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The top cycling tours in India you can try this monsoon

Cycling is not just a sport. It is also one of the healthiest habits one can develop, to keep one's mind and body in good shape. It's no wonder that cycling is a prevalent pastime among people after all these advantages. This way of travel is steadily gaining popularity among people of the new generation.

It is also a feeling that gives us nostalgic moments from our childhood. Cycling is an excellent way to spend time with yourself. Who doesn't want to cycle through the beautiful, frosty Himalayas, Meghalaya's lush green forests, or Udaipur's rich cultural city?

This blog has curated the perfect list of cycling tours in India to give you information on planning your next cycling trip!

1. Mangalore to Goa:
This scenic stretch of road along the coast of the Arabian Sea is one of the most breath-taking sites to see in the world. The quaint villages of the south will amaze you with the beauty in their simplicity, the waterfalls, temples, and national parks in the area are a bonus. Don't stop when you reach Goa. Visit all the key tourist sites on your bicycle to get the full experience of the trip.
This 350-kilometre trip might seem difficult, but with the right company for motivation, it will prove to be one of the best experiences of your life. This trip, on average, takes 06 days to complete.

2. Puducherry:
Going further south, there's nothing like cycling through the picturesque city of Puducherry (formerly known as Pondicherry). Dotted with the best of the post-colonial architecture of the French, this vibrant city has beautiful cathedrals, coffee shops, and, most importantly, the famed town of Auroville. Don't forget to book your ticket to Auroville in advance to gain a different perspective on spirituality in this renowned town of devotees from all around the globe.

3. Manali to Leh:
The stretch between Manali and Leh is the perfect route if you're looking for more of a challenge and less of a holiday. This endurance test will give you one of the most life-altering experiences. Manali is a charming city, popular among nature and adventure lovers alike. The way to Leh is the famed Rohtang Pass, at an altitude of 13000 feet. The majestic mountains and the scenic lakes are something to experience once in a lifetime. It is imperative to know that this trip pushes your limits and will require your full physical fitness. These are difficult roads to take, and it is best to research general insurance companies in India before planning your trip.

4. Shillong to Cherrapunji:
Moving to the beautiful northeast, Meghalaya is a mesmerising monsoon destination. With the drizzling rain pattering on the rich flora and fauna of the forests, it's a nature lover's dream come true. Meghalaya is a gorgeous yet primarily unexplored part of the northeast that should be on every cyclist's list. It is the perfect ride for the curious traveller with bountiful greenery and terrains. This 60-km journey might be difficult, but it is worth.

These cycling trips will surely be enjoyable and eye-opening experiences for individuals. It is worth riding up the hills, the jungles, and the cities' interiors. Before hopping on the seat, it is essential to wear all necessary safety gear like helmet, knee and elbow guards, and most importantly, do the servicing and maintenance of your bicycle.

It is stressful when there is uncertainty of an accident. Research the best general insurance companies in India for buying a travel insurance cover to stay protected and enjoy your trip without any worries of mishaps. You are now all set to get the wheels moving.

Click HERE to know more about general insurance companies in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let’s understand how data and analytics are shaping the future of insurance

Data is considered to be the goldmine in today’s day and age. When appropriately utilised, it is one of the most critical resources that can provide great insights regarding several aspects of industries, consumers, products and services, and much more. The demand for data analysts, cloud computing, machine learning, and data science experts is very high among the top skills organisations for several critical roles related to data. This helps them understand the market and current data to curate future projections about their businesses and associated clients.

Data analytics is the most up-and-coming field across all sectors of industries. Companies are investing tons of money, resources, technology, and workforce in analysing relevant data across various platforms. Through this blog, let’s understand how data and analytics are shaping the future of insurance.

1. Understanding predictive analytics:
We all make predictions about specific things based on the facts we have in hand or the experience from similar situations we might have been through. Similarly, insurance companies use predictive analytics as an integral method to predict patterns and trajectories regarding various parameters. Predictive analysis is an umbrella term comprising multiple methods like data mining, statistical analysis, data configuration, predictive modelling, artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc. These techniques help the insurance companies generate reports that would then provide analysis and information about several risks, policies, consumer behaviour, and future revenue and business projections.

2. How to make sure that your “flight-risk” consumers stay:
Insurance companies try to identify consumers with immediate cancellation tendencies, high premium possibilities, or lower coverage. These potential customers require special attention and care from the insurers to convert or stay their customers.
Data and analytics reports can help insurance organisations identify the areas of concern that need attention and how the services can be improved from the consumers’ perspective. Advanced insights, reports, and patterns can help insurance companies analyse the pain points and friction between the organisations and the customers. This aids them in making the improvements and offering the best deals for their customers, which won’t be a loss-making situation for the company.

3. Personalisation is the key:
Customers want services and products tailored according to their demands and the trends in the current market. Making the services more consumer-focused helps the insurance companies eliminate the competition and gain more customers.
Personalisation is directly related to consumer loyalty which benefits organisations greatly in the long-term projections. Customer retention costs are pretty less compared to the expenses of customer acquisition. Fewer businesses and brands focus on customer retention and implement marketing gimmicks but don’t get desired results. Personalisation is the answer to your customer retention and consumer loyalty equation here. Data analytics help you identify the red flags when rating the customer satisfaction provided by your insurance company. This allows the insurers to understand the market trends, how consumer demands are changing, and how they can bring their services up to the mark. The red flags can turn green based on the current reports, the future projections, and the options and techniques which can be implemented to achieve the targets and results.

Other ways in which data and analytics are revolutionising the insurance market include fraud detection, risk and mitigation measures, managing workforces, determining premiums and dealing with insurance claims, and much more.

Customers are advised to purchase GENERAL INSURANCE to ensure their financial assets are protected, and they can earn some profit even during financial losses. You can explore all your options and determine a general insurance company with high market credibility, attractive premiums, and an excellent claim settlement ratio.

Click HERE to know more about how you can find your ideal general insurance company.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to apply adhesive wallpaper for better results

Owning your own home is an extensive process. You explore hundreds of houses, put a lot of thought into remodelling and painting, and invest a ton of money in furniture and appliances that match your home's feel.

The walls of your house hugely contribute to the decoration and the aesthetic you want to create. They bring out the vibe you want your home to radiate. And while you can do many things to decorate your walls like hanging art, using textured paints and patterns, adorning them with home decor items, etc., a recent trend of adhesive wallpapers has garnered people's attention.

Adhesive wallpapers are easily accessible, come in various designs and colours and embellish the decoration of your home within a friendly budget. But applying these wallpapers can be a tricky and messy process.

This blog will discuss the best tips to use adhesive wallpaper for better results.

1. Wipe your walls:
It is good to clean the walls first with a microfiber cloth before applying the adhesive wallpaper. This will remove the dust on your walls and make the surface smoother for better application.

2. Move your furniture:
For correct measurement and easy installation of adhesive wallpapers, move all the furniture, switch covers and other removable outlets. You should make sufficient comfortable space to conduct the wallpaper work efficiently.

3. Layout:
Planning and jotting down the layout makes it easy to understand the space and the amount of wallpaper required to cover the area. You can either start by measuring the length and width of the walls and stick the stripes from left to right or by beginning at the centre, marking the left and right extremes and working your way, one direction at a time.

4. Check:
Once you stick the outline stripes, inspect the walls to check whether they are aligned and distanced equally. Overlapping might result in messy wall decoration.

5. Paint your walls:
Smooth wall paint works well with adhesive wallpapers if you apply satin-type primers. Matte paint becomes challenging due to its firm texture, thus making it difficult for adhesive wallpapers to stick.

6. Tools:
Using the right tools will help you in making the process of applying adhesive wallpapers easy. You can use a cutting knife to cut tricky corners and edges and a ruler to smoothen the rough edges and measure the intricate spots. You can also use a needle for popping the bubbles while sticking the wallpaper.

7. Peel properly:
Peeling the wallpaper must be done correctly. If you peel off the back paper in haste, you risk tearing the wallpaper and messing up the whole pattern and decoration. You can start from the top and work your way down slowly as you apply. Maintaining a steady flow of action and focusing on just your movement is essential.

Now that we have discussed the best tips to apply adhesive wallpaper for a better feel and appearance, it is also necessary to think about the safety of your house. Protect your home against unprecedented situations like fire, theft, or natural disasters, and avoid unwanted monetary stress. You can explore different options and choose the best house insurance in India, which caters to your needs and offers exclusive benefits.

Click HERE to know more about house insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Your newborn: Best tips to babyproof your home

For soon-to-be parents, a lot of significant changes seem to be right around the corner. Parents spend the months of the pregnancy expecting the baby and several lifestyle changes. While buying all the necessary items like baby clothes, diapers, and cribs is essential, making sure your home environment is safe for the baby is just as important.

First-time parents might look around their home and feel confused about what modifications to make to protect their baby. They might even question the need for it. However, as overwhelming as the responsibilities of a newborn can be, it is integral that parents appropriately baby-proof their homes.

Even though experts claim that your toddler will likely get a few bumps and bruises with every alteration you make to your home, parents still must childproof their home. Since knowing where to begin the process can be baffling, here are some simple tips to follow!

1. Be aware of heavy objects:
Children start crawling, walking, and running in no time. As they grow older, they will begin pulling and pushing things around. This is when heavy objects can become an issue. Whether it’s heavy showpieces or furniture, if the toddler pulls or tugs on them, they may cause an injury. So, make sure to keep the glassware or delicate pieces away and keep the heavy objects out of the baby’s reach.

2. Secure electric plug points:
Toddlers around the 15-17 months age range quickly become fascinated with sticking their fingers or other things in any place they might fit. Most of the time, they turn out to be electric sockets. Parents must be aware of this habit and how dangerous electric points can be.
Use tight-fitting electrical outlet covers to ensure that the baby cannot stick their tiny fingers or jam pens, pencils, or toys into the electric points. You must also confirm not to leave lamps or other appliances with their current on if they are within the baby’s reach.

3. Keep the dangerous home supplies out of reach:
Cleaning and other home supplies contain plenty of harmful chemicals in them. Once kids are allowed to consume food and liquids, they may start to put random items into their mouths.
Small objects are a choking hazard, and it is essential to keep them out of reach. House supplies like cleaning agents and liquids need to be stored at a height or locked in a cupboard so that the child does not have access to it.

4. Place door and window stoppers:
Appliances and furniture have doors that can easily open. Once the child can reach them, installing stoppers to these doors and windows is crucial to prevent them from hurting themselves. Suppose you’ve invested in reliable home insurance India plan; you can add these necessary babyproofing objects to your house.

5. Do away with the mats and tablecloths:
Children have a habit of running around the house. They may accidentally slip on mats and rugs placed in various corners of the home. Tablecloths that hang low are easily accessible to the kids who can pull on them along with all the items placed on them. This can not only hurt and injure them but also damage household items.

To conclude, these tips can give you an excellent start to babyproofing your house to protect your child. With all the wear and tear your home undergoes, babyproofing can be stress-free if you have the right home insurance to rely on. Your ideal home insurance can even cover you for unexpected losses or damages or provide compensation in case of mishaps like theft, fire, earthquake, and natural calamities, etc.

Click HERE to buy the best deals on home insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Trekking solo or with a group? Let's clear the air of confusion

"The best view arrives after the hardest trek," and there is no denying that. The beautiful valleys, the breath of fresh air, the stunning views are just a few of the many rewards you get at the end of a trek. We have heard about the experiences of avid trekkers, and each of them, without fail, has mentioned that everyone should go trekking at least once in their lifetime.

Trends show that more and more people are leaning towards new outdoor experiences, and trekking is something they want to enjoy. While choosing a destination isn't challenging, zeroing in on the other aspects of your travel becomes essential. One crucial question is whether to travel solo or in groups. Today we will try to shed light on both of these to help you make an informed decision before your next trip.

Why travel solo?
People have often associated trekking with catharsis. They enjoy the peace, quiet, and sometimes the mini-adventures that come with it. Navigating through unknown roads, climbing treacherous terrains, cooking your food, and enjoying your solitude is what any travel enthusiast dreams of. This means that you are fully responsible for everything that happens during that trek, and the experience is unique to you.
Another vital aspect is that since you are the sole proprietor of your journey, every decision made and every skill used comes from your judgement. This is an incredible way of learning your strengths and making yourself confident for future solo trips. The added benefit of going solo is that you set your milestones.
You aren't worried about being left behind, you don't have to race to the top to ensure you get the ideal spot for your tent, and you don't have to depend on other people's time. Instead, you get to explore like a wanderer.

Why travel in a group?
Shared knowledge is the best knowledge. When you travel in a group, there is a chance you might meet skilled travellers. Travelling with them helps you gain better insights into immersive experiences, and more often than not, they have tips and tricks to help you in your journey to the top.
There is a zeal associated with travelling in groups, where people constantly support each other and share new stories. There is a powerful sense of euphoria when you stand together, looking at the beautiful view from the top with each other. In addition, there is a distribution of responsibilities, some help in pitching the tent, some help in lighting the fire, and others help with the cooking process.
Travelling in a group ensures the safety of everyone, and in case of injury, there is always someone to help you. And by the end of your expedition, you make many new friends with whom you share fond memories.

These are some of the benefits of travelling solo and in a group. Treks can be a wonderful experience if done right, and in a country like India, there are a plethora of options that you can explore. Some groups conduct annual treks. Signing up with one can be an excellent start to your trek experience.

Keep in mind that your safety is of utmost priority no matter how you travel. So carry a first aid kit, visit your doctor for a checkup, and don't forget to buy general insurance online to get exciting deals and protect yourself from landing into unnecessary trouble.

Click HERE to buy general insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The complete guide to perfectly and effortlessly painting your home

Painting your house can be a great way to improve its appeal, increase its monetary value and overall make you love your place even more. The best part is that painting does not even cost you much if you use the right tips and tricks. However, before picking up the paintbrush, remember that it is not child's play.

The gratifying project of giving your house a new look with a fresh coat of paint can become taxing if you follow the wrong ways. To make sure your home stands out in the neighbourhood, you must take an informed and measured approach to painting.

Before you make your selection, here's something you should know.

1. Hire a professional or do it yourself:
Decide on whether you want to hire a professional painter or do everything yourself. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Professional painters will cost more, but they will do the job faster and with correct procedures that non-professionals may not.

2. Choosing the appropriate colours:
The colour selection might be time-consuming due to the importance of each family member's shared decisions and choices. To observe the impact and brightness of the colours, purchase paint samples and apply them to any two sides of the wall. Or check out the colour palette of different paint companies and then choose.

3. Deciding on the best time to paint:
If you want to paint the building's outside walls, you should do so during the summer months so that the paint does not take as long to dry. Otherwise, paint only in the late mornings and early evenings when the weather is warm enough for the paint to dry.

4. Calculating the cost of painting:
You'll need to calculate the entire painting cost, including the equipment, expert painters (if you're employing them), paints, primers, and other supporting materials.

Before you begin the painting process, keep the following recommendations and practices in mind:

• Examining the house:
The painting should begin with a thorough examination of the entire area. Before applying a paint coat, make a list of every crack, hole, and structure that has to be fixed.

• Figuring out how much paint you'll need:
It's much easier to calculate and estimate the amount of paint that needs to be purchased once you've taken down the measurements of the area that is to be painted. It is generally a good idea to buy more paint than you need.

• Getting rid of old paint:
You must remove the old paint if it has deteriorated and flakes have begun to appear on the unsightly walls. Use a paper scraper to remove the old paints. This will eliminate the blemishes from the walls and clean them by removing the undesired dust.

• Cleaning the residence:
Professionals usually do cleaning and remove everything from the house. Before painting, clean the house to prevent dust from adhering to the walls. Remember to use a cloth to cover any other areas and big furniture you will not be painting.

• Begin the painting:
After these preparations, the paramount step is to paint the wall. First, spray the paint on the wall using a sprayer and then roll it down with a roller. Many specialists recommend that you employ the back-rolling method.

The next step is to let the paint cure for at least 24 hours since it will take practically an entire day to completely dry.

Painting is just one more method to nurture your home and take good care of it. Another approach is to get a low-cost home insurance India plan. This will cover your property from various catastrophes and ensure longevity by adding value to your prised possession.

Click HERE to buy a reasonable home insurance India plan.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


A room-to-room guide for deep cleaning your home

Cleaning our home is a regular task for all of us. It improves hygiene and promotes physical and mental well-being. Tidying the mess around you gives you clarity of thought and can be therapeutic. But sometimes, sorting the mess doesn't help, and a deep cleaning process is needed.

It might sound stressful, but no need to worry. This blog is a room-to-room manual for deep cleaning your home without getting tired during the process. We have broken it down into small doable tasks that are easy to follow.

But before we begin, go ahead and declutter the mess around you to make it convenient to move around freely while cleaning. Once you have sorted your scattered possessions, follow the subsequent points to proceed with room-wise deep cleaning.

1. Bedroom:
Remove the beddings and put the bedsheet and pillow covers into the laundry. An extra spin would help in drying them faster. Air dry your synthetic pillows. For heavy comforters, a laundry facility would be helpful. You can clean your mattress by sprinkling a little baking soda on it, letting it sit for an hour, and then using a vacuum cleaner to extract all the dirt. Next, declutter your closet by pulling out the clothes you won't wear and donating them. Finally, get all the blazers and the crease-prone garments on hangers to organise your closet.

2. Kitchen:
Start by wiping all the cabinets and external surfaces. You can use newspapers or mats to put on the shelves to avoid dust on the surfaces. Take all the things off your shelves and wipe them using suitable cleaners. Wipe the refrigerator inside out after emptying it. Follow the same process for the stove, dishwasher, and other appliances if possible. Wipe the countertops using cleaner liquids and let them dry.

3. Bathroom:
Some shower curtains have labels that mention if they're washable. Make sure to check yours before you wash it. Afterward, rehang to let it completely dry. You can also wash your plastic shower line or purchase a new one. To remove the water spots and soap scum, use heated distilled white vinegar for the doors and scrub with baking soda using a non-scratch pad. Finally, declutter your washroom cabinets, clean the surfaces, categorise the items, group, and arrange them. Do the same with your first aid and medicine cabinet.

4. Living room:
Use a vacuum cleaner to clean all the furniture. Remove the cushions for easier access to the deepest corners. Collect all your showpieces and photo frames from the shelves and wipe the surfaces with cleaners. Now take all the photo frames and clean them gently using a microfiber cloth. This will help you avoid scratches. You can use a thin dusting wand to clean beneath the surfaces of electronics. Go through all your CDs and DVDs and if they're not of use anymore, collect them to donate or sell.

Use these tips as your guide to deep clean your home without any hassle and stress. Also, ensure to safeguard your home and buy home insurance online. With the world going digital, you can explore your options and buy home insurance online in India with only a few clicks. Additionally, online insurances offer exciting benefits and deals to the policyholders to opt from and take advantage of.

Click HERE to know more about how you can buy home insurance online in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Visit these top six unexplored tourist destinations of India in 2022

We all enjoy the occasional getaway to rejuvenate ourselves and break the mundane routine of our day-to-day lives. So often, we find ourselves surfing the internet for hours, trying to zero down on the one place we can go to and relax with our loved ones. But more often than not, we end up not going to these places. And there is no shortage of images on the internet, so we find ourselves looking at them and yearning to be there.

Today we will be looking at six places that will promise you peace and calm on your next getaway.

1. Cherai Beach, Kerala:
Popularly known as the ‘Princess of Arabian sea’, Cherai beach is located about 16 miles from Ernakulam on Vypeen island. This golden beach boasts blue waters and lush green vegetation stretches that are a must-visit for anyone who wants to unwind by a beach. People can enjoy various water sports in this destination. Cherai also hosts a five-day tourism festival that conducts an array of diverse cultural and traditional art forms.

2. Bhimbandh, Bihar:
This hot spring holds great significance in the history of India. Unfolding the pages of the past, during Mahabharat, when the Pandavas had to live in disguise, Bhimbandh was one of the locations that they had chosen. The temperature in this natural spring goes up to 72 degrees celsius. It is believed that Bhim was instrumental in placing slabs across the stream to prevent the water from flowing at high speeds. Hence the name “Bhimbandh”.

3. Gandikota, Andhra Pradesh:
India’s Grand Canyon, Gandikota, is undoubtedly one of the most picturesque places in the land. The main attraction is the Gandikota fort and its ruins. Built-in red sandstone, the fort has beautiful and intricate carvings, watchtowers, and a few noteworthy temples. Anyone interested in history should add Gandikota to the bucket list of places to visit.

4. Nagore, Tamil Nadu:
Nagore is a quaint town in Tamil Nadu, known for its famous Dargah, dedicated to Shahul Hamid, a renowned Sufi saint. It also promises a rustic, old-world charm and is a must-visit destination for travellers to enjoy beautiful unspoiled beaches.

5. Netarhat, Jharkhand:
A hill station, covered with thick forests known as the “Queen of the Chotanagpur”. One of the few places famous for its breath taking sunrise, and equally beautiful sunset, Netarhat is about 154 km from Ranchi. This hidden gem is surrounded by pines and orchards, making it the perfect picnic spot to enjoy with family and kids.

6. Idukki, Kerala:
This beautiful place has vast spans of mountains and dense forests. It has the lowest population density in Kerala, so its beauty is untouched and unexplored by many. Famously known as the ‘spice garden of India’. The Idukki dam is also one of the largest dams in the country and is a sight to behold.

We hope these places help you curate your next travel trip. Remember, no matter what the place is, always try to live amongst the locals and get a feel of the local lifestyle and the food. This only adds volumes to your experience and can be something that you will remember for the rest of your life. If you plan on taking a vacation, it is ideal to get your general insurance sorted. A beforehand general insurance policy acts as a safety net against any risks or unforeseen expenses you might face while traveling.

Click HERE to know more about general insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.