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Effective guide to ace your skills in city driving

Car driving is a skill we want to ace throughout our lives. It is a constant learning process, and with practice comes perfection. There is no definition of the best car driving skills, but the more we do it, the better we will be at it.

Let us take you through a practical guide to ace your skills in city driving.

1. Know your car inside out:
You need to know your car inside out to master it. Every car's clutch, brake, and accelerator have a different feel. Familiarise yourself with it so that you can adjust yourself accordingly. Nowadays, gear position varies in cars from different companies.
The position of the reverse gear often changes with models, and some cars have six or even seven gears instead of the usual five gears. Know how your car's gears work, so you are fluent in changing them, especially while driving through heavy traffic.

2. Get used to your automatic car:
Automatic cars don't have a clutch. New drivers of automatic cars tend to push the brake, thinking it to be the clutch, especially while driving through traffic. This will bring your car to a sudden halt and put you at the risk of being banged by the vehicle right behind you.
If you have an automatic car, practice driving it on empty roads in the surroundings of your house. You will soon get used to the missing clutch and learn how to drive it skillfully through the busy roads.

3. Get your seating position right:
An appropriate seating position is necessary if you want to ace your city driving skills. Present-day cars come with power seats that can be brought forward or backward at the click of a button. If you are short in height, worry not.
These seats come with seat cushion tilt and height adjustment features as well. Recline the seat as per your comfort, and you are ready to go! Moreover, you can also adjust your car's steering wheel. Proper seating posture can make you feel comfortable and do wonders for your driving.

4. Understand your car features:
Nowadays, cars have many features that can leave us puzzled. Go through your car's various buttons and consoles thoroughly to know how to take advantage of the respective features. For example, cars nowadays come with a "parking assist" feature, making parking much easier on busy streets. Use the features effectively, which will improve your driving experience.

5. Maintain adequate distance:
Ensure that you maintain adequate distance between yourself and the car in front of you while driving through busy city roads. In case the car in the front stops suddenly, you should have a sufficient gap to apply your brakes and stop in time without crashing into the vehicle in front.

6. Use your rear-view and side mirrors:
Rear-view and side mirrors will show you exactly what vehicles are behind you, and you can adjust your direction and speed accordingly in the city traffic. Moreover, these mirrors are very helpful while backing your car and changing lanes.

7. Follow traffic rules:
Last but not least, follow traffic rules! Simple rules like giving an indicator while turning and not using your phone while driving can make you a much better driver in the city traffic.

The above tips will help you ace your city driving skills effectively and make you a better driver. City driving is a challenge, but with the right mindset and following the traffic rules strictly will help you effortlessly glide through the traffic.

Similarly, master the skill of safety, and buy the best car insurance online India. Take one step ahead of others in choosing a policy that will give you the best mix of proper insurance coverage and the lowest premium amount. Be the best, as always!

Click HERE to buy car insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The best tips to decorate your home with travel souvenirs

We all yearn for a trip with family and friends to rejuvenate ourselves from our routine life. This break is needed to remove all the stress and troubles, restore positivity and boost motivation. Planning such trips at least once a year and even more can help us cherish some rejoicing memories.

When we talk about memories, mentioning souvenirs is mandatory. They provide a glimpse of our journey, remind us of the fun-filled moments, and help us relive them long after travelling.

We all would love to keep these souvenirs right in front of our eyes at home, close to our hearts. Let us go through some of the best tips to decorate your home with travel souvenirs.

1. Pin it up:
Why stack up the beautiful postcards you purchased from your holiday destinations inside a cupboard? You can easily buy a soft board, hang it in your living room and pin up all the vibrant and mesmerising postcards you have on it. They will be a treat for your eyes every day you see them, and make sure you do not forget the lovely time you had.
Moreover, they will be a topic of interest and conversation whenever guests and friends visit your place. A well-arranged display of your vibrant postcards can act as a fantastic décor idea.

2. Use them on your bookshelf:
Small and vibrant coloured souvenirs can be a fantastic decoration for your bookshelf. You might read a book during your leisure time. Hence, these souvenirs will remind you of your vacation and be a treat to your eyes when you pick up a book to read in your leisure time.

3. Decorate your fridge:
Small magnetic souvenirs can be used as decorative pieces on your refrigerator. They will make your dull refrigerator door vibrant and buzzing with colours. Also, the souvenirs will remind you of the glimpses of the trip every time you open the fridge and help to lighten your mood.

4. Fabric as a travel souvenir:
Try buying small items made of unique fabric from your travel destination and use them in your house. They can be in the form of pillow covers, a scarf, a handkerchief, or even a dress or a t-shirt. They will act as lovely decorative pieces with purpose and use. Such works can make your home look colourful, bright, and welcoming. Also, such small pieces are usually inexpensive and convenient to carry.

5. Stones and rocks:
The next time you travel to any beach destination, remember to bring back local stones and rocks that are small in size but lovely to hold. You can also get sea shells from there. These pieces can work as beautiful decorative tools in your house.
You can keep a bowl full of beautiful rocks and stones on your centre table or dining table. You can decorate your home's main entrance with lovely sea shells. They will add a fresh variety to your home décor and make it look sporty and adventurous.

6. Wind chimes:
Buy good-quality wind chimes whenever you travel. They act as fantastic decorative pieces in your gallery and balconies. You can keep bringing new ones every time you travel and change your home décor frequently. Moreover, the mesmerising sound they produce can do wonders for your mood and senses.

Your home is about staying together and creating beautiful memories with every passing day. Travel souvenirs help you strengthen the bond of love and unity among family members by reminding the lovely moments you had together.

But your home will not be complete and secure just by decorating it. You should go for the best possible home insurance India and provide a secure environment for yourselves and your family members. Home insurance is like a security blanket that will protect it from any damage. Buy one today!

Click HERE to buy reliable home insurance India policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand the threats of smoking while driving

Driving is an activity that requires a very high amount of cognitive presence. As the number of accidents happening around the world becomes one of the leading causes of death, driving safely from one location to another should be an individual's primary concern while driving.

When the driver's mind is off the task of driving safely, the phenomenon is called distracted driving. Other signs of distracted driving are when the individual's eyes are not on the road or their hands are off the steering wheel. These activities significantly increase the risk of accidents and threaten the safety of everyone on the road.

Do you know that smoking cigarettes can cause distracted driving? With more and more people mocking drivers who use their phones while simultaneously driving, it should be common knowledge that cigarette smoking causes more distracted driving than using a phone. For instance, to smoke a cigarette, a driver has to;

1. Locate the cigarette pack. This might be difficult as it might be in the glove box, which further requires you to open it, or the back seat, which requires you to completely turn and look for the pack from the opposite direction of where you're supposed to look ahead.

2. Look for a lighter.

3. Light the smoke while still trying to keep your eyes on the road. It's already tricky to light a cigarette while driving, so it's accepted that there will be many unsuccessful attempts. This results in your concentration being broken for even longer.

4. Locating the ashtray to dispose of the ash and then discarding the cigarette will take even more of your time and demand your attention.

As per a study on the risk assessment of smoking habits while driving, it was concluded that the risk posed by distracted driving through the use of mobile phones is lesser than that of the use of cigarettes. It was observed that cigarette smoking resulted in about 12 seconds of distracted driving, while cell phone users averaged about 10.6 seconds.

Insurance claims:
Insurance claims are greatly affected by using cigarettes, even if you were not at fault. There might be a drunken or speeding driver who totaled your car from the rear end, and it might even be evident that you were not at fault, but your insurance claim is sure to suffer. Smoking while driving is seen as distracted driving, which is sure to affect your claim.

Health risks involved with smoking:
It has been known for a long time that smoking is detrimental to an individual's health and the people around them. However, nicotine dependence makes it very hard to quit. Even though the start is an innocent curiosity, it takes as little as 5 packs (100 cigarettes) to get addicted. And the more you smoke, the more receptors for nicotine form in your brain, and the more nicotine you need to get the same high.

Avoid putting your life at risk while in the car and practice healthy driving habits to stay safe in all situations. Invest in trustworthy motor insurance India and get an additional safety net for your vehicle to protect it from unexpected events and safeguard you from financial losses. Also, it is best to stop smoking altogether, or at least reduce your dependence on it to the degree that it doesn't affect your driving.

Click HERE to know more about motor insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Effective ways to best utilise the boot space of your car while planning a trip

Planning a road trip in itself can be a hassle. From deciding the location and handling the logistics to buying all the essentials and packing them, you must have a lot on your to-do list. In addition, the excitement of travelling makes us pack things that might not be necessary, and we carry them due to the slight probability of them coming into use.

But, is this important? Overpacking can lead to an overstuffed car which can ruin the comfort and convenience of your road trip. To save you from one more additional hassle in the morning when you realise that you have overpacked and absolutely nothing fits into the trunk of your car, here are some tips and tricks to help you best utilise the boot space in your vehicle.

1. Planning before packing is the key:
Before stuffing all the suitcases in at once, taking a breather and planning accordingly is advisable. Have a rough idea of the dimensions of your trunk and gauge the amount of stuff you can take. After this, advise all the passengers on the maximum limit of bags and suitcases they can take.

2. Vacuum packing for the win:
Try the effective vacuum packing method to fit the maximum amount of clothes and other travel essentials in a bag. This method allows you to suck the air out of bags, reducing the space taken by clothes up to 50 per cent. You may also use it as an excuse to pack several beach dresses instead of the one you really need! Also, another trick that you can use to save space in suitcases is to roll the clothes instead of folding them.

3. Replacing your suitcases with soft bags:
Squeezing and squashing suitcases are impossible. They are suitable for air travel, where luggage might be thrown around, but for road travel, it is handier to use soft bags like duffles.

4. Heavy things first:
Assemble all your items into their smallest possible state so they can be stored easily in all nooks and crannies of your vehicle. Ensure to store the heaviest luggage first in the boot of your car to prevent them from rolling around and causing harm to the car, the passengers, or other delicate items.

5. Be careful:
It's advisable to be innovative while piling the suitcases on top of each other. Tie it in with bungee cords or ropes if it feels like a suitcase might fly off. Especially in open vehicles, you must be careful and keep the safety of other drivers around you.

6. Get creative with spaces:
The boot of your car isn't the only place to store luggage. Use all available space in the vehicle, including the glovebox, the footrest, and the space beneath the seats. If all these spaces are insufficient, try using a roof box for bulkier suitcases.

7. A carry-on:
The most frustrating thing during a trip is when essential items are deep in the heaviest luggage, which has been kept at the very bottom of the trunk, and you have to unload every single suitcase before you get to it. To avoid this, think about the essential things required for the trip and put it all in the carry bag you'll hold. These can include sunscreen, tissues, and your toothbrush, among other things.

8. Don't overload:
Cramming too much in your car can drastically reduce fuel economy and risk your vehicle's suspension. You should also be mindful of the luggage in your backseat, which might obscure your rear-view mirror. Be mindful of the tyres as they can only take a certain pressure. Check the driver's manual and determine the tyre's pressure for a heavy load.

Successful packing is the key to a hassle-free vacation. Be mindful of the things that you take along with you. Take precautions in advance to avoid facing damage to your car due to an overloaded trunk. But, having comprehensive car insurance handy can be your saviour if you face any damage. However, research new car insurance rates before making the final decision and look for the plan that promises the best coverage and benefits.

Click HERE to know more about new car insurance rates.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The interesting facts about nutrition that people aren't aware

Every one of us tries to include as much nutritious food as possible to achieve a healthy lifestyle and stay fit and strong. To have proper nutrition in the daily diet, you should be aware of its various sources and the ideal intake of each type of food.

Let us go through a few interesting facts about nutrition that people aren't aware of.

1. Low-fat processed food is not healthy:
We often see propaganda and advertisements of artificially processed low-fat food to be healthy and nutritious without compromising on taste. This is a common myth. Most processed low-fat foods do not help in reducing weight. Also, they are unhealthy and do not help control or curb diseases.
Studies have shown that manufacturers use sugar and other preservatives, which can prove detrimental to your health and nutrition instead of benefitting you.

2. Fruit juices are high in sugar:
Since you were kids, you might have been told to drink a lot of fruit juice regularly as they are very healthy and a good substitute for eating fruits in raw form. You need to recheck this fact.
Fruit juices – apple, orange, or pomegranate, have high sugar content. You will be surprised to know that this sugar content equals any cola or soft drink you consume and is no better. Moreover, the packaged fruit juice that comes with the claim of having been made from real fruits is even more detrimental to your nutrition since they are made after removing wholesome fruit parts such as the skin and the pulp.
You can usually not eat three or four oranges in one sitting. However, a glassful of orange juice will contain the equivalent sugar of three to four oranges. Hence, consuming fruit juices frequently for your nutrition is not a very good idea.

3. The truth about weight loss supplements:
You often purchase over-priced weight loss supplements believing them to be helpful in your quest to lose weight. The truth is that these supplements hardly help us in doing so. They often prove inadequate for your nutrition and harm your body in several other ways.
The best way to lose weight is to increase your intake of nutritious food, reduce your calorie intake and stay physically active.

4. Calories are not everything:
You don't have to necessarily watch your calorie intake all day to lose weight and stay in shape. Having nutritious food high in protein can be a good calorie restrictor and help you to shed your excess weight.

5. Nutrition is more about control:
You often crave certain food and are willing to put in a good amount of effort just to get them. This usually happens with junk food that hardly has any nutrition and is unhealthy.
Junk food releases large amounts of dopamine in your body, similar to pleasure in your brain. Hence, the brain sends a signal to have more of such junk food. You start eating it more frequently and in much higher quantities than you can digest. Hence, eating junk food is more of an addiction for most people. Having nutritious food is more about controlling such behaviour and restricting junk food intake.

Nutrition should be at the top of our list in attaining a stronger inner self. Nutritious food is our passport to leading a secure and fit life that can keep us away from diseases and ensure our well-being.

A good health insurance policy is equally important to you, just as proper nutrition. You should compulsorily make it a part of your life as it will keep you secure and guarantee financial support in medical emergencies. Even if you have an active health insurance policy, always check its expiry date. Renew health insurance online and lead a hassle-free and protected life.

Click HERE to buy or renew health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Following are the annoying habits of drivers that you must know

Indian roads witness several incidents of massive accidents and crashes of vehicles every year. According to a report, the number of deaths per thousand vehicles in 2021 has risen from 0.45 to 0.53, meaning around 426 people die each day in road accidents. The main reason for road accidents is bad driving habits and negligence in following the traffic rules.

Bad driving habits also have an impact on your driving record, which can have a significant effect on your car insurance claim. Having a clean driving record is beneficial when making claims or buying insurance for your car. You should learn about all the lousy car driving habits and eliminate them to protect yourself and other drivers on the road.

Here are the most annoying driving habits that many drivers have.

1. Not driving in lanes:
It is a common car-driving habit seen in Indian drivers. Drivers lack lane discipline because they get improper training at car driving schools about the leftmost and rightmost lanes.

2. Tailgating:
Most drivers habitually fill the gap between their car and the car in front of them. Driving closely to another car is the most annoying as your car may hit other vehicles and cause traffic jams.

3. Wrong side driving:
Drivers often drive on the opposite side of the road when they find crowds or traffic on their side of the road. Driving on the wrong side of the road is a risky move to practice as it involves heavy chances of collisions.

4. Riding the clutch:
Feathering the accelerator while keeping the clutch pressed will damage the car's clutch cables, clutch plate, and pressure plates. You should avoid riding a clutch when you are on a busy road.

5. Not following traffic signals:
Most people skip the red light to reach their destination a minute earlier. However, hurrying for a minute can cost you a lifetime. Violating a traffic rule can get you into trouble, like getting a fine or challan and, worst case, your licence being suspended.

6. Not giving proper signals:
Some drivers need to consider giving indicators or hand signals more importance while making a turn or a forced stop. They suddenly take turns and put the vehicles from behind in extreme danger.

7. Using a phone while driving:
Texting or talking on mobile phones distracts drivers from the road, which causes them to meet catastrophic consequences. If you urgently want to talk to someone, then use the speaker and AUX facility of the car's music system.

8. Not wearing seatbelts:
Most people understand the importance of seatbelts, but some drivers don't wear seatbelts while driving on the road.

9. Driving under influence:
Alcohol and other toxic substances impair the driver's judgement and slow down the necessary responses for safe driving. Many drivers create a nuisance and chaos on the road due to intoxication and are the reason for choking the traffic.

10. Losing your composure:
Most road accidents happen because drivers lose their calm when they get stuck in traffic or encounter harsh driving by other drivers. Getting frustrated while driving can weaken your judgement, and you'll make wrong choices that might elevate your problems.

It is necessary to become responsible on the road and spread awareness about the annoying habits of drivers that may turn into fatal accidents on the road. You should also maintain a proper driving style to avoid paying higher premiums for car insurance. Follow the traffic rules and regulations to avoid putting your life and others in danger. It also helps you keep your driving record clean.

Click HERE to buy the best car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Eight common myths about buying two-wheeler insurance online

The recent sales trends indicate a pickup in demand for two-wheelers in India as the Indian consumers have begun spending at par with pre-pandemic levels. However, Indians continue to undermine the importance of having insurance for their two-wheelers. Although made compulsory by the IRDAI to purchase a long-term third-party insurance plan, many still don't follow the mandate.

With the plethora of online resources available, there is no excuse for delaying insuring your two-wheeler anymore. Most insurance providers have made their services accessible online, making it extremely straightforward to purchase 2 wheeler insurance online.

Read on to debunk eight common myths surrounding purchasing 2 wheeler insurance online.

Myth 1: Purchasing online insurance requires you to be a tech-wiz.
False! It is incredibly effortless to purchase an online insurance plan for your two-wheeler! You only need a stable internet connection, basic vehicle details, and your personal details. Once you choose an appropriate policy on the insurance provider's website, fill up the data, and you will be redirected to the payment gateway.
Upon successful processing, your insurance policy details are emailed to you. It's just that simple! If it appears to be difficult, you can always refer to our simple 5 step guide to help you get the best 2 wheeler insurance online for your vehicle.

Myth 2: Online insurance is expensive when compared to offline.
Online insurance eliminates a middleman's interference, thereby eliminating any additional commission. Your insurance provider also gives further discounts and other benefits when purchasing insurance directly. How much better can it get?

Myth 3: It is complex to switch policies when purchased online.
What does the internet do? It makes things convenient! Purchasing online insurance is the easiest way to switch between plans. Although it is recommended to upgrade your policy rather than switching insurance companies, it is also quite simple if you need to change your insurance.

Myth 4: Making claims on insurance purchased online is challenging.
While the process of claim settlement varies from company to company, it has nothing to do with the mode of buying the insurance policy. The proper documents and proof according to the company's procedure will result in successful claims and reimbursement.

Myth 5: There are very few options to choose from.
Incorrect! With technology, comparison becomes easy, and so does accessing a wide range of options. Your preferred insurance company most likely provides a comparative differentiation between different plans, further simplifying the process.

Myth 6: 2 wheeler insurance online is risky.
Online insurance very clearly states what is included and what's not. It is transparent and comes with no hidden cost. The payment options are also safe and keep your data protected. There is clearly no risk in purchasing online insurance.

Myth 7: Purchasing online insurance leads to data leaks.
If you choose to purchase online insurance, you can rest assured that your personal, vehicle and payment details are in safe hands. All reputed insurance companies do all they can to keep your data safe.

Myth 8: No assistance provided.
Most insurance companies have live chat, email, and customer services options that allow you to get in touch with a professional in case of any queries or issues. Although it is easy to self-navigate through the process, you can still always ask for assistance.

Most myths surrounding online insurance arise from misconceptions. We have attempted to debunk all these misconceptions about buying two-wheeler insurance digitally. The future is digital, and we should be ready to welcome it by taking these small measures of making investments online. Purchasing insurance online is completely safe and provides significant value to your two-wheeler. Without further delay, make the purchase now!

Click HERE to compare and buy 2 wheeler insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Have you ever wondered why travelling by road is the best way to explore places

Everyone from all ages and walks of life enjoys exploring new places, and there can be no better way to discover the best of India's exciting destinations than a road trip. Have you ever wondered why?

From city commutes to long-distance planning vacations, travelling by road has a special sentiment that binds travellers to its charm. After the restrictions for the pandemic have been lifted, travel by road has become all the more prevalent.

There are many reasons why road trips are considered the best way to travel. However, it is also important to prioritise your safety when taking up a road journey. Investing in personal accident insurance plans is the best way to do this. Go through the terms and conditions and understand the benefits offered if you ever find yourself in a problem and decide to claim your insurance.

Let's look at some of the perks of travelling by road to explore places.

1. It is more convenient and less stressful:
When you travel by road, you can connect with the quaint interiors of the country and visit offbeat places that can only be seen by road. Road journeys are convenient and hassle-free as you get the luxury to take as many pit stops as you want and enjoy your trip.

2. There will be no baggage issues:
When you're on a road trip, you will have the complete freedom to choose the luggage you carry with you. You will not be restricted to any limited baggage size or weight and can pack a significant amount of your wardrobe in your car.
This way, you do not have to repeat the same shirts on vacation. You can also carry things like a mini fridge or a large bag full of snacks and make your vehicle appear as a cool campervan.

3. It provides flexibility:
With road travelling, there is a lot of room for flexibility. You will not be restricted to any timings or protocols you must follow. The restrictions can take the fun out of travelling. But, when you have a personal vehicle at your service, you do not have to wait for public transport to take you to places. You can venture into the unknown without any questions asked.

4. They are easy on the pocket:
Road trips are easy on your pocket, especially when travelling with a group. As the pandemic restrictions are lifted, the cost of travelling by air or train has increased significantly. Although the fuel prices are high, they can still be lower than the cost of travelling by other means. Apart from that, the fuel cost will be equally divided when travelling with friends.

5. An immersive experience:
Travelling by road offers a myriad of experiences that are second to none. The long stretch of national highways, good inter and intra-state connectivity, plush food and shopping options, thrilling countryside roads, mountains, etc., make road trips exciting. Watching the sunrise next to the highway and sipping tea as you move towards your destination is a fantastic feeling that only road journeys can offer.

You should plan at least one road trip a year to better understand what makes exploration by road unique. Road journeys, rather spontaneous than planned, are one of the most memorable experiences. Take your friends or family along or plan it solo, just pick a destination and set off to discover places where roads lead to perfect moments.

No matter where you travel, you should always abide by the traffic rules, wear seatbelts, and carry all the essential documents. It is advisable to ensure your safety on roads and invest in personal accident insurance plans that can cover your medical expenses if ever you meet with an accident. With all this said, get ready to conquer the roads and absorb the vibrancy of places to make unforgettable memories.

Click HERE to know more about personal accident insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The best ways to financially manage your car

A car is usually the second most sought-after asset for any household in India after a home. Buying a car is not an expensive affair anymore as it is easy to get a car loan and repay it through a fixed monthly deduction from your account in the form of EMIs. But wait, there is more. You need to consider many other aspects than just the car's initial price.

You will incur many other expenses towards your car in the form of annual insurance renewal, fuel, maintenance, repairs, etc. You have to consider all these expenses while planning for a car.

Let us go through the best ways to manage your car financially.

1. How much to spend:
The first question that comes to mind while buying a car is how much to spend on it so that you are comfortable enough to meet the down payment, monthly EMIs, and other running expenses. You need to make a budget and jot down your monthly income on one side and current expenses, including other loan repayments, on the other side. It will give you a fair idea about how much spare money is left with you each month that you can spend on the car.
If the proposed EMI is more than the spare monthly money, you should go for a car of lower value. Understand that cars are meant to give us convenience rather than a financial burden each month.

2. Make a big down-payment:
Try to make a big down payment for your car, which will reduce your loan amount and ease the pressure on you to repay it in the following years. Also, you can bargain well for the interest rate when you seek a smaller loan.

3. EMI management:
Go for a shorter duration loan tenure. The longer the loan repayment period, the higher the interest you will pay on your car loan. By clearing your loan quickly, you will become the valid owner of your car much sooner and can sell it if you wish.
Once you have fixed the tenure, ensure you get all your EMIs. Missing an EMI will harm your credit rating. Poor credit rating makes it difficult for you to get a new loan from a bank or a financial institution for any purpose. Moreover, if you miss a few EMIs, the repossession agents will take away your car. This can be a major embarrassment for you and cause a lot of mental agony and pressure.
Your misery does not end here. If the lending institution auctions your car for a lesser amount than what you owe them, they will still come after you to get back this deficit.

4. Go for an extended warranty:
You often get an extended warranty with your car against some extra payment. This payment may pinch you initially, but it can be very useful if your car malfunctions during the warranty period. The warranty will cover the repairs and renewal expenses, and you will save a lot more than what you paid for the extended warranty.

5. Car refinancing:
After taking a loan while purchasing the car, you may find out that you are getting a better deal on repayment or interest from some other lender. In such cases, you can opt for a car refinancing facility. This will replace your existing car loan with a new one from another lender and help you save money.

6. Talk to your lender:
Sometimes it may become inevitable for you to repay EMIs due to financial constraints. In such cases, feel free to talk to your lender and modify your repayment schedule. After all, no lender wants to take the pain of repossessing your car and arranging its auction if an alternate payment schedule is available.

It is important to manage your car’s finance in the best possible way. You will enjoy a good credit rating from the agencies and save money by paying the lower interest on your car loan.

Car insurance is another way to manage your car financially. It will provide security and cover all expenses if your car gets stolen, has an accident, or gets damaged due to natural calamities such as a fire or an earthquake. Buy car insurance online India and save further on insurance costs right from the comfort of your home. It’s time to make the right investment to get the best returns.

Click HERE to purchase car insurance online India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are you a woman traveller? Here are a few packing tips for your next road trip

Road trips are one of the best ways to rewind after a hectic work schedule. With the constant work-related stress of life, it's imperative to get out of your house once in a while to gain a fresh mindset and increase one's productivity. For women especially, such trips at least once a year are vital to set free and get rewarded for all the hard work. But whenever travel and women come together, emotions go out of bound. From planning the itinerary to packing up stuff, the excitement of the trip can be felt way before its commencement. However, packing can be quite a herculean task in itself.

Deciding which items are essential during a road trip can be confusing. Following are a few packing tips that can be a saviour for women travelling solo or in a group.

1. Luggage:
Handbags are a woman's best friend on a road trip. Lugging around your suitcase on a road trip does not sound ideal for anyone, especially on road trips where you're constantly on the move.
The primary concern with a handbag full of stuff is that they take a toll on your shoulder and hands, which is easily avoidable if you take a backpack that fits your body correctly. This helps the weight to get evenly distributed across your back.

2. Clothing:
It is recommended to bring as few clothes as possible without running out of options of clothing to wear. Select the clothes in such a way that you can mix and match them to make different combinations.
It's always advisable to bring a higher number of undergarments, though, as there might not be a lot of opportunities to clean clothes along the way.

3. Toiletries:
Bring along your toiletries in a small, travel-friendly pack and keep it in an accessible place so that it is not a hassle every time you stop at a hotel for a night's stay.
Most hotels provide bare essentials, but it's always best to carry your own. Bring along minimal makeup for the trip in sample-sized containers to avoid it taking too much space in your luggage.

4. Entertainment:
Road trips can get a little boring at times, with endless roads to travel before reaching the destination. When looking out the window to see the scenery becomes too monotonous, you need a good book to read to pass the time.
So, get that book you meant to read for the longest time along with you in your backpack. If you're travelling with friends or family and looking for a group activity, blast your favourite playlist in the speakers to make a memorable ambiance in the car!

5. Safety products:
As a woman traveller, the top priority is safety. It can be unsafe for lone female travellers to travel on deserted roads to unknown places, especially at night. But that's no reason to stay holed up in your house all year. Getting a lock for all your belongings is essential to prevent them from getting stolen.
Also, for your personal safety, get a personal alarm that rings loudly if you press it. This is a better alternative to pepper spray as it is legal in all countries and is small and easy to carry around. Also, check up on your private car insurance India to have a backup in case your car breaks down in the middle of the trip.

Road trips can be an exhilarating experience for those who want to rejuvenate themselves after monotonous weeks of work. You can make packing less daunting and more enjoyable by bringing the above tips into practice. If you are travelling solo, then get your car serviced properly before setting off on the trip. Also, check the crucial documents like your driving licence, car's PUC, and insurance papers. Be up to date with your private car insurance India to stay stress-free during the trip. Happy travels!

Click HERE to know more about private car insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few basic hand gestures or signals commonly used by bikers

One adorable aspect of motorbikes is the sense of excitement that quickly emerges once you start riding. By sharing this passion for bikes, scooters, or both, you may instantly connect with other riders you've never met before from all walks of life.

Riding with a group of passionate bikers is a mesmerising experience, and it never fails to give you the kick you always expect from touring in a group. Staying connected and ensuring clear communication while riding is crucial to keep the entire group organised with proper coordination. Well, this can be achieved by a few basic hand gestures and signals that riders use to communicate their message to the group.

As we know, action speaks louder than words. Similarly, communicating through actions or gestures is the best way to interact with the group while on tour.

Here are some basic motorcycle hand signals commonly used by the bikers.

● Increase speed: Swinging your left arm up and out straight.

● Slow down: Swing your left arm to your side with the palm facing down, straight out in front of you.

● Right turn: Right arm extended, bent at a 90-degree angle, and clinched.

● Left turn: Left arm and hand extended, palm downward.

While not the most thrilling signs, it's important to understand these basic gestures and use them wisely.

Newest rider in the group:

You might have little riding experience if you recently bought a bike or scooter and joined a biker's community. It becomes daunting at first to create bonding and synergy with the group, but as time goes on and with every new trip, you start vibing with the gang.

But as a new two-wheeler owner, you may have little riding experience and fear the chance of accidents. Therefore, when you purchase a new bike or scooter, be careful to choose a comprehensive bike insurance policy to safeguard your asset. You can also select specific add-ons to strengthen the coverage, providing peace of mind while riding.

Easy-to-Use group ride signals:

● Follow me: Straight up from the shoulder, left arm, palm outward.

● Road hazard: Use your left hand to indicate the left side and your right foot to indicate the right side.

● Fuel: Left arm extended, pointing to tank with extended finger.

● Stop: Left arm down, and palm turned back.

● Comfort stop: Extending the left forearm, clenching the fist in a quick upward and downward motion.

● Refreshment stop: thumb to mouth, fingers closed. Particularly during long-distance trips, where frequent rest stops are necessary.

A few less common hand signals used by the riders:

● Pull off: Pull off with the left arm set up for a right turn and the forearm angled toward the shoulder.

● Come: Swing in an arc from the back to the front with the left arm extended 45 degrees upward, palm forward pointing with the index finger.

● Single file: Straight up the index finger and left arm.

● Double file: Left arm with the index and middle fingers extended straight up.

If you want extra points, use these signals to organise your group or to impress your fellow riders. Although these signals aren't quite as amazing as the "wave," which make your group rides more entertaining and safer. Please heed the following advice and don't worry.

But before you head out on a bike trip, it is important to thoroughly get your bike serviced and fix the problems, if any. Validate all your essential documents like driving licence, PUC, and bike insurance. If your bike insurance has expired, immediately renew it to get reliable coverage for your bike throughout your trip.

Click HERE to buy bike insurance for your new bike.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to ensure good health during the season transition phase

It’s the time of the year when the weather is most unpredictable. You might wake up to scorching heat, and the moment you decide to head out for your grocery run, it’s raining. The uncertain weather is not the only annoying part of the season, but the hoard of illnesses that it brings with itself is more frustrating. Runny nose, body temperature and shivers, sore throat, and the list goes on.

This article will look at a few ways to ensure good health and boost your immune system during the climate transition phase.

1. Increase your probiotic intake:
Probiotics are microorganisms that promote the better health of your gut. Since almost eighty percent of your immune system is based on your gut, it is essential to keep your gut healthy. Probiotics improve the digestive health and the immune system of your body.
Your gut comprises millions of bacteria, and probiotics are responsible for finding the balance between good and bad bacteria. Certain strains of probiotics can also help mitigate the effect of allergies and inflammations. Fermented foods such as yogurt, idli, paneer, etc., are excellent probiotic sources and must be part of your daily routine.

2. Sunlight is important:
Natural sunlight is the best antidote to everything. Fifteen minutes of direct sunlight changes your mood instantly and makes you feel healthier and more refreshed. It helps maintain the biorhythm of your body. Vitamin D, commonly known as nature’s flu shot, is found abundantly in sunlight and is crucial for the immune system. Not only you but your rooms should also be subjected to sunlight.
Sunlight acts as a natural purifier and kills germs and bacteria. Keeping your windows and doors closed makes you breathe stale and humid air. Fresh air and abundant oxygen supply are imperative for the good health of everyone inside the house. Research also suggests that one can sleep better if exposed to the sun for at least ten minutes daily.

3. Eat as many vegetables as you can:
Green vegetables are rich sources of Vitamin B, which is important for cell regeneration and DNA synthesis. They contain low calories and a high fibre content that is considered extremely healthy for your overall gut and bowel health. Vegetables are full of minerals vital for your body to work properly for a long time. You may try out a few interesting recipes for vegetable soups and salads to add flavour to your diet.

4. Regular exercise is the key to fitness:
The benefit of exercising regularly is a piece of common knowledge for everyone. If you do not wish to spend hours at the gym working out, you can opt for moderate exercise.
Walking, cycling, climbing stairs, etc., are some simpler ways to incorporate physical activity into your daily life. Ideally, achieving ten thousand steps is considered best for your body. But you can start with two thousand steps and gradually work your way up to ten thousand.

5. Steam:
Since most of the diseases during this season are either colds or flu, steaming is an excellent way to clear your respiratory passages of bacteria or viruses. Climate change also tends to dry out the mucous membranes that can affect the air and blood flow. Steaming can help loosen the mucus lining inside your lungs and nose.

These are some ways to ensure the health of yourself and your loved ones. These tips are helpful for everyone, irrespective of their age or gender. Encourage the elders at your home to walk outside for their better health. Aged members of the family suffer the most during the season transition phase. Another effective way to ensure the good health of your parents is to buy health insurance. Invest in the best health insurance in India for parents and give them the confidence to stay fit without any worries about finances.

Click HERE to buy the best health insurance in India for parents.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Neck injury: How do you know if it is serious

Accidents are the most common cause of neck injuries. If your neck hurts after a car accident or other event, it could signify a serious problem. It's essential to observe for signs of a severe injury that will take more time to heal.

Immediately get in touch with a doctor if you experience persistent and excruciating pain at regular intervals, even after taking adequate rest and medications. You may even contact a personal injury lawyer if another party is to blame for your accident. Your medical bills and other expenses could be covered by cash compensation.

Identification of a severe neck injury.

Minor neck pain is a common health condition. It can be caused by awkward sitting positions at work, physical strain, and other factors. This ache, though, quickly fades away with time or relaxation. Pain that is strong or persistent may indicate something more serious. A serious neck injury could lead to the following:

• Pain that shoots through your arms or legs, followed by numbness

• Pain that is severe or doesn't go away

• Difficulty in breathing

Severe neck injuries mainly result from slip-and-fall incidents. Avoid severe complications and get immediate medical attention, as it could be life-threatening.

Neck injury diagnosis.

Your doctor will assess the damage and pain following an accident. It frequently consists of these exams:

● MRIs

● X-rays

● The CT scan

● A blood test

Serious neck injuries and their types.

The following injuries can result from trauma to the head, neck, or shoulders:

● Herniated discs: After an unexpected accident, spinal discs may tear, bulge, or leak.

● Pinched nerves: During an accident, bones or tissue may push up against nerves, and excruciating pain may result.

● Neck fractures: While uncommon, broken necks can occur. A neck or spine fracture requires prompt medical attention.

● Spinal cord injuries: Damage to any part of the spinal cord can result in paralysis and other serious bodily alterations, including paralysis.

A sudden backward or forward force on the head can result in whiplash during an accident. Whiplash can be more serious, but it typically gets better with time and rest. More serious neck injuries from an accident may be hidden by whiplash. You could think your pain isn't that severe. The discomfort and signs could, however, worsen over time.

Following a neck injury: What to do.

You might be entitled to compensation if someone else has caused you a neck injury. By taking the following actions, you can defend your legal rights and create an injury claim:

● Inform the police or the owner of the property about your accident

● Document the accident site and any visible injuries with photographs

● If your injuries worsen, get in touch with your doctor

● Save all your medical bills and other proof of your injuries

● Contact a personal injury attorney to ensure you know your rights

Time can make neck injuries worse. Get admitted if your neck pain worsens and you start to feel numb, weak, dizzy, or like you can't control your bowels or bladder. When it comes to your neck's health, it is better to be safe. Accidents are unpredictable, and they occasionally pose a more significant threat. In India, many people are still conservative about purchasing accident insurance, even though it is just as important as other health insurance.

Don't forget that accident insurance can protect your family financially if you get into an accident that significantly impacts your life or leaves you permanently disabled. It would help if you looked for the best personal accident policy in India to keep yourself financially covered and focus more on recovering from the injury.

Click HERE to buy the best personal accident policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here is a list of deficiencies you need to be aware of

Today's youth have an unhealthy obsession with eating junk and processed food. Call it convenience or lack of time; people often prefer to eat readily available food. But what everyone seems to forget is that, unless you do not have a well-balanced diet, your body fails to produce the required energy, and you end up feeling lethargic and tired.

Food from cafes and restaurants sound mouth-watering and delicious, but they significantly lack the right amount of nutrients, minerals, and proteins, leading to various deficiencies in your body. These can cause multiple health issues and have irreversible implications for your body.

This article will look at all the common deficiencies and how to take care of them.

1. Vitamin D:
If you experience fatigue, muscle pain, and brittle bones, your body is deficient in Vitamin D. Vitamin D is extremely important for keeping your bones strong. The calcium and phosphorus in your body can be absorbed by your bones only if your body has ample Vitamin D.
Weak bones can lead to low bone density and frequent fractures and injuries. An adult needs at least thirty minutes of direct sunlight daily. It is best to catch morning or evening sunlight for the best results. The afternoon sun is harsh and can cause dehydration, allergies, and fatigue.

2. Vitamin A:
Dry skin, dry eyes, compromised vision, and infections are some Vitamin A deficiency symptoms. Vitamin A is vital in maintaining your body's growth, immune system, and reproductive health. It keeps your heart and lungs working properly.
Vitamin A is also responsible for various daily replacements of skin cells and ensures that enough mucus is produced as a barrier to infections. Foods such as fish, egg, carrots, mangoes, papayas, spinach, etc., are high in Vitamin A and should be taken regularly to ensure proper body health.

3. Vitamin B12:
Extreme lethargy, pale skin, breathlessness, headaches, etc., are symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency. Your body needs vitamin B12 for several processes, including DNA construction, energy production, and the functioning of the central nervous system. Chicken, fish, milk, and other dairy products are excellent sources of Vitamin B12. In some cases, the deficiency is caused by improper absorption of the nutrients by the body. In such cases, the doctor might suggest an alternative dosage of injections to balance the B12 levels in your body.

4. Protein:
Hunger, weakness, fatigue, skin and hair problems and weak immune systems are symptoms of protein deficiency. Every basic cell structure requires protein for survival, which is why protein is considered the building block of life.
Protein is vital to help your body repair and regenerate new cells. Eggs, poultry, milk, and dairy are some common and readily available dietary options.

5. Iron:
Pale skin, weakness, inflammation of the tongue, weak nails, and chest pain are some symptoms of iron deficiency. Iron is essential for the overall growth and development of your body. It is responsible for maintaining the hemoglobin levels in RBCs or red blood cells.
Seventy percent of the irons found in your body are found inside the red blood cells. Some examples of food with high iron content are spinach, chickpeas, quinoa, and broccoli.

These were a list of the common deficiencies in humans worldwide. Healthy eating habits and regular exercise are imperative for everyone, regardless of gender and age. Another habit that can keep you in the pink of your health is purchasing insurance. Buy a health insurance policy for family and have an added protection to help yourself against any expenses you might incur regarding medications, tests, or consultations.

Health issues can significantly drain your finances and leave you stressed physically and emotionally. By keeping insurance handy, you can positively deal with these issues and make your move towards a healthy life.

Click HERE to buy a health insurance policy for family.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The best honeymoon destinations in India that should be on your bucket list

The honeymoon is one of the most important and beautiful periods of marital life. It gives the couple a chance to enjoy each other's company, spend time in beautiful destinations, and make the most of marital bliss. Choosing one of the best destinations for your honeymoon is important so that you enjoy a good time and understand each other well as a married couple.

Many romantic destinations in India can cast a spell over you. They are synonymous with romance, love, and bliss. Since India is such a diverse country, there is no lack of such travel destinations. Whether it is Udaipur's royal palaces or Shimla's snow-covered mountains, there is beauty in every nook and corner of India.

Whenever you take these journeys, you must have an estimate about the general insurance online quote so that you have everything under control and enjoy a safe trip.

If you're looking for the best honeymoon destinations in India, you're at the right place. Following is the list of places that bloom love and entice feelings.

1. Shimla:
If you and your partner want to spend a memorable time on the snow-clad roads of Himachal Pradesh, then Shimla is the ideal destination. It speaks of beauty in every possible way. You can visit the popular Mall Road here and enjoy the aesthetic appeal of this beautiful town.
Shimla is the capital city of Himachal Pradesh and is easily accessible by road from Kalka and Chandigarh. To make the journey more exciting, you can opt to travel from Kalka to Shimla through the scenic route on a toy train.

2. Andaman and Nicobar Islands:
Andaman and Nicobar Islands are one of India's most popular tourist destinations for adventure enthusiasts looking for an island paradise. It provides an enthralling experience that will leave you asking for more.
You can relax with your partner on the golden sands of the beaches or watch the mesmerising sunrise sipping hot coffee together. If you're interested in water sports, you will love this place. From scuba diving to parasailing, there's a lot to explore here. You can easily reach here by air to Port Blair airport.

3. Dalhousie:
Known as the "Little Switzerland" of India, Dalhousie is a beauty in itself. With its lush green valleys and serene surroundings, this town will urge you to stay a little more. The surroundings are so beautiful that you will click many pictures with your loved one here. You can also indulge in hiking, trekking, and camping while you are here.

4. Darjeeling:
Located in West Bengal, Darjeeling caters to the largest tea plantations in the country. It is also home to the largest toy train service in India. Newlyweds can enjoy a blissful evening with their partners in the lush green valleys of Darjeeling. There are also many monasteries to add to the serenity of this town.

5. Udaipur:
If you're a history, royalty, and culture fan, you should visit Udaipur on your honeymoon. It is bestowed with the beauty of several lakes, forts, and palaces. The architecture of the palaces here is not only magnificent but rooted in culture. You can watch the sunset from Fateh Sagar Lake as you spend quality time together.

India offers a lot of options in terms of honeymoon destinations. Couples can never get enough of these breath-taking locations. They have beauty, culture, history, nature, and above all, love. They are perfect for newly married couples who want to experience marital bliss.

Safety is the most crucial aspect, especially when travelling with your partner. Ensure you have a good idea about the general insurance online quote in India and invest in a plan that provides an all-around travel insurance for you.

Click HERE to get the best general insurance online quote.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These yoga poses can help you instantly burn your belly fat

Indians love having a high-calorie diet without balancing it with an equal workout regime. The direct result is the building up of belly fat. Inadequate sleep, hormonal imbalances, and our family history can also add to this problem. Most of us suffer from it and would surely want to get rid of that extra fat bulging out around our belly. The big question is how?
Yoga is the most straightforward answer to this problem, which is also great for your mind and soul.

Let us go through some yoga poses to help you instantly burn your belly fat.

1. Chakrasana:
Also known as the yoga wheel pose, it is a strong back-bending yoga asana in which your body takes the shape of a wheel. There are several advantages of this asana. It tones the abdomen by stretching the stomach muscles and helps lose belly fat. It strengthens and increases the elasticity of the spine. Also, it boosts your appetite and cures digestive problems. This yoga pose ensures that all your body organs function correctly and you become fit and healthy.

2. Baddha Konasana:
This asana is also known as the cobbler’s pose and is one of the simplest to perform. It stimulates your abdominal muscles, improves digestion, and burns belly fat while strengthening your knees and thighs. It helps open up the lower back area and relieves sciatica. This pose improves the overall health of the ovaries, prostate gland, kidneys and bladder.

3. Naukasana:
We also call this asana the boat pose. This asana can strengthen abdominal muscles, cure constipation and improve digestion. This helps to take care of belly fat while strengthening the arms, thighs, and shoulders. It improves blood circulation and is excellent for the back muscles. This pose stimulates the pancreas, kidneys and liver and is good for the prostate and thyroid glands.

4. Padahastasana:
A great asana to begin with, you simply need to stand straight and bend forwards to achieve the proper posture. This simple asana is excellent for the heart while burning your belly fat by putting pressure on it. It massages your digestive organs and cures constipation and indigestion. This pose stimulates the spinal nerves and tones them. It is also helpful for nasal and throat diseases. It is an excellent asana for increasing vitality and metabolism and boosting concentration.

5. Uttanpadasana:
This asana is good for taking away excess accumulated fat from your belly and hips region and toning it. It is beneficial in curing your back pain and improves the flexibility of your spine. It also strengthens your abdominal muscles and organs and improves the functioning of your reproductive organs.

Yoga is the perfect answer to help you burn belly fat. Moreover, yoga keeps your mind alert and fresh and has several other advantages for your entire body.

While practising yoga is an excellent way of keeping medical issues at bay, it may not completely prevent such occurrences. Therefore, buying a health insurance policy becomes necessary to take good care of yourself and your family during medical emergencies. It acts as a cushion and gives you comfort and backup when you or your family members need any expensive medical treatments. Choose the best health insurance company in India upon which you can rely blindly in times of need and stay safe.

Click HERE to buy insurance from the best health insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Steps to take care after a firecracker accident

We all have enjoyed either bursting firecrackers at the festival of Diwali or watching firecrackers on different celebratory occasions. They are mesmerising and create a view that holds the entire audience together. The beautiful patterns they generate in the sky, the vibrant colours, the sound, the light- everything livens up the vibe and brings happiness to people no matter where they might watch.

While firecrackers are a lot of fun to watch and play with, they are quite dangerous to handle. You need to be aware of the consequences they might have. But there are times when, due to no fault of your own or the designated person handling the crackers, you might have a minor or a significant slip-up and can get hurt. Are you looking for more information on how to treat such injuries after the entire episode? Go through the pointers below and find something to help you handle the injury better. Let's start!

1. Pat down gently:
If someone's clothes catch fire, you need to pat them down gently or roll them up in a blanket to avoid the fire from spreading to other parts of the clothes and the body. Using the blanket or patting them down cuts down the oxygen supply for brief moments, which would help dial down the fire. .

2. Check for burns:
Determine the level of burns the firecracker accident caused. Skin acts as a defence wall between the organs and the fire but if the layers of the skin are severely damaged, immediately rush to the hospital. If the burn looks manageable, clean the area using non-irritable antiseptic liquids and a soft cloth or cotton pad.
Once appropriately cleaned, apply burn-related ointments (for example, Neosporin) and let it dry or wrap the area lightly with bandages. If you are rushing to the hospital, it is better to leave the wound open.

3. Use water first:
Water helps cool down the burnt area, helps in relaxing, and gives a numbing break from the heat and pain. Wash the burnt site before you go ahead with the cleaning and the first aid procedure.

4. Burnt clothes can get stuck:
Fire accidents can cause your clothes to stick to your skin while they are on fire. Do not hurry and try to rip off the burnt part of the clothes. Chances are they are charred and stuck to your skin. Ripping them off like a bandaid might backfire as they can cause skin damage to the burnt area. This might further increase the injury level and cause bleeding and pain escalation.

5. How to treat the scarring:
Often, severe burns cause scarring on your skin, which can be difficult to eliminating. In such cases, you need to use some recommended ointments (refer to your dermatologist) and use an adequate amount of sunblock or sunscreen creams that will suit your skin type without adversely affecting your injuries.

6. Protect the burn from dust:
Dust particles might settle on the scab of your wounds or burns. While they might not noticeably cause damage to the skin if you don't have skin allergies. They can cause irritation and burning sensation as your skin is quite damaged, and the external layers might have worn off due to the injury.

It would be best if you were extremely careful around firecrackers. No matter how much fun they are to watch and play with, a certain degree of safety has to be maintained to avoid accidents. The tips mentioned above were some steps to take care of after a firecracker accident. You need to be watchful about your safety. Get a personal accident insurance policy for yourself and your loved ones to add a layer of protection against these mishaps and stay stress-free monetarily. Enjoyment is necessary, but not at the expense of risking your life. Stay safe while handling firecrackers!

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of the personal accident insurance policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These smart tips can help you plan the most exciting long weekend trips

Hectic schedules have evolved into the new normal over time. The constant pressure to excel in various dimensions of life makes it challenging to take a moment out for yourself with an occasional break. For working professionals, no period is cherished more than a long weekend. The joy of a prolonged break from the monotonous daily life is a welcome change, during which many people plan to travel.

Long weekends allow you for short getaways with just enough time to visit places and plan shorter itineraries. Consider these quick tips to plan your solo adventure or family trip on the upcoming long weekends in 2023.

1. Identify a key interest:
Identifying purpose is an essential step in planning for any holiday. Due to time restrictions, satisfying some of your travel bucket list goals may only be possible. Therefore, pursue the top interests from your priority list. This may be nature observation, seeking the thrill of adventure, or a leisurely getaway. Identifying the purpose of the trip helps plan efficiently and narrow down choices of the destination and itineraries.

2. Plan your trip loosely:
We tend to do excessive planning to experience a perfect holiday. While that may help for more prolonged travel plans, tightly packing your schedules on long weekend trips often leads to disappointment. It is ideal to choose a couple of destinations or popular attractions to explore per day instead of allocating timelines to each activity.

3. Travel light:
Short trips often call for impulsive decisions on the move. Travelling with required luggage instead of excess will help you travel quickly at the spur of the moment without considering modes of transportation. Consider choosing backpacks instead of conventional trolley bags.

4. Make reasonable budgets and plan accordingly:
Travellers often underestimate the expected expenditure of trips, irrespective of duration. Analyse your finances before making decisions and set clear limits for budgeted costs. This way, you can plan accordingly without letting your finances take a hit and don't have to compromise on the experience!

5. Consider immersive travel:
Experiencing an unknown culture is the best break from your routine. Immersive travel is slowly gaining popularity as tourists shift their priorities from extravagant, luxurious trips to authentic, local exposure. These trips do not require excessive planning or budget and will leave you with memories that last a lifetime.
Additionally, ensure to get a general insurance online quote if you don't have the policy to cover any accidents that may occur while travelling.

6. Explore your alternatives while booking:
We advise planning for your long weekend trip in advance to avail the best deals on accommodation, commute, and activities. Booking facilities at the eleventh hour often means paying inflated prices due to the high demand for hotels. Use online price comparisons for hotels and excursions to get the most significant value for the cost.

7. Make use of your time efficiently:
We get it; being on vacation means steering clear of routines and alarms. However, wake up early to experience destinations around nature, outdoor activities, and local explorations to make the most of your long weekend. But if you're on a leisurely break, feel free to sleep and replenish your energy!

The perfect long weekend trip does not require excessive planning. Consider the above tips, and get a general insurance online quote to protect yourself and your loved ones to plan the most rewarding weekend trips. With multiple long weekends coming in 2023, get ready to ignite the traveller within you. Create a flexible itinerary focused on your interests without stressing over time- and you have an ideal travel plan customised just for you!

Click HERE to get the best general insurance online quote.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand how personal accident insurance can be beneficial for sports players

India is known to be a country full of diehard sports enthusiasts. Indians have a massive fanbase for cricket, badminton, tennis, and hockey players, to name a few. Over the years, as interest in sports has picked up, so has the interest in participation. While our international representation in renowned championships has grown, so has the focus on sports in schools. Presently, there are several opportunities for people of varying ages to explore various sports at their convenience and budgets.

One common risk in most sports is the occurrence of accidents. While sports require a certain level of competitive spirit and fierceness, it must be done carefully to avoid injuries. Be it minor or significant- an accident can alter a sports person's life and future opportunities. Besides the fun and excitement, safety is the most crucial aspect of sports.

Since accidents can occur to people involved in sports, purchasing a personal accident cover is advisable. In addition to it, sports players should put in extra effort to find the best personal accident policy in India to cover any costs allied with accidental injuries or death.

What is covered under personal accident insurance?

A personal accident policy covers medical costs that arise due to accidents. Accidents in sports are inevitable and often result in high medical expenditure. Purchasing a plan that covers the cost of hospitalisation and compensates the insured or the legal heirs in case of partial or permanent disabilities is prudent. While the formerly stated patients receive periodic pay-outs, the policyholder's family who dies due to an accident is entitled to a lump sum payment.

It also covers medical bills for frequent accidents like burns and fractures, legal processing, funeral, and child education expenses if opted for as an add-on to the policy.

Insurance policies have evolved over the years to include injuries occurring due to sports, except for adventure sports, which have more significant risks and mortalities. Upon closer observation of the fine print of the best personal accident policy in India, you may find that participating in any dangerous sports activity is not covered under the policy. Therefore, sportspersons need to raise questions and get clarity regarding what is included and what is not in their accident cover to ensure that their claims do not get rejected.

The need for sports players to purchase personal accident insurance:

With the increasing interest in sports over the years, especially after the pandemic, more people are inclined towards pursuing sports as a fitness hobby or career. Being fit is the new trend, and the easiest way to do so is by engaging in a sport you like as a hobby. Whether you are a newbie to the activity or an experienced athlete, the risk of accidents is ubiquitous for all sports persons engaging in strenuous sports

Since accidents come unannounced, sports enthusiasts must research and find the best personal accident policy in India to derive the most significant benefit. If selected right, there are several benefits of an accident insurance policy. It provides coverage against any liabilities arising from the accident in the form of hospitalisation costs and loss of income for a stipulated period. It may even cover your children's education fees if provided. A key feature is the provision of compensation for disabilities, in which case the insured is entitled to receive a lump sum amount.

Therefore, with due diligence, sports persons can easily discover the best personal accident policy in India to cover potential accidents and compensate them or their families for damages arising from such accidents. Injuries are a part of the journey of a sportsperson. Rather than running away, they must face it and conquer every fall to achieve success one day!

Click HERE to buy the best personal accident policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Why is it important to practice defensive driving, and how can it benefit you

Defensive driving is the technique in which you drive cautiously and smoothly, minimising the chances of engaging in an accident and damaging your car and that of third parties. Car accidents mainly occur due to reckless and rash driving. A defensive driver ensures that he drives carefully so that he does not engage in a collision.

Let us see why it is important to practice defensive driving and how it can benefit us.

1. Safety and security:
Defensive driving is necessary for your safety, security, and other vehicles on the road. Moreover, it can also save pedestrians around your vehicle from injuries and loss of life. It is an art that comes with planning and regular practice. You need to scan your surroundings and be alert while slowing down or changing lanes so that you do not collide with other cars on the street. A defensive driver believes that other drivers on the road can commit a mistake anytime while driving. Hence, he practices being perfect and better than them to leave no margin for errors.
Accidents prove very costly as you will have to get your car repaired if you meet with an accident. Raising an insurance claim for minor repairs is not advisable as you might lose on your NCB (No-claim Bonus). You will have to bear the cost of repairs and maintenance and the loss of time and effort spent on repairs. There is a high risk of loss of lives and valuable property in case of a severe accident. If you are a defensive driver, you can avoid such situations and practise disciplined driving.

2. Better mileage:
The most common reasons for poor mileage in a car are accelerating abruptly and driving in the high rpm range. You can go fast and enjoy the speed but will burn a lot more fuel and experience poor mileage in return.
A defensive driver always drives at a controlled speed, accelerates softly and maintains an economy rpm range that gives the best possible mileage. Also, he ensures that he does not brake abruptly and changes gears frequently. This helps to save on fuel costs and also prevent accidents due to over-speeding.

3. Low maintenance cost:
A defensive driver drives cautiously and with care to avoid getting hit by another vehicle. Because accidents pose a huge threat of scratches, dents, rubs, etc., on the vehicle that requires an immediate fix. Your car wouldn’t require frequent servicing because of your cautious driving style. You can benefit a lot from the low cost of maintenance and repairs.

4. Fewer traffic challans:
A defensive driver ensures that he does not skip red lights on crossings, over speeds, or enters a one-way road negligently. He is a vigilant and responsible driver. Hence, it is important to practice defensive driving as you will get none or very few traffic challans and save a lot of money and time.

Defensive driving is a skill that can be developed with constant practice, and by promising ourselves that we will not engage in brawls and fights on the road. Also, you must avoid changing lanes frequently, use proper and timely indicators and signals, and stay away from distractions such as the mobile phone while driving.

Good car insurance will benefit you in several ways. It takes care of your safety and security and helps you save on unnecessary repairs and maintenance expenditures in case of an accident. Also, you don’t need to go through emotional trauma and monetary loss if your car gets stolen, as your comprehensive insurance policy will take care of the financial loss and reimburse it. Buy car insurance online and stay stress-free by having a reliable safety net for your vehicle.

Click HERE to buy car insurance online to protect your valuable asset from damage.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Mileage tampering: How to detect tricked odometers used in the cars

India’s passenger-automotive industry was valued as the third-largest globally in 2022. While the market for new cars is predicted to grow at a higher rate in 2023, not all Indian consumers are covered under this segment and belong to relatively lower economic strata characterised by lower disposable incomes. Such buyers drive demand for second-hand or used cars.

Expected to grow at a CAGR of 15%, the Indian used car market is not to be undermined. With global economic conditions' uncertainty, making prudent choices such as buying second-hand cars and purchasing online car insurance is expected to continue. While you can derive significant value from pre-used vehicles, the chances of getting scammed are also higher in case of negligent inspection. Odometer tampering is a prevalent form of cheating that you must beware of while purchasing a used car.

Here’s all you need to know about tampered odometers and tips to detect them.

Defining mileage tampering.

An odometer is a device that measures the usage of a car in terms of the distance it has run. It is calculated based on the wheel's rotation, which depends on its perimeter.

Mileage tampering, or odometer fraud, is a common trick car dealers use to persuade buyers to purchase old and well-used cars. Practised for various reasons, rolling back an odometer is an illegal act done to get a better price by selling a used car.

The issue with odometer fraud.

1. The inflated price of used cars:
By misrepresenting the car’s present condition, car dealers trick buyers into believing that the vehicle is relatively unused and sell them the used car at a higher price.

2. Safety issues:
Apart from the price of the vehicle, it also raises safety concerns. A car that has been used for a long while is sure to have accumulated miles and been through its fair share of harsh weather, rough terrain, and occasional accidents. All these factors are likely to adversely impact the vehicle's internal components and body frame, making it unsafe in the long run.

3. Insurance fraud:
Buying a used car with a rolled-back odometer may put you at risk of online car insurance fraud. While you may not have intentionally misrepresented facts and may be the victim of a tampered odometer, insurance companies see facts at face value and do not consider earlier activities. Therefore, it becomes essential for you to declare genuine and accurate mileage figures related to your car while buying online car insurance to ensure raising a successful claim when needed.

Tips to avoid odometer fraud.

1. Check the service records:
Before committing to purchase an old car, ensure that you check the maintenance records. Missing entries and figures that don't match are a sign to look out for.

2. Inspect the car body:
Check if the car's physical condition aligns with the story represented by the odometer. A worn-out, dent-ridden, paint-scratched vehicle is bound to have been on the roads for longer than one in pristine condition.

3. Look under the steering:
What are some key giveaways of a well-used car? It's the accelerator, brake and clutch! The groove depths of the pedals can indicate the usage of the vehicle and help detect odometer fraud.

4. Check the odometer:
While there are no tell-tale signs, the naked eye can identify a poorly done tampering job. This could be in the form of ill-fitted modifications and off-sounding odometer mechanisms.

5. Experts know best:
If you're sceptical, asking for an expert’s evaluation is best. This way, analogue or digital odometers can be thoroughly inspected for tampering attempts.

Odometer tampering is widespread and spares neither digital nor analogue devices. In such cases, one must always exercise caution and take necessary precautions to detect issues before signing the dotted line. Additionally, continue your prudent streak and purchase online car insurance to protect yourself from the financial losses from car accidents.

Click HERE to buy online car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The need and benefits of automation for a convenient life at home

Technology is everywhere, and the world has already seen the drastic changes that technology has brought with it. Some hundred odd jobs are expected to be extinct in the next ten years because of the intervention of technology. But what are your benefits? Can you use technology to make things easier for you? These are only some of the many questions that people keep wondering about.

This article will help you understand a small aspect of the tech world that will immensely contribute to your daily life and why you must consider getting your hands on them immediately. Today, we will discuss home automation and why it is a game changer for an urban household.

1. Being in command:
Do you not hate leaving your comfortable sleeping position just to turn off the lights? Well, what if a simple command could achieve that. With home automation, your voice or mobile is the only thing you need handy to get things done around your home. Be it controlling the lights, music, volume, brightness, or the AC. Everything can be made convenient and hassle-free at the convenience of your fingertips.

2. Better security:
Since all the devices, including your doors, are connected to your phone, you can have 24X7 surveillance of your home. Motion detectors, heat sensors, cameras, and automated locks are some of the straightforward home security solutions you can invest in. You can opt for security alerts when you are away from home in case of suspicious activities.

3. More comfortable:
Imagine walking home on a hot sunny afternoon, and you get home, turn on your air conditioner and wait for it to cool the room before you can rest. With home automation, you don’t have to worry about that anymore. You can use your mobile phone to turn on your AC while being miles away from home.
Not only that, if unexpected guests on your way home join you, you can command your home automation system to turn on the guest lights and AC so that your guests walk into a cosy and comfortable living space.

4. Energy efficient:
A programmable intelligent automation system can analyse your active hours and control lights, cooling, and music based on your everyday routine and suggests the most energy-efficient way of applying these to your routine. Such systems not only help in better managing the resources, but they also help you in analysing your daily habits. With home automation, you can keep a tab of everything and understand the energy consumption rate over time.

5. Monitoring kids and pets:
One of the most important benefits of home automation is keeping an eye on your kids or pets. In today’s day and age, both parents are working parents. Monitoring a child’s daily routine can become stressful while being away from home.
With the help of home automation, not only can you see your children, but you can also interact with them over video calls. The same goes for pets. Various kinds of food dispensers dispense food on time to your pets. These gadgets will help ensure that your kid and pet are happy, healthy, and safe.

These are a few reasons why home automation is a significant investment. Safety, convenience, and comfort are only some factors that make it a must-buy for your home. For an added layer of protection, buy general insurance online. Search for an ideal home insurance policy under the general insurance category to safeguard your home and your family against any potential dangers. Get the best deals online and invest in a secure future of your most important asset.

Click HERE to buy general insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Zebra crossing: Why most drivers often ignore it

Zebra crossings worldwide provide pedestrians with a safe option to cross the roads amidst heavy traffic. While road rules might differ from country to country, the purpose of zebra crossing stays the same. When drivers see people waiting to cross the street at one end of the black-and-white stripes, they usually apply their brakes to allow pedestrians to cross the road.

However, unfortunately, most drivers tend to ignore the zebra crossing, nullifying the purpose and putting the safety of pedestrians at risk.

Skipping the zebra crossing deprives pedestrians of the chance to cross the road safely. And being ignorant on the road isn't just a threat to pedestrians; it also puts your vehicles at a high risk of damage. To avoid landing in such trouble and causing significant damage to your car, you must follow the traffic rules strictly and consider getting car insurance India to prevent monetary stress in unprecedented situations.

Where does the problem lie?

Many drivers don't obey traffic lights and make an emergency stop over the zebra crossings, making it hard for pedestrians to use the approved crossing path on roads that are already crowded. Surprisingly, although zebra crossings are present at busy intersections, traffic officials are somehow lenient toward automobiles occupying zebra crossings.

As a result, when attempting to cross the road, people frequently need to use their running skills to safely reach the other side without being hit by any vehicle. When the traffic lights malfunction, it becomes more challenging as the traffic is set loose.

Due to the chaotic traffic, school children wait several minutes to cross roads safely. Most kids assume that because they have learned about zebra crossing since they were little, cars will stop so that they may cross. However, the truth is different.

Unfortunately, many drivers don't know the importance of zebra crossings, and even the public works department doesn't care enough to paint them often. Public awareness campaigns on traffic etiquette are required.

Determining the requirement of a crossing.

Zebra crossings are used on roads with much traffic and where fewer people can cross the road at signal-controlled crossings. Many surveys of busy traffic intersections reveal that pedestrians find it extremely difficult to cross the road.

Also, personal injury accident data showed that most common accidents involving pedestrians happen at busy crossings.

If you're a pedestrian waiting at zebra crossings, then remember to:

● Give incoming traffic plenty of time to see you and stop before crossing

● Wait until both directions of incoming traffic have stopped or the road is clear before crossing

● Look for the traffic signals and avoid crossing in a hurry

If you're a driver, then remember to:

● Watch out for the traffic signal from far and accordingly prepare to halt

● Avoid halting over the zebra crossing and keep it clear for pedestrians to walk

● Never jump the traffic signal

Additionally, keep in mind that:

● Normal drivers tend to ignore crossings that are not frequently used

● Drivers require more time to manage their vehicles when the road is slick

● Cross the street only when the traffic is stopped

Drivers must keep all these things in mind while driving and follow the rules carefully to avoid collisions with pedestrians. Be responsible, follow traffic rules religiously, and avoid over-speeding on the roads. Prioritise your safety, fasten seat belts before beginning your journey, keep all the required documents handy, and purchase a valid insurance policy. Buy the best car insurance India not just because it is mandatory but more as a financial shield to protect you and your valuable asset in case of accidents.

Click HERE to buy reliable car insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


KYC compliance becomes mandatory for car insurance

Owning a car is a huge responsibility, and one should take all the necessary measures to make it as easy as possible. One such important requirement is to get car insurance as soon as you purchase a car.

Getting car insurance is necessary, as it protects you from various damages caused to the car, such as repairing a broken windshield or paying high mechanical costs due to an accident. To get car insurance, one should complete all the necessary procedures, like KYC which stands for Know Your customer.

What is KYC?

Know Your Customer (KYC) is the process of discovering and authenticating the basic credentials of customers by financial establishments like banks, insurance companies, stockbrokers, etc. KYC is typically performed before or during the handling of financial transactions with customers. For example, when applying for car insurance, a KYC is mandatory.

IRDAI-accepted KYC procedure types.

KYC in insurance has become a mandatory requirement by the IRDAI due to the increasing number of insurance-related frauds.

IRDAI has authorised the following KYC methods for the insurer:

● Aadhaar-based KYC

● Digital KYC

● Video-based identification

● By KYC identifier

● Pan card

Depending on the type of car insurance, the insurance company chooses the appropriate KYC method.

Why has KYC compliance become mandatory for car insurance?

As mentioned above, due to the rise in insurance-related frauds, the government of India has made regulations to make KYC mandatory for every type of insurance, be it car insurance or life insurance.

KYC is necessary to ensure the authenticity of the investments and the insurance policy purchased by the individual. It ensures that the insurance coverage is received by the family of the genuine policyholder and not by an imposter.

Insurance companies are required to verify a customer's identity before proceeding with the insurance registration procedure. Strict implementation of the KYC process is an efficient method that allows the banks to authenticate the identity of the customers.

If you plan to purchase a car, the first step should be buying car insurance using the KYC procedure.

KYC documents required for car insurance:

● Passport

● Aadhar card or Voter ID card

● Pan number

● Driving licences

● Bank Statement—not more than six months old

● Verified copies of an electricity bill, a telephone bill, and registered lease and licence agreements

● A letter from the National Population Register containing name and address information

The insurance company will inform you beforehand if any other document is required. Collect all the required documents and get your insurance without any trouble.

Prevent the misuse of your KYC documents.

Submitting your KYC documents is a necessity that brings with it the threat of identity theft. Here are three simple steps to prevent the misuse of self-attested KYC documents:

● Clearly state the date and intended purpose for submitting the documents.

● Similar to the crossing of cheques, specify that the documents are ‘To be used only for the specified purpose’.

The recent wave of digitalisation has made it possible to keep track of all financial products including investments, insurance policies, etc. Regular inspection of such KYC documents makes it easy to detect the mishandling of important documents that may have been used by an imposter.

Purchasing car insurance may appear to be a time-consuming process, but it is a necessity that everyone should obtain for their vehicle's safety. During unprecedented situations where the outcome is unpredictable and could lead to hefty damages to the car, car insurance would act as a rescue and help you steer clear of the monetary stress. As a result, you must investigate your options and purchase the best car insurance for your needs.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are a few tips for enjoying healthy winter

Winter brings with it a change that most people welcome. The cold temperatures and delightful food choices make it a pleasant period of the year. Despite the enjoyable climate that makes one seek warmth and comfort from cosy cafes and piping hot winter delicacies, it is a time that you must watch out for health issues.

The drop in temperatures and shortened daylight leads to frequent sickness. In such times, taking good care of your well-being and purchasing a health insurance policy is key to saving on medical costs that may arise due to contingent illnesses. If not taken good care of, health in winter can take a toll and become frustrating due to the uninvited expenses.

While maintaining good health, purchasing or renewing health insurance online is the most important tip for preparing for a healthy winter. Here are a few tips you can follow throughout the upcoming winter months to stay fit while enjoying the season the most!

1. Practising good hygiene:
While this may seem like a no-brainer, good hygiene is the easiest way to prevent catching even the most insignificant cold. The low temperatures and damp environment facilitate microbial growth that can lead to compromised immunity, leading to falling sick often. Wash your hands regularly, especially when you visit public spaces and restaurants, use public transport services and washrooms, etc.

2. Focus on your food intake:
Healthy food has been considered preventive medicine and fuel for one's body, especially in the Indian culture. We usually emphasise immunity-boosting foods like ginger, turmeric, etc. Coupled with fresh produce, these foods rich in vitamins and minerals like Vitamin C are sure to reduce your susceptibility to illness during the cold months.

3. Stay active:
Bundling up in your most comfortable blanket with a hot beverage to combat the cold is highly tempting. While your food choices can provide you with most of the required nutrients to keep you healthy throughout the season, some requirements, like Vitamin D, can only be supplied by exposing yourself to sunlight. Even a short walk in the early morning will improve your mood and keep you active and warm.

4. Ensure adequate sleep:
Sleep is an essential factor that is often overlooked when discussing health. It not only helps fight tiredness and stress but also allows you to wake up refreshed and ready to take on another day with new energy. Adults require a minimum of 7 hours of sleep daily. Provide your body with enough rest to recover and rejuvenate to ensure that it can function effectively and keep you healthy.

5. Dress appropriately:
In recent times, it has been noticed that winters aren't as chilly as they used to be. While present temperatures are noticeably less cold than previous trends, it is still necessary to keep yourself warm. Sometimes, our body does not recognise a cold draft, and staying exposed to it without enough clothing is bound to result in health issues.
In these situations where the weather doesn't warrant wearing heavy winter wear, simply layer on a few lightweight fabrics. These will keep you warm against a slight chill without being too heavy.

6. Quit smoking:
For smokers, foggy winter mornings may seem like an invitation to smoke to keep themselves warm. Smoking suppresses the immune system's normal functioning, which puts smokers at greater risk of falling ill in winter. It is best to quit smoking early and keep chest and lung-related problems at bay.

The cold climate makes one feel lazy and dull, but take the time to keep yourself in the best shape possible. Engage in light exercise daily, dress warm and ensure that you consume fresh food that will boost your immunity. While these tips can help prevent diseases, we encourage you to check your health insurance and purchase or renew health insurance online with just a few clicks so that winter doesn't get harsh on you!

Click HERE to renew health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to avoid sleeping while driving during the night

We all must have travelled by road at night, either by choice or due to some emergency. We try to stay awake and attentive while driving, no matter what happens. Then sleep starts taking over. We feel drowsy but continue to drive, feeling strong enough to stay awake with focus. But, this can be a fatal situation for the driver and others on the road.

So how can we avoid sleeping while driving during the night? Let us go through some of the best tips for the same.

1. Do not drive for long distances alone:
Never try to drive alone for over 4-5 hours, especially at night. Always take a co-passenger along who can drive. This has two advantages. Firstly, you can change shifts with him and rest in the middle of a long journey. Secondly, you will have someone to talk to, which will take your boredom away, and you will stay attentive and awake. If you cannot find a friend or a family member to accompany you for the trip, hire a driver and take him along.

2. Do not drive when you are sleep deprived:
Always ensure that you have slept well for at least 8 hours the night before you plan to drive at night. A proper night's sleep keeps you fresh, and you will not feel drowsy when in the driving seat. Sleep deprivation is one of the major causes of making you fall asleep while driving.

3. Park and take a nap:
What to do if you are sleepy but still have to continue your journey because it is urgent? Park your car on the side of the road, and take a nap for half an hour or so. This will do wonders for you and make you feel refreshed, awake, and alert again. Have some water and wash your face to recharge yourself and continue driving.

4. Turn on some music:
Turn on music that you love on your car stereo and hum with the songs. This will keep your mind alert, and you will feel fresh. Music stimulate your brain and keep you mentally awake.

5. Take caffeine and snacks:
Caffeine is a proven stimulant that helps you to stay awake and alert. Take regular coffee or tea breaks during your drive to help you fight drowsiness. Also, you can keep munching something while you drive. Get out of your car, roll down your windows, and take fresh air, coffee, and snacks.

6. Do not drink and drive:
Taking alcohol before or while driving at night seriously threatens your ability to stay awake and drive with focus. It is prohibited, and even one drink will make you sleepy if you have not had a good night's sleep the previous night or are feeling drowsy. You will feel low in energy, start losing concentration and can meet with an accident.

Sleeping while driving during the night can be life-threatening for you, your co-passengers, and even third parties and other vehicles around you. But it can happen to anyone. Sleep is sometimes uncontrollable, but the factors that can make you sleepy are surely controllable. Follow the above practises and have a safe night's journey.

Before heading out on a car trip, you must purchase personal accident insurance in addition to your car insurance. It will cover disablement and bodily injuries, impairment, and even loss of life while travelling. It becomes all the more essential if you frequently travel by road at night as the chances of accidents increase manifold at that time. Do your research well and choose the best personal accident policy in India.

Click HERE to buy the best personal accident policy in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The updated terms and reforms in the insurance industry you need to be aware of

Every industry undergoes some reform from time to time. This can be due to various reasons- changes in the country’s economic conditions, level of crisis, the impact of international and national markets, contribution to the nation’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product), budget regulations and much more. Several types of insurance act as investment plans, help you in a financially stress-free emergency, provide tax-saving benefits, and ensure a secure future for your loved ones and dependents.

Does the insurance sector undergo changes and reforms on a large scale too? The answer is yes. The premiums, terms and conditions, age limits, benefits, renewal, etc., are reviewed and revised when needed. This ensures that the insurance matches pace with the current economic conditions, the situation in the market and the demands of an existing and potential set of customers. And if you are someone who has purchased insurance policies or is planning to explore your options in the sector for all the good reasons, you need to stay updated with the changes.

This blog will discuss the revised terms and reforms you need to be aware of in the insurance industry. So, let’s get started!

The pandemic caught the eyes of the insurance sector reforms:

The covid-19 pandemic brought the entire world to a very unexpected halt. Given the pace of development and technological advancement, the pandemic situation across the globe was beyond the people’s and government’s imagination. While people were under lockdown, several opportunities opened up, and many sectors, mainly fintech, saw massive growth. In the insurance sector, which is majorly categorised into life, health and general insurance, the FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) limit is increased to 74 per cent from 49 per cent as per the new Insurance Amendment Bill 2021 passed in the Indian Parliament.

This was primarily focused on getting more foreign investments onboard. Why? The insurance sector is considered a good investment option. It is a capital concentration with a long development period. It takes at least seven to ten years to start making profits apart from their regular budget, retention and expenditure.

What does the FDI reform ensure:
The FDI reform discussed in the previous point will open up multiple avenues for investment in the insurance sector. This will significantly aid them in growth and expansion, even overseas. The whole loop continues and might attract more foreign interests, thus helping them flourish economically, eventually providing new features and insurance options for the customers such as

1. Pay-as-you-use motor insurance plan has now been ideated into the motor insurance framework. This would enable the customers and policyholders to reduce their premiums as per reduced coverage by availing of the switching on and off options.

2. Health insurance plans have been customised to comprehensively understand the needs of people during stressful times of covid. The comprehensive health insurance policies have incorporated mental health issues, covid-19 problems, modern procedures and treatments, etc.

Health insurance providers have been permitted to raise or reduce the health insurance policy premiums by almost fifteen per cent after three years. This is considered a significant reform in the health insurance sector and the pricing of these policies.

Some other reforms were accomplished regarding insurance awareness programs to ensure that people from the remote sectors of the country know the benefits of insurance policies and can avail a secure future, introduction of digitalisation of KYC and verification processes for the convenience of the existing and potential customers, 24*7 online help assistants, etc.

These were some updated terms and reforms you need to be aware of in the insurance industry. Insurance coverages help secure a financially stress-free situation when you encounter unprecedented circumstances that can endanger your health, assets or life. So, a wise option would be to explore all your options from the comfort of your home and buy insurance policy online that would cater to your needs in the best ways possible.

Click HERE to know more about how you can buy insurance policy online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know more about tailgating and ways to stop it

Have you ever been driving around and seen someone cutting it too close to your car's bumper? If yes, you are familiar with tailgating. For those unaware of the term, tailgating happens when there is insufficient space between your car and the one in front of you or behind you.

The likelihood of a collision increases with just one forceful brake from the vehicle in front. Tailgating increases the risk of accidents, making it essential for car owners to protect their vehicles. Also ensure that you avail of online motor insurance renewal services offered by your preferred insurer.

While insurance can help you safeguard your vehicle and yourself from financial contingencies, here are some tips to prevent tailgating.

What are the risks of tailgating?

A significant risk of tailgating is that drivers do not provide adequate space to stop if the vehicle in front suddenly decelerates which more likely makes a rear-end collision. A multi-car pileup that starts with one rear-end accident is expected to spread. Accidents involving a rear-end often result in neck and back injuries.

Another risk of tailgating is that it can create pressure on the vehicle's driver in front to apply the brakes to dissuade the tailgater. When the front driver performs what is known as a brake check, an impending collision may result if the foot is held down for even a brief period. In the worst case, brake inspections can also spark road rage among tailgaters.

Ways to prevent tailgating.

Driving too close to the car in front is the main reason for tailgating. Maybe you're upset or impatient and hurried. Whichever one it is, tailgating puts you and other drivers in danger every time.

Here are some tips to help you maintain a safe distance.

1. Understand the distances you often stopover:
The variation depends on how quickly you're moving. You might get into problems if you can't stop in this amount of time. Remember that stopping distances increase in wet circumstances, so be cautious and give the car in front of you enough room. You should raise the spacing by up to 10 times on slippery roads and at least double it in wet conditions.

2. Maintain your calm:
Avoid venting your frustration to other drivers if you feel irritated, furious, or exhausted. Stay at home until you feel better, or pause to unwind and regain focus before resuming your driving. It costs nothing to drive courteously and makes everyone's journeys safer.

3. Make use of your car safety features:
Nowadays, many vehicles feature collision warning systems that warn drivers if they approach the car in front too closely. Utilise such devices, but don't entirely depend on them. Always follow the road regulations rather than pushing your car's technology to its limit.

Driving is a skill that requires significant experience to master. Keeping calm and efficiently managing situations like tailgating is an indicator of an experienced driver. While you may not be able to control other drivers and their behaviour on the road, you can always ensure your vehicle's safety by following the above tips. Also, remember to avail an online motor insurance renewal service or purchase a new motor insurance policy to protect yourself from financial losses due to an accident.

Click HERE to proceed to online motor insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The best tips for choosing a cargo shipping company

A lot of stress surrounds the idea of getting your package shipped overseas. Knowing that your cargo will travel a long distance, you will want it to reach its destination safely.

While sending your package overseas, there are a few crucial things that you should keep in mind to save time and effort. The best thing you can do is look for a reputable and trusted cargo shipping company that will take care of your package. If you're sending a cargo for the first time, then there are several things you must know.

While you plan to ship your cargo, consider securing it with reliable marine insurance. For this, you need to be familiar with different marine insurance companies that offer this insurance at the best rates.

And to help you choose the best cargo shipping company, here are a few tips to make the right decision.

1. Competitive prices:
Pricing is one of the first things to consider when you choose a cargo shipping company. It would help if you did ample research about the average cost of shipping overseas.
In this way, the companies will not be able to scam you into paying more than usual. Consider a company that delivers on time and takes full responsibility for the goods to reach safely.

2. Delivery timeline:
The delivery timeline is also very important whenever you ship a package overseas. It can take days, weeks, and even months to reach your desired destination. Before you choose a company, enquire about their delivery timelines and make sure they are reliable and intact. The arrival of the package on the estimated date is significant.

3. Safety:
It is always wise to opt for a cargo shipping company that has been registered and procured a business license and permission from the concerned government authorities. Make sure to research it in advance, so you do not lodge yourself in a possible scam later. Try and track down customer reviews and feedback as well. Your package will be valuable and worth thousands of rupees. Safety is essential and it should not be compromised in any way.

4. Reliable insurance:
Your package should have good insurance to back up its security. Go for marine insurance companies that provide comprehensive and hassle-free coverage for your cargo package. This ensures that you get compensation, if things, unfortunately, go wrong.

5. Tracking:
Before you choose any cargo company, ask them about tracking mechanisms. In this way, you can follow the whole movement of your package through live tracking status. Your cargo shipping company should provide you with the tracking details. If it doesn't, avoid choosing that company.

6. Customer care:
Every cargo shipping company should have a functioning and active customer care service to answer all your queries related to the shipment. Make sure that you do a thorough background check on the company you are choosing. Select a company with an active customer service with 24/7 support.

When you invest your valuable time, effort, and money in sending the parcel to your family or friends, you always expect it to reach them safely and on time. These tips should be your priority when choosing a cargo shipping company for your goods. Additionally, it would help if you purchase insurance to cover the financial loss if your cargo gets damaged due to mishaps. Research the top marine insurance companies that offer relevant insurance for all your needs, compare their policies, understand the terms, and then make a final decision.

Click HERE to know more about marine insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


What is the importance of enrolling in a self-defence class

In a world riddled with war and crime, it is always good to know that if need be, you can defend yourself. With active crimes rising daily, it is best to have some tips and tricks under your belt to protect yourself and your loved ones. One way to ensure your safety is by enrolling in self-defence classes. There are various kinds of self-defence methods that you can practice, such as karate, krav maga, boxing, judo, etc.

Choosing the one that best suits you and piques your interest can make learning more enjoyable. People have professed the importance of self-defence for women and children, but what is important to remember is that self-defence is for everyone.

This article will examine the importance of self-defence classes and why you should consider enrolling in one.

1. It helps your physical form:
One of the most crucial elements of self-defence is timely reflexes. If you are put in a dangerous situation, your mind and body should manage to work in sync. You can only achieve this with practice. Training can help you inculcate the necessary conditioning and helps you with a better fight or flight response.
Your body prepares for an adrenaline dump with the right amount of practice. Adrenaline dump is a reaction the body goes through in case of unprecedented dangers. Since the adrenaline rush lasts only a few moments, it is crucial to act immediately for the best outcomes.

2. Builds confidence:
When people are timid, they tend to undermine their skill set and are incapable of protecting themselves. Self-defence is an excellent way to build confidence and protect oneself in times of need by believing in their skill set.
Being confident helps you defend yourself and leaves a lasting impression on people. If you are aiming for overall development, self-defence can be extremely helpful.

3. Master discipline:
Excelling in any field requires hours and hours of hard work and dedication. The same applies to self-defence. The more hours you put into mastering this art, the better you will get the results.
The urge to improve yourself can drive you to a dedicated routine, which builds a disciplinary lifestyle. So, taking self-defence classes helps you stay focussed, grounded, and more aware of your surroundings.

4. Fighter instinct:
When faced with life-threatening or dangerous situations, it is best to start acting as early as possible. The quicker you are with your thinking, the sooner you can fight through your opponent or potential threats.
The power and the speed of your attack will help buy you some time before the attacker attacks again. You can utilise this time to escape or attack the opponent to keep yourself safe. These seconds can play a vital role in deciding your survival.

5. Makes you more goal-oriented:
Your goals at any particular time can be as small as achieving the perfect kick or as daunting as escaping a kidnap. Upon seeing an improvement in form, you only want to better yourself and make yourself well equipped to withstand any attack. Setting these small goals can significantly impact your form and energy.

These are a few reasons self-defence should be a part of everyone’s life. If you have children, it is best to give them an early start. We are constantly surrounded by news of mugging, killing, robbery, and kidnapping. Preparing yourself and your loved ones for any such thing is the best way to ensure their safety and welfare.

Another crucial way to ensure full protection for your family is by enrolling in personal accident insurance India. Personal accident insurances are the much-needed safety net that gives fruitful results during emergencies. Your insurance provider will help you financially to avoid an unnecessary burden on your shoulders to deal with the situation.

Click HERE to buy personal accident insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips to look out for affordable health insurance for critical illness

Critical illness insurance covers serious health conditions that require expensive and long treatment. Such illnesses include cancer, paralysis, stroke, organ transplant, heart attack, coma, etc. The treatment for these illnesses can drain your savings and negatively impact your financial condition.

The recovery is time-consuming, beginning from the detection phase to a myriad of medical tests to surgery and then gradually returning to normalcy. All this will cost us much more than any normal health insurance coverage. This creates the need to have dedicated insurance cover for critical illnesses that are affordable and provide robust protection.

Let us look at the best tips for affordable health insurance plans for critical illness.

1. Comprehensive critical illness insurance policy:
A comprehensive critical illness insurance policy gives us a lump sum amount after we submit the required documents to the insurance company. You can use this sum to pay for the treatment cost, including diagnosis, hospitalisation, any surgery in the process, and the doctor's fees. The sum assured under such policy is fixed. Hence, you can plan your insurance coverage as per your specific needs.

2. Buy it as a rider:
You can buy a critical illness insurance policy as a rider to your existing health insurance policy. Hence you will not need to buy a new insurance policy to get this cover. Also, try to get this additional coverage in the health insurance policy provided by your employer to save money.

3. Low cost:
A critical illness insurance policy does not cost us a very high premium. The premium for such policies is much less than that for your regular health insurance. However, these covers provide us protection only for specific situations. Hence, they should never be used as a substitute for your regular health insurance policies.

4. Compare the premium charged:
Always compare the premium charged for critical illness insurance policies of different companies and select the most affordable one. You can do a detailed online search instead of visiting every insurance company's offices individually.

5. Check for the exact inclusions:
Always check the features and the exact inclusions of the policy because they may vary with every insurance company. Do thorough research and list what the policy does not cover. For example, your policy may state that it covers cancer. But it may also be mentioned in the fine print that it will provide a cover for cancer only after it reaches a certain level of severity.

6. Waiting period:
Look for a policy with the least waiting period. Usually, you can raise a claim for a critical illness after 90 days from the date of commencement of your policy. If you have a pre-existing major disease, the cover may start as late as 48 months from the commencement of the policy.

7. Age limit and benefits:
Always ensure the age limit until your policy provides you with insurance coverage. This will be helpful to you when you cross 60 years of age. There are some companies that provide a lifelong cover. Hence, it is advisable to choose such plans. Also, you should assess the benefits of your policy, such as NCB (No-claim bonus), in case you do not make any claim in a year.

Critical illnesses can result in the loss of your job, partial or permanent disability, and leave you with no source of income. The high cost of treatment can result in draining your pockets as the coverage provided by standard health insurance policies is insufficient for such misfortunes. The solution is to go for the best critical illness insurance policy available. The above tips can help you to choose the most affordable health insurance plans for critical illness upon which you can rely in times of actual need.

Click HERE to buy the best affordable health insurance plans in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The complete guide for people trying parasailing for the first time

Adventure sports have always been the best option for people who call themselves adrenaline junkies. They give you the thrill that knocks out your everyday life's monotony. There are different types of adventure sports, like river rafting, paragliding, bungee jumping, trekking, rock climbing, skydiving, and much more.

In this blog, we'll discuss parasailing, a sport that has created a special bond with adventure enthusiasts. Parasailing is an adventure sport that gives you the joy of sailing in the air while your parachute is towed by a motorboat or jeep. If you plan to enjoy this activity on your next beach vacation, consider this blog for an enjoyable experience.

1. The weather is an essential factor:
The parasailing conditions need to be suitable, and the timing of the day has an effect. Usually, a clear sky and a less windy time are preferred, so most people plan their parasailing trip in the mornings.

2. Get well acquainted with the equipment:
Knowing your parasailing equipment and its functionalities is a must. Even if you cannot understand the mechanics of the equipment in detail, you should be aware of the purpose of the essential tools which will keep you safe. The life jacket is provided to keep you safe if you need to land in water during emergencies.
The body harness helps keep you seated and is joined to the ends of the tow bar. The harness aids in eliminating your discomfort and helping you maintain a balance during sudden movement shifts. And the tow bar is attached to a parachute to help you glide smoothly and land without any significant danger.

3. Get complete information about the restrictions:
To restrict the risks to the bare minimum, the parasailing institutes set certain limitations regarding the prospective client's age, height, and weight for parasailing. These restrictions are also influenced by certain factors, such as the wind level. Still, you must check in with the guide who will help you to avoid any threats to your health and life.
The minimum age limit for the riders is usually around sixteen to eighteen years, and the minimum weight in case there are multiple riders is supposed to be about 150 pounds. But these limitations vary, so check this with your parasailing guide.

4. Your outfit:
Swimming-appropriate outfits help since they are snug and would help if you land in water or experience waves. But anything comfortable is a must, and the bottoms should fit you well so that you are focused on the experience and not distracted by the discomfort caused by your outfit. These experiences are not everyday things, so you better eliminate all sorts of discomfort, stress, and distractions to make the moment count.

5. Research the company:
Read the online reviews about your parasailing company/institute and check their ratings. You must go to the right agency with all security measures intact, trained professionals, quality equipment, and SOPs to take care of their riders. Always ask all the questions to clear your doubts before going in.

6. Carefully listen to the instructions:
Before they put the parasailing gear on, the guide will give you all the information you need, even though you are riding solo or with multiple riders. They will tell you the landing postures, which part of the equipment will help you ride low, high, turn, etc. Always ensure to clarify your doubts before you begin.

That was the complete guide for people trying parasailing for the first time. As we discussed, while adventure sports allow you to experience the unforgettable, they also involve a certain level of danger to your life. Therefore, browsing personal accident insurance plans as a mitigation strategy for unpredictable circumstances is essential. Choose the one that suits you best before planning your adventure trip.

Click HERE to learn how you and your friends can get personal accident insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These are the signs that indicate the need to change the AC compressor

With the temperature rising continuously, it is becoming harder to eliminate using air conditioners in our homes, offices, malls, and even our four-wheelers. Imagining life without ACs can be daunting to sustain the heat. Remember that one day when you got into your car, and you realised that the air conditioner was not working? It did feel like you would melt away. Winters are still a bit bearable, but travelling during summers and monsoons without the air conditioner in your vehicle can be an awful experience.

So, how can you predict your car's air conditioner is wrecked? Which part of the air conditioner would you need to change, and how would you know? Don't worry. This blog will discuss all the symptoms of an air conditioner repair.

But first, let's understand a little about your car's air conditioner's compressor:

The compressor is considered the central organ of the entire air conditioner system. Call it the AC's heart, if you will. It helps ensure that the refrigerant is flowing smoothly, which would provide the top performance of the air conditioner. Usually, an issue with the compressor results in low-effective cooling. And not just that, it can be quite dangerous if a compressor has some fault and there's a specific load on the air conditioner. We need to be aware of these signs that indicate the need to change the AC compressor.

1. Low cooling issues:
The first and the only sign you can quickly notice is the level of cooling. Having experienced a smooth performance from your four-wheeler's air conditioners on your trips to the market or work, you will be able to differentiate when the cooling is not that effective. This marks that the compressor cannot regulate the refrigerant flow smoothly, thus needing a replacement.

2. The annoying noise:
You might hear a loud, irritating and unusual noise whenever you switch on the air conditioner in your car. To address the issue, it is usually advised that you replace the entire cooling unit with a better and more compatible one for your car's manufacturing and other systems. Ensuring that your new unit is consistent with different electrical setups in your vehicle will help you avoid any damages that can endanger the car's safety, void the warranty of various systems, and violate the rules and regulations.

3. Clutch troubles can be experienced:
Faulty air conditioner compressors can cause issues with the clutch. It might seize or break, which ultimately indicates a power issue, and the compressor cannot access sufficient power from the engine.

4. Check the air vents:
Even if the compressors of the cooling unit of your car are faulty, you still need to ensure whether or not the air vents are clear for the air to flow without any obstructions. Clogged air vents can cause a disturbance in the smooth airflow from the air conditioner, thus lowering the levels of effective cooling inside the car. Clean the air vents and check again. If there is still an issue, the air conditioner's compressor must be checked thoroughly and replaced.

5. Fuse box examination:
Before deciding to go ahead and replace the compressor or the entire cooling unit, check the fuse box properly. While a faulty compressor is the cause of leaks in a refrigerant or low cooling, examining the fuse box leaves you with no second thoughts about changing the compressor.

Replacing the entire cooling unit and other repairing and servicing costs can be a substantial financial burden, even more so when you land in unfortunate circumstances that might cause severe damage to your car. Get a car insurance to avoid financial stress and ensure the longevity of your four-wheeler. You need the best car insurance which would serve your needs in the most efficient ways. Explore your options and do not delay buying reliable insurance to safeguard your asset against unfortunate events.

Click HERE to know more about the benefits of car insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Guide on single-lane driving for beginners

Learning a new skill and mastering it can be challenging and time taking. The same applies to car driving. Beginners first need to understand the various functionalities of a car. Then they take time to build and sharpen their road sense. Furthermore, they need to constantly practice to hone their driving skills.

However, driving on a single road can be a new game for many. Beginners will especially face challenges adjusting themselves to the single road. If you are a novice driver and wish to learn the tips to drive efficiently on a single-lane road, here's our guide to help you get started.

1. Acquaint yourself with the car:
The first thing any beginner should do is thoroughly acquaint himself with his car and its features. Cars have different gear patterns, and the responsiveness of the clutch and brakes also differ from one car to another.
Single roads usually have much heavier traffic than double-lane roads. A beginner should understand how his car responds with the press of the accelerator, brake, and clutch. Applying all three must happen in a rhythm. This understanding is essential to help beginners drive and maneuver their cars effectively through the traffic and potholes on single roads.

2. Traffic rules and road signals:
A beginner should familiarise himself with the prevalent traffic rules. This will help you save money by way of fines and penalties. You should also be familiar with the different signals and signboards put along the roads and indications used by other drivers. If speed breakers are approaching, you should lower your car's speed by seeing the board of "speed breakers ahead" on the roadsides.
Also, you should know that if a vehicle approaching you on a single road is flickering its headlights, it means that the driver wants to pass first. These factors will avoid unnecessary traffic jams, inconvenience, and the possibility of an accident.

3. Correct seating position:
You should adjust your driving seat according to your height and comfort. You should be in a comfortable position to easily access the car's pedals. Also, the seating position should help you maintain good posture so that you do not develop strains or backaches while driving through the busy single lane.

4. Slow speeds:
As a beginner, you should avoid driving fast or carelessly. Slow driving on a single road will ensure you fully control the car. Generally, the traffic in peak hours on a single lane is heavy, so drive with caution. Always Keep your eyes peeled to help you reach your destination safely.

5. Maintain safe distance:
Maintaining a safe distance from the car or vehicle in front while driving on a single road is essential. Due to the heavy traffic, vehicles brake suddenly on such roads. There will be no space to swerve and change lanes on a single road. Hence, the chances of an accident increase.

6. Take a double-lane road where possible:
As a beginner, you should always look for an alternative way to reach your destination by taking double-lane roads wherever possible, even if you have to cover a few extra kilometres.

7. Avoid driving at night:
Beginners should avoid taking a single road at night unless it is very necessary. This is so because the beam light of the car coming from the opposite direction often makes it difficult for beginners to see clearly. This problem is more severe on single roads as the space between cars is very less.

Summing up the entire discussion, we conclude that beginners should tread with extra caution while driving on single roads in India. People tend to drive as closely as possible to other vehicles in traffic, which can be troublesome for beginners. Fret not! Follow the above tips and be confident in your driving skills, practice traffic rules, and maintain lane discipline.

It is also essential for you to have valid car insurance as it is mandatory by law. Secondly, a good car insurance India plan will protect you against any possible damage while driving and compensate you for the repair and maintenance of your car.

Click HERE to buy a reliable car insurance India policy.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Consider these factors while purchasing cancer health insurance

Cancer is one such illness that affects the patient and their family emotionally and mentally. According to recent studies, cancer rates are alarmingly increasing day by day. It can happen to anyone, irrespective of age, health, or lifestyle. Keeping these increasing numbers in mind, getting health insurance to manage expensive cancer treatment is ideal. Moreover, many insurance companies offer easy and quick health insurance policy renewals to avoid complications and get you financially protected.

Factors to consider when purchasing a cancer health insurance.

There are a lot of insurance plans in the market, which makes it confusing to find the right insurance company. It is important to purchase the right policy that matches your requirements to get the desired benefits in the event of a need. Understand that not just buying but timely cancer health insurance policy renewal is the best way to remain financially protected.

1. Type of policy:
Look for insurance policy features that specifically meet the needs of life-threatening diseases like cancer. You can also buy a cancer coverage add-on with your original health insurance policy or opt for the critical illness insurance policy that covers expensive medical charges.

2. Policy coverage:
Cancer treatments can jeopardize your lifelong savings. While some people can bear these expenses, some take out heavy loans to cover them. Thus, choosing a maximum sum assured and policy coverage is ideal. Also, look for an insurance provider that offers quick and hassle-free health insurance policy renewal.
During the critical cancer stage, you may be unable to work and provide income to the family. Therefore, ensure that your plan offers sufficient money to cover your lost income and medical expenses.

3. Waiting period:
Keep in mind that every health insurance plan comes with a waiting period. The waiting period for a particular disease can differ from one insurer to other. You may not be able to claim the medical expenses till your policy comes into force. Therefore, look for policies with shorter waiting periods or quick health insurance renewal to avoid increasing costs.

4. Prior medical history:
You may not know, but most insurers do not offer cancer coverage to those with a prior cancer history. Thus, if you have already survived cancer, your application has a chance of being rejected by the insurance company. Thus, disclose all health-related information with the insurance company when you buy a health insurance policy or consider health insurance policy renewal.

5. Insurance company:
Besides looking at the policy offerings and benefits, choosing the right insurance company is essential to ensuring a smooth purchase and claim settlement experience. It is recommended to check the insurance company's online reviews, customer support, claim settlement ratio, etc., and then choose the best policy.

6. Premium:
Another important factor to consider while purchasing cancer health insurance is the insurance premium. An insurance broker may offer maximum benefits, but if the insurance premium is out of your budget, all of these things do not matter. You must think twice before purchasing or considering health insurance policy renewal if the premium is out of budget.

While many want to avoid such dreadful illnesses, preparing yourself and your family for the worst is always a wise decision. Therefore, purchase or ensure regular health insurance policy renewal today to secure your tomorrow.

Click HERE for health insurance policy renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here’s why the least-priced car insurance may not be a worthwhile investment

Imagine you're out with your car for some work, and suddenly another over-speeding vehicle rams into your car from behind. A scary situation, isn't it? Worrying about the damages is not a concern if you have the right protection. Car insurance is the immediate step you should buy to ensure that you are compensated fairly and stay financially stress-free.

When you begin choosing insurance from the options available, you always look for competitive premiums which are affordable and fully effective. Although you can get substantially low car insurance policies, you will not be able to enjoy all the benefits and features.

Let's have a detailed look at why you should not opt for the least-priced car insurance.

1. Unavailability of essential benefits:
The least-priced car insurance often strips you of the major benefits. Not all expensive insurance policies need to offer you all the benefits, but the least-priced ones offer you none. For instance, it may not even cover accident costs if someone else is driving the car at the time of an accident. Some insurance companies very cleverly offer you a low premium to attract you to their insurance policies. You must properly inspect your policy before determining the one you want to buy.

2. Impacts policy coverage:
The cost of the car insurance policy is directly proportional to the level of coverage it provides. If your insurance is cheap, the coverage will be lower too. There might be third-party insurance involved, which requires the protection against damages to the third party. You can be accountable for major crises in terms of losses or damages.

3. Lack of cashless claims:
If your insurance policy is cheap, you may not be able to enjoy cashless claims. This means that you will not be able to avail the facility of getting your car repaired in a garage that falls under your insurance. Under other circumstances, you will not be required to pay any money from your pocket. But with cheap car insurance, you are forced to pay for the damages before you apply for a claim.

4. Unsatisfactory customer service:
It is a known fact that the reputed insurance agencies ask you for a premium which is justified. This means that you will receive top-notch and priority treatment as a customer. You will be given the best support and care by the customer service of your designated insurance company. They will pay attention to all your complaints and resolve them on priority. In the case of cheap insurance, you will face unsatisfactory responses to your queries. Always keep that in mind.

5. Greater deductibles:
A deductible is a partial amount paid by the policy owner during the settlement of an insurance claim. With this feature in your car insurance policy, you need to pay a small deductible for your claim. However, for the least-priced car insurance, you need to pay a larger amount as deductibles. Only after the payment, you'll get the claim amount. This is how they loop you in for trouble. Always ensure that you read your documents carefully and ask all the right questions.

These points are enough to evaluate decently priced car insurance instead of a cheap one. Always make sure you explore all your options and purchase the best car insurance, which would cater to all your needs in the best way possible. By saving a few bucks today, you risk losing a lot of money tomorrow. Hence, choose wisely while getting car insurance to protect your car against hefty damages in unfortunate situations.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of car insurance and the process of determining the best option for you.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are you an IT professional? Here's why health insurance is vital for you

The career prospects for IT professionals in the post-pandemic recovery provide immense opportunities in the fields such as eCommerce, Fintech, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented and Virtual Reality, and many others.

But with such a promising career option, IT professionals have high stress because of their work-related anxiety, strict timelines, night shift, and overwork load. It has become more about surviving as an employee and earning enough. And as a result, there are different impacts of such long work hours on their lifestyle. You begin to compromise on your health which is not a wise option. Being mindful of your health and preparing for the inevitable consequences would be best. Are you an IT professional? Let’s understand why it is essential for you to invest in a comprehensive health insurance plan.

1. Impact on your lifestyle:
We have seen multiple headlines about people getting heart problems, backaches, constant headaches, eye problems, and joint pain at a young age. While some of such cases can be due to underlying genetic conditions and other reasons, a significant chunk of youth is still at risk due to developed lifestyles. The stress levels you operate at, the pollution, the food you eat, work schedules, sleep cycles, undisciplined workout routines, excessive gadgets use, etc., are a few causes of your sedentary lifestyle.
Getting health insurance will allow you to cope with any repercussions you might face due to such a schedule. It helps you stay prepared and cover all costs of routine health check-ups. This way, you can stay informed about the fluctuations in your body and take appropriate and informed measures to solve the issue.

2. Fluctuations in the medical industry:
Inflation comes in all forms, and its effects do not spare any particular industry. The pandemic was an evident example of how the medical industry was on its toes and the primary source of survival. The advancement in technology has brought several developments in the medical world.
But this also ensures that the costs of treatments will rise depending on the level of equipment and machinery, accessibility, and the procedures involved. Even the basic expenses such as tests, consultation charges, ambulance costs, etc., will rise significantly. Getting health insurance will help you cover these costs for a more extended period to avoid the financial burden of being a salaried employee. This way, you can efficiently manage your finances and control your expenses simply by investing in a reliable health insurance plan.

3. Taking a step forward from the employee’s health cover:
Most companies offer insurance coverage for their employees and their immediate dependents, which assures that the employee has something to fall back on in case they find themselves in such medical emergencies.
But often, these insurance coverages are insufficient to cover terms of critical illnesses, the sum insured, add-on coverage options, or the time. In such cases, it is advised for you to purchase health insurance that has been customised according to your needs and provides coverage in every which way possible. This will always help you avail the benefits entirely at the right time.

Health insurance helps you safeguard your savings, and the earlier you get insurance, the more you can stay secure and ahead of such unfortunate situations. Explore all your options and purchase the best health insurance which caters to your needs in the best ways possible. Smart investments made during your 20s will help you reap the benefits at the need of the hour.

Always keep your policy up-to-date and adapt to practices like consuming a healthy diet, having at least seven hours of sleep, regular exercise for 10 mins, and meditating at home. At the workplace, take frequent breaks and stay hydrated to feel active and energetic throughout the day.

Click HERE to know more about the benefits of health insurance.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Does car insurance cover damages due to firecrackers? If so, what's the process

Diwali is a time for festivity and celebration. Everyone celebrates it differently; some will enjoy barfis and ladoos, some play cards, and others set off fireworks. While bursting firecrackers is often frowned upon due to the damage caused to the environment, it is still prevalent among a part of the population.

In addition to contributing to pollution, fireworks can be a nuisance to the general population. Imagine the days when you thought a rocket would invade your home.

When you feel frightened in your residence, how do you feel about your parked car in the building or on the road? In a space-constrained city, it is not uncommon for individuals to park their vehicles on the street. Therefore, disregarding the danger of stray crackers inflicting damage on your vehicle during Diwali is impossible.

If your car catches fire by the crackers, will you get insurance? To file a claim, you must first determine whether the risk is covered by your car insurer, as only policyholders with comprehensive car insurance may be eligible to do so. Let's examine the process your car insurance provider might take in this situation.

Does car insurance cover firecrackers damage?

The answer to whether or not comprehensive car insurance covers damage caused by fire is "yes." This feature is subject to a few specific criteria.

For instance, if you have standard car insurance coverage that covers liability toward third parties, it will not cover the damage. However, if you have paid more and opted for comprehensive insurance, the policy will cover incidents of such nature.

You may get all the information concerning the terms and conditions of the plan from your insurance provider. If you prefer, you may look through the insurer's website, call them, or email them to express your interest in learning more about their car insurance policies.

Comprehensive car insurance coverage:

To address this question, it is necessary to take a step back and examine the concept of automobile insurance in India. According to India's Motor Vehicles Act, all vehicles must be insured to be legally driven on Indian roads. Vehicle owners must insure their vehicles with a third-party plan, which covers the owner's obligation towards third parties or properties harmed due to the covered vehicle.

With comprehensive cover, vehicle owners have access to the additional feature. This plan meets the necessary coverage standards (it contains liability coverage) and provides damage coverage. The insurance provider will cover damage to the insured vehicle, which is not the case with a liability-only policy. Comprehensive car insurance covers fire, theft, and natural disasters.

However, for a comprehensive plan, you must pay a higher premium. The compensation for such a plan varies depending on the insurer.

Therefore, it is essential to conduct research and compare plans before purchasing car insurance. The luxury of the internet and smartphones have simplified this process considerably. A few minutes are required for research, followed by quick steps to buy and review the policy's information, and that's it. It is so simple and convenient!

If you have a comprehensive car insurance policy, then you are eligible to claim on your policy. Your claim will be successful if your car catches fire due to firecrackers and the vehicle is damaged beyond repair. It will reimburse you for the total value of the vehicle.

It is vital to note that you may not have a valid claim if your car catches fire, and you can repair it for less than what would be covered by the comprehensive policy. So, this Diwali season, let's invite happiness with the joy of festivity and reliable insurance coverage.

Click HERE to buy comprehensive car insurance to protect your valuable asset.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Complete guide on getting your dental braces done

Getting energy from food may sound like a straightforward process. But during this process, you must ensure that your dental health stays at the top of its game. Healthy teeth are very crucial. Lack of a proper dental hygiene routine can lead to bad breath, gum bleeding, swollen gums, infection, yellow and brittle teeth, ingesting bacteria and germs, and much more.

What if your teeth are not growing in the regular order they should? There is nothing to worry about. This phenomenon of unorderly growth of the teeth or zigzag pattern of developing teeth is more common than you think. And braces are the best solution to this problem. It is a relatively expensive process. So, you need to be aware of this orthodontic process before you invest your money and go ahead with the rest of the procedure. Do you have doubts about whether or not you should go ahead and get braces? This blog is a complete guide on getting your dental braces done. So, let’s get started.

1. Understanding the purpose of braces:
Braces are one of the most convenient solutions when your teeth are out of their normal alignment. These braces are wrapped around the bone structure of your teeth and apply pressure on them. Eventually, the continuous pressure due to the braces changes the position of your teeth, bringing them into proper order.

2. Criteria for getting braces:
Do you need braces? Your orthodontist determines the answer to this question during your regular check-ups. They will answer all your queries and tell you if you require braces and what problems regarding your teeth the braces would sort out. They will perform a deep examination and inform you about your options, the type of braces that would fit your teeth conditions, and your budget. You can then have a clear conversation with them and determine the option which suits you the best.

3. Are there different types of braces:
To your surprise, yes! There are four significant braces: metal braces, ceramic braces, lingual braces, and Invisalign. Metal braces are the most basic and standard braces which fix your teeth with the help of dental cement. Ceramic braces are a little more convenient and pleasing to look at when compared to metal braces. These braces can be altered to the colour of your tooth enamel, making them less visible and helping you avoid being too conscious about them.
Lingual braces are hard to spot as they are attached to the backside of your teeth which also cause discomfort. But these help if you are too concerned about your appearance. And lastly, Invisalign is customised according to the size, shape, and structure of your teeth and jaw for the perfect fitting. These can help you escape the usual hassle of other types of braces during eating.

4. Frequency of check-ups:
While the whole process can take an hour or two but can differ depending upon the condition of your teeth. You will have to visit your orthodontist frequently to ensure that the braces are functioning correctly, adjusting well on your teeth, not causing any infections due to the material, etc.

Sorting a minor health issue can take considerable money and consume much of your time. But what happens when you land in situations beyond your control and can potentially hurt your health? How will you manage your physical health, mental health, and financial stress?

Getting health insurance is the solution to ensuring that you stay sane enough to manage the whole situation. And you can now do so from the comfort of your home and buy health insurance online. Look for dental insurance under the category and research the plan that will provide the best benefits.

Click HERE to buy health insurance online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Tips senior citizens must be aware of to protect themselves from online scams

Online scams have been on a stupendous rise, mainly because of the easy availability of smartphones and internet services. People are increasingly falling prey to unreal promises of big rewards and prizes offered by online scammers working 24x7 and trapping innocent people into their nets. They intend to make quick money by cheating them. Senior citizens are often more susceptible to such frauds as they are unsuspecting and trust people more easily.

Here are a few tips that senior citizens must be aware of to protect themselves from online scams.

1. Educate them:
Senior citizens are usually less proficient with modern technology. Hence, they are at higher risk of being targeted by online scammers for revealing their credit/debit card numbers, passwords, CVV and OTP, etc. The first step is educating senior citizens about the clever tactics and strategies of such online scammers.
They will then know not to trust messages with promises to get a handsome amount as a gift or prize, unreal discounts on products, or share personal information about their bank accounts, insurance policies, enter their personal information into forged or phishing pages, etc. They must be informed that they should never click on any suspicious link or respond to messages from unverified and unknown people.

2. Call blocking:
Several applications are available that help identify the caller and automatically block calls from spammers. Senior citizens should install such applications on their mobile phones so that they know beforehand that the incoming call is genuine or spam. Also, they can block spammers on their phones so they will not be able to call or harass them.

3. Use social media wisely:
Senior citizens should use social media wisely. They should refrain from posting photos and updates that reveal their daily schedule and activities. Scammers often use information you share on social media as a tool to pose as you, befriend your friends and known people and ask for financial help from them. They should lock their profile photo so that scammers cannot impersonate them on social media. Also, they should only accept friend requests from familiar people.
They should always double-check before helping any person financially through social media connections. If they get a message from their friend or relative asking for help, they should call him personally to ensure that the request for help is genuine.

4. Ask for help:
Senior citizens should never hesitate to ask for help from others if they feel that they are being targeted or have become a victim of an online scam. Scammers are talented and may ask them to act quickly to benefit from the limited-time deal. Also, they may threaten them with bank account blockage or closure if they do not share their important card and bank details.
Senior citizens should call their family members immediately and tell the situation correctly. Also, they may contact the respective call centre to verify the claims of the scammer before acting on them.

5. Reliable anti-virus:
Senior citizens should use strong anti-virus software so that their device is not affected by viruses, malware or spyware sent by scammers or hackers. They must configure their devices to download updates regularly and install them to keep them up-to-date.

Senior citizens should be thoughtful and proactive to protect themselves from the menace of online scams. They should be aware of scammers active in the field of insurance, telemarketing, and banking, etc.

Senior citizens should opt for a theft protection insurance to cover themselves from such thefts and fraud. It will protect them against all types of theft, including fraud and embezzlement.

Click HERE to buy a theft protection insurance to stay protected from online scams.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.