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What is the claim settlement ratio?

Have you thought of your insurance claim getting rejected? Scary is’nt it?

Any individual taking an insurance policy would never think about their claim not being approved, but there have been numerous incidents of insurance claim rejection. Some of the reasons could be due to negligence on the part of the policyholder, but sometimes, it could also be because of choosing the wrong policy provider who looks for loopholes to avoid paying claims.

Claim settlement becomes especially important in the case of life insurance policy, where an entire family’s short-term sustenance may depend upon the claim amount.

What is Claim Settlement Ratio?

As the name suggests, the Claim Settlement Ratio is the number of claims the insurance provider has settled up until now. For instance, if the company has a claim settlement ratio of 80%, then that means that the particular company has settled 80 out of every 100 claims that were filed by policyholders.

Magma HDI has maintained an exceptional CSR of 94.1% in FY 17-18 compared to the industry average of 87.2%. With our convenient and efficient claim settlement process, we were able to ensure less than 30-day claim settlement for almost 87.17% of the total claims made in the year. 

Why is the claim settlement ratio important?

It is essential to consider every aspect so you can take an informed decision before picking the right insurance provider and signing the policy papers. This becomes particularly important when taking life insurance, as, in the event of your untimely device, you will leave behind a financial security cushion for your dependents to fall back on.

The Claim Settlement Ratio is an indication of the likelihood of the policy provider to pay the claim. Companies that have a higher claim settlement ratio are automatically trusted higher as compared to companies with a lower ratio.

Few reasons for claim rejection:
  • Withholding critical information at the time of taking the policy can seriously impact the likelihood of your claim getting settled as it affects the risk assessment – Can be written as tell the truth always! no matter what
  • Not understanding or being unaware of the company’s terms and conditions could lead to complications or incorrect/incomplete information that could then lead to rejection. Therefore, make sure you understand the clauses and use the free-look period to ensure that you’ve made the right selection
  • Faltering during the claim filing process is one of the key reasons for claim rejection. Therefore, you must thoroughly follow the process before filing your claim

Now that you know all about the Claim Settlement Ratio and how it impacts your chances of claim settlement, you can make an informed decision and choose the right provider. 


How Magma HDI liability insurance makes you a responsible citizen?

It is hard to name a single businessman who hasn’t taken risks, but you will know many brave ones who trusted luck and risked everything. Truth be told, as a responsible business owner and citizen, one needs to be prepared with and Magma HDI Genaral Insurance Company offers a wide range of liability insurance policies that give you

1. Compensation for damage/loss of property or human injury

2. Covers your legal liabilities towards damage to any third party, along with the legal costs and expenses incurred by the insured.

3. It applies to both industrial and non-industrial establishments.

4. Compensation for damage/loss of property or a human injury caused due to defects in product manufacturing

5. Even after ensuring the highest quality standards and assessment parameters, a manufacturing defect in products is still possible and can cause mishaps.In such instances, Magma HDI Liability Insurance covers the liability to a third party.

6. Compensation for damage caused due to human negligence

Be it any professional– doctor, engineer or lawyer – involuntary errors and omissions could seriously impact their customers’ health, well-being, or financial stature. Liability insurance will take care of any liabilities that may arise due to negligence while executing your responsibilities.

Smart and trusted businesses quickly compensates loss or damage that might occur during the regular course of business as they are backed by their Liability Insurance policies and so can you CLICK HERE for buying Magma HDI’s liability insurance Policy.


7 things you need to know about public liability insurance

Accidents happen. Sometimes due to negligence and sometimes due to sheer bad luck.

What if a customer slips and falls at your premise and breaks a bone? Or purchases an electrical device from you which causes a short circuit at their home resulting in a fire? In either of these incidents, as a business owner, you can be liable to compensate for the loss/damage to life, property and the legal fees a third party incurs.

An Example

A famous incident that highlights the need for public liability insurance is the 'hot coffee lawsuit' of 1992. The plaintiff, 79-year-old Ms Liebeck accidentally spilt hot coffee on her lap, (while in her car) purchased from a renowned fast-food retailers outlet. She spent eight days in the hospital because of third-degree burns, had to undergo a skin graft and two years of follow up treatment. Her attorney argued that the coffee served at 82-88 degrees was significantly hotter than what other outlets served (60 degrees) and was a burn hazard even if consumed immediately.

The jury initially awarded Ms Liebeck US$160,000 as compensation and coverage for medical expenses in addition to US$2.7 million in punitive damages. After a prolonged court battle and multiple appeals, the parties settled out-of-court in 1994 for an undisclosed amount, said to be under US$600,000.

Most businesses do not have the time, resources and deep pockets to weather such lawsuits.

Thus, every business needs to protect its interests and that's what a Public Liability Insurance can help them do. Here are six things you should know about Public Liability Insurance (PLI) in India:

1) Who needs it

Enterprises that regularly entertain the public such as restaurants, shops, educational institutes, sporting areas, etc. should get public liability insurance. It also applies to businesses that work in public spaces or private homes such as building contractors, electricians, etc.

2) Scope of coverage

The insurance covers the cost of damage/medical treatment and legal fees if any third party sues your business. This includes customers, vendors, and general members of the public excluding your staff (that comes under workers compensation).

3) Domicile of coverage

The coverage is not geographically restricted. It covers incidents at your premises or those at a customer/ clients location.

4) Cost

The cost of your PLI depends on the nature, size and scale of your business. Enterprises that deal with hazardous substances or have multiple outlets/ franchisees, etc. will have to pay more due to greater probability of a mishap.

5) Customizations

You can customize the coverage after assessing your needs. For example, a small café would probably need a considerably lower cover than a 5-star hotel complex. You may also choose add-ons for extra protection. For instance, the act of gods covers situations such as floods, lightning etc. which end up being frequent causes of dispute.

6) Legal Requirement

Even though businesses are not legally bound to opt for a PLI, certain lease agreements or trade associations make it binding on the lessee/partner to obtain the insurance. Many private parties too may not contract services to a business or tradesman without a PLI.

7) Exclusions

Like any other insurance policy, Public Liability Insurance In India is also subject to exclusions. Some common exclusions of insurance providers in India are- disputes related to pollution, slander, fines and penalties. Please refer to your plan's policy wordings for a better understanding of the same.

Many-a-times businesses fail to realize the damage to goodwill due to an incident is greater than the cost of financially alleviating the situation. To know how you can secure your business and do right by all stakeholders, have a look at what Magma HDI has to offer.


Did you know you could safeguard your precious gadgets/equipment with this one step?

Connectivity has become the fourth pillar of our rations today. Each one of us, at least, own three gadgets, in which we store and share critical data. Whether it is business-related information or personal details, our gadgets hold a lot of information that, if leaked, could cause serious damage. Besides the implications of a security breach, these gadgets come at a high cost, and replacing a lost or stolen one may seriously burn a hole in the pocket.

Therefore, it’s prudent to secure your gadgets by taking Electronic Equipment Insurance (EEI). EEI extensively covers loss of electronic good, and subsequently, helps to meet unavoidable costs. Depending on the coverage that will be best suited for you, there are different types of EEI to choose from. Before we get into the different types, let’s take a true look at the scope of the cover.

What’s Covered?
  • Damaged equipment coverage, including replacement expenses, such as freight, installation cost, customs duty, etc.
  • Damaged data media coverage, including expenses incurred in restoring lost information, external data media, damaged/lost data media, etc.
  • Increased cost of working, caused due to employing more manpower to substitute for the work that would have otherwise been done by the equipment.
  • Any damage caused to the equipment’s software as a result of the damage to the hardware is also factored in.
Types of Electronic Equipment Insurance
All risks included

Give your gadgets complete protection from perils, including those caused by natural and man-made causes. For instance, damage due to natural calamities includes the ones caused by fire, landslide, or storm, whereas manual perils include terrorism, strikes, and riots.

External data media

This option covers the losses partly and includes expenses arising due to data loss on external media devices, such as hard discs, etc.

Increased cost of working

This type of EEI is usually taken by organizations that rely heavily on data processing units. In the event of any loss or damage to the unit, the expenses incurred to employ any additional/alternative tool or manpower, are covered by the insurance policy.

What are the types of electronic equipment that can be secured with EEI by Magma HDI?

Electronic Equipment Insurance is suitable for a range of equipment, including, but not limited to:

  • Computer and allied peripherals
  • Audio visual equipment
  • Auxiliary equipment, such as voltage stabilizer, UPS, etc.
  • Electronic control panels
  • Navigation equipment
  • Telecommunications equipment
  • Electronic equipment used for research and testing materials
  • Medical equipment, such as MRI scan machines, X-Ray machine, ultrasound devices, etc.
Who should take an EEI by Magma HDI?

Practically, anyone who owns and operates electronic equipment should secure their gadgets with an EEI.

  • Owners and businesses owning electronic equipment
  • Organizations that are involved in leasing electronic equipment
  • Third-parties, such as financiers or bankers who ultimately bear the purchase cost of the equipment

While an Electronic Equipment Insurance secures your gadgets from multiple threats, note that there are certain cases, such as normal wear and tear that do not fall under the purview of the policy.