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Monsoon Safety Checklist for your cars

Monsoons might not be the ideal time to drive around. The roads are slippery, and there are higher chances of meeting with an accident. However, the rainy season does not mean that you should stop driving altogether.

Instead, you should make sure that you follow some safety points to make sure that your driving experience is smooth and safe.

Here, we will look at some of the safety checkpoints that you should follow during monsoon. However, before we dwell on that, it is crucial to make sure that you get Car Insurance Online In India so that your car is covered in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

Fix those exhaust holes

Exhaust holes are made of iron, which means that they are vulnerable to rust. If there is a hole in your exhaust, then there are more chances for the rainwater to get in, besides the fact that a faulty exhaust is no food. Make sure that you have checked your exhaust for holes and other damages to ensure the smooth running of your car.

Cover your headlights

With time, your car headlights tend to develop spaces with them due to constant wear and tear. If they are damaged, then it is highly likely that the rainwater will get inside them, further leading to the damage. Make sure that you patch up these spaces so that your headlights are safe. Faulty headlights can lead to driving problems at night — something which no driver wants!

Check the door of your car

The doors in your car have a rubber attached to it. With constant usage, they may loosen up and make room for the raindrops to seep and ruin your interiors. To make sure that your interiors are as good as new, make sure to check on these doors now and then. If needed, replace them, as a repair might not be the easiest or the most convenient of ways.

Check your brakes

If you are driving around in rains, through clogged puddles, some water might just get deposited in your brake pads which can hinder the braking process and might lead to the deterioration of your brake pads. To get rid of the moisture, find a dry stretch of road and gently apply the brakes. The heat which comes out of friction will take the moisture away. If you find mud deposited on your pads, then go to a mechanic and get it clean. Remember that brakes are one of the most critical components of your car and you should always have them in good shape.

The way you treat your car is the way the car treats you. One cannot stress enough on the importance of taking care of vehicles. Magma HDI car insurance comes with affordable premium rates and features such as support for anti-theft devices, which can ensure that your car has a long and safe life.


First-time car insurance buyer's guide

Buying your first car can be a little overwhelming. You work persistently and save your hard-earned money aside to buy the vehicle of your choice. However, keeping your vehicle safe and secure is a necessary next step after your purchase. Accidents occur anytime and anywhere. Having a comprehensive car insurance policy to back up those damages is a wise decision to make.

These days, you may buy a car insurance policy online or by contacting a service agent at your convenience and get your vehicle insured. With a sound knowledge of car insurance policies, you can optimize your purchase and savour great benefits. Read along to have a better grasp of your first-time insurance purchase.

Purpose of Car Insurance

'Use it or lose it' is a common motto on which car insurance policy runs; to benefit from it, you need to pay a yearly premium. On the off chance that you are lucky enough not to have gone through a severe road mishap, you lose the premium sum paid for insurance. Then again, you get a No Claim Bonus, which is a quite significant sum beginning from 20% of the premium in the first year to 50% in the sixth, which is the reason why you shouldn't go for minor harms claim.

Different Covers under Policy Terms

A well-framed car insurance policy covers the damages due to natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, storms, typhoons, etc. Secondly, it includes the loss incurred due to manual disturbances like riots, theft, terrorist attacks, fires, etc. Thirdly, you as the insured can access the personal accident cover for your family if you die or suffer disability post-collision or mishap. Some company even offers benefits to co-passengers at the time of the accident. Your insurance policy covers the third-party liabilities like if you accidentally damage a third person's car or he dies of injuries due to collision, your insurer will protect you from legal repercussions.

Additional Benefits and Covers

One of the pluses of having a comprehensive car insurance policy is that you get various additional perks. It may raise the premium amounts a bit, but the level of your car's safety is maximized. Some of the add-ons can be;

  • Windshield or car glass cover 
  • Accident cover for a paid driver or unknown passenger
  • Depreciation waiver
  • Personal belongings damage/theft cover
Hiring an Insurance Advisor

During the brainstorming sessions of buying your first auto insurance, it is natural to get perplexed with different coverage benefits. A simple way to tackle that confusion is to get in touch with an insurance agent who is well versed with different company's policy premiums and covers. He can advise you along the way to look over your shortlisted insurers by comparing their proposed rates. He may also identify premium discounts for your first-time policy purchase.

Going for a comprehensive car insurance policy is prudent. It gives a well-rounded cover for your car. So, it's highly advisable to get in touch with your financial experts and buy a car insurance plan today.


Your car premium may be affected by your location!

Car insurance is a critical aspect of car ownership, providing financial protection in accidents, theft, or damage to your vehicle. However, the cost of car insurance can vary depending on several factors, including your driving history, car make and model, and age. Apart from this, location is also one of the most significant factors affecting car insurance premiums. Where you live plays a crucial role in determining the cost of your car insurance premium. The influence of location on car insurance is a complex issue that involves several factors. Insurance companies analyse these factors when determining your car insurance premium.

This blog post will explore how your location affects your premium so that you are aware of the correct policy before buying car insurance. Without any further delay, let's get started.

1. Crime rate
One of the most significant factors that can affect your car insurance premium is the crime rate in your area. Insurance companies consider areas with high crime rates a severe risk, as they have a higher incidence of car theft and vandalism. This increased risk means you may have to pay a higher premium if you live in an area with a high crime rate.

2. Population density
Another factor that can affect your car insurance premium is the population density of your area. Areas with high population densities have more traffic, which increases the likelihood of accidents. Therefore, if you live in an area with a high population density, you may have to pay higher car insurance premiums.

3. Weather conditions
The weather in your area can also affect your car insurance premium. Regions with harsh weather conditions, such as snow, ice, or heavy rainfall, have a higher risk of accidents. Therefore, if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions, you may have to pay higher car insurance premiums.

4. Road conditions
Poor road conditions, such as potholes or inadequate lighting, can also increase the risk of accidents. Insurance companies consider the road conditions in your area when setting your car insurance premium. If you live in a location with poor road conditions, you may have to pay higher car insurance premiums.

5. Laws and regulations
The laws and regulations in your area can also affect your car insurance premium. Some states have minimum coverage requirements, while others do not. If you live in a state with high minimum coverage requirements, you may have to pay higher car insurance premiums.

6. Local insurance market
Finally, the local insurance market can also affect your car insurance premium. Insurance companies may charge different rates in different areas based on the level of competition in the local insurance market.

Therefore, if you live in an area with a less competitive insurance market, you may have to pay higher car insurance premiums.

When setting your insurance rate, companies consider factors such as crime rates, population density, weather conditions, road conditions, laws and regulations, and the local insurance market. Therefore, it is essential to understand how your location can affect your car insurance premium to make informed decisions when choosing a car insurance policy. Explore and compare car insurance policies to find the right one that fits your needs optimally.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of purchasing car insurance

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


FASTag Uses and Benefits

Do you travel a lot by road? Are you tired of waiting for your turn at toll plazas on the interstate highways or expressways? Do you wish to get done with it as quickly as possible? If yes, then you must get a FASTag! As the name suggests, a FASTag is a tag which is a mean to ensure faster transit across toll plazas. The tag is placed on the windshield of the car and uses Radio Frequency Identification Technology. The tag is scanned by the tag readers placed at toll booths who then deduct the toll amount from the FASTag account. All toll plazas placed along the national highways are now using FASTag for payment of toll as per the guidelines of the government of India.

As the balance in FASTag reduces, the user needs to reload the balance in the linked wallet account or the linked bank account. By eliminating the need for cash payments at toll plazas, FASTag ensures a quicker and smoother flow of traffic.

The following reasons highlight how using a FASTag can help you save time on your journey: -

● Quick payment - As there is a FASTag affixed to your car, you wouldn't have to search your wallet for cash which ultimately reduces the duration of the transaction and your time is saved.

● Less fuel wastag - As you do not need to stop and restart your vehicle, less petrol or diesel is burned, which saves your fuel tank from draining quickly.

● Hassle-free recharge- You can easily recharge your FASTag using various methods like Internet banking, mobile wallet apps, NEFT, RTGS or even your credit and debit cards.

● Message alerts - Every time your FASTag is used, you get an alert SMS on the mobile number registered with the card which ensures the prevention of its misuse.

● Long validity- A FASTag is valid for five years, which means you need not worry about changing it frequently.

● No requirement of cash - The work of cash is taken over by the FASTag. Therefore, it eliminates the necessity of carrying cash for toll payments.

● Online portals- You can check the transactions made using your FASTag whenever you wish using specific web portals meant for the same.

Now, onto some Frequently Asked Questions: -

How to get a FASTag?

To buy a FASTag, you can ask the toll plaza employee for their sales department, or contact authorized agencies or banks that sell them. Many platforms offer car insurance quotes online and sell FASTag as well.

How much does a FASTag cost?

Generally, a FASTag can cost you around two hundred rupees for the purchase, which excludes recharge expenses.

Where is it placed?

FASTags are affixed on the windshield of the car in a very specific manner that allows the scanners placed at the toll plaza to scan it.

How to know if your card has been used?

As stated in the above benefits, a text message is delivered to the registered mobile phone when the FASTag is used. This is a sort of confirmation to the owner that payment has been made.

Do you need to maintain a certain balance?

You don't need to maintain a balance for sure, but yes there is a minimum value for a top-up of the tag which amounts to a hundred rupees.

Where is a FASTag valid?

Throughout the country, a FASTag can be used to make payments at toll plazas regardless of the city or state.

While getting FASTag will help you zoom seamlessly on the highways, do remember to check car insurance quotes online to get protection against possible accidents and incidents while on the road.