

Things to remember while making endorsements that can save your car claim from rejection 2nd January 2023

Applying for a car insurance claim may be a stressful procedure, regardless of how well you may have painted the picture for yourself. However, not all insurance companies are trying to steal your hard-earned money. You can cope with any problems with car insurance claim settlement that may arise by just being informed of the specifics involved in the procedure.

Having a car insurance claim denied is common, though. There's a good chance that someone you know has experienced it. Additionally, it frequently occurs that the policyholder cannot understand why their car insurance claim was denied, which only heightens their frustration.

However, you need to know a few things concerning the rejection of a car insurance claim.

Reasons for denial of car insurance claims:
A typical car insurance coverage will often cover loss or damage brought on by theft, accidents, or other people. However, it would be absurd to assume that your car insurance company will pay for any losses or damages that result from the normal wear and tear the car experiences over time and with use.

What should you keep in mind to avoid your claim from getting denied?

1. Give accurate documentation, even when applying online:
Refrain from giving false or inaccurate documentation for insurance purposes, even if you are applying for a claim online. If you submit a claim and the insurer discovers that the supporting documents are incorrect, misleading, or even phony, your claim may be denied.

2. Read the policy document in its entirety:
Because they are more knowledgeable about the policy's terms and conditions, insurers can better find a point you ignored and use it to support their decision to deny your claim. To avoid this, policyholders are encouraged to carefully read their policy contracts to be informed of what will be covered and what won't. Feel free to seek assistance from someone knowledgeable in insurance jargon to clarify the policy and assist you if you are unsure of what it says.

3. Save every invoice and receipt:
It would be a good idea to have such accessories covered under an add-on cover if your car is equipped with anti-theft gadgets, an expensive radio system, or anything else that is not included in the car's standard equipment. The bills or receipts for purchasing those accessories must be presented, though, if you ever need to claim for the damage or loss of those items. The related invoices and receipts must be available. In every other case, the assertion is likely to be disproven.

4. Remain within the claim intimation time window:
Insurance companies typically stipulate that policyholders have 48 to 72 hours to notify the insurer of any incident or accident after it has happened. Always do so. However, this may only sometimes result in your claim being denied.

5. If a car is stolen, file an FIR right away:
You would be quite stressed if your car got stolen. To register a claim, particularly in the event of a theft, you must first file an FIR at your local police station. Take notice of this step. A claim's submission or approval could be complex without an FIR.

6. For co-passenger protection, take a separate cover:
Co-passenger insurance must be purchased separately for each passenger if you want to provide coverage for them while riding in your car. If you do not have adequate coverage for your fellow passengers, the insurance company may deny your claim for their injuries in the event of an accident.

You can conveniently buy online motor insurance policy, but getting a car insurance claim granted might be challenging. Nothing in this is set in stone, and you may always contact your insurance provider to figure out how to resolve a denied claim or learn the reasons for the denial of your claim. Invite those with knowledge of insurance issues to assist you.

Click HERE to buy online motor insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
