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Plan to enrol your kids in these exciting activities and make the monsoon season enjoyable 20th June 2022

The onset of monsoon is a gift for humans, animals, and plants. The lush greenery, the sweet smell of moist soil and the cold winds are a much-needed respite from the scorching summer months. But with all the monsoon goodness comes a set of challenges as well.

Children end up locked inside their houses, hoping for the pouring rain to go away. If you are a parent and you notice your kids growing increasingly impatient, this article is just for you. This article will look at all the activities you can enrol your kids in for a productive and fun monsoon season.

1. Take up a painting class:

Painting is an expressive art form. It is visually stimulating and allows your child to explore different colours and expression mediums. It gives your kids the opportunities to develop creatively and imaginatively.
This gives them the freedom to visualise and metaphorically paint the picture they want. You can help your children navigate the different types of famous artworks for inspiration. Later you can encourage them to join a painting class or workshops and learn to paint their imagination with passion.

2. Sports are always a yes:

In these distressing times of fast-paced technological advancement, we all have fallen sick and are easily prone to multiple health issues. Our bodies have become glued to the smart phones, and all you want is readily available with just one touch and tap of your phone. Rain can put a damper on your kid's physical activities.
Since being outdoors is a complete no-no, kids end up glued to screens. Indoor sport is your solution. Games such as table tennis, carrom, and chess are a few sports kids can play in the comfort of being indoors. Do not let rain be the reason your kids stay away from the fun.

3. Never say no to learning music:

Music, like painting, is again an expressive art form. The sounds stimulate your brain, which can then interpret different versions of tunes and rhythms. They help your child distinguish between various moods and emotions, thus enabling them to create their music. Notice how your kids pick up different notes from the song. Understand and encourage them to pursue various music skills and may also enrol in a music class.

4. We have all heard of abacus:

Abacus and mental maths tips and tricks will always be everyone's favourites. It doesn't harm learning quick tricks to help your child academically in the future. This enables the brain to enhance its analytical and logical power. Abacus classes can help your child improve their logical reasoning and make brisk calculations.

Ask your child if these activities interest them, and let them take the lead while staying indoors during the monsoon season. Parents must always focus on planning experiences to help their children be independent and happy. Don't let the rain wash out the excitement of your children. Monsoon can be fun, too, if activities are planned rightly.

Apart from the skills development, you should consider the plans for keeping the kids protected under any unforeseen circumstances which might arise during different walks of life. One of the best gifts your child can get is insurance benefits. As a parent, you must discuss your options and purchase the best general insurance for catering to your children's needs in the best ways possible.

Refrain from taking drastic decisions while buying general insurance. Take your time, do the best research, understand your child's requirements, and accordingly select the plan that is the best!

Click HERE to learn more about how purchasing general insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
