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Festival sale! How to get a good deal for a new bike

It is the festive season in India, the perfect time for family get-togethers, mini-vacations and the excitement of shopping! Irrespective of the socio-economic factors and the varied buying habits of customers, Indians dominate the world in their crazy obsession with shopping.

And this creates an excellent business opportunity not only for the wholesalers but also the retailers. With super busy markets, sales reach new heights, and people begin to recognize themselves as shopaholics. But we can't blame them, can we? With all the exciting deals around, no one will be able to resist the urge to buy things.

And, so it seems like a pleasant occasion to buy the new bike you have wanted for a long time now. In this article, we will assist you in getting an excellent deal for the new bike you wish to bring home this festive season.

1. Evaluate different options: Check out all the options available to you, as the same bike might be available at different prices across different showrooms. Evaluating alternatives and substitutes always result in a better price. Compare the offers that all the showrooms or private dealers have for you during this festival. Always go for offers with a monetary discount and not just some freebies.

2. Do not rush, take it slow: Take your time to do things your way. People always have a fear of missing out. 'Last day' and 'limited stocks' are a few of the many things dealers say to make you swipe your cards. Also, don't stress if the festival ends. Often the sellers extend the offer for the next few days. If you miss Ganesh Chaturthi, there is always a Navratri sale, and the following is a Dhanteras offer, not to forget about the Diwali season. So, the bait of 'last chance, hurry up!' is not for you to fall prey to.

3. Payment mode of smart finances: We often neglect the payment mode thinking it does not make a huge difference, but it does. If you pay close attention, you will notice that net banking charges, credit and debit cards, or a payment application are different for different brands and dealerships. Certain bank cards provide you with an extra 5% or more discount. Making a cash payment at the counter might also earn you a concession. So do not overlook all these aspects if you want to grab the best deals that don't loosen your pocket much!

4. Beware of fake deals: Many dealers trick you by hiking prices just before the season starts and then provide discounts, making no difference in your price. Do not fall for freebies! Not all of them are useful. And if they attract you, you will only end up gathering a load of unwanted items.

Bike insurance will always be a necessity when you buy a new bike. Even the insurance companies flash exciting offers and unique festive benefits to attract potential customers. You can check the BIKE INSURANCE ONLINE, compare the deals of multiple companies, and buy the one offering the best value-for-money.

Do you think is it fair to select products solely based on their price? Sure, money matters, but so do standards and features. It is safe to do some market research beforehand to bring good fortune for you this festive season. Look beyond the offer and also focus on the specifications of the bike you decide to buy. That is how you make a real deal.

Planning to buy bike insurance online for your brand new bike? Click HERE to get the best deals.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Five ways you can stay healthy at your workplace

Is working 9-5 taking a toll on your health? Sometimes we involve ourselves so much in work that we forget to pay attention on our health. Unfortunately, it commonly happens to every other working person. And even though we try our best to bring a balance, we somehow end up neglecting our health.

Most people blame their jobs for not being in good shape. However, it is no news that most of the population works in offices and remains at their desks for about 9-10 hours a day.

Such a lifestyle looks manageable while you’re young, but as you grow old, it starts to have terrible consequences on your health, including back pain, eye strains, stress, neck syndrome and those extra calories adding up to obesity.

Go through these five tips to find simple ways to balance your health and work simultaneously.

1. Drink adequate amounts of water and have healthy meals:

Pay proper attention to how much water you consume while at work. It is essential to stay hydrated throughout the day for an active mind and body. Similarly, eating a healthy lunch is an equally important part of a balanced diet. Make salads and fresh fruits a part of your meals. Eat reasonable portions and do not skip lunch. Avoid nibbling on snacks while working.

2. Frequent breaks:

Make sure you take a 5-10 minute break every 2 hours. Do not confuse yourself by thinking a break is a waste of time. On the contrary, you must consider it as a way to be more productive. Sitting at a place for too long can make you less productive. Just like any system, your body needs time off to keep performing in a better condition.

3. Hygiene and cleanliness of your workplace:

Your computer keyboard, mouse, and telephone can be a harbour for those germs just waiting to get you sick. Beware of your surroundings, ensure cleanliness and proper hygiene of your workplace. For instance, your desktop or laptop needs to be regularly cleaned. Use disinfectant, keep sanitizing wipes handy to clean the surface of your workplace and table often.

4. Follow a workout routine:

One of the good things you can do to stay healthy and in shape is exercise. Squeeze in a workout routine in your daily schedule as much as possible. Exercising for at least thirty minutes is recommended for keeping the best shape and health. Walking for a few minutes during lunch is also a great idea. Find a walking partner in the office whom you can join in for a daily walk.

5. Get a good health insurance:

In today’s world of stressful lifestyles, it is very important to have your health backed up by health insurance. Some companies have even made it mandatory for their employees to have one. Look for online health insurance, choose the best that fits you and purchase online health insurance without hesitation.

People always tend to turn a blind eye towards their health and end up prioritizing work over health. Take a note of the above valuable tips to ponder on staying healthy when at work. Work has no alternative, nor does health, so be wise and have health insurance backup.



Things to Know Before Buying a Health Insurance Plan for Your Family

Maintaining your fitness might be a controllable factor, but predicting medical help indeed isn't. And we already know that the enormous hospital bills can suck up all of your savings, making you wish you had a health insurance plan.

There is no doubt that the benefits of an insurance policy are precious and useful at crucial times. However, with a sea full of policies out there, it can get tough to make a decision. To ease this, we've listed some critical aspects to consider before you buy Health Insurance Online in India:

● Determine Age-Related RequirementsOne of the most significant and primary aspects while buying health insurance is your age. Determine your and your family members' age before you proceed towards your purchase. Generally, the premium payable to individual plans depends on the age of the oldest member of your family. Another element is that many plans come with certain limitations in terms of the age for entry. While some allow age limits up to 60 years, others only cover up to 50 or 55 years. Likewise, the age for entry also depends on the type of policy you choose, while some permit newborns with 90-95 days and others start from age like 20 or 25 years. There might also be some policies that don't limit their coverage based on age-related factors. A piece of advice would be to check and verify the age limit when it comes to buying your health insurance.

● Determining Premium & Coverage Related Factors Many consider lower premium plans to be more favorable as there are fewer expenses involved. On the contrary, the lower premium plans have lower coverage period. The next time you see a policy with a low premium, try to verify the reasons. Look out for any different payment sources dated for future dates, restrictions; this will help ensure that you won't pay a great deal of money when you claim your policy. As far as there are no such additional costs or limitations on the coverage, you're good to go.

● Agreements On The Waiting Duration A waiting duration is where the insured person must wait for a particular duration due to prevailing health conditions like blood pressure, arthritis, thyroid, and more. Being well acquainted with the duration given by your policy can help you make the appropriate decision. Generally, the waiting duration ranges from 1 to 2 years or more, depending on each policy provider.

● Advantages Correlating To Hospital Bills The best part about buying a health insurance policy is that you don't have to pay any hospital bills as the insurance company directly sends out your coverage amount to the hospital. However, one thing to determine is that this coverage is only listed under individual hospitals; not all hospitals are part of their system.
However, can you imagine the number of form fillings and other tedious formalities that you can skip once you buy health insurance online in India?

● Coverage Benefits Before And After Your Hospitalization While you're looking at a specific type of insurance plan that primarily covers your hospital bills, make sure you check the coverage benefits. What you're missing out on are policies that cover hospital bills and the expenses associated before and after your treatment like physical check-ups, physiotherapist sessions, and more. When you pay for a policy, isn't it essential that you get all the benefits you'd admire? Save your medical expenses fully!

● Coverage Benefits Before And After Your Hospitalization While you're looking at a specific type of insurance plan that primarily covers your hospital bills, make sure you check the coverage benefits. What you're missing out on are policies that cover hospital bills and the expenses associated before and after your treatment like physical check-ups, physiotherapist sessions, and more. When you pay for a policy, isn't it essential that you get all the benefits you'd admire? Save your medical expenses fully!

● Coverage Benefits For Pregnancy One of the aspects that everyone misses out on is checking whether your policy covers medical bills related to your pregnancy. And you'd certainly be surprised to know that a lot of them don't. Also, many policies that cover this type of expense hold a waiting duration ranging from anywhere between 2 to 4 years. You can also plan your pregnancy accordingly.

Final words

Plan your policy ahead of time and consider what aspects are fundamental to you. This can certainly save you a lot on medical bills.

Quick tips:

● Navigate & Compare: These are the two primary things to consider before buying a health insurance policy.

● Check all the necessary related benefits.

● Ensure that the list of network hospitals are close to your vicinity.


Important things to know before you set on a cruise trip

The sea has always opened up numerous opportunities for humankind. And now, with cruises becoming popular in the travel culture, people want to avail this luxurious and unforgettable adventure. Sailing from one horizon to another, experiencing the waters, foreign sunsets, and the regal amenities of the ship, make a complete package and a perfect bullet on your bucket list.

Planning a cruise trip can be intimidating and overwhelming. Ships are now as high as six to ten storeys and can contain upto three thousand passengers! You'll come across people from various cultures and backgrounds when visiting different port cities and countries. With expansive breathtaking views of the ocean, enjoy the vibes of a unique vacation far away from the city crowd and hassle. Cruise companies make every effort to make the guests feel welcome and curate experiences that cater to all travellers' expectations.

In this article, we will discuss some essential things to know before you set out on a cruise trip.

1. Windowless cabins:
For first-time cruisers, this can come as a shock. Some rooms may look like a coach in a train (size), but they might not have a window. These cabins are small spaces and can be congested for some. If you are uncomfortable in tiny spaces, make sure you check the amenities before booking a room. You can always travel with a partner to split the cost of the room if the price is too high.

2. Dress codes:
Some cruises have strict dress codes for mealtimes. You can be turned away if you don't adhere to the code and show up in ripped jeans or anything that comes off as casual. Make sure you prepare yourself in advance, enquire about these rules and regulations, and pack your outfits accordingly.

3. Book a higher cabin:
If you get seasick, booking a higher cabin will help you have a fun trip without the stress of feeling nausea or seasickness. Consider your health as a priority while sailing. Carry all necessary medications along with you and take good rest. The more you look after your body, the better you will enjoy your trip.

4. Last-minute upgrades:
Amenities like bigger beds, rooms, complimentary spa services, rooms with balconies, etc., become available at reasonable prices and deals if they are not sold out by the time the ship sets sail. Check the last-minute offers, upgrade, and avail of the luxuries if you like a discount.

5. Pricey internet:
Phone companies slap you with high roaming charges if you keep using your data without checking the roaming prices or switching to roaming data packs. Most ships have Wi-Fi options for basic tasks like emailing, online meetings, etc. Check with your travel group while looking for Wi-Fi hotspots.

Now that we have discussed some essential things you should know before setting out on a cruise trip, it would be wise to insure your travel as well. Cruises are expensive and can be risky if you don't get your trip insured in case of some unprecedented situations. These can be very stressful monetarily. To avoid this, explore general insurance plans in the market and choose the travel plan which suits your needs.

Click HERE to learn more about general insurance plans

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.