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Why is theoretical knowledge equally important as practical while learning to drive 31st October 2022

Theoretical and practical knowledge are like two parts of a scale, equally important to make a balanced driver. In recent years theoretical knowledge has been bashed on as ‘bookish’ and ‘old fashioned, and more emphasis is being given to practical lessons. While practical lessons impart a major chunk of knowledge, such as how to react to real-life situations on the road, theory imparts domain knowledge, forming the base of learning how to drive.

Driving instructors at reputed driving schools impart practical knowledge with a robust theoretical base, such as traffic laws and road signals. This makes you aware of the legal aspects and repercussions of disobeying specific rules and become a more knowledgeable driver.

This blog aims to convince you of the importance of theoretical knowledge while learning to drive.

1. Structure of a car:
It is only possible to know the complete anatomy of a car purely based on practical knowledge. Driving instructors usually introduce aspirants to various components of the car on the very first days of driving learning. This is to build a holistic understanding of the car to gain more confidence and learn how to respond to critical situations calmly. They teach you about the various parts of a car, including the brakes, clutch, car engine, fuel supply system, cooling system, lubrication, gears, battery, etc. This increases your understanding of the car so you can perform minor repairs independently without rushing to the mechanic.

2. Covers the legal aspects of driving:
Driving is a great responsibility for every person out on the road. Trainers let learners know the rules and regulations before they set out on the road. There are also a lot of legal requirements needed before driving on the roads, such as the registration process, the process of acquiring a driving licence, and getting acquainted with parking rules, traffic laws, car insurance documents, etc. Professional driving schools will also make learners aware of road hazards, road signs, and other aspects not covered in practical lessons.

3. Building confidence:
Although practical lessons provide real-life experience to the students, theoretical input gives them the confidence to take that first step into driving that many lack the courage to take. Experts in the field can communicate the basic theory to every student with special emphasis on questions posed by students, which will further clarify their doubts. This will give them the confidence to drive professionally in all traffic situations.

4. Good theoretical backing encourages being safe on roads:
Staying safe on the road is a conscious choice a citizen makes daily. Safety is the top priority, and this is emphasised by theoretical knowledge. Along with knowing the rules and regulations to follow on the road, they also double down on the legal implications of reckless driving, drunk driving, and other risky activities.

Managing a car in critical conditions, such as a punctured tyre, or the case of an accident, is the knowledge that is best learned theoretically. These are important aspects of driving that instructors emphasise and should be carefully absorbed by the students, as this information comes in handy at some point.

However, no matter how much training a driver goes through, they are bound to be stressed about the risks and complications of having road accidents. This is an important concern that should not be neglected. Car insurance is necessary for every car owner to remain calm in the event of an accident.

Click HERE to know more about car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.
