

Here are a few anti-theft devices and how they can impact your motor insurance 28th December 2021

Automobile theft instances have increased drastically throughout the country. In older times, thieves used to steal a less guarded motor vehicle using standard keys. To counteract this, automobile manufacturers designed the keyless remote system, prompting thieves to become more tech-savvy. As a result, thieves began stealing automobiles by employing black market gadgets that could delete data and even replicate the signalling of the keyless remote.

As a result of all this, owners have started installing anti-theft devices in their motor vehicles. These gadgets serve as an alert system and help save money on auto insurance rates.

How exactly do these devices affect the insurance premium?
Your insurer is responsible for compensation if your automobile is stolen. Automobile insurance providers recommend anti-theft systems to prevent criminals from taking your vehicle and, as a result, avoid paying the expense of your loss. If your car has a lower chance of getting stolen, the insurer will also benefit from it. Thus, every motor insurance company in India will provide discounts on the amount you pay to insure your vehicle.

Now, let us talk about some anti-theft devices that you might want to check for your motor vehicle too.

1. Alarms:
When the alarm system detects an unwelcome touch, it makes a loud noise. A burglar is likely to ignore your automobile if you have an alarm system because it attracts attention.

2. G.P.S. trackers:
You can track your automobile while it's moving when the G.P.S. technology is installed. Some versions even allow you to get warnings by push notifications and text messages on your phone.

3. Remote Disabling System:
These are some of the latest developments in anti-theft technologies. These gadgets link to your smartphone and allow you to brake, downshift, or decelerate. A con about these devices is that they are a bit expensive and hence seen less in passenger vehicles.

4. Kill Switches:
It's a switch attached to one of the automobile's critical starting components to inhibit the electric flow to that component when it is turned on. When the switch is toggled off, the connection to the component is restored, allowing the automobile to start normally.
You must conceal the switch in an unnoticeable location so that no one who accesses your vehicle knows its location.

5. Mechanical Immobilizers:
These are the most affordable anti-theft solutions in the market. These include steering locks, tire locks, bonnet locks, gear locks. While they prevent a vehicle from moving, there is a possibility that thieves can carry your vehicle away by towing it and later remove the immobilizers forcefully. Therefore, it's better to pair these devices with additional anti-theft devices.

A vehicle is like a partner, and buying one comes with specific responsibilities. Besides maintaining and servicing your automobile, you also need to prioritize its security. Always install anti-theft devices and give your vehicle the benefits of a double layer of protection with full motor insurance. Remember, your insurer evaluates the safety standards maintained by your vehicle. Therefore, installing security gadgets in the car can reduce the premiums offered by your motor insurance company in India.

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Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
