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How different types of car engines impact insurance costs

Owning a car is not an easy task. You need to check the car features, mileage, prices, road safety, inner functionalities, maintenance, and servicing are a few things on a very long list. And one of the most critical points on this list is insurance. It would be best if you keep up with the premiums and renewal dates. Not everyone has sufficient information about insurance before they purchase it. This is why you must gather all the pointers from your insurance provider or agent before exploring your options.

Are you looking to purchase insurance and trying to understand the options? Are there any differences based on the type of car you own? Well, this blog is all about how different types of car engines impact insurance costs and will help you gain better insights about car insurance before you get one or switch your insurance policy.

1. Let’s discuss different engine sizes:
A car engine has two main parts: a few cylinders and a piston. And as we are aware of the combustion process where the fuel goes through the burning process in the cylinder. This provides sufficient energy for the piston to function, and through various connected mechanical systems, the generated power helps you drive the car.
Car engines are segregated according to the fuel volume of the cylinders. They are classified as under 1.0-litre, 1.0 to 2.0-litres, 2.0 to 3.0-litres and 3.0-plus. Diesel engines have a similar classification, except there will be no car with a less than one-litre engine capacity.

2. How do different engine sizes impact your insurance costs:
The power of your car majorly depends on the size of your engine. If your vehicle has a big engine, it is considered powerful. And this ultimately means that your car insurance will come under the higher tab/group. And if your insurance group is on the higher end, your insurance is bound to be expensive in most cases.
Exceptions to the size point discussed above are cars with turbocharged engines. These engines are extremely powerful and packed. Hence, they are smaller in size. A machine with a one-litre capacity today will usually be turbocharged. But since it provides a power-packed performance, the turbocharged engines are expensive, which raises the price of your insurance too. However, check with your car insurance company if your policy covers turbocharged engines.

3. What does it mean to have a powerful car:
Chances are that if your car comes under the category of powerful vehicles, it has an engine that delivers high and fast performance and reaches top speeds within seconds. Thus, there is a prediction that the thrill might make you more vulnerable to road accidents, making your car more prone to damages you will claim on your insurance policy.
This cycle raises the price of your insurance because the compensation for your claims about your powerful car will be bigger too. A similar process goes with expensive cars. The fancy technology, the sky-high prices, and the threat of your expensive vehicle getting stolen push the cost of your insurance.

But other factors are involved in determining your insurance and premium prices, including your driving history. Look for the best car insurance company in India that provides premiums and benefits perfectly matching your requirements.

And while we are discussing car insurance, claims, and premiums, you need to understand the importance car insurance holds. Especially if your car ends up being part of an accident or unfortunate circumstances, insurance will come in handy to keep you financially stress-free. At the same time, you focus on getting your vehicle fixed and resolving the situation. So, you must purchase your car insurance from the best car insurance company in India.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of the best car insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are you confused between different versions of the same car while buying? Here's our guide

We all have noticed that whenever a brand launches its new car, there are different versions/variants. These variants have additional features and are placed at different price ranges. The base model is set at the starting price, while the top model takes away the cake by being priced higher. But why do these companies launch variants of the same car model and provide different features?

While purchasing a car, you need to look at various resources to educate yourself about different brands and their cars, your budget, the features you want, and the type of car you want. Are you finding it difficult to arrive at a final decision about which car you want to buy? Or have you finalised the model of the vehicle but are confused about the variant? Here's our guide. This blog will answer this question and provide sufficient information to make an informed decision.

1. There are multiple versions of a car. Why?
Car manufacturers have been creating different versions of a car. The term" variant" refers explicitly to a specific vehicle version. Car manufacturers prefer this method to market their products and distribute the needs of different sections of people. This way, they attempt to persuade their target audience for a particular vehicle and are forced to buy a variant on the upper end from what they initially set out to purchase. The distribution of features is finely done, targeting to expand the car's sales potential.
There is absolutely no fixed number of variants when it comes to the automobile industry. Car manufacturers can launch any number of variants of the same car model and tweak the features strategically to lure in the customers. The variants usually depend on the popularity of the car model, the brand, the consumer loyalty and the brand's reputation and accountability, etc.

2. The number of different features you should look for.
As we discussed earlier in the introduction, other parts in the variants of a car model lead to the difference in the price range. And these price ranges determine which car is under your budget and more accessible to you. But what are some of the features you as a customer should be on the lookout for?

Interior material:
There might be differences in your car's interior from the model in the high ranges. You will notice differences between the seat cover of the variants, and the personalisation options provided might seem limited too if you compare with the cars on the higher end.

Safety always comes first:
Every car today usually comes with several airbags, increasing as you go towards the higher-end variants. Apart from that, many safety features are incorporated into all vehicles in the current times. But the level of safety aids might differ in the car variants and models. Base level cars provide the standard features while vehicles in the higher end comes with premium safety features, which creates the allurement in the market.

Other determining features to look forward to are engines, fuel efficiency, mileage, navigation systems, and other technologies. So, take a wise decision to decide between the different versions of the same car that fits your budget and requirements. The prices are rising, and there seems to be no relief anytime soon. Therefore, in unpredictable times, you need to safeguard your crucial assets like cars with insurance.

Purchase car insurance to ensure you are one step ahead and can focus on resolving the situation. Also, remember, as there are different models and variants of cars available in the market, there are several car insurance options with different prices. You must determine the best car insurance price in India and invest in a comprehensive coverage plan.

Click HERE to learn more about the best car insurance price in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips for choosing the right motorcycle for seniors

Many people love riding motorcycles. It's fun, daring, and adventurous. Whenever we talk about bike fanatics, we imagine a young adult riding a motorcycle with cool bike gear, taking a long trip in an aesthetically beautiful location. But, are motorcycles only for the youth?

Senior citizens also love riding bikes. But when it comes to the type of bikes they should go for, you must take care of certain factors given their age, mental conditions, body, fragility, accidental risks, road conditions, driving skills, etc. Are you looking for advice on how to help the seniors in your family take up their hobby while ensuring they stay safe? This blog will provide tips for choosing the right motorcycle for seniors. Let's dive in.

1. Ensuring the body to be fit to ride:
The number of senior citizens' road accidents has been rising worldwide. They are likely to get seriously injured or even die in bike crashes. Senior citizen accidents rose by almost forty percent, and the leading causes are a lack of protective gear like helmets, driving at high speed, and drinking and driving.
All these three reasons are against the road safety regulations, and one must consider this before getting a bike for the senior member of their family. Some other reasons for aged people to be prone to road accidents include vision impairment, sensory delay, reduced reaction time, balance and alignment issues, reduction in brain size, weakness, lack of bone strength, etc.
One must keep these factors in mind before you help the senior citizens hit the road on their own. If there are any such issues, you need to ensure their safety and consider the best options like accompanying them on the exact vehicle, being around whenever they drive, setting limitations of driving if the senior member is comfortable with it, etc.

2. Picking the right motorcycle and getting back to practising:
First and foremost, you must consider all possibilities and risks before going out to get a bike. Safety comes first. You need to purchase a motorcycle that suits and prioritises their driving skills, size, handling capacity, and security.
Some things you need to take care of include their height and weight, which have changed over the years and are still variable. Their size should be enough to operate all the controls and set their foot on the ground so they can control the bike whenever there is a sudden need. Their weight also should be able to handle the body and design of the bike. The weight of the senior member would determine their ability to manoeuver the bike quickly and efficiently. So, you need to ensure that you get a lightweight bike for them so that they can operate and balance it easily, even on uneven terrains. Maintaining bike control is essential for yourself and others on the road.
If not, it can potentially cause dangerous accidents leading to severe consequences. And last but not least, you need to help them plan their itinerary if they choose to go for a trip, and help them practice in a nearby area with decent roads, which would also help a beginner.

Those were some of the best tips for choosing the right motorcycle for seniors. The senior family members have the right and freedom to live their passion of biking and enjoying their retired life. If you are an older person, then just follow the above tips and encourage yourself to set out on short leisure rides or long adventurous trips.

But during any of these daily or weekend activities, the unpredictability on the road is always a concern. So, to ensure that even if you end up in difficult circumstances which can potentially cost you a hefty amount, you should buy the best two wheeler insurance in India to ensure that you focus on getting your ride fixed instead of fixating and worrying about finances. Get your gear, wear your helmet, and get ready to hit the road again!

Click HERE to know more about the best two wheeler insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are the important steps you can follow to appeal a health insurance claim denial

If you are suffering from health issues and other illnesses, health insurance is crucial in covering the expenses for treatment and medicines. A safety net in the form of health insurance can take a significant load off yourself and your family. However, it can be nerve-wracking if your health insurance claim does not go through. An insurance claim can be rejected for various reasons, and depending on your insurance provider, they may or may not provide clear reasons why the claim was denied.

So, if you are worried about claim denials and want to know the next steps that need to be done, this article is for you.

What are the reasons for claim denial?
There can be many reasons why the insurance company may reject your claim. Upon receiving a claim, the insurance company cross-checks every document from the policyholder to verify the policy's validity and the claim's authenticity. Some of the significant reasons for claim denial are issues with the cover. There is a list of illnesses and treatments that insurance doesn't cover. If your claim falls under such a category, the insurance company can reject your claim. Other reasons could be missing information, expired validity, and lack of supporting documents.

How can you rectify and reapply?
If you are eligible to reapply, you should thoroughly go through every document and ensure that there is no missing information and that all the supporting documents are attached. After providing these documents, you can reapply for your insurance. However, if the reason for prior rejection was an expired policy, then you cannot reapply for the insurance. The validity period of your policy is the only contract holding the insurance company accountable to you. If a claim was made without an active policy, the insurance company is authosied to reject the claim.

How to write a letter of appeal to the insurance company?
This is probably one of the easiest and most effective ways to undo claim rejection. Write an appeal letter to the insurance company stating facts and attach supporting documents to strengthen your case. Papers such as treatment plans, medical bills, etc., are some examples of the supporting documents that you can use. If your claim looks valid to the insurance providers, they will approve them immediately.

Who is an ombudsman, and how can they help?
If none of the steps mentioned above works, you should consider going to an ombudsperson to review your claim. An ombudsman is an officer appointed by the government for the policy holders' fair disbursement of insurance money. Any grievance against an insurance company can be made to an insurance ombudsman. If your insurance claim was rejected or the company has not responded to your appeal, then the ombudsman is responsible for resolving the issue.
After careful consideration, the ombudsman recommends a settlement or an award that must be complied within the next fifteen to thirty days.

These are a few things you can do to ensure that your health insurance claim is approved. Health insurance claim rejection is not something that you need to stress about. Understanding why the plea was rejected and rectifying the issues will help you reapply for health insurance. Insurance companies must be careful against fraudulent claims, which is why they have stringent policies to disburse the insurance amount to the rightful people.

Before buying your health insurance in India, read all the papers carefully. Understanding the terms and conditions before purchasing your policy ensures that you have no trouble at the time of claiming the insurance. Analyse your requirements and opt for a tailor-made policy for you to reap the benefits of health insurance.

Click HERE to know more about health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.