

Let's know the reasons why walking in the sunshine is good for your health 28th November 2022

Ageing is an inevitable part of life. Despite scientific advancements and multiple procedures that help reduce the visible effects of growing old, there is no way to prevent it. While making oneself appear younger is an option with costly and extensive surgeries, the internal effects of ageing cannot be reduced or eliminated. However, with the help of scientifically proven natural remedies, you can significantly slow the signs of ageing.

One such activity is sunshine exposure. Often taken for granted due to busy schedules consisting of being cooped up in dark rooms under artificial lighting, the benefits of getting some sunshine are unparalleled. Especially for senior citizens, who are susceptible to pain and diseases, getting sunlight daily is known to have immense benefits.

The pleasant environment and warmth of the sun make for the perfect conditions to go for a short morning walk. You cannot derive the physical and mental benefits of soaking in the sunshine from any other source.

If you are still sceptical about taking in your daily dose of sun, here are some of its benefits for your health.

1. Vitamin D:
Vitamin D is a unique vitamin not naturally produced by our bodies. It is vital in facilitating bone growth and strengthening the skeletal system. Therefore, we are dependent on external sources to get it. It can be sourced from sunlight exposure or consuming Vitamin D supplements prescribed by medical professionals in severe deficiency cases. However, to prevent such deficiency, it is necessary to expose yourself to sunlight daily for 10-15 minutes.

2. Serotonin release:
Sunlight triggers the release of serotonin, a hormone that boosts your mood. While serotonin is also released by engaging in activities you enjoy, a quick walk in the sunlight can provide the same results in a short duration and helps keep mental illnesses at bay and prevent mood swings. It also helps start the day with positivity.

3. Lower blood pressure:
Research conducted at the University of Edinburgh provided conclusive evidence that nitric oxide is released into the bloodstream when sunlight touches the skin. The oxide pushes blood vessels to widen and helps reduce blood pressure.

4. Improved brain functioning:
The cognitive function of the brain begins to reduce with age. A casual stroll in the sunshine can help your parents or elders in the family retain and improve their memory and reduce the risk of illnesses while ensuring physical activity. In such cases, it is also advisable to buy health insurance in India for parents.

5. Improved sleep quality:
The sun plays an essential role in signalling to your brain that it is time to rest at night by producing melatonin which induces sleep. This helps maintain your natural body clock and derive adequate rest, which ensures rejuvenation to take on the tasks for the next day.

6. Facilitates growth in children:
Applicable for infants and children, studies have shown that the amount of sunshine exposure directly impacts the child's height. It also helps boost the child's immune system and ensure physical and mental well-being.

While there are several benefits of daily walks in the sunshine, it is necessary to maintain a balance. It is highly beneficial for people of all ages, having particular benefits for the young and the elderly, as we discussed in the blog. However, you must always consider the risk of skin cancer, and exposure should not exceed 30 minutes a day under any circumstances (preferably in the morning).

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