

If you’re in your 20s, this is the perfect time to buy health insurance 22nd February 2023

A person’s 20s are a hectic yet exciting part of life. Many gain financial freedom and start deciding how to spend their money wisely. The 20s are a time to be living it up, but it is highly sensible to shell out some money to invest in the best health insurance in India.

As you get older, getting health insurance becomes trickier and more expensive, and it is ideal for insuring yourself against the mounting healthcare costs early in your 20s.

This article gives insight into the benefits of getting insured in your 20s.

The waiting period will not affect you as much:

The waiting period in health insurance terms is when a policyholder cannot claim insurance for certain diseases, pre-existing ailments, etc. This is fine for a policyholder who takes their health insurance in their 20s. As the waiting period is spent in your 20s, when you have a lesser probability of getting diseases, you would be spending this waiting period at a time when you don’t need coverage.

As opposed to this, taking health insurance in your 40s or 50s is much more troublesome. You might have to compromise on getting the benefits of your health insurance and wait for 2 to 4 years before getting the disease-specific help you require.

1. Lesser premium:
Insurance providers assess the risk associated with a person before deciding the premium and the cover of a policy. Generally, a person in their 20s has a lower risk of needing the payout. Thus, the premium is much lower than a person in their 30s or 40s is paying for the insurance policy.

2. Tax benefits:
Health insurance plans provide another significant advantage in the form of tax deductions. Under the Income Tax Act 1961, one can avail of tax benefits if the policyholder pays out of pocket for the health insurance premium. You can avail of these benefits for yourself, your ageing parents, your spouse, and your dependents.

3. More comprehensive health insurance plans:
Being in your 20s makes you a suitable candidate for health insurance. This is because there is less possibility of pre-existing illnesses in these years. Your policy issuer automatically covers any new diseases that materialise after you’ve taken the insurance. Also, you can select a suitable plan according to your budget and requirements by researching the best health insurance in India

4. You can avail of no-claim bonuses for a long time:
No-claim bonuses are discounts on premiums given to policyholders when renewing their policy as a reward for not filing a claim within the policy tenure. The percentage of discount differs between companies. As there is a lower probability of filing a claim in your 20s, you can avail of your NCB for longer or transfer it during renewal.

5. Rejection rates are almost nil:
An insurance company may reject your application based on your medical history. As there are fewer chances of pre-existing illnesses among young individuals, there is less chance of rejection. Also, you may opt out of paying a copay in your health plans, which is impossible for aged policy seekers.

With the present trends of inflation, especially in the healthcare industry, it is prudent to purchase the best health insurance in India early to reap the benefits of protection for an extended period. Since the cost of living only increases as you rise in the ranks of your profession and earn more money, it is ideal to start investing in health insurance from an early age. We urge young professionals to consider investing in the best health insurance in India not just as a tax-deductible but to protect their present wealth and future earning capacity.

Click HERE to know more about the best health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
