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How to find affordable personal accident plans with these easy steps

Congratulations! That’s a very smart decision you’ve made, having decided to get personal accident insurance for yourself. But what now? Not sure where to start or which insurance to get? Don’t worry, that’s why we are here – to help your find the right plan using our truth lens 

Accident insurance is a type of  personal insurance that protects from any unforeseen event listed in the policy. Though we know it is difficult to find the Best Accidental Insurance Policy In India, we have listed a few checks to compare Individual Accident Insurance Quote in India.

We’ve categorised the process of getting the right insurance into 5 simple steps. Here goes:

Prioritise your needs

Right now, the only thing you have considered is buying insurance to protect you in case of an accident. However, it would be helpful to prioritise your needs. If you want to secure your finances and save tax, keep that your priority. If you have a family, securing them becomes your priority. Understanding your priorities helps you figure out what kind of a plan you’d need.

Compare premiums and plans

While you know you need a policy that keeps you prepared for accidents, there are many other things to consider when it comes down to purchasing it. A common worry for most people is hefty premiums. Make sure you compare quotes from a couple of insurance providers before zeroing down on one. 

While most insurance plans offer the basic covers such as accidental death, total permanent disability etc. some providers may also offer additional benefits such as ambulance charge cover or education fund for your child. So, make sure you compare the offerings as well.

There are various covers for family as well as for individual health insurance offered by Magma HDI

Research your insurer

Once you’ve figured out who you want to get the insurance from, it’s time to make sure it’s the right choice. Check out the provider’s claim settlement ration, which will tell you how likely they are to settle your claims if the occasion arises. For instance, Magma HDI’s personal accident insurance is a policy with a claim settlement ratio of 91.85%. You should also check how extensive their network of hospitals is because a wide network means more options for you to get cashless treatment. 

Understand the limitations and exclusions

We have all heard of those cases where a lot of people find their insurance claims requests lost in the fine print. A good way to avoid that is by going through their policy wordings with a fine-tooth comb and to understand exactly what is covered and not covered. 

Figure out how to financially plan for it

Now, you can finally get to the purchasing part of the process. A common notion about insurance is that it is expensive but anyone who has ever had to pay hospital bills knows it’s not nearly as expensive. Having to pay these bills separately ends up costing even more than your premium. Premiums paid towards insurance also helps you save on taxes and hence, it makes for a great financial planning tool.

Now that you know how to get the right personal accident insurance, go ahead and secure your future right now. For comprehensive accident coverage take a look at our personal accident policy CLICK HERE.

Looking for Individual Personal Accident Insurance, you’ve come to the right place!


Bought A New Car This Monsoon Season? Don’t Forget to Buy Car Insurance Too

Driving around in a new car is an exciting feeling. But with owning a car, comes the responsibility of keeping it safe on the roads. In case of an event involving accident, theft, or fire, you may need compensation for damages sustained. Weather is also one of the primary factors due to which your car may suffer damage. Getting car insurance is a great way to provide a cover for your financial losses, especially during the monsoon season.

Why should you get Car Insurance In India?

Remember that a car is made up of a complex system of mechanical components and accessories. With comprehensive car insurance, you can easily get coverage for:

  • Damage after a road accident, fire, or vandalism
  • Damages that take place due to a natural disaster such as floods
  • If the vehicle is stolen
  • Unforeseen circumstances such as waterlogging

Accidents happen, but when you’re covered for the financial losses, it helps reduce your stress and brings you peace of mind.

Why do you need car insurance for the monsoons?

During the monsoon season, its even more important to consider securing your vehicle with a proper car insurance policy. Natural disasters like cyclones and flash floods can cause severe damages to property, including your car.

During monsoon water also collects in low lands and potholes making it really difficult to tell their presence. This often leads one to drive into potholes or park their cars in waterlogged areas. While the first one can cause damage to the body of the car, the latter can cause the engine to seize. But with the right insurance and the right add-on, both can be covered.

What would your car insurance policy cover during monsoons?

In the rainy season, no matter how cautious you are, there is always a risk of accidents due to poor visibility and slippery roads. Moreover, water damage like rusting, engine water-logging etc. are also quite common during heavy rains. Waterlogging happens if you drive through or start your car in deep water and the water gets into the engine. This leads to damage to the engine as well as electrical components. Sometimes, car insurers may exclude damage to the engine, but an engine protect add-on can offer you the required coverage. Similarly, roadside assistance add-on can be vital in ensuring you have help even during heavy rains.

While you have no control over the weather and road conditions, you can always be prepared to face them without any worries. Choose a good auto insurance policy such as Magma HDI's Private Car insurance and drive through monsoon worry-free.


What Will the two-wheelers Industry Look Like in the next ten years?

Two-wheelers have changed the landscape of transportation forever, ever since the invention of the bicycle world has adapted and moved forward with the revolutions two-wheelers brought in the world. Motorized two-wheelers have brought about the most significant change. They have better mileage than cars and are not as bulky as they are. Also, they are compact, and it is easier to tackle the traffic on a two-wheeler than in a car. They have made the world a smaller place. Now you can reach any destination you desire without tiring yourself. Two-wheelers have also empowered women. Women are generally nimbler than men. Now they can travel long distances and carry luggage on their two-wheeler without breaking a sweat.

Indeed, the invention of bikes has forever changed the transportation industry for the better. Most of the individuals and couples opt for purchasing a two-wheeler while families still rely on cars. Bikes have lower maintenance costs than vehicles, and also their cost per distance travelled is less than that of cars. Their compact size allows them to fit in most homes without the need for a garage. Though, you must never drive a bike without a helmet, nor should you ever drive it without insurance. If your bike is not insured, then now you can conveniently buy bike insurance online. As science progresses, there have been many revolutionary changes in bikes from how they look to their performance. The two-wheeler industry has also seen many economic changes over the years. Here is an overview of how the two-wheeler industry is expected to look in the next ten years: -

  • Currently, most of the two-wheeler market is dominated by mid-range two-wheelers. Id the current trend continues, we will witness an increase in high-range and low-range two-wheelers. This may lead to better technology in low-range bikes as well as high-range motorcycles to have more premium features and out of the box designs.
  • A.I. technology may make the bike riding experience better for everyone. We may witness automatic gear adjustments, terrain adjustments, fuel consumption adjustments, and much more. If A.I. technology grows at the current pace, the future is not too far when we will see it being installed on bikes.
  • We should hope for much better mileage and alternative fuel options. Currently, we have electric motorcycles, but they take a long time to charge and do not provide that much coverage. Electricity consumption is also high in bikes. In another decade we shall see much better bikes on the market that will run on electricity.
  • There has been recent news on bikes that utilize water as fuel and provide incredible mileage. There are no mass production variants yet. In another decade, we may have a range of motorcycles that use water as fuel and are environment friendly.

The future of the two-wheeler industry looks excellent. We have some significant advances in store for us within a decade. One thing will never change, though, that is safety guidelines and insurance policies. It is and will always be dangerous to drive recklessly. There is no hope of bikes that will allow you to drive without a helmet, either. Insurance policies will change slightly and will add more features and guidelines as technology progresses. They will more or less remain the same. It is essential to have your bike insured at all times. Right now, you can buy Bike Insurance online; maybe the future will be even more convenient.


What the world would be like if general insurance did not exist?

A world without general insurance is a world with millions of financially unprotected people. It may even be compared to a person without vaccination! The going is good as long as you don’t contract major diseases.

Why is insurance important?

It's not always possible to prevent falling sick. No matter how careful you are, someone can still break into your house. This uncertainty is what makes insurance important. It's a safety net that ensures that even if something happens, your finances don't suffer. At least not too severely. You can think of insurance as that vaccine that safeguards you against any future issues. After all, it is better to be safe than sorry.

General insurance in India covers an entire gamut of important aspects like health, home, vehicle, travel etc. Thus, to overcome the risks of everyday living, we need its security.

But what happens if there was no insurance?

You never realize the value of something until it isn’t available to you. That’s just good old human nature. So let’s appreciate insurance for what it does for us today.

Scenario 1:

You are driving back home, and it feels like every other day. However, a novice driver, driving a car with an L sign, hits your car and then speeds off. It leaves you with a broken headlight, dents and a damaged bumper.

Without motor insurance, now you need to pay everything out of your pocket. 

Motor Insurance would have covered you by paying for damages to the vehicle and its owner. You could even increase your coverage by opting for add-ons such as personal accident cover and engine protection. Sounds much better than just lamenting at your loss right?

Scenario 2:

Your family has had a history of heart disease and you know you also run the risk of getting it. But there's no way to prepare for it. Later down the line, you need to get an expensive surgery done. While you manage to pay for it with all your savings, now you aren't left with much. You also are required to quit your work to recover.

This would not only affect you but your family's lifestyle as well. Health Insurance, in this case, could not only have taken care of your surgery but pre and post hospitalization expenses as well. It covers our hospitalization, OPD treatments and even alternative treatments like Ayurveda. It is truly a necessity with rising prices of healthcare these days.

Scenario 3:

You are returning from a vacation in the U.S. However when you arrive in India, you find that your luggage has not reached. After contacting the airport officials, you realize that your luggage is lost. Not much you can do about it except hope that the airline reimburses you for your loss.

This is where travel insurance comes to your aid. It ensures that you get a predecided amount in case your luggage is lost by the airline. Not just that, it can also cover you for flight delay, missed flights and more.

It should be clear enough now how our world would be affected if there was no insurance. You may or may not need it, however, the risks of remaining uninsured are far more disastrous. A world without General Insurance would be far more costly in every aspect that you can imagine. To find more about your options for general insurance in India, you can click here.