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Eating during COVID-19: How nutrition can protect people's health during COVID-19 15th September 2020

Started from the province of Wuhan in China, COVID-19 has spread all around the world, leaving behind the massacres. First reported on 30th January 2020, India has recorded a total of 1.44 million active cases and more than 32 thousand people have lost their lives as reported till 27th July 2020. Yet, till the current date, no verified vaccines have been launched in the market leaving behind a massive matter of concern for the common masses. In incurring medical care, what comes up to our mind first, does health insurance in India cover the COVID-19 or not?

What expenses does the health insurance cover?

Current Coronavirus health insurance in India covers hospitalization expenses including in-patient hospitalization, pre-hospitalization and post-hospitalization expenses. But it's always better to get our immunity system to act as the main barrier to trust, and for that, we need a stone-hard immunity.

What do you need for better immunity?

To get better immunity, we must focus on our nutritional well being and good food habits. To boost your immune system, you need the essential macro and micronutrients like proteins, good fats, carbohydrates, inorganic elements, and essential vitamins, apart from looking at the health insurance in India.

Some foods that you must include in your diet

1. Milk: One of the most common and cheap nutrition-rich liquid food is milk. A cup of dairy milk contains almost 8 grams of protein, 12 grams of carbohydrates, and 2.4 grams of fats along with Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and Vitamin B12. It is also a good source of Calcium(Ca) and Potassium(K). Due to the high complete protein content, it helps in lean muscle building and keeps bones healthy too. Having one cup of milk a day could help us keep us on track with the daily macros and micro required to boost up our immunity.

2. Egg: A whole egg contains approximately 13 grams of protein, 1.1 gram of carbohydrates, 11g of good fats along with Vitamin A, VItamin B2, B5, B6, B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K. The high-quality proteins and Essential Amino Acids in egg make it a complete source of protein. It is also a great source of Calcium, Zinc, and Iron. It raises HDL, which reduces the risks of heart disease.

3. Chicken: With a protein content of 27g, good fats of 14 grams, chicken is one of the best low-fat protein sources. It maintains muscle mass, strengthens bones, and reduces appetite. Though fried chickens might not be too good for our health, preferably grilled or boiled chicken, should be consumed for better outcomes.

4. Fruits: A variety of foods must be consumed regularly. Different fruits have different useful nutrient facts.
I. Banana: It has a high source of good carbohydrates. It also contains the right amount of Iron, Potassium, and Vitamin C. It is also a good source of fibres that keep our intestine healthy.
II. Lemons: The most famous citrus fruit, Lemons are highly rich in Vitamin C, Potassium, and fibres. Vitamin C helps in reducing heart disease risk, and the citric acid in lemons reduces kidney stones.
III. Grapes: Grapes packed with nutrients, especially Vitamin C and K are an excellent antioxidant that may prevent chronic diseases. It may reduce cholesterol and also might decrease blood sugar levels.

A balanced and well nutritious diet can help you increase your immunity to combat COVID-19 effectively. With healthy food, a bit of proper exercise will enhance your metabolism. Different health insurance in India promotes self-awareness so that the policyholders stay away from medical help.
