stone and salt:
Pumice stone is used in this cure. Just add a few drops of olive oil to a spoonful of salt. Apply this scrub to your cracked heels, then scrub them gently with a pumice stone. Rub for another 20 to 30 seconds before washing with soap and water.


If a medical disease is the cause of your cracked heels, do not attempt to treat it on your own. It could be necessary to receive specialised care from a podiatrist (foot doctor). No matter your medical history, a podiatrist should also look at cracked heels that are very bad. The doctor will recommend the appropriate course of action for your circumstances.

In the end, it can be hard to take care of heels, especially if you live in a dry area where they tend to crack. A lack of nutrients, diabetes, or atopic dermatitis may also cause cracked heels. The borders and soles of your feet may feel flaky and crusty when they become dry. These cracked skin symptoms can quickly disappear if you take good care of them by washing, moisturising, and wearing socks. Shea butter, coconut oil, olive oil, and honey are a few natural solutions for cracked heels. If these self-care solutions do not work for you, you must visit a doctor.

It is crucial to prioritise your health and ensure your well-being. Healthcare costs associated with sickness or accidents are covered by medical insurance. Your health insurance covers the costs of paying for your hospital bills or medical care directly. You can make online health insurance purchases conveniently with a hassle-free process.

Click HERE to buy an online health insurance plan.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Five best tips to deal with auto mechanics

Buying a vehicle is a significant milestone in the lives of most people. However, it is a depreciating asset that requires much care to maintain. Irrespective of how well you drive, your car is bound to need some repair and maintenance at regular intervals by an expert and professional auto mechanic.

Most people get intimidated by a trip to the auto mechanic from the fear of the high prices and a lack of general understanding of the auto mechanics. Purchasing car insurance India is the first step to ensuring your vehicle is always protected.

When it comes to dealing with auto mechanics, following these five simple tips will ensure that you have a stress-free visit where you understand the costs and advice of the professionals.

1. Be prepared to communicate:
Communication is the most crucial aspect of any problem-resolution situation. You must be aware of any problems you wish to get checked. You don't need fancy jargon to explain the issue; as experts, a general idea is enough to give them an understanding of the underlying issue. You must be prepared to express what you expect- a regular maintenance check or component-specific troubleshooting.

2. Ask relevant questions:
Another major mistake is not asking questions. They may use jargon and quote estimates that you may not understand. Do not shy away from asking for clarifications. We do not recommend hovering around the mechanics. Still, it is justifiable to ask for estimates relating to costs, tips to prevent the problem from recurring, and help for other allied issues.

3. Read up on your car:
Knowing your car's make, features, and performing abilities allow you to understand the standard performance of the vehicle. Only then can you identify any variance that may require the inspection of a professional mechanic.
We recommend reading the car manual thoroughly and keeping information related to its identification number and component-related specifications handy in case it is required when scheduling a servicing appointment.

4. Request for original components from the manufacturers:
Buying a car is expensive, and any allied costs are just as expensive. Repairs and replacements can be pocket draining and are periodically required to keep your vehicle in its best shape. However, don't settle for replacing original components with copies made of inferior quality materials to minimise the bill.
Since regular repair costs are not included in car insurance India, the price of original components will inevitably have to be paid from your pocket.
However, using inferior substitutes will adversely impact your vehicle's performance and safety, putting your life at risk. Therefore, it is essential to request the mechanic to use original components to maintain the safety of your car.

5. Be available to approve further repairs:
In most cases, as mechanics work on the vehicle, they find other issues relatively more minor than the issue they are resolving presently. In such situations, they contact the owner to inform and ask for approval of comprehensive repairs. If you are unavailable at such times, the issue will magnify and cause concern.
If your car is at the garage and you get a call from the mechanic, it is suggested to respond at the earliest to get further updates that can improve the functioning of your vehicle.

Interacting with auto mechanics can be challenging, but it is a routine check you cannot skip, which is as crucial as purchasing car insurance India. However, dealing with auto mechanics can be simplified using our easy steps to get insight and the most value for your money.

Click HERE to buy car insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.